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Messages - Bergamot

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Pony Corral / Re: Mcdonalds Ponies
« on: March 23, 2012, 04:59:30 PM »
Lily Blossom and Applejack still elude me! My McDonald's all seemed to release everything out of order, in different ways. :P I'm trying to source an Applejack specifically for a friend. Perhaps they'll surface during the next week in my area...?

Pony Corral / Re: Fashion style Ditzy Doo/ :muffin: Pony
« on: March 23, 2012, 04:45:46 PM »
I know! Crazy, right?

Yeah, they were asking if I wanted to choose a different color Pony from that listing. They're very responsive, which is cool, and I totally understand why they weren't able to snag one for me. :)

Pony Corral / Re: Fashion style Ditzy Doo/ :muffin: Pony
« on: March 23, 2012, 04:39:51 PM »
Oh geez, I keep forgetting that I have a pending order on BuyFromTaoBao because I tried to order a couple Derpies when this whole thing started.

Stroggos, did you happen to ever get any kind of conclusive information from them? I asked them about the Derpies last week, and here's what I've got... It's very similar to what they told you. I figure that TaoBao is fresh out of Derpies, but who knows?

Customer:  Hello there! :) Can you give me a quick update on the status of this order? The original TaoBao listing for this product has been removed. Will this product still come in? Thank you!

:  Hi to tell you the truth The seller is lacking blue and white horse now could change other color or other seller  so that we can handle your order easily and quickly and efficiently For there are so many  people choose the same seller and the same color as you which leads to the seller have no enough quantity and the seller can not make sure that they will have this two kinds of horse again I hope you can take it into consideration seriously!!!

:  Thank you for the very fast response! This is the specific style that I'd like to buy, but it looks like it's popular with lots of other people, too. I can't find any other sellers with this style. Is it possible that this seller might restock? I am willing to wait longer if necessary. Thanks again!

BuyFromTaobao:  so pls wait if the seller can not get it in stock we also can not ....i do really want the seller can have it there are so many people want it as far as now i have more 200 orders like yours !  2012-3-17 13:22:29Customer:  Wow! That's a lot of orders! I'll be patient and hope for the best. Thanks again for all of your help. 

Pony Corral / Re: Shining Armor on Taobao
« on: March 22, 2012, 07:45:55 PM »
What a beefcake!

Pony Corral / Re: Mcdonalds Ponies
« on: March 22, 2012, 07:43:01 PM »
Hrrmm... Ask your McDonald's if you can buy the display when the promotion is over. If nobody else has claimed it, I bet'cha can! :)

Customs / Re: Custom Train Wrecks
« on: March 21, 2012, 05:30:54 PM »
Oh my, Kitkumi! I've never seen anything quite like that! I thought I was doing it right with mine. I had a spray primer that was plastic-friendly... But apparently not Pony approved! I've since moved on to using my air brush and diluted acrylic paint. Works much better! :P

It's a bummer that you got your custom haired and everything before the paint went haywire on you! :(

Hahah, I do hope that people come across this thread and learn a few non-pointers. I kinda stinks to learn things the hard way, but it can be funny to look back!

Pony Corral / Re: Let's Talk Taobao
« on: March 21, 2012, 05:22:44 PM »
I can really only speculate on this stuff. I've never actually ordered from TaoBao... I did try to snag one of those Derpies, though. :)

I know that factory rejects and the like were a major point of contention on PKMNCollectors. (I spent a good amount of time there back in college, heh!) Grey market Pokemon toys are similarly mysterious, though the straight-up counterfeit products are obvious. They're usually terrifying, and you can smell the lead in the paint. :P I haven't seen any super scary ponies on TaoBao, yet!

Regardless of the product origin, I am very intrigued by the whole thing. You can find all kinds of interesting stuff on there!

Introductions / Re: Hello from a Nostalgic 20-Something!
« on: March 21, 2012, 05:16:26 PM »
You guys are awesome. Thanks for the very warm welcome! :)

I almost wanna say that the heads of G4 ponies are made of a totally different plastic than the bodies. It's much softer! I've seen a few G4 Rainbow Dashes, and their heads seem to be more of a green blue while their bodies are a warmer blue.

Pony Corral / Re: Let's Talk Taobao
« on: March 20, 2012, 07:25:35 PM »
I think many of the unusual ponies we find there typically come from the very factories that make the official Hasbro ponies. They are not straight up "counterfeit" for the most part... Stolen goods, perhaps.

Some of these are rejects because of quality, others are prototypes. There are a lot of other scenarios, too, but I think these are the most common. :)

Customs / Re: Custom Train Wrecks
« on: March 20, 2012, 07:14:48 PM »
Oh noo! Poor Teddy! Sculpting materials are tricky business. What did you use? I've had a little experience with epoxy putty, and it seems to work alright.

The inside of Apocalypse :muffin: Pony's head is kind of funny-- I forced waayy too much hair through, so it's got a whole mess of tangled hair up inside, and some seriously reamed out plugs. :(

Customs / Custom Train Wrecks
« on: March 20, 2012, 06:57:55 PM »
When I first discovered the Friendship is Magic series (and, subsequently, Ditzy Doo Hooves), I decided that I needed a Ditzy Doo of my very own.

To make this happen, I went to Walmart and purchased a G4 Fluttershy. I figured I'd find some blond doll hair at the craft store. I really wanted to try this project out, and didn't have the patience to wait for hair purchased online. That's where my troubles began.

The craft store did not have blond doll hair, nope. They had red doll hair and white doll hair. I bought some white doll hair, thinking that maybe I could color and de-curl it. I also figured, "Hey, maybe this spray paint won't cause weird chemical reactions with this plastic."

From a sea of wrongness emerged this creature. This beautiful, pitiful creature:

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Does anybody else have any custom wreck stories to share? Hopefully it's not too painful a chord to strike! This terrible little thing has actually kind of grown on me. I call her "Apocalypse Ditzy Doo." :P

The Grey Pegasus word filter broke the image link, d'oh! Fixed!

Customs / Re: G4 Blindbags into Brushables?
« on: March 20, 2012, 06:36:49 PM »
man, I was totally getting ready to make a firecracker burst o_o Bait prepped and everything! XD

YES. Firecracker Burst is my absolute favorite pony from Wave 1 of the Blind Bags. :D

Customs / Re: I would like some suggestions for a 6yr boys OC pony
« on: March 20, 2012, 06:27:12 PM »
Going on what Deeleelambbaa said, you could explore a "fire" theme with the Clydesdale-type feathering near the hooves, too! Painting the whole pony a simple black or grey (save for the butt symbol) would make it more "boyish," certainly.

One of the ways that MLP:FIM distinguishes girl from boy ponies is by the snout type. As you're using an FIM base, you could make the snout a little larger and more square with some modelling clay or plastic putty! :)

This project sounds like so much fun! Hopefully you'll share pictures when it's finished!

Introductions / Re: Hi
« on: March 20, 2012, 05:26:17 PM »
Good to meet'cha! :)

Your avatar is one of your childhood toys, you say? Have you done some kind of restoration on her? She looks fabulous!

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