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Messages - SwirlyWhirly

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One more question, after I've straightened the hair with conditioner in, do I wash it out? I left it in and curled the poines hair over night and although it turned out good I can feel the conditioner on my hands after handling the hair.

Pony Corral / Re: Most repeated body/mane/tail colors in G1
« on: February 25, 2018, 07:03:43 AM »
White with pink hair maybe?

Pony Corral / Re: New 35th Anniversary Collector Ponies Spotted! Pics!
« on: February 25, 2018, 06:54:05 AM »
35th anniversary ponies can be booked pre release at this Swedish web store. A 5 pony gift set for 699:-/69 €/85$ will be released in April and 6 individually packaged ponies for 849:-/84€/103$ in July.

I don't think they do international shipping but I'll be happy to help anyone get their hands on these if you're having trouble finding them where you live.

Off Topic / Re: The trivial complaints thread
« on: February 25, 2018, 12:43:32 AM »
I stayed up until 2 AM, fixing up my little ponies and today I'm really tired. I couldn't even sleep in because my dog woke me doing miserable sounds, trying to convey the message that he wanted his breakfast. I almost never stay up late any more and now I remember why. I don't even know how I did it when I was younger. I could stay up most of the night, sleep maybe three hours and then go to school. How could I possibly function?! Now I think six hours sleep is too little.

1.  that is how you do it!  small sections, leave in conditioner, work quickly and smoothly

2.  Nope, rinsing in hot water is fine.  You likely saw either the oil from YOUR hands, some remnants of conditioner, and some other dirty stuff you cleaned off.  :)   Unless you have curls in the hair, like factory curls, then ONLY use cold water!

Thanks! Stupid question maybe, but how do I know what is factory curls and what is re-curled hair? Does re-curled hair straighten easier than factory curls?

Yes, that is how you do it  :) If the pony has *very* dry/frizzy hair though, it might take a few attempts - so persevere! I too would leave in the conditioner as you straighten, just to protect the nylon. Use a moderate temperature that isn't too high and the hair will be fine. I would *not* use straighteners on hair with tinsel in it, but I only say that because I personally have never done it and so am more cautious of advising others to do it. However, I have used this method many times on ponies who don't have tinsel, and never had any melted manes or tails, lol!  :lol:

Edit: one other tip you might find useful - if the pony's hair is very dry/frizzy and you don't get the results you want from the first few treatments, then smother the pony's mane and tail in conditioner and leave it overnight in a sealed plastic bag (like a freezer bag) to stop the conditioner from drying out. That way the conditioner will have a lot longer to do its thing and hopefully you will have a pony with lovely, silky hair again! Good luck :)

Thanks for the tip! I'll probably have to try that overnight thing on some of my childhood ponies because they are very frizzy. A sign of being well loved.  :biggrin:

Pony Corral / Re: Can I use Fairy/Yes dish detergent to clean ponies?
« on: February 24, 2018, 03:13:54 PM »
Thank you for all the replies! :)  I really appreciate all the tips I can get. I haven't restored a pony in more than 15 years and I don't think the jobs I did back then were the best either so it's like learning everything from scratch all over.

I'll throw in another question in the thread so I don't have to start another on a similar subject.

How do you fix frizzy hair? I washed it with conditioner and then dipped in hot water and combed it but I don't think it worked all that great. Then I tried washing it with conditioner and then using a ceramic straightening iron on it and the result was better but not perfect. Some hairs are still very frizzy and curly and the tips of the hair still feels rather dry even though it looks much better than before. I washed out the conditioner before using the straightening iron and before dipping in hot water, should I have left it in?

Also, dipping plastic hair in hot water, is it quite safe? Aren't all kinds of nasty stuff released by doing so? The water looked a bit oily afterwards, like particles of the hair had dissolved and created a sheen on the surface. As for using a straightening iron, it feels safer but isn't heat on plastic more or less always a bad idea? Obviously a lot of people do it so I might just be overly worried but I'm one of those people who loves to have all facts before starting a project. I want project fixing up my collection to be safe for both me and my ponies. :)

Pony Corral / Re: Can I use Fairy/Yes dish detergent to clean ponies?
« on: February 24, 2018, 10:14:02 AM »
Yes, absolutely fine. I always use it and have done for 20 years with no ill effects on the ponies :) Good luck!

Thanks!  :) Going to start cleaning those ponies now!  :biggrin:

Fairy (also known as Yes) is the dish detergent I have at home and I was thinking about cleaning my ponies with it. I couldn't find any info here or elsewhere about whether it's gentle enough though. MLP preservation project says Dawn dish detergent is the best but I've never heard of it and I'm pretty sure it's not even sold here. What damage could be done to the pony if I used the wrong kind of dish detergent? Anyone have any experience of cleaning ponies with Fairy/Yes?

