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Messages - Prideth

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If you're unable to find someone to trade with, I'd be interested in buying!

I love them!  MORE BREEZIES!

Customs / Re: I give you "Googlez"
« on: April 24, 2015, 11:41:13 AM »
Oh boy.  The eyes make me laugh.  :lol:  I love the paint work!

Pony Corral / Re: So I did some acetoning (ponymania)
« on: April 23, 2015, 08:24:29 AM »
I like them much better now!  They look like toddlers who got into mom's makeup stash beforehand!

I'm kicking myself over this transaction as it felt a little weird to begin with, but I didn't follow my initial instinct. Now I'm not really sure what to do as I've never been in this situation before and wanted to see if anyone else has experience with this.  Here are the facts of what's happened:

  • I was the highest bidder for an auction that ended without meeting the seller's reserve.
  • eBay allows the seller to offer a "second chance" to the highest bidder of an auction that didn't meet reserve.  The seller contacted me and offered to sell at a higher amount, which I negotiated down, and we agreed on a price. 
  • The seller didn't seem to know how to re-list the item at the negotiated price so that only I could buy it, so I (dumbly?) told them they could send me an invoice via paypal with a description of the item and I would pay that way.  I really wasn't sure how to handle this either, but that seemed like a decent way to cover my butt.  It still felt a little weird but I wanted the item, so that probably swayed me.
  • I requested tracking and the seller complied;  I get the item(s) as expected, but, alas, there is a critical piece missing!  I contacted the seller (all of our correspondence was made through ebay) and let him know - he is adamant that the piece is in the box.  It's definitely not.

How do I go forward from here?  I'm positive I don't have the missing piece and he is also adamant he doesn't have the missing piece.  Since we kind of settled 'outside' of ebay... what should I do here?  Has anyone else had an issue like this?  I regret doing it that way (now) as I'm pretty sure I'm not covered through eBay protection, but it hurts to think I'll be eating the cost.  (I suppose it would be a hard lesson learned.)

Any advice?

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such cute
many posh

I'm really loving the little pop bubble head things!  Simba is soo cute!  Congrats and happy birthday!

Off Topic / Re: How long is your commute to work or school?
« on: April 20, 2015, 06:26:20 PM »
During rush hours, it take me around 45 minutes to get to work, but, during light traffic hours I can get there in about 35 minutes.  We bought our house a bit further out from the city so we could be in a quieter suburb with more space.  I really like where we live, we're even thinking of moving a bit further out so we can buy land for horses! 

..But I do sometimes envy those who have such short commutes to work/school.   :satisfied:

Customs / Re: Snow globe Pony Tinkerbell
« on: April 20, 2015, 06:21:32 PM »
So cute!  Makes me want to custom a snow globe pony!!

Pony Corral / Re: Favorite horns and wings!
« on: April 19, 2015, 09:50:12 AM »
Oh, that's tough.  I like G1 style wings because they look tubby and ridiculous.   :lol:  But aesthetically speaking, they're not the prettiest... I agree that the G3 swirl wings are pretty.  And I love longer unicorn horns, too!  I think G4 alicorns have nice long, slender ones.

Customs / Re: Dryad's Saddle Pony for Rarity91: Fantasy Swap
« on: April 15, 2015, 07:26:50 PM »
The legs are great, what a really neat idea!  Pretty pony, nice work!

I realized today, while walking to my car after work, that my feet hurt after minimal activity.  I usually park my car in the parking lot up the hill from the building that I work in, so I can at least get some form of exercise in.  When I got into the car, I started crying because I was out of breath, very thirsty (I had downed my bottle of water while walking) and I was in pain.  I don't look like I weigh as much as I do, but I feel like I weigh a ton!  I'm getting married this year and I've already been fitted for my dress, but lately I've been thinking that I'll look like a whale... I never envisioned myself being like this.  I was already a "thick" girl growing up, but in all the right places!  So, my goal is to feel better about myself while getting healthier.  I don't want to end up crying in my car every day after work anymore...

