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Messages - Carrehz

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Pony Corral / Re: Show Off Your Displays!
« on: March 22, 2024, 08:30:34 AM »
Oooh FernMariposa, I love your Pony Wear collection! They all look so cheerful and colourful :lovey:

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High returns again!
« on: March 20, 2024, 02:09:27 PM »
Oh, they're absolutely playing on FOMO and playing right into the scalpers hands, unfortunately :/ I wish they'd do more to stop scalping but I guess they figure as long as it sells, it doesn't matter who buys them... *sigh*

I'm hoping she sticks around for a while and/or gets a restock, too. She really is nice, but I'd like to see owner photos first before really thinking about buying her.

And what the... WHY do modern fandoms think it's okay to act like this??? It's like they don't realize they're talking about actual people. It disgusts me.

Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: March 20, 2024, 11:31:14 AM »
Pokey - So sorry to hear about the car accident but glad to hear you're okay!
HoM - :hug:
@ everyone going through medical issues etc: big :hug: :hug: and I'm keeping my fingers crossed things pick up!

Second: I hate listings that have multiple items, and most of the items are out of stock. I was looking for wax seal sticks with wicks in them, and the lowest listed priced ones had a bunch of colours. Oh, awesome, I can get the colour I need and pick up a few other colours too! Nope, out of the 20+ colours listed, they have like 3 colours in stock  :mad: Sometimes I have to go through 3-6 listings to find one that has the colour I need IN STOCK! And yes, I could search purple wax stick, and those out of stock listings still show up!

Ooooh that drives me nuts too! I can see how it could be useful for these out-of-stock listings to show up (in case a restock happens) but I wish there was a way to filter them out, or just not have them shown by default, or SOMEthing. Especially when the thumbnail shows all the different items and you get excited thinking you've finally found the thing, only to click on the listing and find out it's long gone -_-

I have an eBay rant too... bought some doll accessories and they've arrived today, unfortunately ALL of them are in poorer condition than pictured and have significant flaws/issues/etc that weren't shown or mentioned in the listing :( Waiting for a reply from the seller now. Disappointing since I was particularly looking forward to getting these too.

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High returns again!
« on: March 20, 2024, 10:49:16 AM »
Lenore Loomington has been revealed:
(hope that link works for everyone)

I wish they'd leave more time between the announcement/reveal and the actual sale :/ Not just to give you more time to raise funds (not everyone can drop that sort of money no questions asked, Mattel!!!) but also to give time to actually THINK about it... that sort of money is a considered purchase for me (and I imagine many others too!), and just in general sometimes you need more than 3-4 days to make a decision, you know? :s But if you don't jump on it at the time, you run the risk of missing it and having to fork out scalper prices later. Sigh.

Rant aside... I think she's really pretty! A bit too close to Twyla, but I like her. A lot of people are saying her backstory is "16 y/o on deviantART"-esque and yeah, I see it :P but I like it, I find it endearing. admittedly I do wish they'd done something other than a ghost, we've got a lot of ghosts already so it would've been nice to see something different.

I'd definitely get her if she was a regular release, but as a collector doll I think I'll have to pass on her sadly, not sure she's worth £73 (or, I'm not sure I'd be willing to pay that for her)... problem is she's one I'd like to see more photos of before I decide whether or not I want her :/

I love her spider pet though :D So cute. Just not sure about the bug motifs on her dress, they look glittery like Scary Tales Clawdeen's cape, and that was always one of my least favourite pieces...

It is lovely to see some new G1 characters that are original/not related to a collaboration though!! I never anticipated this, I hope they continue with this. I'd love to see them finally make dolls of some characters that never got one, like Fawn, Quill Talyntino, Gory... actually, this would be a great opportunity to bring back Euna the kumiho:
I so want a doll of her... she'd be perfect for a collector line (she's probably a bit overambitious for playline).

I also found these:

Blind boxes! But ew, slime gimmick. Most toys like this have it so you can just undo the figure and the slime gimmick is optional, keeping my fingers crossed that's the case here... wouldn't mind Clawdeen, but slime is a big no for me :P

edit: Zapper ninja'd me :P

Pony Corral / Re: Did G5 flop?
« on: March 19, 2024, 12:24:16 PM »
Re actual toy shops - Smyths has about one version of Sunny and that's it.

I actually took a pic of the MLP ""section"" last time I was in Smyths:

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That's it! That's literally the only pony stuff they're selling atm.

