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Messages - kakenterprise

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I know a guy who had to do it with his hot wheels.  Buyers were switching out their damaged one for his..  It sucks but I get it.

If I was in the same situation, I'd call ebay.  You have proof that they got it so they can take the money out of their account and return it to you.  Sorry you had to deal with this, I know it get stressful.

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: Amiibos
« on: July 10, 2016, 03:09:38 PM »
I'm done with pre ordering amiibos, they seem really plentiful now. 

I'm super excited about the new monster hunter Amiibos. 

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: Pokémon Go! Come talk to me about it?
« on: July 10, 2016, 03:05:25 PM »
I took my bike out again and I'm whipped out.  I did a pokeball run today, as I was super lower on poekballs.  I didn't find any really cool pokemon today, but I did find someones dog (lol).  Everyone at my work is playing so I'm sure I'll go hunting at lunch tomorrow. 

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: WANTEd Photo of Toy fans collections!
« on: July 08, 2016, 04:10:06 PM »
do you collect the toys also from Bella Sara?  I kind of started collecting them

The Dollhouse / Re: Tiny doll brag... Cardcaptors Syaoran Li
« on: July 04, 2016, 10:15:31 AM »
I'm with you I could never understand who and why they price the stuff the way they do.

Awesome find and at a great price

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: Toy 'Stache - Blog about toys
« on: June 25, 2016, 02:55:09 PM »
your blog is really nice, your really good at photography.  I have a toy blog too, and I've been trying to work on my picture quality. 
I'll add your blog to my watch list ^_^

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: Wanted! Vintage/New Cabbage Patch Kids
« on: April 02, 2016, 10:35:23 AM »
I have quite a few in a box.  Apparently I had a collection as a kid and my dad was just cleaning up the house.  I have a bunny quite a few baby's, and some heart shaped electronic thing that goes with the baby.

Off Topic / Re: Gardening
« on: April 02, 2016, 10:06:13 AM »
This is my first year starting a garden.  Right now I have it broken up into 8(I think) different herbs.
I tried growing a few in a planter box inside but the ones that grew just looked super sad.. I'm hoping I have better results this time and that the squirrels stop planting peanuts in my garden>_<

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: Show me your Breyer Horse Collection!
« on: March 26, 2016, 05:54:48 PM »
My mom used to collect Breyer when she was younger.  They've been sitting in boxes for years (15+), and now she wants me to take them.  I'll post pics when I get them.

I can't remember exactly but I believe it you install turbo Lister (free) it should make a backup of all of your current and past auctions.

Pony Corral / Re: Toys R Us MLP/LPS Pet Swap event, sale
« on: March 19, 2016, 03:56:15 PM »
I eneded up with a bunch of the promos dogs which was nice.

I brought a bunch of stuff to trade, but I guess I missed the only little girl who showed up.  The lady said she waited for over an hour to trade.  She was so sad that there wasn't anyone to trade.  The lady who worked at TRU was so nice she bought 3 ponies to trade with the little girl.

Pony Corral / Re: Toys R Us MLP/LPS Pet Swap event, sale
« on: March 19, 2016, 10:14:00 AM »
I'm going to head over later.  I'll bring a bunch of random pets/ponies to trade just encase.  I'm okay with trading with little kids as long as their parents are.  I told my younger brother if I have to I'll send him into trade  :biggrin:

I went at 11, and all the charzard boxes were gone except 3.  So we got the last three at buy two get one.
I also played the new pokemon fighting game but I wasn't impressed.

We got the promo card and it was strange because they also had random energy cards they started handing out.

They had other cool free stuff like a poser, hat and some other promos.  I can post them later if anyone would like to see them.

I know we have some great lps experts here.

I just started re collecting the first gen lps and I've already filled up a shelf.  I'll post pics soon!!

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