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Messages - toyjunky

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Pony Corral / Re: Storage Question
« on: June 21, 2021, 09:13:11 AM »
Climate plays a huge part in all things being stored as well as the location in your home you have to store them in.

Personally, I prefer white or clear plastic containers, but that is a personal preference so I can easily see what is in them. Your plush will be fine in plastic and I would recommend plastic for plush because of bugs. If you have any plush that has "painted fake leather" (it looks like leather but it is not or something very shiny/glossy vinyl looking) which can get sticky and peel (happens with Barbie clothes/Disney bean bag plush etc. - tends to be used on jackets, belts and shoes) I would wrap the item in tissue paper to prevent a future transfer to other objects. I have stored plush in closets, in suitcases and in plastic boxes for years and the only issue I have in any of those just applies to the "painted fabric" parts no matter where they were stored.

If you do store the ponies in plastic boxes I would suggest airing them out from time to time and allowing them to breathe. Especially if you live in a warmer area and if you do not have AC. This can be as simple as opening up the box or rotating who is on display. Depending on what your storage situation looks like, there are also things like modular drawer systems you could use. One benefit is that you can customize however you want for your space, has a tiny gap at the top of the drawer that lets a tiny amount of air in and makes it a little easier to air groups out just by pulling open part of the drawer. Also don't have to un-pile and re-stack a bunch of boxes if you want to get into something.

Yeah, climate plays a big part in it. If a pony is going to have plasticizer leakage anyway, storing in plastic speeds up the process and the gasses trapped in the container can set of other ponies who are also going to leak. Same thing for storing them in sandwich baggies. It won't prevent it entirely, storing in cardboard and acid free paper, but it can prolong setting it off.

Mild tangent incoming- Plasticizer leaching isn't an eventual process. People call it "the plastic breaking down" but plastics don't break down - that's what makes them plastic. What causes leaking and other things like regrind is how the original material was manufactured and the use and storage of the plastic and the way it interacts with its environment cause these things to happen. Plasticizers are phthalates that in simple terms "connect" to the other materials in the plastic. When something happens to disrupt the connection or "chain" they leak out. In the case of regrind, it's when recycled materials disconnect from a stable chain and can no longer "mix" with the other plastics in the object, becoming unstable and causing the spots and colors to appear.

I agree with you, there is something to be said about "going to leak anyways or tendency to leak". I have Barbie dolls from various years in the 80's and only certain years have sticky legs/spots and they have always been stored together, still are actually. Just has to do with the plastic they used during those years. Same with my G3's, certain ones just are sticky and other ones are not, or also G1's how certain ones are just known for regrind or discoloration.

Off Topic / Mattel announced Barbie will be made of recycled plastic
« on: June 21, 2021, 08:00:40 AM »
So I was going across the Barbie collector website this morning and came across a few interesting things.

Mattel plans to make Barbie out of 100% recycled, recyclable, or bio-based plastic materials in their products and packaging by 2030.

They apparently already released one collection made from 90% recycled ocean-bound plastic. "Barbie Loves the Ocean Collection"

What are your thoughts?

1) My thought is that while that sounds like an interesting idea, it makes me wonder the long-term stability of the products. Will these dolls "go sticky" or deteriorate in other ways within 5 years or 10, or will they be able to hold up long term. After all, we all know what has happened to the 80's vinyl dolls, and older ones from previous generations, let alone G3 mlp (which some started going sticky/changing (Divine Shines for example) a LOT faster than the older 80's dolls).

2) I wonder if this would create a demand for the older dolls once all new ones are made from recycled plastic.

Off Topic / Re: New He-Man Trailer
« on: June 10, 2021, 11:51:49 AM »

Looks heaps better then what She-Ra got. If its as good as it looks, can Kevin Smith do She-Ra and Thundercats next?

