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Messages - Saoirse

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Price Check Archives / Re: PC UK Bed and Crib set with Mommy+babies
« on: August 04, 2016, 09:19:43 AM »
This one is the best I have at the moment, though its a bit outdated to be honest!,355083.0.html

There are more common wants on it though. On my "more expensive " wantlist I have posted Alternate birthflowers and year 3 Seaponies, though I dont expect to find someone willing to trade these that is also looking for the playset! I would be open to a partial trade perhaps and I can hold, Im not in a huge rush to sell, just want to eventually I suppose because I have not much space and it will go into storage ^^

Price Check Archives / Re: PC UK Bed and Crib set with Mommy+babies
« on: August 04, 2016, 08:43:56 AM »
Its gone so quiet here since Facebook pony pages got so popular :( Lots of people used to reply to price checks..

I dont want to put it up on ebay to be honest, I'd rather hold onto it if it came to that. Im sure Ill find someone that wants it eventually :lol:

Price Check Archives / PC UK Bed and Crib set with Mommy+babies
« on: August 04, 2016, 04:31:00 AM »
I want to get a price if I can please on the UK maternity playset! :lol:

I already have an idea on value but since I had a long hiatus from ponyland I want to make sure I'm spot on!

Basically I spent over 5 years trying to find this playset, and ended up with two (I have no idea how these things happen!)
I bought from the delaneys and 2 days later found another set from a lovely seller in Sweden who was selling her childhood ponies. Since she trusted me to sell her childhood ponies to I've decided to part with the set I bought from the Delaneys, I would love to keep both but would rather have the cash to buy ponies from my wantlist instead..

Anyway back on point! I have yet to take pics so for the moment will go for description.. the ponies are in great condition, babies have minimal paint rubs. The bed is just, well the bed itself obviously, the crib and the bottle. Missing the little accessories that go with it (blanket, flowers, card?)

If anyone is interested in this also feel free to pm as I'll be parting with it, also open to trades (shameless plug lol! :lol: )

Trader & Shipping Support / Re: Problems with Tak and Pierlala
« on: August 02, 2016, 02:23:37 PM »
yes I am in the same timezone as her and this all kicked off early today..she is also normally very active on the Arena

Trader & Shipping Support / Re: Problems with Tak and Pierlala
« on: August 02, 2016, 02:12:40 PM »
i noticed Peirlala hasnt come forwrd to defend herself either here of facebook.. :/

Posting because my usual US help has given up the ghost :'(

I would like to find someone to help with purchases in the US.  In return I can help with items that are UK only. Will be available to help most of the time.

For Sale - For Auction / Re: Rapunzel For Sale
« on: August 02, 2016, 07:46:50 AM »
I agree, mine has very little tinsel in her mane :)

Price Check Archives / Re: PC on Seamist with swirl shell
« on: August 02, 2016, 07:18:29 AM »
After all the help you would think she would have offered! :lol: Aw well :)

For Sale - For Auction / Re: Rapunzel For Sale
« on: August 02, 2016, 05:31:28 AM »
Is her hair cut? Pierlala is looking for one :)

Well,I have SS Crumpet, baby Dolphin, baby love melody, if you would be interested in any of those? :)

Price Check Archives / Re: Price check Pretty Vision and Kiss 'n Tell
« on: August 01, 2016, 07:47:32 AM »
Pretty Vision is around $12
Kiss n'Tell $25

:) :heart:

Are you trading at the moment? I would love Violet but have spent my pony budget this month :lol:

Wanted! / Re: Sea Pony wantlist!
« on: August 01, 2016, 03:58:27 AM »
Hey Nhal! :heart:

Thanks for the message, I did see them and they are absolutely wonderful, I prefer to have the real ones though.. I probably sound snooty, I'm really not (I wish I had that talent!) I just don't really collect customs :( I know I would just buy them and replace them :(

I had to do a little bit of eBay research to help you so I'm probably no way accurate! Applejack seems to sell for around €15 loose, I'll take a stab in the dark and say 150-180 for her? You might get better advice over in the Nirvana forum :)

I am no help with g3 ponies I'm afraid

Price Check Archives / Re: PC on Seamist with swirl shell
« on: July 31, 2016, 05:05:45 PM »
Oh okay! Well you would easily get a buyer I can tell you that much, they're very popular :)

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