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Messages - brighteyes

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Pony Corral / Re: Show me your Sea Pony displays!
« on: January 21, 2016, 11:27:30 AM »
Mine are in a box now, but when I had a pony room I displayed them in four large goldfish bowls of different sizes and shapes with mixed blue glass drops in the bottom to help them sit correctly.  I wish I had taken pictures before I packed everything up.

I love happy endings!  I'm really glad this is going to be resolved and that you will get your accessories to complete your year 1 princess set, it's just such a shame there had to be so much drama to get to this point.  I know how disappointing it can be to wait for something and then not receive it and it can be even worse to receive the wrong thing, especially if you are already having a bad day or other life issues.  I think it was very big of you to recognize that you overreacted in the first e-mails and apologize for that.  I hope this experience won't put a bad shade on the pony or collecting in general.  Instead I hope this makes them extra special because it shows that the collecting community can come through for each other, like H1m3 did for you.

Best of luck swapping the accessories!  I hope you post a picture of your completed princess set when you get them :D

Customs / Re: WiP Luna Moth G4 *update 01/18/16*
« on: January 19, 2016, 01:42:10 PM »
Very pretty!  Love those wings!

Pony Corral / Re: When isn't it worth it?
« on: January 19, 2016, 09:07:29 AM »
I've never even thought of it that way. I consider restoring ponies part of the hobby, and hobbies tend to cost money. Passing time rehairing a pony or seeing the progress on sun fading even if it takes time (time is money too), is more of a "i'm having a good time" value than "I'm going to sell this pony" value.

This sums it up pretty well for me too :)

This is my view as well.  I really enjoy fixing up ponies and since I collect with my daughter and she likes to dress them up and pose them in playsets I don't really even want super prefect mint versions of the ponies because I'd feel terrible if they were damaged so I usually sell these on.  Also, since I buy most of my collection in lots, there is usually something wrong with each pony that needs to be addressed before they join the heard.  I find cleaning, defrizzing and even rehairing to be relaxing and I'm always researching new methods to make our collection ponies look their absolute best.  However, if I plan on selling a pony, I will only clean it and do my best to tame any frizz.  I feel like it is up to the new owner if they would like to restore beyond that.

I'm so grossed out by all those photos...bleh.. but yet, I can't turn away!  :lol: :lol:

Same thing that happened to me in college when we did a fun experiment. The class (I think it was an environmental science class??) got one dish, swabbed anywhere they wanted to and waited to see if there was any growth. . . Mine was the worst by far.. I swabbed the classroom's outer door handle! It looked like some kind of yeast.?? :biggrin: :yucky:

Hehe...someone was nibbling some fruit!?! That penicillin looks so cool and gross.. :P

Oh gosh I did that too in high school. The biggest mold growth was from the door, and my glasses! Ever since then I've never bought glasses that had those nose piece things. I get a hard plastic frame with no nose pieces that I can easily keep clean!

We have our intro micro students do that too.  The places you'd think would be super bad, like the toilet seat are usually not the worst.  Eye glasses, the rim of re-usable water bottles, cell phones and under wedding rings are the places we've had the best luck with.  That's part of why I don't wear a wedding ring.  Normal bacteria flora aren't something to be worried about, they can actually help keep you healthy by preventing other, harmful bacteria from colonizing your skin.  But I work with so many different species of bacteria and come across student's bacteria that I'd rather not have an extra place to harbor them  >_<

I checked on the ponies today and the mold growth is even more extensive as you'd expect.  I'm definitely seeing small dots with a perfect sphere of discoloration around them that is getting larger every time I check , but there are also lots of things that look like pindot to me and more erratic discoloration I've seen on really dirty ponies.  Only time will tell if these marks remain after the mold has been removed.  I think I'm going to take one out a few weeks before Pony fair so I can check and try a few methods of getting rid of any possible stains as Clipper suggested to evaluate their effectiveness.  I have about five ponies I've set aside to test cleaning methods as well. 

I'd like to make a small poster and set it up at my sales booth during pony fair.  I'd love to be able to communicate whatever findings I have by that time but on the other hand, this is pretty gross and I wouldn't want to freak any kids out that visit the fair so maybe not. 

