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Messages - brighteyes

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Pony Corral / Re: MLP G1 Vinyls Coming Soon
« on: February 02, 2016, 06:31:15 PM »
For those who couldn't see.

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I'm disappointed so many people are complaining on there (I get it, but I just wish more appreciation would be shown too). I'm always super happy to have anything g1 made, and I think the big head thing fits in with the rest of their line where they kind of caricature figures. I'm going to buy every one I can to support them. Plus, I just personally think they're cute.

Thanks for posting pics!  Personally I think they're adorable.

So from those pictures I'm guessing:

Blossom or Lickety-Split
mystery purple unicorn

I think the mystery unicorn is either Princess Sparkle or Glory.

OMG!! It keeps getting better!! @_@ WANT!!

So true!  I cannot wait for these.  I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed Minty and Snuzzle in the worst way! 

ETA: And Gusty and Firefly... actually I need all of them :-P

Pony Corral / Re: A way to clean yellowed playset plastic?
« on: February 02, 2016, 03:10:06 AM »
Ah, 3% is enough? That shouldn't be a problem then, I can get this on Amazon just fine. Thank you!

benzoyl peroxide  (Zit cream) is more volatile - it can continue bleaching over time.... never use it on actual ponies! 
hydrogen peroxide  is AWESOME for discoloured things! 

I actually tried that last summer on my childhood Gingerbread because she is pretty discoloured.  :cry: Tbh, I don't see any difference to this day, be it better or worse, but I wouldn't want to try it again.

I think 3% is most likely what people are using when they say they used H2O2 from the drugstore so it's a good place to start.  If you were thinking of trying higher concentrations if 3% doesn't work, you could always buy 30% and then make a 1:10 (10ml 30% in 90ml water) dilution to get 3% to try first.  Then if the 3% didn't work you could try 6% (20ml 30% in 80ml water) and so on.  I would also get a pack of gloves so that you don't get any on your hands when handling it, just to be safe.

Off Topic / Re: One place you which to go... only one!
« on: February 01, 2016, 06:34:50 PM »
I want take a tour of Mongolia on horseback.  They actually have a bunch of really cool tour packages but they are just too spendy for us right now.  Someday though!

Pony Corral / Re: Jointed ponies: yay or "neigh"?
« on: February 01, 2016, 06:31:26 PM »
I'm a "yes- with reservations."  I'd looove a really really nicely done jointed pony and I don't even think the ballerina ponies were too badly done.  The leotards really helped mask the weirdness of the joints but they still ended up kind of wonky.  My issue with them so far is that either they aren't jointed enough to make a real difference in terms of posability (ballerina ponies / new strange big head G1) or they are very jointed but just look so awkward (the explore Equestria singles). 

I mean, how much posing can you do with a pony that has legs jointed only at the hip?  It's kind if ridiculous to even bother.  Having a knee joint (or whatever that would be on a horse- the ankle?) would make it so much more posable, but I don't know if it could be done without looking really awful. 

I'm not really into collecting multiples of the same pony, unless they are gifts.  I do like to collect variants of certain ponies though, mainly Applejack and any of the collector's pony or any pony in the collector's pose.  I don't know why, but it's just my favorite!  They look so sweet :D

Pony Corral / Re: A way to clean yellowed playset plastic?
« on: February 01, 2016, 06:21:50 PM »
Ahh, the famous hydrogen peroxide bath, I've heard of it! :) Thank you, I didn't know I can use it on playsets! The colour will not bleach out?

Now I only have to find out where they sell it here in Germany. It probably is something totally obvious!

Edit - ok, I checked for online sources and found out that there are varying concentration percentages. Is there any info on how concentrated it should be (I found 3, 11,9, 30 and 35, but you need to be a professional user and sign legal documents to buy those with 30+)?

The hydrogen peroxide (I'm calling it H2O2 from now on because it's shorter :p) you can buy at the drug store in America is almost always 3% and that is probably what is most commonly used in H2O2 baths here.  Honestly, I'd try 3% first and if you don't get the results you want with that concentration, you could always work up from there. 

I think a good rule of thumb for restoration is to always try the gentlest methods and concentrations first and go up from there.  It sounds like you've tried everything else so sunfading in H2O2 should be a logical next step.  Unfortunately, I've had sunfading actually make yellowing worse in playsets, but I've never tried it in conjunction with H2O2 so I'd say it's worth a shot, especially if others have tried it with success.

I would not recommend using higher than 30% because really high concentrations of H2O2 can result in spontaneous combustion of wood and natural fibers if it comes in contact with them.   Even 30% can be dangerous and should be used with gloves and other protective clothing. 

Pony Corral / Re: MLP G1 Vinyls Coming Soon
« on: February 01, 2016, 03:40:33 AM »
These are so cute!  I think I'd like them even better if they weren't poseable as the leg joints are throwning me off.  Even to I will still get them when they are released.  I mean anything even fractionally close to a rerelease of g1 is awesome in my book.