AGREED! She-Ra needs that kind of treatment for a new version, not what they gave us.
I always find it amazing that Hasbro & Mattel (granted this is toy vs. film/animation studio ideas here) can always manage to find ways to give some sort of great toy line or animation reboot to the "boy franchise" line but not to the girls. My husband is a major Transformers collector, so there is always this new product or this new animation and many of them have been pretty good (animation series) and the last couple years of toy lines have been "pretty awesome" (to use his own wording here) at representing or reinventing the products from the 80's in a favorable way.

However, when it comes to two very popular "girl franchise" lines, they fell flat.
Jem and the Holograms - I mean do we even want to talk about the film? A new line of retro recreated dolls or an upgraded (with articulation dolls) in a more affordable line would be pretty cool.

- Same argument I stated above for Jem.  A new line of retro recreated action figures and/or dolls or an upgraded (with articulation action figures/dolls) in an affordable line.

This COULD be done if they chose to do it. They could easily sell them directly to the customers by the Hasbro Pulse website. Loads of the Transformers merchandise is sold this way and are Hasbro Pulse exclusives. Mattel could also sell them directly through their own website.

Pony Corral / Re: Least and most favorite year two earth pony
« on: June 10, 2021, 11:37:49 AM »
I always thought the set everyone is listing was Year 3, but I'll answer anyway. Favorite: Tootsie. Least favorite: Lickety Split (I don't really dislike any of them, but pink-on-pink is a bit boring if I had to choose one).

You are correct, Tootsie, Lickety-Split, Posey, etc are all in year 3. Year 2 Earth ponies are: Applejack, Bow-Tie, Bubbles, Seashell, Blossom and Cotton Candy.

I never had any of these as a kid, but as an adult:
Favorite: Bubbles/Seashell - I really love this sitting pose and wish they had made more of them.
Least Favorite - Blossom - not for any particular reason other than the colors are not as vibrant as the others and if I look across them all she just sort of "fades away" and doesn't stand out.

Pony Corral / Re: What are these
« on: June 10, 2021, 10:53:16 AM »
Those are cake toppers. I have three of them in the standing pose: Rainbow Dash, Sunny Daze and Pinkie Pie. These came from decorated birthday cakes that you would buy from a bakery or from a bakery inside of grocery stores. The three I have were all on the same cake from the early 2000's. The figures are completely unmarked.

Since I have a summer birthday (July), we often bought my birthday cake as it would be too hot to make one (often over 100F in middle of July and my parents do not have AC), so I used to look at the store sample cake decorating books in the grocery store bakery quite a lot. The sitting figures also were cake decorations from another style cake design, but I do not have any of those.

Cake toppers can be difficult to identify sometimes because of how they are intended to be sold as part of a finished product (the cake). Typically these are products that are sold to bakeries, so they are not made/packaged for public sale and often just come in plain bags as a set with little to no markings. If you were to go into a store that specialized in cake decorating products and supplies you would find the cartoon character figures (and other items also) packaged in very plain bags. This is because bakeries are buying them in large amounts and the packaging is just for shipping purposes. The cake designs/figurines typically change every few years and the products are switched out.

Pony Corral / Re: Did Basic Fun Just Confirm TEs for August 2021?
« on: June 07, 2021, 01:12:33 PM »
so in the past were people able to get these from targets online store? or only in person?

Up until the most recent wave (Lickety-Split) I was able to buy all the other retro releases in person at Target. Sometimes it would take a few weeks/months before the most current wave would show up and sometimes visiting multiple Targets. We shop at Target fairly often, so it was more of a looking while shopping verses extra trips (although that was done occasionally too). We live close enough to a few Targets (within about 15-20min).

The Lickety-Split wave I had to buy online. I really hope the next wave gets picked up by a big box store, but it doesn't look that way. Unfortunately that means any future waves I am going to have to buy online since the other stores (Cracker Barrel, Mejer, etc.) are not really available in California.

We have Crackerbarrel in California. But not Meijer.

