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Messages - Rachel8125

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Pony Corral / Re: 3/21/2016 Skippity Doo
« on: March 22, 2016, 11:37:18 AM »
I think she's great! I'm really into so-softs at the moment and she's definitely one I'm on the lookout for!

Pony Corral / Re: UK PonyCon 2016 - 22nd-23rd of October - LEEDS, UK
« on: March 20, 2016, 04:49:47 PM »
Ooooo! That's where I was at uni!

Your artwork is very beautiful  :)

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: Anyone remember the Paw Paws Bears?
« on: March 18, 2016, 01:18:50 PM »
Yeah!! I loved that cartoon! And The Biscuits. Didn't realise there were toys!!!

Thank you guys!!! And thank you Rachel8125, little man is doing much better, the worst is defiantly over with.

Updated first post with better pictures :)

Glad to hear it!

Pony Corral / Re: Horseshoe points
« on: March 16, 2016, 02:00:28 PM »
Thanks Taffetta- I just checked out the leaflets.

I actually had the playmat so I think my parents must have organised that as I have no recollection of how we got it!

Yeah, I thought we might have got a poor deal compared to the US!

Yay!! So glad you finally got your parcel!! Trucker looks very handsome.

TAF Buttons too!! She's definitely high on my want list, and I can't believe you got her for such a great price! I'd have been a bit confused by someone describing her as yellow!

Hope your little one is better and that you enjoy your new ponies!

Rachel maybe it was alot then? But yeah still seems a fair price lol I looked at the inflation calculator from 1985 till now and it says equivalent to $58-60 today. I wish lol X

Good point!

You guys had Glory :'( I so wanted Glory as a kid, mean Hasbro UK!

I always wanted Moondancer and Medley as they were always in the comics. Medley in particular as I've always loved music!
Agree! Medley was the other one I really wanted. Medley and Glory *sigh*.

I remember being so excited when I found Gypsy at a second hand fete though. I had begun to think early unicorns didn't really exist, and were just in stories, aside from Gusty who my friend had...

Gypsy was one of the others I desperately wanted and as an adult collector, was the second pony I bought. My main memories of the comic characters were twinkle eyed ponies, so I was always wanted one of those too!
This was partly because I was trying to make myself like her pose more

My least favourite pose I think!

Einhornbaby: I love all your adorable photos!! Your ponies looked like they had serious fun!

What great finds, and a great pony-spotting buddy! The description of the boy ponies having "hairy feet" made me chuckle! Like hobbits!

I love the so-softs they look lovely and the Lyra plushie :)

And can I just say... Thundercats!!!!


lol  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:   Ahhhh, memories!

That's a very impressive set! If I'd have been given that as a child, I'd have been ecstatic! I'd be interested to know how much they used to sell for?

Hey there's a price tag on my box and says $24.99 reduced to $16.99 in a sale lol X

Wow!! I thought the set would have cost quite a bit more than that! Thanks!

Pony Corral / Re: Horseshoe points
« on: March 16, 2016, 01:26:08 PM »
Thanks for the responses everyone.

So if you sent in the points, were the ponies free apart from postage/shipping fees? If so that's pretty awesome!

Germany for example had horseshoe points too but we never got actual mailorderPONIES. I collected the points as a kid and got a poster and a carry case for them.

That sounds like a raw deal compared with the US!! I wonder if this was the case in the UK too?

i ordered all 6 rainbow ponies and only got 4 so the second order they sent me all 6. i also ordered satin n lace and they send me another 6 rainbow ponies and then sent me the bride later  :P

I didn't realise the rainbow ponies had been available as mail order!

Pony Corral / Horseshoe points
« on: March 16, 2016, 08:23:40 AM »
On the backcards/boxes of G1s there are horseshoe points. I remember them from when I was a kid, but I never really found out what you could get with them. Does anyone remember?

What great finds, and a great pony-spotting buddy! The description of the boy ponies having "hairy feet" made me chuckle! Like hobbits!

I love the so-softs they look lovely and the Lyra plushie :)

And can I just say... Thundercats!!!!

Pony Brag Arena / Re: Finally, a pony room of my own!!!
« on: March 16, 2016, 08:11:02 AM »
That's an amazing collection!! You must be so happy to have your own pony room!

With regards to where MIBs came from- I think they are leftovers that weren't sold, or were given to employees. I can't imagine they're toys that were actually sold originally- although maybe if bought for a present and the child already had one, so the new one got stored??

I think there are probably a few different reasons. That's what I think anyway!

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