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Messages - Crystal-Sushi

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The Dollhouse / Re: Collectors of dark/creepy/gothy dolls?
« on: October 12, 2022, 06:49:34 AM »
A little obscure, but I'll put forth Girls' Society - Beauty :heart:

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As far as I know, she was the only doll made for this line, by the company 'CuttieM' and she originally retailed for $120. You can find her head and outfit on places like Taobao to this day if you know where to look but the doll herself complete is pretty hard to find ;)

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Crystal Dreams of Pony Design...!
« on: October 08, 2022, 03:59:07 AM »
They are so dreamy 😍

Aaah thankyou! :heart:

I want the precious petals to be reeeal  :sad:

Aww haha thankyou so much! I wish they were real too :heart:

Off Topic / Re: Any keychain collectors?
« on: September 26, 2022, 04:05:43 AM »
I had mine hanging from tiny sticky hooks inside the 'ceiling' of a cube shelf, like arranged by chain lengths so that you could see them (longest at the back, shortest at the front etc). Unfortunately it's all packed away due to moving :p

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Crystal Dreams of Pony Design...!
« on: September 25, 2022, 09:17:35 PM »
Oh, those are super cool! I love the colors :heart:

Thankyou so much! It took a bit of fiddling not to get the colours too similar haha :heart:

I like Crystal Clear and Bubble Bouquet.

Ahh thankyou! I'm so glad you like them! :heart:

Oh my gosh these are GORGEOUS! :heart:

Pony Corral / Re: What adult set from the 90's is the best?
« on: September 23, 2022, 11:41:13 PM »
I love the whole gimmick-combining thing in the 90s, but the Sundazzle Ponies are probably my favourite set here! I'm just a sucker for their tropical neon beachy palette and gorgeous sunset colours haha :heart:

The Dollhouse / Re: My Treatment for TRASHION ALLEY
« on: September 23, 2022, 11:37:09 PM »
ok those are adorable

Thankyou! :heart:

aaaaaAAAA these are all so CUTE!! Trashion Alley being cancelled just breaks my heart, the bodies are adorable and I'm always here for more anthro dolls! I'd kill to see their heads or anything else they may have drawn up for the line... but I wonder if they'd be as cute as your art is! LOVE your concepts, I think Fondue is my favourite :lovey: The playset idea is too cute too! Would love to see more :)

THANKYOU! I'm in much the same boat, I so WISH they would have released them! As there were only 5-10 of each body, I'm inclined to believe the heads may have been in an even earlier state, likely 3D prints or clay sculptures, which is why we haven't seen any - they're easier to destroy, or their designer kept them as they're OOAK pieces of their work haha.
Aww haha that truly means a lot to me, thankyou! She's tied for my favourite too haha, and I'm so happy you like the playset too!

I adore it!! Izzzyzzz did a video about cancelled dolls and these were one of them.

Thankyou! That was one of the things that motivated me to finish this art haha, it had been sitting in an unfinished state since the start of last year..! :P

These are so incredible!! You managed to get so creative with what little is known about these gals, and really make them your own. The fact you went above and beyond by giving them personalities, backstories, and even designing a little playset for them is amazing! I'm not one for fashion dolls, but I could totally see myself buying a Fondue. :happy:
 Would it be okay if perhaps somebody else wanted to draw your designs?

Aww thankyou so much! :heart: I truly appreciate it! I aspire to be a toy designer some day, so I really wanted to go all out for this project!
I'm so glad you like them even if you aren't normally into fashion dolls! Fondue seems to be most peoples' favourite haha, which makes sense, hairless rats are adorable!
ABSOLUTELY! I LOVE seeing fanart and it makes me so happy someone would want to draw my designs! :heart:

The Dollhouse / Re: Anthro Cat doll (Mi Angie?), ID help please?
« on: September 23, 2022, 06:17:49 PM »
She's a Meow Planet doll! Your ones' name is Mia and here's a link to buy her friends haha ;)

OMG thank you thank you so much!!! I thought this was going to remain a mystery haha, I was psyching myself up to try and go back and ask the guys at the shop about her. Ahhh thank you!!!

And oh no oh nooo all the others are so cuuute, I need them all ;A;

Thanks also for the help Lady Frostbite and Ponyfan :) I really appreciate it!

Aww not a problem! ID'ing dolls is one of my passions/hobbies haha, I love helping people out! :heart:
Yes, blind-box dolls are addictive haha!

The Dollhouse / My Treatment for TRASHION ALLEY
« on: September 22, 2022, 08:25:03 PM »
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This unproduced line by Hasbro is by far one of my foremost special interests (because RATS + FASHION DOLLS!!), I'm even the person who initially found the trademark...!
Also as someone who is a lifelong ‘bowerbird’, collecting found objects for crafting purposes (or just because they’re shiny/cool-looking) it also resonates with me a lot - basically what I’m saying is this line was potentially going to be many things I love distilled into one of my favourite mediums 😅💕

When these dolls were first discovered, I immediately started drawing my take on them but then kind of...
Yeah I wasn’t doing too well for quite a while to be honest.
However, the recent videos by Izzzyzzz and darlingdollzofficial bringing more attention to the line finally gave me the motivation to finish my treatment of the series! 💕

The logo, names, accessories, etc and essentially everything aside from the bodies, main outfits, shoes and line name are original to me - and I specified the body as the heads for these guys were never seen, likely due to being in an earlier stage of production haha. The bodies and the line name trademark is all that exists so far of the original treatment, but I hope in the meantime you can enjoy my take on them! 🥰

The actual bodies, for reference ->
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Our main muroidea (scientific name for the rodent family) first, introducing Brie!

