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Messages - heftysmurf76

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Off Topic / Re: Meet your new Princess - Update: TOYS & TRAILER
« on: November 19, 2018, 06:19:38 PM »
I hope they get a second season!!!!
Season 2 is already in the works, they haven't officially announced it, but you can gather as much info from what teh creators etc have mentioned on various social media, etc...
I also hope the show is wildly popular (it seems to be pretty popular so far) and gets a different licensee for the dolls/toys, which are not really my cup of tea.

Specifically I wish Mattel would take back the license and do the toys, but I don't see that happening anytime soon so I guess I won't hold my breath. :(

Mattel officially filed trademarks, etc for She-Ra/Adora, Bow and Glimmer... toys are in teh works and will likely be like DC Super hero girls from what I have gathered. I have seen specific links for all of this, but don't have them on hand, but essentially, its a slow burn for Mattel, who imo, haven't dropped the ball, but didn't exactly grab the bull by the horns either..
I'm glad folks seem to like it so much. I can hardly contain my enthusiasm for the show. Its in teh top 100 for imdb and is trending on lots of top 10 sites for TV shows.

I've stated it here and elsewhere but I can essentially tell that its already a runaway hit, despite some naysayers here or there (hey if its not for you, I understand,But you still have the original to enjoy ;) :D  ) I've seen videos of little girls singing teh theme song and jumping up and down while viewing, heard tell of kids begging for more episodes when its past bedtime, etc etc, and thats what warms my heart the most is that She-Ra is here for a new generation to love and enjoy!

Pony Brag Arena / Re: Baby Dragons United!!!
« on: November 18, 2018, 12:27:55 PM »
This post finally pushed me over the edge and I bought one of the hqg1c dragons last night 🤣 such a cute photo!
I'm thrilled to have inspired a purchase of HQG1C!!!  hope you enjoy him as much as I do mine!!! :frolic:

Off Topic / Re: Meet your new Princess - Update: TOYS & TRAILER
« on: November 15, 2018, 08:46:28 PM »
Yes, I've seen some YouTubers with the buttons and they look awesome. Congrats on getting a set of them for your collection. :) I'm up to episode 9 and Bow and Shadow Weaver and Catra are my favorites. Bow is just too cute for words, and I absolutely adore what they've done with the Horde in general. I find them much more intense and intimidating than in the original and they aren't always bumbling dummies for our heroes to outwit at every turn. The episode I'm watching right now has me biting my nails!
Thanks! Yes it gets intense in teh last few episodes, from "the Princess Prom" on is action packed imo!
Also, not sure if it's Bow, Bo, or Beau, if I'm being honest. :)  That was a valid point, though.
It's officially "Bow", teh original toy and teh toon named him as much :D

Pony Brag Arena / Re: Baby Dragons United!!!
« on: November 15, 2018, 07:16:27 PM »
Thanks everypony! Super pelased with this bunch and so proud!
Adorable picture!! I'm so jealous you have all of them, congrats! And Quartz is a great name:)
Thanks! I have to crredit this very site with Quartz's name, I posted a thread in teh Corral asking for suggestions and this one won :D

Off Topic / Re: Meet your new Princess - Update: TOYS & TRAILER
« on: November 15, 2018, 07:14:11 PM »
Congrats Hefty. I didn't know they were out. Nice to put a face to a name too.
Awww Thanks! I was so glad I discovered teh buttons! They are really well made for freebies they passed out, so is teh tiara! the Sword is of ok material, but I'll preserve it well ;)

Off Topic / Re: Meet your new Princess - Update: TOYS & TRAILER
« on: November 15, 2018, 10:46:36 AM »
Die Hard She-Ra fan here! I absolutely LOVE this new series...very few things i DON'T like about it. I churned through all 13 episodes in 6 hours and want to rewatch them again very soon! LOVE Mermista's sassy dry attitude teh best , but the whole series is so well written and fun! I predict a massive hit for dreamworks with this!!!

Wanted to share my wall of PoP too, i got the button sets they gave out at NYCC from ebay, So pleased with my merch but I NEED MORE!!!!
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And you have to know I had my tiara and sword handy while watching the show!!
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Pony Brag Arena / Baby Dragons United!!!
« on: November 15, 2018, 10:36:31 AM »
I've posted some of these before, but never all of them at once,with the recent acquisition of Prickles teh green dragon,  I finally achieved my baby dragon goal! A rainbow united! This is all the UK Baby Dragons, MO Spike, and teh HQG1C sparkle baby 's been dubbed "Quartz"

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[stickied 16/11/18 - kiwimlp]
unstickied 22/11/18

The Dollhouse / Re: Has anyone here hot ironed vintage Mattel/She-Ra hair?
« on: November 04, 2018, 10:22:23 PM »
I flat-ironed some 80's Barbie hair. It works beautifully if the heat is low. Unfortunately my straightener doesn't have a temperature regulator and i wasn't careful and singed some bangs off my Midge. So the answer is: you can, but be careful.
Ok cool thank you!  I will definietly be careful!

