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Messages - Minty_Magic

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I just got done reading about what happened to photobucket, what a mess! I wonder who could have possibly thought locking people's pictures up for ransom was a good business practice. Flickr is pretty easy to use once you know where everything is!

To first upload the picture hit the cloud with the arrow in it thta's next to the search bar at the top of the screen
To get to your pictures first click the "you" button in the top left corner of the screen. It should be next to the flickr logo
Once you're in your camera roll, click the picture you want to post and look towards the bottom right of the screen. You'll want to click the middle arrow that looks like it's twisting (it'll say "share when you hover over it)
Once you click that click BBCode in the pop up that appears and that's the code you'll cut and paste here! You can even resize it right in flickr!

If you don't want to link back to your flickr page delete the last line of text in the code, that will leave you with just the image code!

Hope this helps!

Pony Corral / Re: Bathing Beauty Water Shot Poll
« on: June 25, 2017, 06:38:33 AM »
Uh oh, Seascape is still a little heartbroken over a recent breakup. When we told her what this rounds topic was she fell apart. "It doesn't have to be romantic, you could do a family shot! Or go out with friends!" But it was too late, she was already in one of her bad moods. She's been locked up in her apartment ever since watching sappy romantic movies and binging on ice cream. "Why can't someone love me like they do in these movies?", she asked herself. She is a bit of a drama queen when it comes to love. She'll be over it in a couple days.
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I think this whole idea was better in my head! :P  For some reason none of my ponies looked right to be family or in a relationship with Seascape imo and I thought the hopeless romantic route might be a funny alternative approach. When I went to actually set everything up I realized I didn't have nearly the amount of little props I wanted and had to seriously improvise. I had fun with it though! I think this is the first time I've ever done a picture within a picture!

I'm loving everyone else pictures so far! It's nice seeing all the different approaches you guys had to this one!

Pony Corral / Re: Bathing Beauty Photo Contest Head Shot Poll
« on: June 18, 2017, 12:59:27 AM »
love your setting Minty_Magic.  I am happy to hear no ponies fell into the creek  ^.^

Thank you! :)

Snapdragon, omg your picture is too cute! I totally thought about buying one of those floaties too but couldn't bring myself to spend the extra money. :P Cutesaurus looks like she was made for it! I love her little drink too, so fun!

lostpony, I'm loving all the seaponies! It took me a minute to notice the real fishies back there too, but they really add to the underwater feel, I love it!

Customs / Re: Something a little different
« on: June 18, 2017, 12:52:51 AM »
Oh wow, he is absolutely stunning!! I would have never guessed he started off as a shetland pony! The detail work on his fur and saddle are to die for. He would fit right in on any carousel. Best of luck with the contest! You have an incredible entry!

Pony Corral / Re: Bathing Beauty Photo Contest Head Shot Poll
« on: June 16, 2017, 03:33:55 AM »
jrr74, what a gorgeous setting! Cool Breeze fits in perfectly there!
Ponyfan, Baby pearly looks so nice against that shade of blue! Beautiful shot!

Here's my entry for the water category, I had a really hard time deciding where to take the picture and what shot I should enter. There's so many fun ideas with a category like water!

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Seascape initially wanted to throw a big pool party for all her friends, but quickly realized she should have started planning sooner. With the rising temperatures all the pools were already packed! Seaspray told her she knew a much quieter place they could have an adventure and showed her her favorite hidden creek. They spent all afternoon watching fish and birds and enjoying the cool water.

No ponies actually fell in the gross creek water during the making of these pictures, I promise!

Pony Corral / Re: people who grew up with g3?
« on: June 08, 2017, 04:50:48 PM »
I did! Sparkleworks must have has some magical power over all of us because she was my first pony too!  :lol: If we want to get really technical though I only got interested in MLP because my younger sister got the Cotton Candy shop and pony for her birthday and I thought it was cute and wanted some ponies for myself. We were both hooked for a while and always spent our report card money on nothing but ponies. She finally outgrew them, but I could never bring myself to let go of them so I bought her collection off of her and added it to my own. I still have all of our childhood ponies to this day!

Pony Corral / Re: Bathing Beauty Photo Contest
« on: June 07, 2017, 01:39:53 AM »
Hooray! I'm glad you're doing another one of these, I missed out on the Mr. Pony Universe and was a little mad at myself because it looked like so much fun!

Brand new to the modeling world I'd like to introduce you all to Ms. Seascape!
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Living in the desert, nothing says summer quite like blistering hot temperatures and blindingly sunny days! Although she is used to the heat, Seascape really prefers to avoid it if she can. To cool down she'll hit a pool lake, or anywhere nearby with water! She's not an excellent swimmer, but she is an excellent lounger and relaxer. For her, Summer is all about kicking back and enjoying life!

Good luck to everyone! All of your pictures are so lovely so far!  :heart:

lostpony, I'm especially fond of your masquerade! She's always been one of my favorite ponies, and yours looks fabulous with her crown and shiny new eyes!

Pony Corral / Re: Power Ponies unicorn fakies with bowties
« on: May 25, 2017, 03:44:03 AM »
These are too cute, omg! I wouldn't mind having a couple of these guys! :P

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Everyone's pictures are so sweet! <3 I haven't used colored pencils or posted anything on here in years! I figured this would be a good way to break both of those spells!

Off Topic / Re: Post your favorite (appropriate) memes!
« on: April 13, 2017, 01:56:32 AM »
I wish I had my old computer right now! Here's a few PG friendly ones I have saved on the new computer though!

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I'll be stalking this thread for fresh new memes! :P I can't get enough of this stuff!