Given her slightly more complicated outfit + her ‘future of fashion’ belt I felt that she may have intended to be the main character, and ran with that!
Her acessory is a little playing card sketchbook containing all of her designs, her hair tie is both a hair tie and her main sewing tool and I gave her nail-head earrings to continue the metal theme from her shoe heels.
As she’s an albino rat, she also likely needs glasses, and I was tempted to draw her some literal coke-bottle lens glasses but I felt they cluttered up the design a bit so let’s just say she only wears them when reading? 😅

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Introducing our country girl, Ella!

She was the last to be named as I couldn’t quite find something that fit, wanted them all to be named after cheeses, and surprisingly the overlap between ‘cheese varieties’ and ‘suitable names’ is not a large one 😅
The sort of ‘softer’ elements of her outfit made me decide on making her a country girl, specifically she’s meant to be a field mouse! She has a huge family and wanted to come to the city and strike out on her own haha.
She’s soft-spoken but determined about her creations (which are mainly plant and natural material-based fashion, although she also enjoys designing terrariums 💕

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Our resident oddball, Fondue!

Wasn’t sure about her name at first but then she kind of evolved into a more ‘out there’ character who would definitely love ‘Fondue’ as a name haha.
She’s a hairless rat, and although not specifically stated, she is wearing a wig, and tends to change them often (it’s why she’s the only one with gradient hair) to match her outfits. She also has some of my favourite character art I’ve ever drawn up to this point, I love how expressive her pose is!
Her being the eccentric one influenced my decision to give her the soy sauce fish purse haha, although to be honest I also kind of want one for myself 😅 It was also chosen as her main outfit is more plain compared to her ‘stand out’ shoes (which are those generic strawberry lolly wrappers that every elderly person seems to have lol) and I thought it fit for her to also have a ‘statement’ purse.

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Can’t have a ‘fashion’ line without your obligatory French character haha, meet Cremé!

She’s the only one whose proto I actually own, and such the only one whose hair colour isn’t entirely a fabrication on my part - mine came with curly purple nylon tangled in her joints, which makes me almost certain heads *were* tested on them at one point.. As such, I gave Cremé that hair in my take too!
Style-wise she’s definitely the girliest, and her artwork is another one I’m extremely proud of (I can’t belive I made a ‘looking from the back’ pose look good!) 💕
She has a little bottle cap pillbox hat, pull tab earrings, a bread clip bag and polished teaspoon mirror! She’s also the only one with sparkly eyeshadow because, well, she’s the glamour girl haha.

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Aand finally, here’s a playset, the Squeak Heart Café! It’s where all the girls first met (and continue to meet) to go over designs and stuff together 💕

Like I said, I’ve collected these kind of bits and bobs for my entire life, so this was VERY fun to design!
Stuff like this (playsets/scenery) isn’t my strong suite but after being super inspired looking at's amazing renderings, I knew I had to at least have a go!
And yes that is a repurposed smartwatch being used as a digital ordering screen 👀💕

I hope you all enjoy my treatment for this cancelled line, I certainly had a lot of fun working on it! I have several more ideas, which I may draw up if I feel inspired enough (or enough people ask haha) so potentially stay tuned for more! :heart:


EDIT: I really think I'll need to get ALL members of this, I REALLY hope they release all six original ghouls (YES INCLUDING GHOULIA) and I really really REALLY super-hope we get characters like Abbey as well! I would KILL for a Catty Noir in this style![/color]

Well Abbey's trademark has just been renewed, along with a few others (most random being Hexiciah, Robecca's dad!) but if this is for G3 or a new Creeproduction we'll have to wait and see~!

The Dollhouse / Re: Anthro Cat doll (Mi Angie?), ID help please?
« on: September 22, 2022, 08:04:17 PM »
She's a Meow Planet doll! Your ones' name is Mia and here's a link to buy her friends haha ;)

Yes, I just knew these guys would become insanely rare haha, but that aside they are one of my favourite lines of all time! I think their limited distribution towards the end of the line contributes to it, as the wave one characters are pretty easy and cheap to find, but everyone else... insane!
 I own everyone except for Mimi Merize and Justina Hour (so if anyone is selling...)  :devious:

Pony Corral / Re: 35 Anniversary ponies - Mark IV
« on: September 20, 2022, 03:59:57 PM »
I am SCREAMING aaaa! :heart:
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Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Crystal Dreams of Pony Design...!
« on: September 07, 2022, 02:56:40 AM »
Once again amazing!! Would love these as actual Ponies!!!

Aww haha thankyou so much! Hopefully one day they get made in some form :heart:

Lovely lovely ponies!  :lovey:

Ahh thankyou! :heart:

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Crystal Dreams of Pony Design...!
« on: September 02, 2022, 07:49:03 AM »
Slipping right back into my comfort zone with ALL OF THE SHINY STUFF YESS! :heart:

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Introducing the Bubble Belle Ponies! These girls are translucent with an iridescent coating (think the Starlight Baby Ponies!) as well as a plume of iridescent tinsel at the front of their mane, like the second set Princess Ponies, as well as more tinsel in their mane - VERY sparkly overall lol!

This background might also be my favourite so far, it's very much inspired by the 1996 Polly Pocket Bubbly Bath compact, which is my favourite one of all time, it's just all so dreamy aaa...

:heart: Background sans ponies and vintage effects :heart:
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