The Dollhouse / Has anyone here hot ironed vintage Mattel/She-Ra hair?
« on: November 04, 2018, 11:02:07 AM »
I have a doll coming for a friend and if the hair is messy I want to know if its safe to hot iron it wet the way folks treat Pony hair of the same nature?

I'm pretty sure it will be safe but just want to check here to see if others have tried it...


The Dollhouse / WANTED: Original She-Ra sword...
« on: November 03, 2018, 09:23:01 PM »
I'm in search of a Christmas Present for a friend, If you have a vintage She-Ra sword lmk!!!!

So apparently you already resolved this, but I am pretty sure you can just use your US membership on Ebay UK. You don't need to start one over. My ebay ID is actually registered on the US site because when I registered it in 1998, there was no UK site (lol) it still bills me in $US. But I use it fine on ebay UK. I also use it on Ebay US, Ebay Germany, Ebay Italy, etc...

So you might as well just use your original ID?

Yeah that's what i did was use my US site ID, but for some reason it wasn't accepting it at first..I have no idea if it was a user error overall, or some sort of glitch with chrome(the browser) or teh ebay site itself because i tried using firefox and Microsofts browsers as well,*shrugs* in any case I did finally get it to work...was very frustrating to be so stuck though!
Thanks for the input! :D

Issue resolved, it was a glitch in chrome  :huh:

So I am starting an ebay uk account and having issues. I have been able to establish a username etc, but when I go to enter my address info it will not let me select or arrow down to United states as my location/address, it keeps defaulting to the United Kingdom...

Is there some trick or something I am missing? I don't get why United States would be an option if it won't let me select it. Every time I do select it it just reverts to United Kingdom and it won't even let me enter my mobile number

I'm stuck and really frustrated, are there any ebay experts out there that can help?

Here's teh screen i am currently stuck on
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Wanted! / Re: Hefty's WANT list UPDATED 8/20/18
« on: October 24, 2018, 03:55:28 PM »
:bump:  for updates :D

Pony Brag Arena / Re: Meadowsweet Family reunited!!!
« on: October 23, 2018, 10:36:32 PM »
I love the Meadowsweets! I use their names as passwords. They smell good and they have such soft hair. I love your completed family.
They do indeed smell good! Its so interesting that others have found that about them. Must be something in the plastic!!!!
They’re such beautiful ponies!  I love how Hasbro did the striping in their manes. Shame there aren’t more ponies like that but I suppose it’s part of what makes them so special. Congrats on Daddy Meadowsweet!
Thanks! Yes the striping is so cool!!! I love it on Scribbles and Dabble, I wish they had done more too, but I think you are right, its definietly part of what makes them special!
Congrats on completing the Meadowsweets! I know you've been chasing down these families for a while, glad you finally filled one of your Daddy gaps at least ;) He looks in good shape, no fading in his hair, which is awesome :D

Wishing you luck with the other two. I think we both know that obtaining them will merit an even more uber brag at some time in the future because of how annoying they are to find. Hope they come up at a decent price for you ;)

Thanks!!! Yes it took me awhile to track him down and it was scary spending so much on a pony but totally worth it in teh end...
The stars will have to align just right for the other 2 Daddies just as they did with this guy, so I know I probably have a bit of a wait before I get them, but to one day own Daddy Sunbright is my ultimate grail, followed closely by Daddy Berrytown...I just need to be patient... :D Thanks for the encouraging words :D

Pony Corral / Re: Your Favorite MLP Song?
« on: October 23, 2018, 09:38:09 PM »
from the 2017 MLP Movie soundtrack:
"Time to be Awesome" I just LOVE Zoe Saldana's voice in this song! I wish she would do more musicals!
Also "Rainbow" by Sia
and "We got this"

and Do Equestria Girls songs count too? if so I have TONs of those:
Pretty much the whole "Rainbow Rocks" Soundtrack, but especially
"Welcome to the show" , "Shake your tail" and "Awesome as I wanna be"

I don't know the G1 2 or 3 songs that well, But I do know that the Sea ponies song ALWAYS gets stuck in my head when i see/hear "Shoo Be Doo"

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