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Messages - PinkRosedust

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Pony Corral / Re: POTD 5/3/2016 Baby Starbow
« on: May 03, 2016, 11:00:22 PM »
Have and love! She's one of my favorite baby ponies ever! Her colors are just so bright and striking, symbol is adorable, and I've always loved that pose.

I have the Euro variant and want to swap for the one with the blue stripe.. anyone?  :biggrin:
If you don't mind her having a chopped off forelock, I'd be glad to!

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 5/2/2016 Pretty Belle
« on: May 03, 2016, 10:54:26 PM »
Don't have her and don't really NEED her. I love her colors, but they are similar to Goldilocks, whom I do have. I also find it super strange that she has human gloves in her symbol - like, why? Ponies don't have fingers!

I've always used old Barbie brushes. They work better than any MLP brush I've ever had lol. They're sturdy, abundant (for me at least), easy to wash (it's surprising how dirty they can get when cleaning up played-with ponies, G1's especially!) and as a silly bonus, they come in a million fun colors. =P

To detangle I generally try to do small sections and of course start at the tips. Original curl is tricky and even after all these years it still makes me nervous and I avoid messing with it if possible, lest I ruin it! But when I do have to deal with it, I just go slow and carefully and do it in tiny sections. And if the hair has to be washed, I do my best to use minimal shampoo. I only use lukewarm or cold water.

I went searching at my local B&N a few days ago but alas, they only had 7 or 8 poor, homely Fireflys (despite saying Glory was in stock online...). So I will check again whenever I get around to it.

My 2nd one arrived today. I almost want to commission someone to make one in to a G1 Twilight.


Oooooh I would love to see Twilight made like this. I would have preferred her over Glory, honestly! Perhaps it's a possibility for the future if Glory sells really well...though I'd also hope they would go with another different pose if they did a third pony...

Pony Corral / Re: G1 Retro Address Book at Hastings Book Store
« on: March 16, 2016, 10:56:21 PM »
Wow, that is lovely. I, too, have no use for an address book though.

What a fantastic lot! Those ponies look gorgeous! She saved so much stuff that most people would trash immediately...It was fun to read the letters and such. Thanks for sharing!

Weird...I have to wonder how that could have happened if the box was clearly not crushed. Is it possible that it was already broken but not mentioned in the ad?

I don't really know what that set is worth these days but I know it's not the cheapest or easiest to find. Personally, based on the price you paid for it, I'd probably ask for around $15 back.

As an aside, my set has the same issue; unfortunately mine broke when I accidentally stepped on it... :(

Trader & Shipping Support / Re: Help. Sold big ticket item
« on: March 12, 2016, 05:00:12 PM »
You're not obligated to cancel (since they bought the item and paid, THEY are technically obligated to go through with the transaction - your only true obligation is to send the item!)...but I personally would cancel, just to avoid the hassle. I know how frustrating it is to think you sold something then the person flakes out on you though. :/ Sorry you're dealing with this!

*edited as I totally missed that they paid for it already*

Off Topic / Re: Don't Eat Here
« on: March 12, 2016, 04:56:51 PM »
That is scary! I agree that it does not need to exist...

Call me weird but I think its beautiful.

I bet they have it anchored so that the central mass is into the mountain.

The other bit might be an optical illusion.  Ive seen a home built ontop of a skyscraper exactly like this restaurant--only it was on an angle.  It looks terrifying, but in reality its not as bad as it looks.
They have a view from below that shows there's nothing underneath but even this doesn't make it entirely safe as any number of things can go wrong including weight imbalance, bad support and of course natural disasters.

Nothing is safe from "natural disasters" lol literally anything can happen anywhere in the world even if it's on flat ground. Landslides, sinkholes, hurricanes, earthquakes... There's no way to safely escape natural disasters, There will always be some sort of severe weather that disrupts things dramatically.

Sinkholes terrify me!

Off Topic / Re: Would you ever buy secondhand bedsheets?
« on: March 12, 2016, 04:48:01 PM »
My family almost never buys sheets new. So much cheaper secondhand. :P I also wear like 85% used clothing, used furniture, I have bought used shoes in the past...You just wash it before use and there's no problem. I don't need to think about what has happened to the used stuff before it was donated, just like I don't need to think about how gross the water in a pool/lake/ocean is when I'm swimming in it! The sheets and clothes gotta be fresher...

Wow, she does look a lot better! I am impressed. I will be on the lookout for her! I'm assuming she'll be available in stores like Firefly was, right?

Price Check Archives / Re: PC: 2 Tlc Mimics
« on: March 01, 2016, 05:29:22 PM »
As someone who buys flawed G1s for my collection (because they're more affordable and many flaws don't bother me) I can't see paying more than $40 for the worse of the two. Yeah, it's Mimic, but that girl has seen better days! If some/most of the marks were removed I'd go a little higher.

The other one I'd say anywhere from $65-80. But again that's just what I personally would pay.

I dunno, I think the Mimic with no symbol there might even go lower. Symbols are hard to effectively repair due to paint bleeding and general wear. I've been sitting on this a little bit and though I think its hard to say, I'd go even a little less with her because the flaws are very difficult to repair with out potentially causing further damage to the pony down the line.

The other one, yeah, that sounds about right.

Just out of curiosity, what could take an entire symbol off? Is that possible? Or is it a factory error?

My preference would be to keep as much of the original there as possible and use whats left as a guide for repainting. You could easily remove all of it with acetone if the desire arose.

Does it look like the red was never there? Like it just wasn't printed on? o.o

Thats what I was thinking too. The yellow is clearly there, but the red not. I can't imagine just the red fading away. And its very hard to cleaning remove just part of a symbol, so yeah hmmm. The most logical thing I think is that the red didn't get printed?

My guess is it got faded by the sun. As I recall certain colors fade more easily than others - the red color probably just faded faster than the yellow in this case.

Pony Corral / Re: Lame purse completes pony outfit...
« on: February 22, 2016, 03:33:47 PM »
That's so funny. I would have never guessed it was a type of fabric. Also, Quackers looks adorable all gussied up like that!

Pony Corral / Re: G3 minty
« on: February 16, 2016, 10:23:15 AM »
I thought she was worth a little more too, because she does seem to be one of the least common Mintys. I never paid much attention to prices for her though. I'd be interested if anyone could confirm that she used to sell for significantly more than other G3s. I don't think she was as uncommon/valuable as diva pose Tink-a-Tink-a-Too was...

Pony Corral / Re: Toy Fair 2016 is coming!
« on: February 15, 2016, 09:20:15 PM »
Wow, to me this is overall the most impressive Toy Fair preview we've had in years (which isn't saying too much, lol, but that's fine.)

I'm really glad to see Photo Finish being released with ACTUAL eyes. I'd prefer her in the smaller size but I'll take what I can get. The other Fashion Styles look nice too.

I also like the pearly ponies - not SUPER impressed with the character choices as none of the color schemes jump out at me (okay, the all blue one is actually quite pretty), but they're nice enough and I'd like to get all of the non-main 6 ones eventually. With how pearly and shiny they are, they almost look to be made of hard plastic to me. That would be weird. Hopefully I'm just crazy though!

A lot of the blind bag size figures are pretty nice, though I don't actively collect them. Some are downright confusing though - what is the deal with Sprinkle Medley? I saw that she's apparently based off a random scene from a FIM episode. That's just weird. I really wish Hasbro would put even half the effort into the brushable line that they put into these (same with the new Guardians figures).

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