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Messages - Minty_Magic

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Ohhh fun! I like seeing what makes “My Little Pony” actually map for everyone!

1.) G3
This is the generation I grew up with and my introduction to pony. The thing that really drew me into the toys was the variety and collectibility of them. I really liked their short little backcard stories. They have just enough of a snippet of personality that you could play with as a kid if you wanted, but they also left a lot of room for your own imagination. The thing I liked about the cartoons were the simple, low stakes stories. Once again, the ponies had a small glimmer of personality, but mostly they were still a blank slate for kid me to play with them as their own characters.

2.) G1
This was my introduction into the world of other gens, and the idea of actually collecting. A lot of the things I liked about G3 are present in this gen too - wide variety of toys, simple backcard stories, Tne animation was a little more high stakes, but still showcased a wide array of the ponies. Plus, they are the originals, so of course they should rank fairly high! :)

3.) G5
Despite some if its shortcomings, I genuinely feel like G5 is a slight return to form for the brand. This generation is FAR more media focused than I’d like MLP to be, but at least the stories are what I like from MLP - fairly low stakes and simple stories. Even though the main ponies do have very distinct personalities, I also feel like they allow for a kid to project some further personality onto them if wanted. The toys also suffer from a severe lack of characters, but they toys that are out are much better quality than a lot of recent ponies. Plus, a lot of the play sets genuinely seem fun for kids! I know I would have been allllll over the little poseable sets when I was younger.

4) G4
There is a lot I don’t like about G4 in hindsight, but I can’t deny that when it first came out it resparked my love for My Little Pony after I was kinda burnt out. FiM came out when I was in high school, and at the time I loved the more action packed, epic tone of opening episodes. Despite being aimed at kids still, it kind of felt like MLP grew up with me. I still adore the first season of the show for its unique cast of characters and simple storylines mixed in with the grander schemes. As time went on I didn’t like all of the “lore” and epic scale of the show. It just seemed kind of….goofy for My Little Pony after a certain point. The toy line also seriously was boring. Despite being around for nearly 10 years, my entire G4 brushable collection fits on a single shelf.

G2.) To be honest, this generation just never got a fair chance. They feel less like MLP to me just because of their slender bodies and really simple designs, but with G5 in the mix, that gap has been bridged a bit. I do remember having a G2 Ivy from McDonalds and playing the PC game, but other than that they just kind of lack the nostalgia that other gems hold for me. I still really love the, though!

I HATED these when they came out, and even though the toys have grown on me some, this was still a bad time for MLP overall. This is the generation that introduced the idea of a core cast and repeat releases and the dominance of Pinkie Pie as a mascot. To this day the look and feel of the toys, and especially the media around G3.5 just feel very juvenile. It seems like they were targeted more towards toddlers and preschoolers than young girls.

Okay so I kinda dig G4.5, but they don’t feel like My Little Pony at all LOL! They seem like a spin-off of the whole brand, but that being said I really did like the overly simple chibi style of the animation. The shorts were frankly fun for what they were. I did appreciate the simplicity of this whole gen after the drama and fallout of G4 proper.

Adoptables / Re: Lovely Locks Portrait Adopt [OPEN + PICKUPS]
« on: July 07, 2023, 01:55:34 AM »
Ahhhh I adore mine, thank you so much! :biggrin: The colors you added for her Pixietail are just perfect!!

Adoptables / Re: Lovely Locks Portrait Adopt [OPEN]
« on: July 04, 2023, 09:50:15 PM »
Oh my gosh, these are incredible! Your practice in Procreate already looks 10000% better than my attempts to play around in there! :lol:

Could I get one of my OC Sedona Dreams? Link to ref is at the bottom. If it doesn’t work let me know and I can get her ref imbedded!

I would like a Pixietail on her please! Maybe sunset colors for the extra hair? Pinks, oranges, yellows, or purples…..honestly you can throw in whatever you think works best! :)

Thank you so much for offering these!

Pony Corral / Re: Would you like to be interviewed?
« on: June 27, 2023, 02:02:35 AM »
I’d also be open to answering a follow up if need be! :) I’m excited to see some new volunteers though, I really like reading everyone’s interviews!

Off Topic / Re: The Pet Thread!
« on: June 27, 2023, 02:01:13 AM »
Awww so many pretty pets in this thread! :) I love seeing them all.

This is Shamrock! He is technically my parents dog, but I see him almost every night and get to baby sit him often, so I consider him mine too! We rescued him about 3 years ago. He is a teeny tiny maltipoo!

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He is also VERY photogenic. :P I struggled to narrow down just a few of my favorite pictures!

Off Topic / Re: Let's help motivate each other to reach our goals
« on: June 15, 2023, 05:51:40 PM »
I got my blood work done finally and everything came back really good, so I’m feeling happy about my progress so far! :) my doctor even went so far as to call my current weight and results “perfect” for my age! In some regards though that has slowed my drive a little haha! :lol:

I’ve probably gained a few pounds since then though. I went on vacation and ate and drank way more than usual. I’m a little afraid to weigh myself, but eh, it was vacation. I wanted to have fun! I figure I’ve lost about 40 pounds over the last two years, so what’s wrong with needing to lose a few extra I gained during that time?

