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Messages - Prince_Sunbeam

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Off Topic / Dog Halloween Costume Contest!
« on: October 31, 2018, 09:19:50 AM »
Every year we run a dog costume contest for Halloween at our dog daycare--

Check it out and if you have a Facebook account you can log in and vote for your favorite contestants with a "Like"

Pony Corral / Re: Show me Night Glider alternate rehairs?
« on: October 28, 2018, 08:18:55 AM »
I saw someone rehaired a Night Glider with glow in the dark hair, thought that was a great idea! It is still white, though.

I think an ombre of blue/purple/white would be my pick

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Buddy System Start Up
« on: October 27, 2018, 10:56:12 AM »
I PMd you my congeniality vote, as well as voted in the poll  :lol:

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Buddy System Start Up
« on: October 26, 2018, 07:04:44 AM »
I've been able to make some steady progress on my goals.

The weightloss has slowed, but that is inevitable as I get closer to my goal weight, I've lost 9lbs since I signed up- my goal was 10-15lbs (with a total of 22lbs to lose before my goal as of my sign up) so I'll be in that range. After recovering from my camping trip exhaustion and cold I have been back to working out 2x a week, though Im sure Id see more progress if I could work out 3x. My wife was supposed to be doing work outs with me to keep each other motivated, we even bought her an expensive home gym machine..but I can never get her to work out with me so that is counter productive to my motivation.
I got caught up on all my stiching that had any sort of timing associated with it, my monthly will put out a new pattern piece on Nov 1st so I'll make a goal to finish that before Healthy Pony closes on the 15th. My medium sized project with no timeline to finish it has gone by the wayside though. Id like to try and complete it by the Holidays just to get it off my plate, but its supposed to be *fun* so Im not forcing myself to work on it.

Since starting Duolingo on Oct 1st I have been able to practice Italian every day, it only takes about 15mins and I set the app to remind me during my typical slow time at work. Very easy goal to accomplish, and I feel great about finally learning Italian after thinking about it since I was young!
The biggest change has been that Ive been motivated to go to multiple gaming meet up groups and have found one that meets monthly and another that meets weekly that Im going to stick with! So my goal of trying out 2+ has quickly become- attending 5 so far, with a regular opportunity of 5/month. Im also going to try out a new weekly one tonight so that would give me 9 opportunities per month vs the 0-1 I was attending before. Its been great to get me out of the house at night and meeting new people.

One of the things that has helped me stay on track the most was making a daily list of small goals, as inspired by Crowning_Glory with the mini challenges. I have a list on my cellphone of all the simple tasks I *have to* finish each day, at work and home. And each morning or night before I add things that I want to or should complete that day and I check my list as I complete each item. It makes me feel motivated and accomplished to check things off- even if they are very simple little tasks I would do every day anyhow. For example at work I balance the cash drawer every day and have for years, but it still goes on my list! And I add fun tasks too, like a date night. Everything I intend to do that day, big or small goes on the list.

This whole Healthy Pony program has really helped get my butt in gear with some things I needed to get done in my life I am super grateful to this group and especially to my buddy and Crowing_Glory!!

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Anyone play Heroclix?
« on: October 17, 2018, 06:07:55 AM »
I just got started playing Heroclix, any other players here on the arena?
Theres such a steep learning curve!  :drunk:

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Buddy System Start Up
« on: October 17, 2018, 05:47:34 AM »
November 15th is our end date. Yes you can post at anytime even new:) this will come back on January/February

I appreciate the timing of holiday season off and then back to Healthy Pony in the New Year
Im hoping to reach my goal weight by the holidays...but I'm sure it'll set me back a bit so I'll need to restart up again in the new year anyhow  :lol:

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Buddy System Start Up
« on: October 15, 2018, 07:29:30 PM »
What can you accomplish in 3 months? (I've only got 8 weeks!)
- lose ~15lbs (at *LEAST* 10lbs)
- exercise 2-3x/week
- set up 2+ gaming dates
- finish my small stitch project, catch up on my monthly stitch along, continue on my other project.
- practice Italian at least 4 days/week

I signed up on September 20th- 25 days ago. Let's see how Im progressing on my goals:
- So far I've lost 6lbs, I'm happy with that! Im really hoping to lose at least 6 more to be only 10lbs from my long term goal!

