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Messages - GazeboMouse

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Off Topic / Re: I GOT A JOB !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: August 11, 2014, 01:57:03 PM »
Well done! Posh job too! Do you get a staff discount?

The Dollhouse / Re: How do you balance different doll collections?
« on: August 10, 2014, 11:39:48 PM »
Yeah, really specialising helps. Then it becomes more manageable, and you end up being really knowledgeable about certain kinds and people will hold you up in awe! (That's what I tell myself!).
And selling a few cheaper ones to buy one more expensive harder to find one helps too, since you have something to show for saying goodbye to the others. I have had hundreds of dolls over the past few years, but have no room or pence, so have had to downsize, which is so hard, but I've kept the irreplaceable ones, and bought more expensive ones with some of the money raised through selling the others. Not quite a manageable collection yet, but I have to photograph the others I'm selling so I have a record of them, then I've found I also don't miss them as much when they go.

Off Topic / Re: Vintage Pound Puppy ID site?
« on: July 30, 2014, 01:44:03 AM »
I havne't got my PP website up yet, something I've meant to do for years but my life is too chaotic at the moment. Mine are mostly Hornby ones, with a few Tonka, an Irwin, ElGreco, Wauzi, and a few others, and some Pur-rr-ees. I wanted to collect one of each kind, but not possible as yet, the point of them was a bit like Cabbage Patch Kids that they were all (mostly)  different. And some I think were made from used up fabric from other things, there are some Hornby Newborns that are pale pink and pale blue too!

Off Topic / Re: Pound Puppy Mini Plush?
« on: July 23, 2014, 10:29:27 AM »
I am a vintage PP collector but I have a few Galoob mini ones that have sneaked in! Not sure about an octopus really fitting in with the whole original 'Please give this unwanted puppy/kitten a home' thing that was the whole marketing selling point! Unless in the US you have many abandoned octupuses needing new homes? If that is so, our culture in England is VERY different from yours!!!

Off Topic / Re: Working with horses, anyone here got experience?
« on: June 29, 2014, 01:38:44 PM »
My mum has worked as a groom at the same riding school for 45 years. Out in all weathers, occasionally snobby upper and middle class horse-owning people look down on her for being a manual worker, bad arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, inflicted with kicks, bites, and having horrifically low pay (til the minimum wage laws came in she was getting less than £2 an hour) but she loves the horses and that's all she knows.
BHS exams help, just depends what you want to do in life. The work is hard, and staff turnover in a lot of places is high as people can't take the hard physical messy work. But don't let that put you off!

Off Topic / Re: Vintage Greeting Cards?
« on: June 24, 2014, 10:06:51 AM »
I have a box of all my birthday cards that my mum saved from when I was born til my 5th birthday! Lots of awful 70s cutsy twee ones, a few Holly Hobbie and similar, and my favourite Paddington one. One day I might frame a few, but haven't got around to it yet.

Off Topic / Re: I did it!!
« on: June 23, 2014, 10:15:29 AM »
Brilliant! Well done, you must have worked so hard!

Off Topic / Re: What are your top five favourite movies?
« on: June 19, 2014, 12:49:50 PM »
Ignoring the LOTR and Indiana Jones trilogy (4th one doesn't exist, except the early bit up to and including the scene with Indy and the fridge) and the Hunger Games Trilogy (that hasn't Triloged? yet!) which would clog up the list,

1) Whale Rider
2) Master and Commander
3) Bugsy Malone (watched it 100s of times)
4) Hairspray (new one)
5) In the Heat of the Night

(could also include Napoleon Dynamite, The Sapphires, The Birds, Reign of Fire, California Man, Rabbit-Proof Fence, Little Shop of Horrors, Gold Diggers of 1933, original 1933 King King, and numerous others).

I also watch Indian (Hindi) films, my top 5 of those would be

1) Om Shanti Om
2) Kabhi Kushi Kabhi Gham
3) Ghajini
4) Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna
5) Ra. One

Some of those are cheesy, but great soundtracks!

Off Topic / Re: Gum Ball Rally!
« on: June 19, 2014, 12:40:58 PM »
Yes, I wondered how the gum balls would be able to trundle independently over a range of surfaces to meet together, but now I see they use high performance cars! Couldn't see any peeking through the windows in the cars in Hathorcat's post, though. Nice cars too.

Thanks, I'll start to look for baby clothes from labels I've heard of!

Am trying to get money together via Ebay, and am coming to the end of the supply from my vintage toy collections and things that I've been selling for years. I am always looking for other vintage toys to sell, or newer toys of quality, but was wondering if I was missing a trick.

The only idea I had was if nice baby clothes in lots according to gender and size might sell? Often they are cheap to pick up, but I've never sold any before?
I don't want to sell stuff I don't understand, like electronic stuff, or that I couldn't describe properly as I like to give good descriptions to avoid bad feedback!

Has anyone got any ideas of stuff I can find in charity shops and the like that sell well? Thanks!

The Dollhouse / Re: 10th Doctor Brag
« on: April 11, 2014, 03:01:58 PM »
That looks so much like him!

Off Topic / Re: Following my Passion- Becoming a Paleontologist
« on: April 09, 2014, 10:26:38 PM »
That's exciting! I've got an Archaeology degree, but never worked in it. You have to be either rich, or have an MSc or Phd, or be willing to work anywhere to do that, and I got married whilst at uni. Love to do an MA or something one day though.

Off Topic / Re: Star Trek
« on: April 02, 2014, 12:48:27 PM »
I've been a TNG fan since it started, but like the later series of DS9. Voyager was ok, not interested in the other ones. Data is my hero, no-one else compares!

Off Topic / Re: I have never been in this situation before
« on: March 25, 2014, 01:59:50 PM »
I remember Spacevets!
I am not sure why the puppets would be made in huge numbers, Dogsbody wasn't as famous as most other BBC puppets, so is less likely to be involved in a scam as it isn't like hundreds of people would want one, or fakes would be made?  Are you able to see it before you buy? If it is genuine, and you have the pictures of it, and can authenticate it, I would personally go for it as you are not likely to have the opportunity to buy a childhood 'friend' like that again. But you must prioritise what is most important to you at the time.
I just know I'd love to have a real 'Gordon the Gopher' one day, but it isn't likely to happen!

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