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Messages - kellybates1993

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I think it's interesting how the subject of armies as controversial has only really become a thing recently...people have been keeping pony armies for years. I have less problem with people having an army of ponies than I do with people permanently altering a pony, because if someone did sell their army, the ponies would leave to new homes unscathed. Armies aren't hurting, even if they are kind of hoardish. There are hundreds of ponies out there which we never see, living in collections of people with them in storage anyway.

But I think as ponies get harder to find we'll see the subject come up again. There has certainly been some bad feeling towards people hoarding harder to find ponies. I think maybe it will get to a point where making in your face brag posts about armies of rarer ponies will be discouraged, but I don't think armies will ever cease.

The way I see it is that there are actually many more loose ponies than collectors.

As to whether or not I have armies - the answer is generally no. I do have I think five Tropical Breezes, one from childhood and one which is MIB included in that number, but that's the most of the same pony and all of them have reasons attached as to why I have them all.

I have six Baby Mischiefs but I count them as different because they are all different. There is one HK, one NC, and four made in China - one with rainbow tinsel in mane and tail, one with gold tinsel in the mane and tail, one with gold in the mane and rainbow in the tail and one with the reverse. So six ponies, all different - not an army.

I have a fair few Cherries Jubilees too, but aside having MOC and loose versions (again one from childhood) of the two UK releases, none are doubles, all are different variants/releases/versions (including european, SS, Spain, etc). Ditto on Medley (I think Italy, Mexico, Greek, well as the two regular HK versions and a y2 MOC). Those to me aren't armies, but variants, so they don't count as the 'same'. To some people they do but I don't think those kinds of armies cause controversy.

But I am not against armies, because to me they do no harm to the pony for the long run. Most armies are very well loved and appreciated by their owners, thus what can be wrong with that?
This was an extremely well thought out reply, I love every single one of my cotton candies but I'm fairly certain just like my flutters as time goes by I will generally give some away and sell a couple but I mainly like to do give always to people I know love to collect.
It upsets me when I see a certain pony hoarded just to be held and sold at insane prices  which is what happens to the 35th anniversary ponies where I live,  I think hording with the intention to hike the price up is quite bad but I understand not everyone will agree x

Post Merge: February 25, 2020, 10:52:34 AM

I've voted. I'm not for, because of room and how expensive it is to bough that much the same pony, but if some people likes them, that's fine. We all have our own way of collecting :biggrin:
thanks for voting! It's why I love polls its great to see all the different view points of different collectors x

No I'm not against it. People can collect how they want. I don't usually have multiples myself because that's one space less for a pony I want, however I am now in possession of a small g3/g4 Rainbowdash army. I'll show it off when my retro dash comes in the mail.

Can 4 ponies be considered a very small army?
I would consider 4 a small army, my cotton candy army started unintentionally, and is still small but seems to be growing as I'm now looking for variations, I love the 35th anniversary cc x

I am fascinated by the dedication that's put into collecting armies and enjoy looking at them, but know there is some animated talk about whether it's 'ethical', especially when it's of a rare/sought after pony?
It's a free world, I say to each their own  :)
Yes I've see some controversy reguarding armies but personally I love them x

oooooo I love armies! I don't see anything wrong with them :)
I have a Lemon Drop army, and I'm rebuilding my g3 Minty army :D
I especially love collector's pose armies. Your CCs look great <3

Thank you! A g3 minty army would be lush ♡

Hi everyone! I thought I would do a poll with a fun give away!
I'm fascinated by the subject of pony armies and do myself have a pony army.
I know they aren't for everyone and some people don't like them at all and wanted to start a discussion about it to see other peoples view points, this is just for fun ! So please don't take it too seriously.
The giveaway will be forget me not, the flutter pony, with beautiful primavera wings,  here she is! 

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To be entered in to the giveaway just enter the poll and leave a comment, your comment can be as short as you want but it would be lovely to have a good discussion, all commenters will be entered and one chosen at random from little papers in a box

This is my cotton candy army!
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The winner will be announced when the poll ends x
Hi all poll closes tomorrow and the chance to enter the give away ends tomorrow at 6pm uk time, I'm going to close the poll at 12, I'm writing down usernames to put in the little bowl now and will do a short video that I will put on imgur showing the winner which will be announced and added to this thread at 8pm uk time x

Soooooo I'm slightly early with the result because I got home earlier than expected, here is the draw and the result CONGRATULATIONS.......

Introductions / Re: Hello fellow pony lovers
« on: February 25, 2020, 03:48:50 AM »
My son used to love my little pony when he was 5, but now he's almost 8 he has grown out of them :( I miss him taking an interest we used to watch all the episodes together

Introductions / Re: Hello guys from Scotland!
« on: February 25, 2020, 03:47:22 AM »
Welcome! ♡♡♡

You could try right clicking on the image and selecting "view image" this should open it in a new tab and you can try linking the image from there. Some photo hosting sites try to avoid/don't allow linking out though. The wings look stunning! Do you have over 100 flutters to put them on? Hope you manage to post pics!
I have around 120 flutter ponies, many in awful condition I am having new hair put in and cleaned, and a select few that are beyond repair im having customised l, im also adding wings to some wingless flutters, I'm on mobile maybe it has something to do with that,  it worked the first time I did it, I'll have to try again thanks for the tip x

As much as I love making repro flutter wings they are never as good as elanors primavera wings.
Sooo I ordered over 100 wings :blink:...and they are STUNNING I seriously can barely tell the difference.
I ordered some repro wings from starlight studio, they were good but not great they were very  colourless I much prefer Nora's.
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Also dose anyone know how I can get my images in my post :( I use the little img icon like the link Icon and put the link in but nothing shows.

Please check your PM box ;).

Hey I'm not seeing your pm  :shocked:

What Cotton Candy are you after?
The Flat foot version, concave foot or Mail order version?
Specifying this might help you find her sooner. :)
hi! I'm after any kind at all just in very good condition x

Pony Corral / Re: Show your current pony collection
« on: February 17, 2020, 05:09:23 PM » 

VIDEO  may be slow to load

I still have a lot of ponies I want to collect but this is so far, as you can see I Love flutters !! X

Wanted! / Found x
« on: February 17, 2020, 04:52:15 PM »
Sorted thank you all, I'm having trouble with my private messages still,  I don't think it's the site it's my old crappy phone and my lack of technological skills so I do apologise for constantly messaging the wrong people!

Oh, those are so beautiful! Thank you for sharing them in time for the holiday! I love Valentine’s themed ponies so much, and yours are just perfect. =3
I adore the valentines theme  :lol:

They look gorgeous! I thought the HQG1C flutter moulds didn't have the wing slots?
oh they don't, I create a tiny slot in to the vinyl with a Stanley knife and sharpen the wing slots and they fit perfectly x

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