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Messages - shadowlark

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Off Topic / Re: ghost stories?
« on: January 29, 2013, 08:43:19 PM »
Love this thread!

My parents' house is haunted. There's no doubt in my mind about that. It was built in 1890 and is an old farmhouse. Sadly, the town it's in is small and doesn't have any records online, so I can't research it :(  Here are some stories that have happened since we moved in in 1991:

The summer we moved in, I was 11 years old. Both parents were at work and my older brother had left to go hang out in town with his friends. So I was home alone, in the country, just me and the dogs. No problem. I was (still am) a bookworm, so I curled up in bed with the two dogs and started reading. Suddenly, out of nowhere, I felt something. Hard to describe, but it was like an overwhelming feeling of evil, like something didn't want me there. As soon as the feeling started, both dogs lifted their heads (they'd been sound asleep), looked down the hall towards my parents' room and started growling. Like hair raise, teeth bared, growling. They had never growled like that before and never did after. That was enough to terrify me enough to run out of the house, both dogs following me. I ran out to the middle of the yard and got brave enough to look back at the house, where I saw a dark, human shaped shadow move across my parents' bedroom window. Didn't look back again and would not go back in until my brother got home. I seriously have never been so scared in my life. I'm a "skeptical believer" meaning I'll look for logical/natural explanations, but there is no way anyone was in the house. I would have heard someone coming up the stairs (100+ year old house = stairs that creak) and the dogs would have barked.

Over the next few years, some weird things would happen, like I'd hear things in my room and feel like I was being pulled and choked, but I could maybe pass that off as sleep paralysis.

Then, when I was in grade 10, my dad started doing renovations. He found a gold ring with an emerald stone behind the drywall in the kitchen which he gave to me. After that, things picked up a little. When my niece was old enough to talk, she started talking about a little boy sitting on the stairs. My mum would occasionally have the covers pulled over her head or hear the change on dad's night table being moved around when he was working the night shift. She'd also hear someone opening cupboards in the kitchen when she was home alone.

Fast forward to me coming home after my first year of university. I was unpacking and couldn't find my high school ring. Looked everywhere! Tore my room apart, nothing. Finally, in desperation, I called my roommate to see if it had gotten mixed up with her stuff. We chatted for a bit. I hung up. Turned around. My ring was sitting on top of a pile of movies that I had been watching the night before. My room door was closed, so not my parents/brother playing a trip. There is no way it was there before. Maybe they took my ring cause dad had given me theirs?

After my nephew was born, he also started talking about a little boy sitting on the stairs. We'd never told him what my niece had said (didn't want to scare him). He also talked about a monster in my room (could that be what was pulling/choking me?) and came in one day and asked my mum why the ghosts were fighting in the laundry room.

I also had my dog come back. We had to put him to sleep when he was 5 months old as a rabid cat had bitten him :(  My mum used to let him into my room in the morning - he'd jump on the bed, circle around, flop down, and fall asleep. The weekend after he died, mum came in to say bye before she went to work, as she closed the door, I felt something jump on the bed, circle around and flop down. It was so real that I actually reached down to pet Max, then remembered he wasn't there.

After all that, I sleep with a night light now. And I won't stay at my parents' anymore.

When we were in England, hubby and I went to stay at Chillingham Castle - reputed to be one of the most haunted castles in Britain. We'd seen it on an episode of Scariest Places on Earth and I insisted on staying there, even though I'm a wuss. We arrived in the middle of the afternoon and went exploring the castle and grounds. We were walking down a path through the woods, just chatting, bright sunny day when out of nowhere WHAM! I could not go a step further. Something was NOT RIGHT. We were nearly out of the woods, hubby wanted to just keep going, but I made him go back the way we came. Couldn't explain it, just this feeling of something being wrong. We went on a ghost walk that night, and the guide was telling us about different ghosts that supposedly haunt Chillingham. We started going through the woods and I was getting a bit apprehensive of going back to that spot, but kept going. We got to the same spot and stopped. There were some oddly shaped trees so it was easy to recognize. Then the tour guide proceeds to say that of all the castle and grounds, this is the only spot he feels uneasy about. Turns out when the current owner of the castle was putting in plumbing in the 1980s they found a mass grave at that spot. Hubby just looked at me and was like "How did you know?"   I made him keep the light on all night after that!

