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Messages - SourdoughStomper

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Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer
« on: May 31, 2017, 10:32:46 AM »
Sorry about the job, Renia. :hug:

I am back from the dentist. He didn't freeze my tongue, but it got numb anyway. When he wanted to check my bite with the new fillings, I managed to chew my tongue a few times. Wound it pretty good. It's still numb, but there are some bleeding spots on it. >_< That's going to be fun when the freezing wears off.

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer
« on: May 31, 2017, 05:47:59 AM »
Heather, I am in Lethbridge. :)

Monday 3/5, I didn't do too much. I did get a comfortable majority of my chores done. I kind of had to twist my own arm into doing it, because I was low-ish on motivation. A small bit of memory review. Since I have memorized another passage, now it's just "maintenance" reviews until I start working on something new. I also rested from walking.

Tuesday 5/5. The only of my goals I met was walking 8 miles. And since that was a 3 hour affair, I no longer care if I don't get chores done on the same day. My feet were tired and I wanted to take it easy for the rest of the day. I don't feel guilty, either, because 8 miles is nothing to sneeze at, and I have limited reserves of energy.

Today, I have a morning appointment with the dentist. :| I have no idea what the day will be like for me, after that.

Off Topic / Re: Anime?
« on: May 29, 2017, 01:17:31 PM »
I started watching Naruto this past winter and have finished up it and Shippuuden just last week. I skipped most of the filler episodes, though. :lookround:

Hot dang, I fell in love with Kakashi. :heart:

I'm trying out the next generations, Boruto as well. It's brand new, so I don't know what my opinion is yet. It was a little jarring to see the setting of the village get more modern, though. I also haven't seen Kakashi yet, which makes me a teensy sad.

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer
« on: May 29, 2017, 08:39:20 AM »
Saturday. 2/5. It was very low key. The husband and I went grocery shopping as usual, but this time I did all the driving. He's having a problem with his vision or his old glasses. Up close, he can see fine. But he has a sort of double vision the further along he looks. I don't want him driving like that. Guess it's time for new glasses.

Sunday. 3/5. Again, low key. I didn't get to walk to church for aforementioned need to drive. However, my older son wanted to get a Pokemon card from the game store after church. I combined his want of the card with my need to walk, and we both walked downtown to get it. In the middle of the afternoon, to boot. Good sunlight right there. ^_^ It wasn't 4 miles, just three, but it was still good.

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer
« on: May 26, 2017, 02:48:52 PM »
I met all of my goals today. :dance: 5/5.

Off Topic / Re: Anyone out there a dual citizen of USA/Canada?
« on: May 25, 2017, 07:05:27 PM »
I was born in Canada and have always lived here, but my Mom is American. Does that count as being a dual citizen?

No, I don't think so. At least not automatically. I'm an American in Canada. Mr. Stomper is Canadian. My kids only have citizenship in both countries because I went to the American consulate in Vancouver and filed a lot of paperwork and had to have many pieces of personal paperwork to make it so. Including getting a copy of my high school report card. O.o (That was fun.)

I think I'm content to stay as a landed immigrant if becoming a citizen is so costly.

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer
« on: May 25, 2017, 12:04:32 PM »
Wednesday, 4/5. I did a crud ton of chores, including mopping. (Whee! :lookround: ) I did only a minimum of reviewing. But I also walked one mile - in the stupid strong wind -unexpectedly, because I had to fetch the van from Mr. Stomper and take a kid to an appointment.

Thursday, 3/5. I went on my four mile walk and got some groceries this morning. When I got back, I didn't feel like doing chores and still do not. So I will do them tomorrow. Shame on me, but oh well I guess.

Trader & Shipping Support / Re: Need help from a moderator!
« on: May 24, 2017, 12:44:50 PM »
I've banned this person and I'll clean up your feedback. :)

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer
« on: May 23, 2017, 01:52:40 PM »
Tuesday 4/5. I did another 7 mile walk. This time, I crossed over to the west side of town. I enjoyed seeing the river valley, the high level bridge and Fort Whoop-Up from the pedestrian bridge. I took the bus back home. While on the bus, I tried my best to do some mental memory review. Since I was tired , hungry, and distracted, I might have missed a little bit. I didn't do any chores because the walking drained me.

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer
« on: May 22, 2017, 09:57:16 AM »
Sunday. 4/5. I went on a 4 mile walk to church. Then I relaxed for the rest of the afternoon and evening. Did a lot of memory review. I even did some in church without my memory app.

Today. 4/5. I got most of my chores done. Did my memory review. The whole family is home because it's Victoria Day. It's not common for me to get anything done when the house is full, so I'm pleased with myself. My youngest and I have baked a belated birthday cake for my middle child. He's having his birthday party today. I don't typically handle wheat products anymore, so I hope it turns out all right and that I didn't contaminate myself in some way. :)

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer Sign Ups
« on: May 21, 2017, 05:49:24 AM »
Friday, 5/5. The kids did not have school that day. So, I crammed as much of my goal completion in the morning as I could, before they got up. Then my youngest and I went on a 4-mile walk downtown together, and took the bus home. It was a fun day.

Saturday. 3/5. Did some memory review and got the grocery shopping done. Not really any chores.

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer Sign Ups
« on: May 19, 2017, 07:07:39 AM »
Here is a photo from my walk I took two Tuesdays ago. :)

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I'm not sure what the story on the rabbit is. Perhaps he's a pet that got away? Or maybe the owner is content to let him roam around freely? (Not being a rabbit owner, I'm not sure whether that's a good idea or not. I know cats can generally find their way back home.)

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And this shot I took when I was 3 miles into my 7 mile walk on that same Tuesday. I was looking across Scenic Drive and across the Old Man River valley. You can see Lethbridge University on the right side there.

This is a great time to go on walks. Everything is blooming, including now the lilacs. I love those so much. The trees have leafed out and the grass is so green. Not too hot yet. :)

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer Sign Ups
« on: May 18, 2017, 04:25:06 PM »
I get a 5/5 today. I met all my goals. My walk was 4 miles. Perhaps I can attempt to get a picture off my phone that I took of a rabbit on my walk. And perhaps some of the blooming, colorful leaves.

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer Sign Ups
« on: May 17, 2017, 07:27:06 AM »
Monday is 3/5. I did some memory review, but not that much. I did some chores but not all of them. I had errands to run that morning, so when I got back home, some of my motivation was gone.

Tuesday was 4/5. I didn't do any memory work. I did the downstairs chores, but no upstairs chores. Then I went another 7 mile walk and was exhausted and aching when I got back.

Today is rainy, but it's a no-walk day. So I should be able to get my memory work and chores all done.

EDIT: today is 5/5. I spent longer than usual with memorizing. I got my chores done. I'm being productive in other areas, too. Now if only the rain would go away. :P

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer Sign Ups
« on: May 15, 2017, 01:00:55 PM »
Renia, your post reminds me of my childhood. Like Linus from Peanuts fame, I had sucked on my finger past the age where that was acceptable and my parents would put on clear fingernail polish on said offensive finger to get me to stop. In my stubbornness, I simply developed a tolerance to the taste. :P I was a sad sack (and it wound up costing me in terms of needing braces for a few years. :lookround: )

Anyway, I wish you success on kicking the habit. :)

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