The Dollhouse / Re: I'd like to talk to you about Barbie
« on: January 29, 2016, 09:19:42 AM »
I absolutely love this!  What an inspirational message.  I also wasn't a huuuuge fan of Barbie when I was little but she has really evolved since the 80's and I don't have a problem seeing her a role model for my little girl now.

Hi have to be honest i had the same thoughs as snapdragon

This is my feeling as well.  I saw Tak's sales thread as well and thought the photos were pretty standard for a general sales thread, especially given that the ponies were very reasonably priced.  If I have a lot of ponies I'm wanting to sell, I like to group them up into categories.  So I'll have a photo of all the bait condition ponies (with two views, one from display side and one from nondisplay side) with a set price per pony (like 3$ with discounts for purchasing multiples or something) and say something like: "All of these ponies have major flaws that require major restoration.  These include but are not limited to: hair cuts, tail rust, major eye and symbol rubs, pony cancer, pindot, chew marks, regrind, marker and saddle sores.  Each pony pictured below has MULTIPLE of these issues.  These are not really suitable for display and instead would make great restoration or customization projects."  and then move up from there.  If I have mint or excellent condition ponies, ponies which have either no flaws or only one small flaw, I will list them in individual photos with a full rundown like goddessofpeep listed.  If people want additional info on any of the bulk described ponies, they are encouraged to request additional photos.   

I'm really concerned about the possibility of someone opening a paypal dispute without contacting you first though.  Is that what happened?  If so, that is just, incredibly not cool.  I also think it's very generous of you to allow for a full refund and the buyer to keep the ponies. 

I think we've definitely all had our fair share of selling and buying disappointments (as the many many threads on TS forum show!).  When I first started selling, when I was like 18 and eBay was young I had a terrible experience that put me off collecting for years.  Since then I haven't had too many issues though and I hope this will be the last problem for you as well.

Introductions / Re: G'day
« on: January 27, 2016, 12:51:31 PM »
Welcome to the Arena!  I love your bird!

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Sunday Hat for Fairy Tale Bird
« on: January 27, 2016, 12:50:36 PM »
Thanks everyone!  I guess I'll make some up and take them.  If they don't do very well, I can always use them for display in my collection.

Maybe if you didn't want to have a booth with a poster, perhaps you would be able to do a panel to walk everyone through what you did, show pictures, the actual ponies, etc.?  I'm not sure if that's something you would be interested in, but it could be an alternative possibility perhaps! :) 

Awesome work, by the way...I love reading the updates!

That would be really awesome and I would totally be down for it if the opportunity arose!  I wonder if there would be enough interest though? 

At least we have some interesting results thus far.  Our results indicate:

1) Ponies can support mold growth
2) Oxyclean & boiling water may be partially effective at killing mold but it does not prevent future growth if the ponies are exposed at a later date.  Our control does have a very very slight mold growth indicating that either not all the mold was killed or she was re-exposed between being cleaned and put in the sterile jar.  She has muuuuuuch less mold than I would expect given her initial swab results so it could be that most of the mold was killed off in the oxyclean/boiling water treatment.  I'm going to put a really gross pony which is uncleaned in a sterile jar with sterile water and see if we get growth to compare.

I've also been testing UV light effectiveness on fading pen marks on a Pretty Vision.  So far, there was only a slight lightening of the mark after 5 hours of continuous UV germicidal lamp exposure, however an unintentional side effect of this was to induce plasticizer breakdown and leakage as the area exposed to the light became sticky after the five hours. 

Here is an animated gif showing the change (or rather lack there of) in the mark over five hours:

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I had planned to try another five hours next week but I'm not sure if I will given the plasticizer breakdown.  I will try with a more common pony instead.

Arts & Crafts Corral / Sunday Hat for Fairy Tale Bird
« on: January 24, 2016, 07:31:21 AM »
I've been making more fancy hats for My Little Ponies and I decided to make one specifically for our newest Fairy Tale Bird acquisition- Twilight Tales.  What do you think?

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Additional Photos:

I've been wondering if these would be something cute to make and sell at the pony fair.  Do you think there would be much interest in them?  If so, I wonder about pricing.  Would $8.00 for simple ones like this and $12 for more complicated ones with hand sculpted flowers etc... like the one below be too high?

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I don't have much help with the price guide, but if you end up selling a cookery playset please keep me in mind.  I've been looking for one for ages and will pay well  :bateyes:

I sold a nearly complete lavender castle over eBay recently but the bidding was very heated in the last few moments so I don't know that it's final sale price is reflective of the price selling on the Arena. 

Pony Corral / Re: Funko Hikari Gold Dust Rainbow Dash Preorder
« on: January 22, 2016, 02:45:07 PM »
It's like a pony academy awards statue! I actually think this one is really cute.  I'm actually really tempted by this one.  It's too bad these aren't as inexpensive as regular funkos.  They'd make great awards for events at a pony meet.

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