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Messages - Mandy85

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The Dollhouse / Re: Howleen hands problem
« on: April 06, 2013, 01:32:05 PM »
Actually, if it's just a problem with the hands, they may just send out a new pair. I had a Clawdeen that was missing the waist clip from her stand and they sent a new stand right out when I contacted them about it. If the parts are available on their own, they usually opt to just go this route without replacing the entire doll.

That being said, I also back what's been said about trying hot water. I've used it to reshape all kinds of plastic collectibles and accessories without damaging them, it really works wonders. I also regularly use hot water to loosen up the hands (some being soft plastic) on MH dolls before pulling them off and it's never melted them. Really hot water from the tap may even be enough if you're worried about using boiled water.

Good luck aroa678! :) I hope you can fix her.

The Dollhouse / Re: HeadMistress Bloodgood available in June
« on: April 06, 2013, 08:18:19 AM »
Do we know for sure if she's in the Nefera mold? Gosh, I hope so. Hopefully someone will sell me a baity nude with the eyes misprinted on her forehead or something, because she'd be awesome for customizing!

It was confirmed by the Mattel reps at SDCC 2011 that she and Nefera would share the same body mold if Bloodgood were to ever be released. Here's a photo of her prototype at the con, next to (Frankie-faced) Scarah and the Daughter of Arachne, where you can get an idea of her size.

I'm also looking forward to having another MH doll with this mold, my Nefera looks like a giant compared with the other girls.  ^.^ I would have loved if they had given it to Abbey, and I hope it gets more use in the future.

The Dollhouse / Re: Fluttershy!
« on: April 05, 2013, 02:53:23 PM »
Awww, she's just adorable, you did a wonderful job on her! I love the improvements you made to the pony as well, her eyes are really captivating.

Off Topic / Re: Show pic's of your kittens
« on: April 05, 2013, 08:08:59 AM »
Good luck with finding homes for the kitties lonewolf! Very cute picture! :)

I'm sad that I didn't take more pictures of my fluffballs as kittens, I just realized that I don't have that many. I only obtained 2/3 of my cats at a young age, while the third was adopted as an adult.

This is my Noisy. He's going to be 5 years old in May. He had such big, fox ears when he was younger, but he's since grown into them. He's a very intelligent and active animal who is always on the move.
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Here he is grown up (and on his kitty harness, he loves going for walks):

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Noisy Outside by WhiteNoise_85, on Flickr

And Hermione will be 3 in September. She's my big baby and still acts like a kitten, the epitome of sweetness. She just wants to be coddled and played with 24/7
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Grown up pic:
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Miss Granger by WhiteNoise_85, on Flickr

This is my dignified old lady cat, Nina that I adopted 5 years ago. She was diagnosed last month with CRF and needs extra love and care, but she's still reasonably bright and alert and loves to be involved in whatever you're doing. Even though she's the the smallest, she's the alpha cat of the house and doesn't take any guff from the other two.

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Nina sitting pretty by WhiteNoise_85, on Flickr

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High Discussion 16
« on: April 04, 2013, 11:37:49 AM »
Anyone have any idea when the Ghoulia/Cleo lab partner set is due out in stores?  I am dying to get my hands on that Ghoulia!

Me, too ! And that Heath & Abbey set ! I heard they were due out in August, but can't remember where I heard it from. Of course, to Mattel, 'August' can mean anything from 'late June in three stores, then a full rollout in July' to 'Sometime in mid-September'. It's best to just have your monies ready at all times - but then they keep rolling out other goodies I like while I wait !

Oh, my - the anguish of the MH fan... ;)

I agree about Mattel's estimated release dates not being too accurate of a guideline. There's been many cases of dolls being put out 2-4 months before their given time. Ghouls Night Out and Wave 2 of the Picture Day dolls were set to be out in July and they're already beginning to ship out, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the Classroom 2-packs start showing up earlier than planned as well. :)

The Dollhouse / Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
« on: April 04, 2013, 10:58:48 AM »
I haven't read any of the Monster High books, but from what I've read of those that have picked it up, the latest installment of the Ghoulfriends series, "Ghoulfriends Just Want To Have Fun," apparently makes several references to our spider girl and seems to be gearing up towards introducing her in the story.