I know that feeling all too well.  :hug:  I remember worrying about going to meetings upstairs with coworkers and walking with them.. and being completely out of breath on the second floor!  I was always embarrassed about it. 
I'm sorry you cried, I know that one well too!  :sad:  But I know for sure you're no whale (they apparently have issues getting wifi in the ocean, as well as poor keyboarding skills *flippers flail wildly, smash computers*). 

MyFitnessPal name is roopbk, anyone and everyone is welcome to friend me.  :cheer:  I've fallen off of my calorie counting in MFP, but I'll get back on board ASAP!

I also have a Nike+ Fuel Band, same account name, if anyone wants to challenge me!   :nerdy: 

I would love to help coordinate a pounds for ponies, or some kind of weekly challenge where we report in our fitness goals.  I'd even love to provide prizes for staying on track!  I'm going on vacation for a week (starting tomorrow) but I'm going to ponder on this... I'd love to support my pony pals!

Pony Brag Arena / Private Swap with The Little White Horse!
« on: April 08, 2015, 02:38:20 PM »
I did a super fun snack swap with The Little White Horse who was SUPER fun to swap with!  She was my very first FRENCH swap partner, and I so love getting a little piece of another country in a box!  International pony friends rock!

First, the ponies!
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They're so posh!  Merry go Rounds are the cat's pajamas!

And all the snacky extras, and a Holly Dash!  :cheer:
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I don't even know what half of the things are!  I told her I adore Kinder Eggs and she really delivered.   :biggrin:  8 Kinder eggs should last me at least a full 30 minutes.  I... I have a problem.

I've been coached on how to properly eat the french sausage (on french bread, duh!), and will be doing this tonight.  The Bijous are uhh-mazing!  I took her advice and ate them dunked in milk... so good!

She absolutely piled my box full of candy!  Some kind of Kinder hazelnut candies, bars, taffy-like chews!  I'll be diabetic by next week!  I have yet to get into the chocolate bard, but she got my favorite combo: Chocolate and Carameeeel!

Thanks so much, LWH!  You're the bomb diggety and I had SUCH a blast doing this swap!

Pony Brag Arena / Re: Custom Sea Pony
« on: April 08, 2015, 02:03:20 PM »
I love sea ponies!  I'm not sure why they're not customed more, since there are so many in rough shape.  She's cute!

I like this thread a lot.  You're all such inspiring, kind people and I'm so glad we're able to share stories without prejudice.  It makes me a little teary eyed.   :sad:  Here is my weight loss picture!

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Some things about me and my background:
  • Highest weight: 285 lbs
  • Weight loss: 135 lbs @ 5'5" over ~ 2 years
  • Current weight: 150 lbs
  • I was/am an emotional eater.  I have issues with anxiety and I still fight battles in my head when it comes to poor food choices.
  • I lost weight by comitting myself to a high protein diet, strength training, and cardio.  I highly recommend joining a gym with group classes to get yourself a start.

Some of the most valuable things I've learned:
  • The formula is easy (eat less, do more), it's the psychological hurdles are the hardest to overcome.
  • NEVER assume you know what's going on in someones life.  If you've lost weight, the way you did it isn't necessarily going to work for someone else.
  • Volunteer to go to the gym with others or invite them to your workout.  Support and encouragement is the most valuable tool one can have.

I'm more than happy to share recipes, exercise routines, and be your buddy on my fitness pal!  It would have meant the world to me to have a friend and a cheerleader during my journey, so I'd love to be there for anyone who needs the support.

Pony Corral / Re: Repro Flutter wings?
« on: April 03, 2015, 11:31:38 AM »
I've bought all of mine from the nice lady in Germany (I believe she's a MLPTP member at the least), she (used to?) sells them on ebay as "Primavera Wings".  I don't see any listed now, but I've bought from her several times. 

Here's a link to one of her old listings, you may could message her to see if she will sell more:

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