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Messages - SourdoughStomper

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Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer
« on: June 22, 2017, 11:17:12 AM »
2/5 yesterday. I had to drive Mr. Stomper to get his eyes examined. They gave him those eye drops that dilate the eyes and so he had to stay home all day. I got nothing else done, really.

5/5 today. I walked 3.5 miles instead of 4, BUT it was dang blasted cold, cloudy and windy and I stupidly underdressed. However, I did give away more ponies for others to play with/collect. I also got a good number of chores done. Now it's relax and be warm time.

Off Topic / I'm late, I'm late! For a very important date!
« on: June 22, 2017, 05:43:10 AM »
I like to be a little early on right on time. When I was younger, I had a mindset of "If I'm not there 30 minutes early, I'm late!" :P That was before I had children. It's a little different now, but better since they aren't as little as they were.


Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer
« on: June 20, 2017, 12:58:19 PM »
Sunday 3/5. I walked to church and walked home from church. I was also heavily depressed, so the fact that could power my way through that walk was pretty impressive.

Monday 4/5. It wasn't a walking day, but I walked to the store and back anyway. I even called my Pa on my way back, so "taking him on my walk with me" was quite a mood boost. And I got some work done on chores that I didn't do very much of last week.

Tuesday 5/5. I went on a 9.84 mile walk. :faint: I got an early start, too. As a fun bonus, I walked across the bridge on Ft. Whoop-Up Drive. There is a weather/traffic camera pointed on that road, and I called my Pa again just before I came into view. He got to watch me walk along that way as we talked on the phone. (Here, you can see it for yourself here. First image.) That was fun. I also did a few chores later on in the day, despite being worn out. So not too bad.

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer
« on: June 16, 2017, 08:42:33 AM »
I very much got stuck in an "I'm now lazy" rut and I have to break back out. Maybe it's because summer break is almost here and all three kids will be home. My ability to have quiet, personal times is nearing a end, so I think I've just wanted to goof off and have fun by myself while it lasts. I haven't gone on a walk since last Tuesday.

I don't want to stay in the rut. The walking, the cleaning and all that really helps with the depression and I don't want to get sucked back into it.

Sunday June 11 to Friday June 16, I think I'll give myself 2/5 for each of those days. I still did some basic chores.

Things will help once Mr. Stomper has his new glasses and can drive himself to work again. Then I can get an early morning start to my long walks so I'm not out there when it starts getting uncomfortable with the heat.

EDIT: Oops, my brain went south for a moment there. Congrats on the wee one, CG! :cheer: :joy:

Typically, threads don't need to be marked as "closed" when you get your answer. Either it will continue to generate discussion that is of interest to some members, or it will simply fall of the first page naturally on its own.  We also don't randomly delete threads. Even when it falls of the first page on its own, and after a few months gets auto-locked, the thread is still there in case someone wants to look up the same information.

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer
« on: June 11, 2017, 05:38:30 AM »
Thursday. 3/5. I did some chores but didn't go on a walk because it was getting to be the hottest time of the day.

Friday 1/5. I got hit with some laziness and didn't feel like doing anything. I got the laundry done, though.

Saturday 4/5. I went grocery shopping alone and had the rest of the 4 do chores at home. Then I did chores at home too. I don't know how I had enough energy for it, but I did and I liked it. We also played a board game together later in the day. It was a very good day.

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer
« on: June 08, 2017, 01:44:45 PM »
Yes, I can have cashew butter. That would probably taste just as good with celery sticks. Thanks for the idea. :)

Now then, by the time I finished my chores and memorizing, it was almost lunch time. So I ate lunch and it 34°C outside and I don't feel like walking out in that. So I not only have to rejig my walking snacks, I think I might have to rearrange my schedule so I don't wind up walking in the middle of the afternoon.

Oh, if only hubby could drive himself again, then I could get an early morning start.

3/5 for today.

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer
« on: June 08, 2017, 09:50:48 AM »
By foregoing apples and dates, I have created a new challenge for myself. What do I snack on when I'm out on long walks? I go out after 8am and don't get home until lunch time. Raw veggies aren't as enjoyable to eat as apples are, unless I make dip or something. I could take hard boiled eggs, I suppose. Maybe I'll have to take a lunch box with a freezer pack, so I can keep spoile-ables in my backpack. Then stop in the middle of my lunch to have a rest and a snack.

