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Messages - katrine2309

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Pony Corral / Re: 35 Anniversary ponies - Mark IV
« on: July 11, 2022, 04:42:53 AM »
I hope they make baby ponies :heart: And the big brothers. And flutters!!

But I would also be happy with TAFs. Munchy :biggrin:

Love the pen!  :biggrin:

I...hmm...okay, this might sound weird? But I collect paper plates and napkins. Like l, Fred Meyer will sell holiday or season themed paper plates and napkins and I'll buy some. This collection started more by accident, when a friend gifted me two packages are different Spongebob SquarePants napkins...yet another collection of mine!...and I've just been adding to this hoard since.  :blush: I feel kind of ashamed for it. Does anyone else collect paper plates and napkins? Edit to add: I recently added clearance watermelon plates to this collection.

I have a napkin collection from when I was a kid. Everywhere I went I took one napkin (or asked nicely…) and now I have a whole shoebox filled with over 30-year old napkins :lol: I can’t throw them away, they’ve been with me for so long. I still buy a lot of napkins, but now I tend to use them. If they are super cool or sweet I might keep one though ;)

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: What are you playing?
« on: July 10, 2022, 01:11:05 PM »
I only have PS3 so I am playing FFX and FF10.5 as well as Kingdom Hearts. The first game.

I really want to play the upgrade of my favorite game FFVIII. Anyone knows if I need PS5 to play it?

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: Dinosaur toys!
« on: July 10, 2022, 01:04:01 PM »
I had dinosaurs as a kid! I loved dinosaurs :heart: Still do! I had mostly cheap no-brand dinos and I gave them all up years ago. I don’t miss them, although I also gave away my walking triceratops and I really, really miss her. She was so cool, and she walked!!

I do have my collection of Magic Diaper baby animals though. And one of the sets are all dinos. They are cute :heart: I also have action figures of Fran, Charlene and the baby from the family Sinclair TV show. I still want to get Robbie and Earl, but I haven’t bought them yet. I do look them up on eBay from time to time though.

Jurassic Park and The Land before time is two of my favorite movies. I watched them both in cinemas when they first came out and they are two of my strongest cinema experiences to this day. I actually think The Land before Time is my first cinema experience ever! I also loved the Dinotopia books. All things dino :lol:

Pony Corral / Re: Dumb things you did to your ponies as a kid
« on: July 10, 2022, 12:49:47 PM »
I marked my ponies hooves with red permanent marker, since me and my sister used to quarrel over toys and I think it made it easier for my mom when She knew which toys belonged to each child ;) The first ponies my mom probably marked, but I remember that when I got Dream Castle for my birthday I wanted to do it myself. I was so scared that I would miss and mark Majesty on her body instead of under her hoof. So of course I did exactly that. One red permanent marker line across her tummy. I cried. I never liked poor Majesty because of that, so she ended up being evil. It was My 5th birthday. My mom marked all My other ponies until I was perhaps 8 or 9, and I got Summer Wing Skydancer. This time I used black pen, and of course. I ended up giving her a black spot on her foreleg. After that I stopped marking ponies altogether. Not even my mom were allowed near them with anything resembling a permanent marker :lol:

Pony Corral / PC: g1 accessories and G1 NB twins w/accessories
« on: July 10, 2022, 07:18:32 AM »
Hi all!
So, it’s been some time since I checked prices for accessories and I think I need some help :blush:

I’ve identified all of it, but I’m a little bit more unsure of prices and since I know there are some higher value stuff in here I thought I might ask here before deciding on what to do with this ;)

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ABA90B71-17C2-44F4-BCBB-EAD0A07D12AB by Katrine, on Flickr

White hat from Pretty Parlor:
Yellow hats from PP:
Salty’s sailor hat:
Birthday hat:
Rattle NB twins:
See-saw NB twins:
Puffy sticker NB twins Dimples and Ruffles:
“Wood cubes” Lullabye Nursery:
3 barrettes:
Princess hat:
Princess wand:

I would also be very grateful if anyone have a suggestion on NB twins Fluffy and Fleecy (Bunkie and Speckles) with some of their accessories. They are in great condition, although one of the twins have an eye rub and something that looks like glue on her side (most likely from factory).

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New ponies by Katrine, on Flickr


Dana and Diva were from Barbie and the Rockers. I always wanted one of those Barbie's but never had her. I did have other Barbie and the Rockers merchandise like story books and coloring books though. For a birthday present my husband bought me the reproduction Barbie and the Rockers doll that was part of the My Favorite Barbie line that Mattel made for the 50th Anniversary of Barbie.

My mom only had one Barbie type doll from when she was a child, so we never played with it, it was in a doll case. Compared to the 80's and 90's faces I can totally see why you would have pretended the older ones were evil/mean. They do have a particular look about them, almost a snooty or haughty look compared to the 80's dolls.

Oh! Cool! Thank you- Barbie and the rockers! Didn’t know that! I still have them, tucked away in a box in the attic. Poor girls. I’ve always been more worried about my ponies. And especially Diva ended up with such a mess of hair. I briefly wanted to try to sort it out when I first got into ponies, but it is such a MESS. I never dared to try. Are there any good tutorials on how to do this with Barbie hair? Detangle curly hair? 

My mom also just had one, but we were allowed to play with her. I was a pretty careful kid. I cried bloody murder if any of my toys got even a scratch :lol: But then again, since she was evil she wasn’t really a big part of the storyline. She came in, delivered her evil lines and left the mayhem that followed.