I've been tempted to pick up the Ghoulfriends Forever books, since they reportedly mesh much better with the continuity that the webisodes and specials have established than the ones written by Lisi Harrison. The storyline revolves around the lives of Venus, Robecca, and Rochelle. They're easy reads and targeted at a slightly younger audience than the Lisi Harrison books are, but it seems like a cute concept.

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High Discussion 16
« on: April 04, 2013, 07:45:40 AM »
EEEeee! So excited for Bloodgood and Nightmare! I was starting to wonder when she'd be released and I'm so glad the rumors of being packaged alongside her horse were true. :)

Cleo's Oasis set popped up on Taobao and the seller has an in-box photo of it in their listing:

Pony Corral / Re: Who is your favorite "Magic Message Pony"
« on: April 02, 2013, 12:58:10 PM »
Windy was the one I had growing up, so I have to go with her. Love the pose, and her color scheme was interesting. I still remember my parents coming home after a shopping trip and giving her to me as an early birthday present. I was floored, since I had been so suckered in by the Magic Message ponies after seeing the ad for them on TV.

Pony Corral / Re: How do you think of Ponies with baby versions?
« on: March 30, 2013, 12:35:28 PM »
As a child, I remember thinking of the baby ponies as just being younger versions of their adult counterparts, with the exception of the Loving Families sets. Now I like to think of the babies as the actual children of the adult ponies they match up with.

Pony Corral / Re: Oh my, Sunset Shimmer early?
« on: March 30, 2013, 12:01:21 PM »
She's super pretty and I sure am a sucker for yellow ponies!!
Me too!  I'm really excited about her.

My sentiments exactly. I always end up with yellow ponies, I have a hard time resisting them. :D

Can't wait to see her in stores, she's the first G4 that has really caught my eye in a while now. I miss looking forward to new ponies on the shelves.

Off Topic / Re: Do you own a Kindle Fire? (and a hotmail account)
« on: March 27, 2013, 09:53:30 AM »
I have a Kindle Fire and can confirm that you can access your subfolders in hotmail and gmail.

Good luck with your new Kindle, Sebby! I really love mine and bring it everywhere with me.

Off Topic / Re: My bathroom made the news!
« on: March 25, 2013, 12:23:48 PM »
Hehe, that was you? I actually found this image last night on a tumblr and had to show my boyfriend what I was giggling about. Small world, I can't wait to tell him it's someone from the pony community. :lol: Thanks for the laughs!

Off Topic / Re: Ideas of retro tv shows?
« on: March 25, 2013, 12:14:00 PM »

Someone else who watched The Pirates of Dark Water!!!

:D I was so into this show when it was on TV, it was a shame it ended so soon and never saw any real conclusion. I hadn't learned what had happened to it until more recent years when it randomly popped into my head while reminiscing over old cartoons with friends. I just remember it suddenly disappearing one day and that was that.

I keep hoping against all odds that someone will pick up the story someday. I could even see it working well as a liveaction series.

I think I had some of the toys for it too, now that I think of it. I also remember being bummed they made everyone but Tula into action figures, lol.

David the gnome definitely! I got the box set for christmas one year. You can get it on Amazon for sure. Also Eureeka's caslte if you can find it but it might just be on vhs so far. The Noozles. The Little Bits.

I can't believe I had forgotten about all these! I watched them every day at one point in time during my childhood, they were all great shows. :)

Off Topic / Re: Ideas of retro tv shows?
« on: March 24, 2013, 10:19:46 AM »
Hmmm, I haven't seen many of these in years, so I don't know if they hold up, but some of the shows I fondly remember watching when I was younger (late-1980's - mid-1990's) would be:

-Garfield and Friends
-The Adventures of Gummi Bears
-The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
-Chip N' Dale Rescue Rangers
-The Pirates of Dark Water
-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
-Tiny Toon Adventures
-Rocko's Modern Life

The Dollhouse / Re: Problem with fashion packs
« on: March 23, 2013, 08:06:07 AM »
If you ever feel like the hands are a bit stubborn in pulling off or popping back on, you can dip them in a cup of hot water first to temporarily expand the plastic a bit. I have some dolls that have tighter connections than others, where I've been afraid of the pegs possibly snapping under too much pressure, and this method always works like a charm.

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