There are a few Cracker Barrel restaurants in the state of California, 6 of them to be exact. However that doesn't make them convenient for pony shopping depending on where you live. For me, the closest Cracker Barrel would be a 11/2 - 2 hour drive. Which basically means any future waves I will have to buy online. Paper Source might be an option, but that still is a 30-45min drive for in-person shopping and as others have stated/also stated on their website, product selection is random.

The hope though is more online retailers pick them up, as this would create a broader range of distribution rather than relying on one or two specific stores to handle all the sales. What would make the  most sense though is if Basic Fun made better use of their Amazon store. If you look on Amazon, Basic Fun does have a presence there, however at least in regards to MLP, the items available are what is left from the first few waves (and at a steep price increase). If the new waves were made available for sale there, even if they were in whole sets (a box of x amount), this would still broaden the opportunity for sales and distribution.

Pony Corral / Re: Did Basic Fun Just Confirm TEs for August 2021?
« on: June 06, 2021, 11:58:13 AM »
so in the past were people able to get these from targets online store? or only in person?

Up until the most recent wave (Lickety-Split) I was able to buy all the other retro releases in person at Target. Sometimes it would take a few weeks/months before the most current wave would show up and sometimes visiting multiple Targets. We shop at Target fairly often, so it was more of a looking while shopping verses extra trips (although that was done occasionally too). We live close enough to a few Targets (within about 15-20min).

The Lickety-Split wave I had to buy online. I really hope the next wave gets picked up by a big box store, but it doesn't look that way. Unfortunately that means any future waves I am going to have to buy online since the other stores (Cracker Barrel, Mejer, etc.) are not really available in California.

Pony Corral / Re: Amber Ruffin is a MLP fan!!
« on: May 31, 2021, 11:39:14 PM »
Never heard of her before now. Have to agree with her though, Baby Apple Delight is cute. I just got Mommy Apple Delight and Baby Apple Delight a week ago, so now I have the whole family. I was surprised the guy said SilverHawks was his favorite show. I remember watching that on tv because my brother watched it (back in the days of one tv in the house and you had to "take turns").

Pony Corral / Re: Least favorite collector pony
« on: May 27, 2021, 09:42:35 PM »
The birth flower ponies are just extremely bad. I have no idea who though it was a good idea to give them all identical colors that are very basic and forgettable. I’d rather waste my money on a alternative birth flower pony because at least their colors look extremely better than the mail orders.

I have to agree with ponyprincess2021. The birth flower ponies just seem very repetitive. I never had any of them as a kid and I honestly don't even remember wanting them (verses other mail order ponies). As an adult I have picked up two of them fairly cheaply (Lily of the Valley & Poppy) but I'm not sure I want to get all of them because they just are not impressive. The alternate ones are much more appealing.

I never owned any of the original 6 or Peachy as a child (I had the mail order Pretty Parlor version that came without her). So as an adult it was nice to be able to get them from the Basic Fun retro releases. That probably makes me one of the few people who were excited to get a Peachy.

Off Topic / Re: Shipping horror stories
« on: May 16, 2021, 11:12:04 PM »
Yes on having issues in the last few months with tracking lagging on updating using USPS or being held in one facility for a week before actually being sent further along to the final destination.

Not a pony purchase, but I did buy something on Amazon a month ago that was to arrive with 2 day shipping. The tracking showed it was sent out of Las Vegas, and then went to Brazil before being delivered to California. My only logic for weird things like that is that they are flown to global/major shipping distribution centers. I have had similar things happen with packages being flown to other states before coming back to California, but none that have gotten flown to another country before arriving.

Off Topic / Re: Mattel Wants You To Send Them Your Toys
« on: May 10, 2021, 08:19:00 PM »
I have mixed feelings about this.  On the one hand it sounds like a great idea and will keep Barbies and the other toys from ending up in landfills but I wonder how well it will work in practice. I also wonder if there will be issues with the new toys if batches of plastic from the older ones are used with newer plastic.