So, those are my stories. Sorry it was long, but I've had some weird things happen!   :shocked:

Customs / Re: What I have been up to lately
« on: January 29, 2013, 08:01:29 PM »
Awww yay! I think you're lovely too!

For comparison, here are the real horses they are based on:

Cricket: My first horse. She's been gone for almost 15 years but I still miss her. The sun is making her hair look reddish but she was dark brown with reddish around her muzzle and eyes.
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Maddy: My second horse. She passed away this past November  :(   She'd just rolled in the dirt in the pic, so a bit dirty, but she was a "flea-bitten" grey, so the marks on the custom are her "flea-bites" (basically darker hairs).  And the little diamond mark on her little MLP nose is perfect! And her tail had random black hairs.
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Lucy: My newest horse. I posted a pic of the custom on Facebook and her previous owner knew right away it was her.
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Thank you so much Tiella!!  I love them!! They are perfect!

Customs / Re: Custom Rescue: Last one added
« on: January 29, 2013, 01:28:52 PM »
OMG why would someone destroy customs like that? I'm awaiting the arrival of two of bluemoondreams' customs in the mail and I can't imagine destroying them! Poor ponies :(

I sent her a question about some ponies and she never answered me either (and I live in the US) Maybe she doensn't respond to questions :shrug:

Awww, that's frustrating eh?  I hope we don't end up in a bidding war for the same pony! :)

Off Topic / Re: Cold in texas
« on: January 29, 2013, 12:20:00 PM »
-42 with the windchill today.  :cold:

Thanks Cricket! PMing you now! :)

Customs / Re: ••––≥Hearts Desire≤––••
« on: January 28, 2013, 12:53:04 PM »
 :dropjaw: Wow!! She is gorgeous!!

Hey there,

I'm watching an ebay auction that ends in 2 days but the seller doesn't ship to Canada.  Is anyone willing to have the pony shipped to them and then send it to me? Of course, I'll paypal you the cost of shipping.  I did ask the seller if she'd be willing to ship to Canada but no response, so this is my last resort. :(

Edited to add: seller is  noelle023 - if you're on here and we can arrange shipping, that would be fantastic!

Off Topic / Re: Need names for my new rabbits(pets)
« on: January 21, 2013, 09:28:17 PM »
Awww cute names! One of our kitties is named Merlin - LOVE that name!

Introductions / Re: a Bubbly hello from Ontario, Canada!
« on: January 20, 2013, 03:21:47 PM »
My hubby and I are from Ontario. I grew up in London, then St. Thomas, he grew up in Sarnia then Hamilton. We met at uni then lived in Mississauga for 8 years. Now we're in Edmonton. I do NOT miss Ontario's humidity at all!

Off Topic / Re: Cold in texas
« on: January 19, 2013, 08:55:12 PM »
I want it to hit -40 just once, just so I can do the "throw boiling water in the air and watch it turn to snow" thing. But other than that, that's just too cold!

OMG That is so ridiculous! As a seller, she should have insured it was shipped properly with proper tracking number. You should definitely open a claim. Let us know how it works out!

Off Topic / Re: Cold in texas
« on: January 19, 2013, 07:02:43 PM »
At the time I'd made the post orig I'd say we got in the low 20's f for a while and what bugged me most was the piercing wind along w it

Oh yeah, the wind is the worst, eh?  It can drop the temp sooo much. Brrr!  Can't wait for summer & :sunny:

Off Topic / Re: Cold in texas
« on: January 19, 2013, 04:54:14 PM »
Define cold. I was just talking to my mum back in Ontario and she was like, "It's cold here" so I asked her what cold was. She was like "With the windchill it's 0" (celcius, about 45 F)  I was like "Mum! It's -17 with the windchill here! Quit your whining!" LOL (-17C = 14 F)

Tonight it's going down to -18C, with the windchill it will feel like -35C. Which is -0.4F and the windchill will make it feel like -31F.  Now THAT'S cold!

*wishes I lived in Texas right about now*

Off Topic / Re: snow ........
« on: January 19, 2013, 12:39:59 AM »
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 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:  That's awesome!

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