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer
« on: June 07, 2017, 10:36:54 AM »
I give myself 5/5 for yesterday. No walking today, but getting a lot of chores done. Time for another round of mopping! *does a fake happy dance*

But I'm also digging a bit deeper than the usual maintenance/repetitive chores and getting a little bit into the large one-time-and-its-done chores. So 4/5 for today.

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer
« on: June 06, 2017, 12:20:56 PM »
I just got back from a 9 mile walk. I think I'll go collapse in a heap somewhere and hope I can get back up again someday.

5/5 because if making it through a workplace shooting doesn't merit a 5, what does?

Wait...WHAT????!!!! :shocked: 

Ditto! :shocked:

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer
« on: June 05, 2017, 09:57:44 AM »
Sunday, didn't do much. 2/5

Today, it is raining and I will not walk. But I am getting a lot of chores done and have found new passages I'd like to memorize. :) 4/5

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer
« on: June 04, 2017, 05:12:03 PM »
I'm sorry for the rough time, CG. :hug:

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer
« on: June 03, 2017, 04:38:36 PM »
I'm enjoying a lazy Saturday. My eldest was invited to Calaway Park in Calgary, so she's having fun elsewhere. My youngest was invited to his friends house for the day, so he's having fun elsewhere. So it's just the three of us for now. Hubs and I went shopping this morning, as usual. Today is a 3/5.

I need to change my eating habits. They are already pretty good in that I don't eat junk food or fast food at all. I've gone out to eat about 4 times in the past three years. (I'm scared they are going to contaminate me by accident and then I'll have a bad day.) Haven't had soda in years.

In fact, most of my foods are single-ingredient. Organic veggies and fruits, grass-fed eggs, goat cheese, kombucha, grass-fed beef, nuts, and the like. The only candy I have is organic, soy-free dark chocolate, and usually only a few squares at a time. Perhaps the junkiest food I get is an occasional bag of pork rinds. They make a good substitute for croutons on my salad.

That said, I eat a crud load of apples and dates and sweet potatoes. >_> I dared to weigh myself for the first time in a long time earlier this week and was sad to see I'd gone up about 20 pounds in the past two years. *sad face* Lesson to be learned: even the most natural and "healthy" of sugars can get the better of you if you don't keep it under control.

So... I need to wean off those apples and dates for awhile. :sigh: For a good long while, I think. I still want to drink my water kefir/kombucha, but these are high sugar as well. So I may limit myself to one tablespoon per day so I can at least continue to get the beneficial bacteria.

I do want to start with this, but I don't think I want to add it officially to the goals of this thread. I'll probably still give updates as this is going to be the hardest goal so far, but I won't include it into my daily tally.

Anyway, that's my day so far. Everyone keep your stick on the ice. :grouphug:

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer
« on: June 03, 2017, 05:28:30 AM »
Friday. I got some good amount of chores done. Not the complete amount as I had to run errands with Mr. Stomper. I also went on a four mile walk with my son, even though I almost didn't walk. It was super windy outside and I wanted to stay inside. But I did it.


Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer
« on: June 01, 2017, 09:06:37 AM »
:yawn: Good morning everyone. :zzz:

Yesterday, with the dentist appointment, was pretty much a wash for me. I give myself points just because I endured it as best I could. 2/5

Because of the stress of the event, I believe my body made too much cortisol, which in turn insured that I had insomnia for much of the night. So I'm quite tired today. I think all I'm going to do for the chores is to clear off the kitchen table and run the dishwasher. I will attempt use the rest of my energy, if possible, to go on a 4 mile walk. The fresh air and sunlight might perk me up.

Hopefully tomorrow I will be fully recovered and can get back on track. Just have to wait it out, really.

EDIT: I did go on the walk and managed 3.8 miles. That's close enough, considering I wasn't enjoying the walk as much as usual. It did seem to take some of the edge of the tiredness, though.

Today = 3/5.

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