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Messages - Snapdragon

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OMG girl I am with you! I keep thinking, I'll just cross-post my pony customs, it'll be so easy! But do I do it ... no. no I do not. :lmao: At least it's not just me!

These two are SO FUN! It's funny, because when I saw the Big Brother, I was struck by how beautiful and unique his color scheme and curled hair was, and those eyes just drew me in! SO unique and beautiful, like nothing I've seen before on a custom pony! So I didn't immediately clock him as Willy Wonka, just as a gorgeous custom!

Great job on both! And thank you for sharing again! I'll do my best to follow in your footsteps! ... tomorrow, maybe. :lmao:

Customs / Re: A simple mommy pony
« on: August 16, 2023, 04:12:38 AM »
Aww they get a mommy at last! :heart: I had these two as a kid, and I believe I added them to the Surprise family - white and yellow hair, worked for kid brain! :lmao: She's so beautiful! Great job! :heart:

Customs / Re: An extremely late pair of ponies
« on: August 16, 2023, 04:11:28 AM »
Wow, those are super cool!! I can empathize with the very-late custom pony mail - I've been there! But these turned out fabulous, and I bet Kaelynn was super excited to see them! :frolic: I really like that the cherry blossom branches are removable, that seems like a great idea for shipping! And I really like that color shift paint you've added, it's like kind of textured in the photos, like scales! Such a cool double effect! :heart:

Way to go, but more importantly, congrats on finishing! That's really the biggest hurdle for me to get past, as an artist! Just finish it!! :lmao:

WOW that first round of paint made me put my shades on, it's soooo bright! I love it! She turned out fabulous, you really did save her! Great work! :cheer:

Pony Corral / Re: Anyone else actually loves the og 80s MLP the movie?
« on: August 16, 2023, 04:05:41 AM »
I do!
It remains one of my fave old cartoons and I still watch it from time to time. I'm sure most of it is nostalgia, but I just think it's so fun and sweet <3

I also love that my dad nicknamed one of my dogs, Grumlebum, which is what the grundel king yells in frustration in the danish dub. Apparently my brother and I watched it so much as kids, the word stuck with my dad, though not remembering where it came from XD

I love it! Unfortunaly the DVD-version has a different dub than what I grew up with so I usually watch the crappier quality I have on the computer which I transfered from my VHSs a couple of years ago.

This! It's the same with the danish dvd release. So I either watch my old worn out vhs tape or I watch it in english. I really need to get the tape copied to dvd though. My brother is autistic and does not understand english, but he loves the cartoon and the new dub annoys him, always telling me the voices are wrong lol.

OMG, Grumblebum the dog! That's adorable! :lmao:

I really liked the G1 movie! I recently did a rewatch, and it was a lot of fun! I personally have a lot of nostalgia for it, so I'm sure I'm not unbiased in my opinion. But I felt like for a movie that was literally just supposed to be a toy commercial, it had a very compelling plot! And several competing plotlines, at that! I think a lot of kids can sympathize with Baby Lickety Split when she feels like she can't do anything right, and nobody supports her. The stakes were serious, but not so serious as to be traumatic! (Looking at you, Land Before Time.)

Pony Corral / Re: German - Swirly Whirly hair colour
« on: August 16, 2023, 04:00:52 AM »
I *think* off the top of my head, that "Mermaid" from My Little Customs is the best match for green haired Swirly Whirly :)

Love pkw xxx

Oh gosh, I am so glad you just said green. Because all this time I've seen her as green, and seen her described as green! But it's blue!? :faint:

Pony Corral / Re: How much interest is there in g2 playsets?
« on: August 16, 2023, 03:59:01 AM »
I think the G2 playsets are so fun and clever! I'd love to own more of them, but they don't come up very often, and shipping from Europe (where they were originally sold) to the US is often cost-prohibitive. And sometimes they aren't even offered to be shipped out of the EU, so it makes it even harder to obtain! But I imagine to the right collector group, they'd be very popular!

Pony Corral / Re: Shimmerlocks Hair Question
« on: August 09, 2023, 07:53:50 AM »
The only color I’m really jonesing for right now is a true matte white! I think the last suggestion I got was to just use GITD white, but I sure do miss just a plain not-translucent white, yknow? But you have some lovely whites already, so I understand it would be hard to add another!

I’m really excited to hear about new colors! Me personally, I don’t usually go for the curls because I haven’t figured out how to put them in yet properly. :blush: But I’d love to see new colors in general!

Customs / Re: How do you organize your baits?
« on: August 08, 2023, 11:10:31 PM »
I try to organize them by gen, and I have a bin of “small baits” which is babies, G4 and flutter ponies/summer wings, but from there it gets… hairy. There’s still a lot of bin-dumping and aimless searching whenever I need a specific bait! :lmao:

Customs / Re: Falina the frog fairy
« on: August 07, 2023, 02:34:53 AM »
Woah, that frog body! That's some amazing sculpting, and those eyes look so glossy! Great work overall, she definitely should have won something! Great job! :heart:

Pony Corral / Re: Etymology: When Ponies Became G[X]
« on: August 01, 2023, 07:02:36 AM »
Woah, that’s so wild!! What’s crazy is I always kind of accepted these terms, and never really stopped to think, gee, who came up with them? That’s so cool!! Kudos to you! :frolic:

Gosh those are gorgeous! They announced a recent collab with a designer for a Target children’s collection, and I felt like - why not adults!! They just had their Stoney whatever collab that was super pastel, clearly adults like pastel! Cmooooon!!