I love the look of the old Barbies now that I’m old(er). But I can see why child me didn’t. They do have a snooty look to them - I agree. But they are really fashionable and the look is so in style with the 50/60’s era. I would love to have a small collection of those older dolls with their outfits, but they are so insanely expensive!

Post Merge: July 10, 2022, 01:41:51 AM

I was never a doll person growing up very much (the irony when I got into Monster High!), but I do remember having Christie, Barbie's friend, a couple of times. I remember when the mermaid Barbie line was huuuuge but I was always disappointed with mermaid dolls in that the tails would be fabric and the legs hidden inside. That's not a real mermaid, dangit!

I think the inflexibility of the legs put me off. I was fascinated by the smallness of the shoes and clothing, though!

I wasn’t really a doll person either, loved my stuffed animals the most, ponies, keypers , dinosaurs and playmo horses (and of course the Victorian area playmo sets :heart: ). But for some reason, Barbies I liked. For a period of time (after my older sister got sick of ponies) we played with Barbies quite a lot. Of course, the animals were important- and I had some favorites of the dolls and didn’t bother that much with those that weren’t favorites.

Did you know that Barbie has released a new line with Mermaids? With actual mermaid tails? My nieces have them and play with them a lot. They are actually really cool! And of course I really like the body positivity with different body shapes which also these mermaids have. And they are colorful!

The Dollhouse / Re: Disney Animator Dolls
« on: July 10, 2022, 01:23:05 AM »
We used to talk about them on the Monster High forum, not sure if there is a dedicated forum but considering it's Disney, there's bound to be!

I'm still really hoping for a Maid Marian toddler doll, she would be SO CUTE!!!!!


And oh wouldn’t that be cute!! And the bunny and fox from Zootopia! I can’t remember their names :blush:, but that is one of my fav newer Disney movies. It has such a great message!

The Dollhouse / Re: Disney Animator Dolls
« on: July 09, 2022, 12:39:42 PM »
Toyjunky: Thank you! That helped a lot! Looking at those Flickr images I see that my Merida is the 1st edition Animator doll. I was looking into starting a collection, but now I realize I have no room for these dolls. I’m thinking I have to let her go. Do you guys now of a doll forum or something where I can look into prices and such?

Off Topic / Re: Wonderful Nature - Thread
« on: July 09, 2022, 12:32:56 PM »
I have a lot of birds, living so close to the forest. There is a family of magpies living in My garden. They’ve been here for years. It’s so much fun watching them and they are so creative! I also have loads of snails, not all of them I like. Because they’re eating my flowers, but I really love the big snails with houses on their backs. The kind of snails the French cooks and eats. I have them in my garden and they are so cool!

Yesterday I saw Bambi! He was just 5 meters or so away from me. Close enough that I could see his eyes. Just watching each other, and me talking. It was a truly nice experience!

Off Topic / Re: What made you smile today?
« on: July 09, 2022, 12:25:01 PM »
I’m looking at old episodes of Friends and some of the punch Lines makes me laugh out loud :lol:

Pony Corral / Re: Accessories ID help
« on: July 09, 2022, 08:39:26 AM »
I was wrong about the shoes then. Good thing I asked XD

That is what I love about this place- people know different things and together we know a lot ;)

Pony Corral / Re: Accessories ID help
« on: July 09, 2022, 07:09:11 AM »
I think the necklace with the purple pony is g3. I did sell a Pinkie Pie with a pink one once, and if I remember correctly she was a little bit more popular than my other girls back then.

Are you sure those shoes are g1? I can’t really remember those shoes from any play set or clothing set. But I might be wrong, I don’t remember much from the later g1 releases;)

Edit: the pink comb is G1, though. Probably from the Pretty Parlor with Peachy because of the saddle and hats ;)

Off Topic / Re: What are you currently reading?
« on: July 09, 2022, 06:31:35 AM »
Oh! I love to read- all kinds of things really :)

Right now I have several reading projects. I am re-reading Fables (complete series) by Bill Willingham. I love these! They are graphic novels about fairytale characters that has to flee their homeworlds into our world. Love the concept!

I am also reading some childrens book as I am a teacher and I like to read the books before recommending to my students or using them in the classroom. Right now I am reading Northern Lights by Malin Falch. It is a series of books (comic book style) about a young girl that get transported into a world where she meets lots of characters from Norwegian superstition, such as trolls and Huldra. We also meet people based on the viking culture as well as the Sami people. Recommend it! And it is translated to English ;) Perfect for 10-14 year olds!

I really recommend books by Shaun Tan. They are easy to read as they are picture books (but for older children, grown ups and teenagers). I love studying the pictures and the hidden meanings about society and history. My favs are The Rabbits, The Cicada and The Arrival (no words in the last one!!). I use them in my English class with my students. So beautiful books!

I just signed up for my library's Summer Reading Program! First book is Dinotopia: A Land Apart From Time by James Gurney. I figure I'll start out with an old favorite to help get back into the habit of reading.

I love Dinotopia :heart: I have the two first stories. It was some of my most favorite  books as a kid.

Introductions / Re: Hullos!
« on: July 08, 2022, 04:20:53 PM »
Welcome! Sounds like you are already on your way of getting your collection :) I have mostly g1s too, but the g3s are cute. I have a couple Snowflake and Seaspray, and I really like Breezie. But I’m trying to keep my collection small :lol: Like I’m sure you already noticed - it’s difficult! :lookaround:

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