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Messages - MoondancerMilkyWay

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Pony Corral / Re: US Starlight Glimmer!??!
« on: January 25, 2016, 08:48:16 AM »
SORRY!!  It was late and I was really tired!! one of the bronies said they found her at Southcenter TRU. I found her in North Bend TRU Express - did NOT find her in Bellevue.

The hunt continues as Target Redmond and Issaquah do not have her

Pony Corral / Re: US Starlight Glimmer!??!
« on: January 24, 2016, 10:20:53 PM »
Found headband starlight, no ribbon head. Seattle area

that's pretty standard for any micro-transaction games, I've found. Which is a huge reason I decided to never put real money into anything I can't "keep" Like I said, Sims is different because at least I can keep that offline.
But games like WoW, (or other MMORPG), this one, dragon...whatever it's called App that lets you do microtransactions...they just keep your money. I have found on the android that I can play it on two different machines at one time with a unique code, but I'll be darned still if I'm going to put money into it.
A huge reason I prefer the Amazon version to the other one. no ads, no money, no temptation.

i had the best glitch ever on I believe it was Saturday afternoon...
shops were ready to collect from (all of them) and the ponies were ready to play (all of them) repeat I'd say about two dozen times. until I was getting really worn out and kind of tired and skipped a quest in Canterlot and it stopped as suddenly as it had started!
I made a LOT of bits as the Conservatory had just opened, completed a few quests, bought some things and leveled up many, many a pony. I wondered if it would ever end and was kind of glad when it did.
it was exhausting!
but fun!
I kind of hope it happens again. No idea what triggered it...

Oh my gosh!! I've been looking for you! Mostly. Since the fair! We talked about making a dog leash. :) !!
How excited am I? I need a lanyard for sure and a leash.
I'm so excited! I'll send you a pm. :)

hey cloud weaver! is she on the regular game or amazon underground?

For the Clear the Skies games it seems to be a lot of luck. I went through one game where for the first 15 seconds (1/3 the game!) I encountered exactly 0 bits or clouds. My highest base score is 169 (or something close to that) with my lowest being somewhere in the 60's. huge disparity to be sure!
for the parasprite clear the skies, I've only played a couple times but found the same to be true. whoever put together the game made it different enough so that there wasn't always a pattern, but sometimes that doesn't work in your favor.

and also the mine cart, those glitchy sections of track where you fall through it even though there's no hole! crap! I was playing this morning and just gave up after 3/4 of the time I couldn't break 1000 base points! I was glad at those times I didn't waste the bits or gems...

Off Topic / Re: Looking for other pony collectors in Portland!
« on: January 03, 2016, 03:09:48 PM »
Not a bad choice at all! I drove one when my RAV4 was in the shop. :) congrats!,

Oh wow.I've been ignoring the everfree story line. I think it's time I went through that one!! I don't think it's all major brag, I think it helps!! I started playing on my kindle fire and then switched almost immediately to my phone (Samsung) never pay more than 100 bits and am good at the dance but sometimes my tapping doesn't register.
With the mine game I'm about the same as you. About 2K 0points if I pay the 200 bits.
I'm trying to remember it's a marathon, not a sprint.
But this does help me for sure!! Ok, gotta go get some more bits so I can clear out everfree forest!! Thank you!!

Woot!! Thank you! Now I can see what's coming up in quests! Lol!

Off Topic / Re: Moving, need some advise
« on: January 02, 2016, 02:20:21 PM »
well, I live in the PNW and moved from MN (around and around but settled here) I like the lots of outdoor things, the weather (not too hot, not too cold. not a lot of snow!) not sure if you were thinking a particular coast or just "north" in general. If you enjoy travel, I'd suggest somewhere with a better hub than the PNW. It's great, sure, but not as great as Vegas, Orlando, Atlanta, Chicago, etc.
What field of work are you looking for? what is "too expensive" ?
is there a field of work you'd *like* to get into?

this was a really fun adventure with the family! thank  you!

Off Topic / Re: Looking for other pony collectors in Portland!
« on: January 02, 2016, 12:20:21 PM »
We usually hold the event at the library, but I think because it's a service dog the library should be ok with it? As for the other pony people, that is a question best asked in the formal thread. I don't mind, I have a dog and I love her. She will soon be registered as an official service dog instead of unofficially a service dog.

Kanchii, oh no! I'm so sorry!! I almost got a 2013 Corolla and ended up with a Rav4. although I'm pretty sure if you hipcheck the cars they would get dented. Love my Rav, but the metal it's made from isn't so hot!
Be careful when you're out shopping. older cars come with all their own problems. do lots of research before you decide on anything and if you can...I recommend a Saturn. I loved my Saturn, but I really needed 4WD/AWD when I moved to the mountains. :/

is there a place to see the line of quests?
I'm so far ahead in the ponyville quests it's silly! I need to activate RD and Twilight's element of harmony statues, and I had it recently come up with "activate the element of laughter statue!" and something else about how "maybe this will help Rarity come back!" and I'm over here with a 5 star Rarity and 3/5 the statues lit up and 4/5 the statues uncovered...

if I win one more tree in that stupid balloon pop game...are they good for anything other than taking up space? geez.

I do tasks when I get around to them. I don't win much with the underground game, can't do the parasprite clear the skies game, but lots of patience. I'm stuck in sweet apple acres with the 1 task of buying the  120 gem cost apple stand. I'll buy other things before that and eventually get there. Right now I'm working on coins to get the donut shop for Joe.

Off Topic / Re: Looking for other pony collectors in Portland!
« on: January 01, 2016, 08:16:18 PM »
I'm in WA! it's only...2-3 hours away!! ;)
We do a PNW Pony Party every August and would love to have you join! you're also welcome to come up for mini get-togethers in the Seattle area.
I'm planning a little something with some friends for the coming months. We just got together at my place for a cookie/pony party a few weeks ago!

Most of the pony people I've found around the area have been more Brony/FiM focused and less G1 collector focused.

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