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Messages - applejackbunny

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Introductions / Re: Hi there! I\'m new(ish!)
« on: February 14, 2013, 09:16:04 AM »

That is *such* a wonderful photo! Thank you *so* much for posting that  :biggrin:


Post Merge: February 14, 2013, 09:18:29 AM

Just had another look...

In the photo Eluluu looks as if she's looking up directly at Moondancer who is looking directly down at her!

Anthropomorphising much? No!! LOL  :lol:

Great photo x

Pony Corral / Re: Baby honeycomb - flourescent or blonde?
« on: February 14, 2013, 09:12:38 AM »
I *llloooooovvvvvveeeeee* Honeycomb - she's one of my all time favourite ponies ever!!!  :biggrin:

I only have the adult but she was the first pony I bought as an adult collector age 27 (I had Applejack first when I was 7, then Sunlight when I was 8!).

When she arrived and I opened the package I couldn't get over how gorgeous she was, sitting there in her bubble wrap with her yellow hair, bright white body (I lllooooovvvveeee white ponies!!!) and those *adorable* little bumble bees on her bum!  :biggrin:

I bought her along with TAF Fifi who was the second one I opened and who was also *gorgeous*, and they are now bonded for life (both in my mind and as pony friends - they always stand next to each other in my collection!).

I would definitely describe my adult HC's hair as yellow (albeit bright yellow bordering on neon) but not as fluorescent odd.

Anyway, she's a stunner and I love her (oh, and I love her pose too.....and the fact that she was my first *ever* Pegasus!!!) so thank you for posting so I could share that  :biggrin:

Hope you get to find a Baby Honeycomb soon so you can add her to your collection!


Pony Corral / Do you like Dream Beauties...and why?
« on: February 14, 2013, 08:55:50 AM »
Hi all,

Does anyone have the same "problem" with the Dream Beauties that I do? Basically, I just can't see them as My Little Ponies. Does that make sense?

What I mean is, although they're *really* pretty they're just too realistic to be MLPs! I know that was the whole idea (to have a more grown up/realistic version of MLP) and they really *are* lovely, but I just can't get my head around them - they just don't "fit" for me.... lol!

Does any of that make sense? Does anyone feel the same/different? Does anyone else deliberately exclude them from their collection like I do? (Although, given my recent newfound passion for McPonys, that may change...I'm no longer ruling anything out, lol!!!) :P

I'd love to hear what you think about these lovely creations and if you love them and collect them, tell me how you reconcile them with the rest of your collection and how/when did you fall in love with them?  :lol:


Pony Corral / Re: Collecting McDonalds Ponies...
« on: February 13, 2013, 01:44:47 PM »
Well, if there are any floating around "invading" people's collections uninvited, I will happily take them off your hands - just throw them in my direction (preceeded by a PM and a reasonable offer, obviously, lol!)  :biggrin: far I only have two...  :cry:


Pony Corral / Re: Collecting McDonalds Ponies...
« on: February 13, 2013, 11:05:52 AM »
I'm loving "mylittlewiki" - thanks Sugar!

I searched about 5 charity shops for them today and all I found were Fakies...

I will persevere!  :) I'm so glad other people like them too  :biggrin:


Pony Corral / Re: Does anyone actually LIKE G1 BBE ponies?
« on: February 12, 2013, 12:24:12 PM »
My current status on here is a BBE! Aaaaarrrrgh!

The little devils got me anyway!  Hopefully I will outrun them :P


Post Merge: February 12, 2013, 12:26:16 PM

Oh no! Now I'm a "Fakie!".....I don't know what's worse!  :(

Pony Corral / Re: Collecting McDonalds Ponies...
« on: February 12, 2013, 12:21:45 PM »
Then I shall have to start haunting my local charity shops!  :biggrin:


Pony Corral / Re: Collecting McDonalds Ponies...
« on: February 12, 2013, 11:23:50 AM »
Well, they've certainly subconscious!

I *sooo* thought I knew the parameters and limits of my collection! But now...

Hathorcat, I ADORE Marmite, so if you've got any "little invaders" that you're itching to eradicate from your collection for a reasonable price, please feel free to PM me!  ;)

Yes, I did know about the Dolly Mix ones, but only once I'd started investigating the McDonalds ones and the Ponyville ones, and the Blind I'm hooked on them *all*  :shocked:

By the way, UK Pony folks, is "Dolly Mix" the same as "Dolly Mixtures"....??


Pony Corral / Collecting McDonalds Ponies...
« on: February 11, 2013, 04:07:32 PM »
Hi All,

I'd be really interested to know - do many collectors collect these little toys given away by McDonalds?

Please forgive my ignorance - I've been collecting for nearly 10 years now and have only just discovered these!! It was quite a shock! I found an Applejack one from 2011 on Ebay and just *had to get her*  :biggrin:

I haven't collected continuously for 10 years. I started about that time, had a bit of a collecting splurge and then stopped for several years. I've only released the herd again from their boxes recently as I've been off work sick. They have really taken my mind off things and helped me to get through it...

So...with more time on my hands I guess I'm learning a lot more about the little darlings and, together with help and advice from everyone on here, realising that there's *sooooooooo* much more to learn!

I'd be fascinated to know what the general concensus of opinion on the McDonalds toys is as they're all new to me!


Pony Corral / Re: FF Lemondrop...a myth?
« on: February 11, 2013, 02:34:45 PM »
Lol! I know the feeling!

What *is* it about collecting......?  ;)


Pony Corral / Re: FF Lemondrop...a myth?
« on: February 11, 2013, 01:47:00 PM »
No, I have the shy pose confetti and I would like a US pose (trotting pose) version.

It was definitely a FF version I heard a rumour of, but again, glad to know that's a myth too (or sad, depending on how you look at it!!) ...but I'm learning, which is one of the many reasons I joined this forum  :biggrin:

Many thanks again for clearing things up!


Pony Corral / Re: FF Lemondrop...a myth?
« on: February 11, 2013, 12:32:24 PM »
I just remembered,  I also heard rumours of a FF Confetti...

Anyone know if this is also a myth?


Pony Corral / Re: FF Lemondrop...a myth?
« on: February 11, 2013, 08:17:01 AM »
Yes, Hunter-Rose, I believe that seems to be the case  :)

I have my FF Peachy but she's got some brown spots on her sadly....might have to search for another!


Pony Corral / Re: FF Lemondrop...a myth?
« on: February 11, 2013, 07:30:57 AM »
Ok, well I guess that answers my question! I shall take her off my list!

Thank you - it's quite obvious from your answers that she definitely doesn't exist  :P

At least that's a "niggle" I can put to bed now...


Pony Corral / FF Lemondrop...a myth?
« on: February 11, 2013, 05:32:35 AM »
Morning all!

I once heard, a very long time ago, that there was *rumoured* to be a FF version of Lemondrop floating around the ether....

Has anyone else heard this rumour, and has anyone been able to confirm it, or dismiss it conclusively? Has anyone got one/seen one....ever???

She's on my want list with several large question marks next to her - I'd love it to be true as I have a FF Peachy, but if not, then I'd like to remove her once and for all from my want list! Although, having a Mythical Pony on my want list doesn't sound so bad now I've written it!  :biggrin:


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