- I have been exercising 2x most weeks, last week I went kayaking, swimming, & hiking while camping on Monday- but went home with a cold and didn't work out the rest of the week. I plan to resume my usual schedule tomorrow- typically Tuesday/Saturday with occasional Thursdays

- I went to 1 gaming meetup the week before last, and have 3 set up for the upcoming week! The one I attended previously was... so so. Didn't feel like my crowd of attendees but the store manager was very friendly so Im returning tomorrow to try out a different event he recommended with a likely differing crowd. If tomorrow goes well I'll likely attend another stores event for the same game on Friday to try their crowd as well. On Sunday I arranged a gaming day with my old friend who got me into gaming, he lives a few hours away so we only get together for gaming a few times a year.

- I finished my small stitch project, and caught up through October on my monthly large project, I'll still have to complete the November block once its released on Nov 1st (& December thereafter for it to be 100% finished) No progress on my other medium sized project as of yet, but that one has no deadline and my only other WIP

- Since adding Italian to my list I have practiced on duolingo every day! 15day streak so far, the app makes it super easy to get in every day, it even reminds me!

Pony Brag Arena / Re: PONY ROOM REVEAL!! (Pic heavy)
« on: October 14, 2018, 07:32:58 PM »
I still can't believe I was really there!!! This room y'all. This room. Never have I visited a pony *room* before, and it felt like found such a thoughtful and deeply resonant space. Like home, but heightened! With an affirming HECK YEAH, we're on to something really special with all these hours we pour into our collections. The effort and consideration is what really makes this room such a special collaboration. These two have built a gorgeous collection, and I can't wait to visit again :lol:

It really upped the magic factor to be able to invite someone into the space who truely *gets it* and to share in it. You are welcome back anytime!! <3

Pony Brag Arena / Re: RAOPK brag, package from @Prince_Sunbeam
« on: October 14, 2018, 07:30:53 PM »
It was so fun shopping for you! I just couldnt help myself  :biggrin:

Off Topic / Re: Duolingo friends?
« on: October 12, 2018, 05:24:24 PM »
I added you the other week, or followed you I think ? (I think my name appears as Ashton on mobile and -MakeItSweet- on PC) XD
You've got so much XP! I've actually been slacking on my Spanish for the past few days so I've lost my streak  :lookround:

Followed you! I searched makeitsweet and it came up as ashton lol I dont get how this works

Off Topic / Duolingo friends?
« on: October 12, 2018, 07:35:46 AM »
Hey everypony!
I started working on learning Italian with duolingo this month, and It'd be great to follow other pony friends on there  :biggrin:

My username is SunbeamAdam

Who else is on Duolingo? What languages are you learning?
I realized they also have Klingon- which is really exciting! But first Im going to focus on just Italian until I feel more confident in it.
I'm really surprised at how well Duolingo seems to be working. I got Italian Rosetta stone for my birthday last year and did it for a little while, I think I'd rate them as equally effective but Duolingo is free and more mobile friendly!

Pony Brag Arena / Re: PONY ROOM REVEAL!! (Pic heavy)
« on: October 11, 2018, 03:53:54 PM »
The rainbow projector was a gift, but Im pretty sure its from Five Below. Ive seen similar ones on Amazon. It goes out automatically which can be a bummer when Im in the room for a while but thats a pretty minor complaint

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Buddy System Start Up
« on: October 11, 2018, 05:31:28 AM »
Did some of my mini goals/ currently working on some

1.Tidy my room (honestly I must have the world's smallest room)
2. Fix my dresser draw/have a sort out (Currently in the process of repair)
3. Get some sleep
4. Do a bit of studying
5.  continue with my game/mini goal
6. Mail parcel to fellow MLP Arena member
7. Begin on custom pony project
8. Clean both rabbit's cages out
9. Do at least 30 minutes of Spanish today

Wow! Thats great progress!

Everyone is doing so well here! Even if you hit a set back, its just about getting back on track  :biggrin:

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Buddy System Start Up
« on: October 09, 2018, 10:43:12 AM »
I completed my mini goal! The September block of my monthly stitch along is complete, so Im technically caught up  :biggrin:
The September block was Bats- which I really think should have been the October block but oh well.
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I also started up on the October block as well. I intend to finish it well before the 31st so that I can make some progress on my other project before the November block releases on the 1st.

Hows everyone else doing with their mini goals? Sometimes breaking things down into smaller steps really helps!

Pony Corral / Re: "The Toys That Made Us”. Even more Interviews
« on: October 04, 2018, 07:55:20 AM »
Hump day?  :huh:

Wednesday is "Hump Day" because it falls in the middle of most folks work weeks, once youve gotten through Wendesday- you're "over the hump" (aka more than 50% through the week/onto the presumably more casual work days)

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