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Messages - plushroo

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For Sale - For Auction / Re: 5/29 baits and more on ebay!
« on: November 05, 2017, 12:28:06 AM »
Bump! Adding some stuff tomorrow!!

Wanted! / Re: My g1 and g2 pony and accessory wish list
« on: November 05, 2017, 12:13:22 AM »
Bumping. Updated and omitted found ponies.

Off Topic / Re: How's college/high school going for you?
« on: October 20, 2017, 07:26:10 PM »
Frustrating at the moment! I'm attending a community college and the major I started out going for (graphic design) removed the very class that inspired me to even go back to school so I changed my major to web design which includes a little programming and network security curriculum as well. It's not so much the work itself but because it's computer oriented, they want to keep most classes as online only with the only way to get help is to either go to the school on your time which for me is a 45 minute drive, or email the instructor personally. I'm a slow learner with some things and have to rely on the internet or youtube video instructions to figure out how to do something. I'm kinda thinking of just getting a certificate since I have only one class left for that or going through with this degree for another year or two and then think about pursuing a different degree. If it wasn't so costly, I'd go for a four year college where they teach what I"m really interested in learning.

Pony Corral / Re: Ebay pony listings gripes
« on: October 19, 2017, 07:10:53 PM »
Yeah, this bothers me. Sometimes I see listings that have only one photo :blink: I really don't like it when they don't take pictures of the hooves. How do I know there aren't names written on there? If it's a Collectors Pose how do I know if it's a flat foot or a concaved? If it's a nirvana and advertised as such how do I know if it's actually from that country? I get it when people who don't collect ponies don't think to take a pic. If I were selling a pony and wasn't a collector I would totally see the hooves as unimportant :P What bothers me is when collectors don't because they should know there are variations and some people are looking for a specific one. Other than that I can't think of anything else. And this isn't too bad of an issue for me either, hope I wasn't to whiny!

Yeah, I hate when sellers only have one lousy photo to look at. Ebay lets you post 12 free photos for crying out loud! The least the seller can do is snap a few pics so the buyer can get a better idea of what condition the pony is in. My other gripe is when sellers have one photo of more than one pony or item, but when you read the description, you find out you're only getting one of the items and have to bid on each item in other auctions.

Pony Brag Arena / Re: Have bought some pretty amazing ponies lately
« on: October 04, 2017, 09:39:31 PM »
Those are amazing! Congrats!

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: What are your non- my little pony grails?
« on: September 12, 2017, 09:54:17 PM »
Oh man! I have so many, but my tops are as follows:
Balto and Jenna laying down plushes (very expensive on ebay)
Princess Sally Acorn merchandise (from the Sonic The Hedgehog Saturday morning cartoon) I'd especially love to find the beanie plush, hand puppet, mug and Avon bottle head of her. Merchandise of her was sold at a short lived theme park in Sydney, Australia making it impossible to find as well as pricey!

Care bears cousins of the horse, monkey, cat, and dog.

Wuzzles babies plushes (still new to me. I think sold mostly in UK)

Glow worms Dipper Duck and Country mouse for the glow worms

Gina, Feelin' Fancy Chloe and Feelin' Fancy Joelle from Fashion Star Fillies line.

Carla from the Mattel Little Pretty Kitties line.

Huge Sonic the Hedgehog plush sold over 20 years ago. Only saw him once on ebay back in 2002.

Huge Meeko the raccoon plush from Disney's Pocahontas. I think he was a store prize you had to win.

Those are my main wants. It seems harder to find stuff on ebay nowadays since they seem to cater more to retail giants.

Trader & Shipping Support / Re: No response from eBay seller nepalgal1
« on: September 02, 2017, 05:53:42 PM »
I received my order today.

Wanted! / Re: My g1 and g2 pony and accessory wish list
« on: August 24, 2017, 10:16:05 PM »
bump for new wants!

For Sale - For Auction / Re: 5/29 baits and more on ebay!
« on: August 23, 2017, 05:26:24 PM »

You did an amazing job restoring her! She looks so much happier now that she's all cleaned up inside out.

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: FSF Price Check
« on: August 01, 2017, 01:46:29 PM »
Chloe is the most common one (the original, not the laced one) so she'll be less valued, I'd guess around $7-$10. The most valuable ones would be the sweet scents, Song star sixteens and the laced ones. Let me know who you have and when you decide to sell. I still need 4 to complete my collection as well as some accessories, like Bobbi's pink and black shoes.

Updated my non pony want list.

Darn! Wish I saw this sooner. She's the last one I need for my set :(

Pony Corral / Re: Thoughts on a replica Adventure Card set??
« on: July 21, 2017, 07:33:44 PM »
Put me down for a set once you start taking orders. I have only a dozen or so original cards and they are so hard to find. I'd be happy with a replica set.

I had recently purchased an upgrade German Skydancer from ebay to replace the one I had in my collection the last few years. I noticed after taking photos of her to sell to someone she had big blotches on her. I don't remember if she was like this when I purchased her as it's been a while now, but curious if this pony is prone to age spots and cancer. How much does this affect her value? I way overpaid for my upgrade, bu I wanted one with an original tail as I noticed when popping the head off the one I'm selling she had a zip tie and her tail is thin. Guess I've entered that "I'm picky so I need to upgrade" stage since I've gotten most of them now, lol!

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