Off Topic / Re: Why I hate the new "Beauty and the Beast"
« on: April 04, 2017, 01:23:25 AM »
I wasn't very impressed with it either. I do think it had by far the best visuals of any of the "live action" remakes so far though!

There were certain changes I actually liked alright. I really loved that they gave LeFou some depth and character development instead of keeping him as a flat henchmen. I also liked that they toned Maurice down a little from the cartoon, it made him much more sympathetic imo. Those two characters felt far more real and human than they did in the cartoon to me.
That being said, I loathe what they did with Gaston. The original Gaston was such a good villain because he was evil in a subtle, charismatic way. People like him absolutely exist in real life and that's why he's so scary. All his new crimes in the remake just felt silly and over the top.

Quote from: orangepeachmango
i was really dissapointed that disney decided to make their first canon gay character such a stereotype and literally the henchmen of the worst character in disney history : /

not all representation is good representation.
This, big time! Even though they tried to redeem him a little it was an awful decision to announce LeFou as being their first canon gay character. Like I honestly can't even fathom how they though that would be received well by the LGBTQ+ community! And ultimately for all the controversy they sparked with this, I hardly saw LeFou as being openly gay, there were only a couple scenes where it was implied he was gay. If they hadn't said anything I'm not even sure I would have picked up on it. In the end I think there were far more people that were angry about bad representation than there were people mad about having a gay character. I hope Disney sees that as a sign to cast their next LGBTQ+ character in a positive role.

Overall, the thing that upset me the most though was the fact that it hardly strayed from the original cartoon. Most of the new additions were kind of silly padding anyway. Why spend all the time and money to remake something that was already near perfect in the first place? It just feels like a really shallow grab at money to me.

I've been really disappointed in Disney lately, I'd really love to see more original properties from them instead of all these live action remakes. Especially if said remakes are basically just re-rendering the classic animations as CGI and adding no new twists to the story at all.

Pony Corral / Re: Are G3s becoming scarcer in thrift stores?
« on: March 31, 2017, 09:18:19 PM »
Ponies in general have just gotten harder and harder for me to find secondhand. I used to have really wonderful luck at thrift stores but lately even G4s dont show terribly often in thrift shops around me. I don't even see fakies that often if I'm being honest! So I don't think I'm probably a fair judge, but I do think G3s have become less common secondhand.

Pony Corral / Re: Unpopular Pony Opinions
« on: March 29, 2017, 02:56:56 PM »
My very first thought when I saw this thread was "I don't think Rapunzel is anything special", guess that's not so terribly unpopular after all! :P

G3 is probably my favorite generation toy wise  :blush: I know it got kinda lazy towards the end, but there were some truly unique and fun designs in its run! I like the more detailed symbols.

I also think the G4.5/reboot molds are adorable, to the point where I've been willing to re-buy ponies I already had to get the new pose.

I have to agree with a lot of what's being said above. I'm actually not too tired of the toy line itself, I'm excited about the new reboot molds and the GoH line. I think I've actually been buying more of the toys than I have in a long time.

But I'm really growing tired of the cartoon and brony culture. This is coming from someone who was 100% behind bronies and the new fans from the start. I wasn't super active on here when bronies first started showing up, but I know the few times I would come see what was going on it was really tense and hostile and I just gave up all together for a few years and stuck mostly to mlp news sites and ignored any discussion.

Quote from: Shaiyeh
At first I, too, was really happy to see so many new pony peeps, but IMO it quickly went out of hand with explicit fanfics, fanart etc.
 (and this is a pet peeve of mine. Really, no offense to anyone who does (non-explicit or not) fanart like this but when everyone's art looks spot on like in the shows, looks basically traced...? I never got the thing. Again, no offense, but that put me off going on devArt, and making my own pony art to post in the groups there. I remember one picture I drew, with the mane 6, and I got such amounts of critique because they 'didnt look like in the show'. like, I KNOW? I deliberately drew them in my own style, because... STYLE? )
I agree that this is a HUGE problem in the brony community, it's really rare that artwork that isn't in a perfect show style or overly cutesy anime style is recieved well by the fans. I think that was a big turning point for me personally, I remember a few years back when I was trying to learn to draw in the G4 style some picture I drew ended up on some mlp imageboard (without my permission). Initially I was touched it was there at all but then I saw the only two comments  it had were really negative with no valid critique or anything. I was really proud of it at the time so it really hurt to see it get shut down like that. That had never been my experience sharing mlp art in the past.

Quote from: Al-1701
Yet, long time fans have to contend with their stench.  Despite not joining the larger community, they've become the face of it.  To much of the outside public, brony is a term for any fan of MLP and their less than stellar reputation has been attached to all of us
This is really the main reason I've kind of distanced myself from mlp. I still enjoy collecting but I'm just not as open with people about it as I used to be. Before FiM people used to be pretty cool with my collection. Sure maybe they thought it was a little weird but overall people thought it was unique and they were supportive. Now if I tell people I like mlp I definitely get looks from a fair amount people. I've gotten asked about the really seedy parts of the fandom and if I'm into it. I hate that lewd mlp content is so commonplace now that people who aren't even into mlp have been forced to see it. I can't even search the mlp tag on tumblr without turning on safe search theses days, every other picture is something I don't want to see!

Pony Corral / Re: What are your thoughts on G4.5 ponies?
« on: March 25, 2017, 08:44:50 PM »
Aww i think they're really cute! I like their silly little noddle legs they look like they jumped straight out of the cartoon to me! I agree the backs legs look kinda weird from the back though. And their hair is SO greasy, it makes it hard to style. But I'm happy to see more variety in poses, they have a lot of character! A few of the ponies (most notably Cadence) look really awkward, but Pinkie Pie really sold me, that pony has need a more energetic pose forever now!

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