Pony Corral / Re: My Little Pony Outdid The Transformers?
« on: January 18, 2016, 06:15:10 AM »
The funny thing is the Transformers movie AND the MLP movie AND the two MLP specials (RaMC and Katrina) were all written by George Arthur Bloom.  So obviously he could / had written gripping stuff with MLP before.

My guess is Hasbro and the movie people were looming over his shoulder more this time, and that they were had the "demographic blinders" on.  As in, "Whatever you do, don't make the villains scary.  Little girls simply can't handle scary things."

I guess some people found the Smooze scary but I never did.  I did see MLP: The Movie in the theater as a little girl, super excited about it beforehand because it was a MLP MOVIE OMG!!  Sadly I found it forgettable.  As in, a week after seeing it I had literally forgotten the plot and confusedly imagined my own, where Baby Lickety-Split ran to Hollywood with Spike to be a movie star.  For YEARS I thought that was the actual plot of the movie, until I bought the VHS as an adult.

Now THAT would have been a cool movie or episode!  Kind of like the Bright Lights arc in the show.

I am not a fan of plastic clothes either to be honest. I think I find it especially disappointing as G4 did try for fabric clothes at the start of the line before this move.

However, I do think its great these girls have finally shown up! I do think they will miss a lot of places due to being such a late wave. But its great that they are somewhere and people will have a chance to pick them up.

I agree.  I'd much rather have fabric clothes.  The molded details on these pretty good though so I think with a little more painted detail they could be made to look really nice.  If I see them in my area I'll definitely snag one to spruce up but I won't go out of my way to buy them online.

I dug one up!  No, literally, I found one in buried in the ground when I was helping my sister dig a garden at her new house.  She took forever to clean up and still has a cut on her hind hoof from where the shovel hit her, but I wouldn't change a thing about her.

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After clean up:

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She looks pretty good except for the cut from the shovel.  I thought about fixing it with apoxie & repaint but I think it gives her character so I left it.
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I really hate shipping with FedEx because they often require a signature and they won't let you sign a release form and leave it on the door instead.  I'm sorry but I'm not taking a day off to receive a 10$ package.  Seriously!  Sometimes they do let you leave a signed form but I think the sender has to specifically mark that they will allow that.

I had a fedex package take almost a week to be delivered once.   First it couldn't be delivered because they needed a signature, then they had a delivery exception stating they couldn't find the house (ummm you found it the first time so?), then they had a delivery exception stating they ran out of time and finally they delivered it but the put it on my front porch under a bush so it took me forever to find. 

It's unusual that they haven't revised the delivery time or added a delivery exception to the tracking history to let you know what happened.  You could call and try to find out what is going on.  It will probably be delivered Monday though.  Very likely the driver ran out of time before getting to your house.

So you were nice enough to work with her and accept a payment form you don't normally accept, gave her a pony for free and arrange an off eBay sale and she still left you negative feedback, even though you refunded her for the list item???  What a crazy person!  Blocked! 

I'm so sorry you had to deal with such a nutter Chipster :-(

Pony Corral / Re: It can't just be me....
« on: January 16, 2016, 04:52:22 AM »
I also think it's seriously annoying to have to dig through those bins. 

Pony Corral / Re: Awesome eBay BIN! (Any petites experts in?)
« on: January 14, 2016, 10:44:37 AM »
Oh wow you are super lucky!  Congrats!!

Pony Corral / Re: Do you style "authentically"?
« on: January 14, 2016, 09:09:12 AM »
I try to keep factory curl but otherwise, my ponies are pretty much wash and go - sort of like me.  :)

I'm on the same boat. :)

I'd say this describes my approach as well.

This is generally what I do as well.  I usually wrap the ends of the mane and tail around the legs after washing and leave over to set.  I'd say it works well for me though I do like to have fun styles as well with straw curls and braids, especially on the Brush n Grow ponies. 

Leg wrap:
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Fun styled:
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Pony Corral / Re: Show me MINT Flutter Ponies!
« on: January 13, 2016, 05:50:49 PM »
I love seeing these!  Flutters are so elegant, especially when they are mint.  Got to love those beautiful wings.

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Ludo from Labyrinth
« on: January 13, 2016, 04:46:33 PM »
He's so cute and cuddly.  I love the look of him, with his sculpted head and his fluffy body.  Your sister is lucky!

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