It also makes me concerned that people might send perfectly good toys that could still be loved by children or used by customizers to be recycled.


I have similar thoughts as well. On the one hand it can be good, but on the other hand it could be wasteful. I could see how this could be a good option for the various donation based organizations/stores for when they receive products that are in a condition that would not allow them to be sold. Being able to send them to a company for free would keep them from being landfill in that case.

For me and my family now, and this was true as I grew up as well, we always donated things if they were still usable and in decent condition. Very rarely did a toy end up in the trash. It either went to donation or it was passed down to my cousins.

Off Topic / Mattel Wants You To Send Them Your Toys
« on: May 10, 2021, 03:57:27 PM »

In summary, Mattel wants you to mail them back (for free) your old Barbie, Matchbox and MEGA toys for recycling (melting down, repurposed etc.)

What are your thoughts? Here are mine:
1) This could potentially create a huge after market (Ebay, etc.) for toys and skyrocket prices in the future.

2) As a consumer, I would have some concern over the toys I purchased for children to play with that were made with recycled plastics from other toys, especially depending on the age of the child it was purchased for. As MLP collectors, we already see the effects of plastic breakdown in G1's from age and possibly mixing old and new batches of plastic. We also know that some G3's can be sticky and have plastic breakdown issues and these are not even 20 years old. For those of us that also are Barbie collectors or have childhood Barbies, certain years of Barbie dolls already have issues with the plastics that were used in her legs, let alone the breakdown we see in other doll/toy lines from the 80's.

3) Potential impact on toy donations to charitable organizations.

4) Not sure how many people would actually go for this. If they really wanted this to be effective, they would need to have some sort of buy back program or other incentives.

Pony Corral / Re: 35 Anniversary ponies - Mark IV
« on: April 22, 2021, 05:07:48 PM »
It'd be really evil if they decided to sell the babies blind bagged. The newborn twins would be especially suitable for this. People would want to complete the twin pairs as well as trying to get the full set. :biggrin:

That idea is absolutely evil...... don't give them any ideas.
On the bright side, the Posey set I bought on ebay (for way too much than I prefer) arrived early, are perfectly fine and are in the same 3 language box that everyone is seeing.

In regards to the question of "Why don't they have their own store, why not sell to collectors online, etc." the reality is Basic Fun is a toy company making products for kids. Despite the fact that we are enjoying buying them, the target market is kids (and for parents who have kids to remember having them and then wanting to buy them for their own kids).

There is a really good video (if your interested) that this particular YouTube channel has in regards to how to tell if toys are designed for kids or collectors and it also has a brief discussion of why certain products and not others are given retail space. The person that made this video worked for Mattel at one point and a lot of the videos on their channel give insights into the toy industry decision making processes. While they generally do talk about action figures, a lot of the same information applies to toys/toy brands in general.

Pony Corral / Re: How many did you have
« on: April 20, 2021, 07:10:25 PM »
16 ponies and two playsets.

SS North Star
SS Ribbon
Princess Primrose & Chumster
Prom Queen Daisy Dancer


Baby Ponies:
BBE Baby Ribbon
BBE Tiddlywinks
Baby Lickety Split
Twins Rattles & Tattles

Mail Order:
Satin 'n Lace
Baby Stockings (Rice Krispies)
Pretty Parlor - without Peachie

Playset - Lullabye Nursery

Pony Corral / Re: 35 Anniversary ponies - Mark IV
« on: April 18, 2021, 11:01:01 AM »
Since there is no  Meijer, Paper Source or Cracker Barrel near me I gave up and bought the Posey set on Ebay. I did see a few of them listed on a few stores on Amazon, but they were just as much as Ebay and were not delivering until May (the ones I bought should arrive by the end of the week). I really hope Target does start selling them again. I did also check the other store the previous thread had a link to, but they are currently all sold out.

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