Thanks for sharing all the pics!

I highly recommend Bluerose's price archives! She makes lists of all of the sold prices on eBay for each pony!

Pony Corral / Re: Basic Fun Factory Seconds
« on: July 30, 2023, 07:59:48 PM »
I’m cracking up at that last photo, and the excitement!! :lmao: She is hilarious! I wonder if there’s just a lot of busted up ponies being thrown out? It makes me want some too! They’re so fun!

Very fun idea for a topic! It'll be interesting to see the breakdown in the age ranges too, I wonder how pony-ish G1 feels for the folks who didn't grow up with it, for example!

Here's my list -


Okay, I know this isn't fully clear - but I know that we had some in-between gens, especially in terms of the media! Let me explain. For me, G1 is the quintessential Pony, the proto-Pony if you will, because it encapsulates the best of the toyline (hand-sized, slightly squishy, hair-play, fantasy-based) and the best of the media line. The pony cartoon (MLP and Friends, the movie, specials, etc) all had very fantasy-based themes, which even included fairy tale characters coming to life! I grew up with G1, so this was very much influenced by my nostalgia, too. Yes, the toyline still had a fair amount of 'little girls aspiring to teenage/adulthood' themes, with makeup lines and accessories and such, but the general vibe (especially in the earlier years/media) was childhood fantasy. For me, I see Barbie as more of the aspirational play, the 'I want to be a grown up and wear glamorous outfits and makeup and drive to work in my convertible' type play; MLP is more fantasy, more undefined, more open-ended for what kind of play you would have as a child.

G2 lands in its place here, for me, mostly because of nostalgia. I remember walking into a Target and seeing ponies on the shelf, and thinking, wow! They're back! And even though I was 'older' then, I still got some. This was the sort of beginning of my 'collector' mindset, because I remember going online and finding G2 ponies for sale in an online shop for the very first time. They didn't have a big media presence (especially in the States), so I was able to sort of impose my own fantasy of them, which was largely carried over from G1. Their accessories would have fit well in the Dream Castle, for example.

I almost put G3 further down, but then I remembered specifically the movies, Minty's Christmas and the Runaway Rainbow, and it brought them up the rank for me. Sure, we saw a lot of pony-scooters, cars, radios, TV and phones in the toyline, which are obviously things that seemed incongruous with a fantasy setting. But the movies still had a very heavy fantasy basis, and include Minty flying in a hot air balloon up to visit Santa, and Rarity travelling through a magical forest, and befriending Breezies/fairies. The ponies themselves also have a similar hand-feel to the G1 line, moreso than G2. I'm going back and forth between the G2/G3 ranking, to be honest! The G3 toyline got disappointing near the end (Core 7 anyone?), but perhaps if I lived in Europe I would have gotten sick of G2 too, instead of seeing them as thrilling, exotic rarities.

G4 carries on the fantasy elements for me, although out of pettiness for the trainwreck-y final seasons I was tempted to put it lower. Still, the overall seasons carry on the fantasy theme well for me, and even the cringeworthy 'fan shout outs' aren't often enough to truly demote the series as a whole. The toys are lackluster, for the most part, with many of the 'best' releases being convention exclusives, foreign exclusives, or simply incredibly difficult to find (Captain Celeano springs to mind). Still, the wide variety of toys means they can't be ranked very poorly overall, even if the vast majority have cheap polypropylene tails as a cost-cutting measure by Hasbro.

G5 sort of naturally follows G4 because it shares a lot of similar elements to me; a group of friends format for the show, a mix of fantastical and modern elements, and a toyline that does its job. I'm hoping it'll impress me, of course, but so far we have many sculpted-hair-only releases... and that's not promising.

G4.5 (the Potion releases/Potion Magic cartoon) was, uh, strange, frankly! I think a lot of folks skipped over this one, and I can't blame them (I'm still not finished catching up with the series, ha), but it did offer some exciting new fantasy elements. I thought it was kind of like a Teen Titans Go take on MLP, and I can't say that I hated it ... as much as the Newborn Cuties nightmare. :lmao:

Tales, well, it's a sacrilege to put it this far down here! :rofl: And as much as I love the cartoon, and I have a great deal of childhood nostalgia for it, it's not extremely "pony-ish", which is what you asked. They're more like preteen/tween girls who happen to also be ponies! And there's nothing wrong with that, and I enjoyed it a lot when I was a kid! It just doesn't scream 'horse'! :P

G3.5, well, same reason as Tales, really. They're talking horses, but they're driving around cars. :P The cartoons associated with it weren't fantasy-enough to save their ranking, like it did in G3! There was a cartoon with a magical wishing dragon, as I recall; but perhaps the cars and scooters are just more pervasive in my memory! :P

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