Pony Corral / Re: ~Out Now and Coming Soon ~
« on: May 21, 2023, 06:39:27 PM »
Man, I’m usually a sucker and will buy the packs with Minty since I try and collect every brushable version of her, but at that price point?? I might be passing, that’s outrageous. Especially seeing as I already have every character in it EXCEPT Minty in the g5 style. Like come on, if you’re going to stick to the main 6 at least put out the characters that haven’t been g5’d yet.

I don’t mind the articulation too much, but if the quality is anything like the Opaline that came out recently they really won’t be worth the price. Idk about the others but the Opaline I got is pretty subpar quality. Her hair is especially nasty, it’s completely dry and frizzes as soon as you try to do anything with it. If the hair quality is the same as hers I really don’t know how Minty and Pinkie’s hair will hold up.

Customs / Re: I made a G3 Spike!!!
« on: May 20, 2023, 01:19:21 AM »
You did an awesome job making him! G3 Spike doesn’t get enough love, so I’m happy to see you bring him to life! :biggrin:

Oh wow, the RAMC figures are darling! I like seeing some of the ponies like Bow tie and CC in different poses. I’m really excited for these and the celestial ponies!

Off Topic / Re: Diamond painting thread 2.0
« on: May 20, 2023, 01:08:05 AM »
WOW Beldarna, those custom ones are stunning! They did a great job making them look photorealistic. I’ve looked into the custom ones before, but the one company I saw that does them in the US was pretty pricey, so I’ve passed for now.

Ponyfan, your look great! I love all the Disney! I like seeing your storage too. I’m not very organized with my diamond painting. I’ll have to get some pics of the ones I’ve completed! I did a couple during the pandemic, then I kind of just stopped for a couple years. Then for my birthday this year my mom got me a MLP one from Amazon and I’m hooked again! :P

Off Topic / Re: Let's help motivate each other to reach our goals
« on: May 20, 2023, 01:02:05 AM »
Oh, that’s a bummer about Hungry Root’s prices BC! I used them for a while, but I don’t think I was paying quite that much. I want to say I was paying $70 per week?

May I ask why you stopped? Was it the price or food quality or something?

It was price more than anything for me. The quality of the food was really good and I thought they had a really good variety of recipes each week. They also packed the food well, I never had issues with the food being warm even here in AZ. The thing that finally got to me though was they send you full size groceries, but not a lot of fresh foods. So I’d have TONS of left over buns, bread, and other shelf stable stuff with nothing to supplement them with. I ended feeling like I was spending even more money than necessary by going to the store to buy some deli meats or whatever to make something with that bread. Ultimately I feel like Hungry Root was a good starting point for me to learn how to cook healthy, but now that I have a pretty good idea of how to do that, it’s cheaper for me to just buy ingredients in bulk and meal prep.

One of my neighbors complimented my weight loss today! He said he always sees me out walking and it’s really paying off. :) I don’t see him around all that often, so I was surprised he knew I’ve been trying to lose.

Pony Corral / Re: ~Out Now and Coming Soon ~
« on: May 18, 2023, 01:42:41 AM »
Oh man, Loungefly is going to be the death of my bank account! :lol: I LOVE the stable bag! I have the other two backpack purses from Loungefly so I really don’t need another….but oh my……I’m tempted!

Pony Corral / Re: Arena Interview - Minty_Magic!
« on: May 06, 2023, 10:28:25 PM »
Thanks alll! I’m flattered to be able to share a little bit about myself! :) That is indeed a crane game in my collection room! I keep my plushies in there. It lights up, but the crane mechanism is wonky, so I was able to get it for cheap haha!

Off Topic / Re: Let's help motivate each other to reach our goals
« on: May 06, 2023, 10:26:56 PM »
Oh, that’s a bummer about Hungry Root’s prices BC! I used them for a while, but I don’t think I was paying quite that much. I want to say I was paying $70 per week? They must have upped their prices with inflation. The upside to their plans is you can skip as many weeks as you want with no penalty! Or…at least that’s how it was when I was with them. I often only ordered every other week because they did send a LOT of food in my box!

I way over indulged today. I normally wouldn’t feel bad about one day, but when I stepped on the scale today (before going overboard) I had gained a couple pounds. I must have underestimated how many calories were in last weeks lunch I prepped. I thought I was trying within goal, but I guess not. :huh: Oh well, next week I am going to try and switch back to smoothies for lunch. As the weather gets hotter food during the day just doesn’t sound as good.

I also really need to get back to the gym. I’ve been making a lot of excuses to avoid it.

Off Topic / Re: Let's help motivate each other to reach our goals
« on: April 30, 2023, 03:04:58 AM »
Good timing bumping this back up! I always get more motivated in the warmer weather, so I’m officially going to try and lose another 15ish pounds. I’m pretty happy with my current weight and how I look, so I’m taking it real slow. According to LoseIt I might hit my goal in November. It’s been a very slow process to lose the weight so far, but I am keeping it off, so I’ll continue to go slow!

I really need to schedule a DRs appointment soon. I’m overdue for my yearly and I do have some concerns I need to discuss. I’m dragging my feet because I need blood work done and I have no idea how or if it’s covered under my current insurance. I need to call up and ask…

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