Off Topic / Re: heftysmurf76 has Passed Away
« on: March 19, 2024, 10:01:18 AM »
A GoFundMe has been created to help with Topher's arrangements and care for his mother and his dog.

If you are not in a place to financially contribute at this time, please consider sharing this link to make others in the communities he belonged to aware that the GoFundMe is up. <3

I don't see a link? :o

Off Topic / Re: What are you listening to?
« on: March 18, 2024, 09:36:09 AM »
Butterfly (Upswing Mix) - Smile.DK

Off Topic / Re: heftysmurf76 has Passed Away
« on: March 16, 2024, 10:26:48 AM »
My heart sunk when I read this... we never talked much but I always enjoyed reading his posts, he was so nice :(

RIP :(

Pony Corral / Re: 80s MLP Animation Production Material
« on: March 16, 2024, 10:23:42 AM »
Ooh, nice. I like the art style, very fluid.

Oooh, I hadn't noticed that about the brushes before! That's such a nice little detail. I love it when you can tell the designers really put thought into even the little things like that.

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: Toy ID please? Robot wolf thing
« on: March 12, 2024, 08:43:39 AM »
Ahh thank you both! Wow, I wasn't expecting such a quick ID, thanks :D

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / SOLVED - Toy ID please? Robot wolf thing
« on: March 10, 2024, 03:59:17 PM »
Been meaning to post this for ages - does anyone know what this little guy is?

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I thought maybe he was a Transformer, since he reminds me a lot of Ravage, but I haven't been able to find anything on him :s He's pretty small, no logos or identifying marks on him, except there's a "3" on his underside near the base of his tail (this was difficult to photograph, but I tried! ^^;). I've tried googling various things but haven't found anything similar, so I'm hoping someone on here will recognize him!

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High returns again!
« on: March 09, 2024, 07:20:13 AM »
oh man I didn't realize how similar Venus and Jina's animated designs look before now! they even have the same ears, what the heck. The design is pretty cute besides the green, but the overlap is so weird.

Taffeta, I actually like the grey!Frankie proto quite a bit too. It doesn't exactly feel like Frankie to me, but I do like the face and colour combo... kinda wish they'd used that for another character.

Pony Corral / Re: Did G5 flop?
« on: March 09, 2024, 07:16:11 AM »
Reading through this I was struck with the wondering - to what extent has Basic Fun's retro line sabotaged G5's publicity train? I know the target markets are technically different, but with everyone tightening finances, and with so much G1 retro stuff around (not just ponies, also clothing, bags, other marketing deals with other organisations...) has G5 been overshadowed? Has there actually been a publicity campaign for G5?

This is a good point... there is a fair amount of retro stuff around these days, not just the BF toys but also clothes etc. I guess there's G5 merch around too, but I don't recall seeing as much merch for it as I did back in G4's heyday? There's the Egmont magazine here in the UK (and I assume the other countries that sell it) but that's continued on from G4, it's not new...

ARE Hasbro really advertising G5? Paw Patrol and Bluey were mentioned before... I already said how you can't escape Bluey toys over here, I see it all over the internet.. and when the Paw Patrol movie was in cinemas - couldn't go five minutes without seeing an ad for it! It was all over the cinemas! But I've never really seen stuff like that for G5?

Has it failed yet? Not officially. Is it like what happened with G2? Not in the slightest. G2 had a market, did that without an animated series, ran successfully in a fairly independently organised European sale network for years after the US Hasbro pulled the plug. That independence of regional identity died with G3, when that moved to core characters. G5 doesn't have that option. If it fails in the US it fails universally.

Mm, I don't know if I agree completely with this. Other toy lines have died down in the US and continued on in other countries - Enchantimals is a good example of this - so I don't think a US failure would definitely equal the death knell for G5. That said, I agree that I can't see anything like the variety, etc that G2 had after it went to Euro-only releases, happening again... if that makes sense. like, I could see G5 wrapping up in the US and then limping on for a while longer elsewhere, but I don't think the line would suddenly reinvent itself or whatever.

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High returns again!
« on: March 08, 2024, 09:01:42 AM »
That prototype Cleo is so cute! I like Frankie's outfit too.

And wow... THAT'S Jinafire??? Wha... if you hadn't captioned it I genuinely would've thought it WAS Greta Gremlin. I don't get why they're keeping the name if they're going to change the characters so drastically?? At that point you might as well just go ahead and give them a whole new name...

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