Off Topic / Re: The Unicorn Trend
« on: February 24, 2018, 01:12:20 AM »
What do you think will be the next fairy tale trend? First there was unicorns, then mermaids, or was it the other way around? What will be next? Pegasuses? Fairies? Something else or nothing else? I don't think millennials are done with fairy tales just yet.

Pony Corral / Re: Show me some pony rooms! Please + Thank you!
« on: February 24, 2018, 12:50:31 AM »
Aadra310, that is simply amazing!

I've been thinking about not buying anything new I don't actually need for a year and see how that feels. Except for my little ponies. I'm thinking it could be my one indulgence. No new clothes, no new home decor, nothing unneccessary, except for ponies.  :lol:

Off Topic / Re: If I had $1,000,000
« on: February 23, 2018, 02:44:19 PM »
Debit card.

I live in a very cash free part of the world where it's not at all unusual for stores to accept card payments only. Here barely the banks handles cash any more. It's ridiculous. I can't even deposit money at my bank office. I have to deposit them at a, what are they called, like a reversed ATM for deposits only? Which is for some reason located in another part of the city than the bank office. So yeah, I try to avoid cash because it might not be accepted everywhere and getting it into a bank account is a pain.

I personally treat my much-reduced-from-a-decade-ago collection like seasonal decorations (from 450 to about 100).  They're never out for more than 3 months at a time at the most, and they get gently cleaned and styled if necessary before they get put back into their tote (standing upright because I am soooo tired of wobbly or dented ponies, particularly in the Glory pose).  Then I put them in the closet; depending on the closet I may also throw a blanket over it like my closet now which has a window, until next year.

It helps me appreciate them more because I get excited to pull them out of storage every few months.

I do keep an Applejack and a Butterscotch on display all the time, though.  But they're already so trashed and are just sentimental.

That's a different approach to a collection. I like it. Kinda like a Christmas tree. If you had it out all year it wouldn't be as special.  :)

I have my collection on display in our dining room, since it can't all fit in my pink room right now. I use Billy bookcases from Ikea with the optional glass doors (I knew I wouldn't want to dust so the extra $$ was worth it to me haha).

For sunlight I have attached UV blocking film to the glass on the doors, also I have a UV blocking curtain over the sliding glass doors immediately to the right (you can see the glare from them) I keep the curtain half way closed.

I don't think temperature is such a problem for vinyl, having it at consistent temperature is best though.  The humidity can do more damage. So I purchased a humidity monitor on Amazon. My house usually doesn't go outside safe levels, but having a dehumidifier nearby is a smart idea. Especially in a basement.

Here's my setup
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You can see the UV blocking film darkens the glass, but the collection can still be seen. Especially up close it makes little difference. I got the second to the lowest strength for the film, but you can get it with very strong protection if there's a lot of light in the room.

The light from the small windows in the basement room never reaches the wall where I will store my ponies thankfully. Humidity on the other hand might be a problem. Right now it's in the 20% range but the entire house goes up to 70% in the summer. Going to have to solve that problem. Thanks for the tip!

So yeah. Enemies of PVC are UV, Heat, Humidity and pollutants.

The first purchases I would recommend is an indoor hygrometer for the room the collection is kept, and some light blocking window coverings. I personally also have UV film applied to the window itself then light blocking coverings, but I do understand those who live in rental homes not being able to alter the premises that way- the UV film does not come off easily.

Now, for your query about light. Do remember, the way light will move around the room from windows changes with season, and time of day. We know direct exposure will cause issues, I err on the safe side of just blocking outside light entirely.

For room conditions, the safe handling paper I link to below stated this- "Keep the temperature at or below 20oC and relative humidity 30-50%, suitable conditions for most plastics". Using a indoor hygrometer, you will see where you stand, and you'll know if you need other tools such as an AC if heat is an issue, or a dehumidifier if there is an excess amount of moisture in the air.

oh, and move collections somewhere safe if work is being done to the room, i.e use of strong finishes/painting walls, near or where your collection is being kept.

"safe handling of plastics in a museum environment"

"Care of plastics"
Also linked, particularly for this reference:
"Exposure of PVC to light (especially ultraviolet radiation) and heat will cause a degradation reaction, called dehydrochlorination, which produces hydrochloric acid and causes the PVC to change color from yellow to brown to black. Manufacturers control this by adding light and heat stabilizers. Unfortunately these stabilizers are consumed as they do their job, until at some time the stabilizers are exhausted, and additional exposure suddenly results in deterioration. Thus a PVC object that has been surviving nicely under lights for several years may suddenly begin rapid deterioration."

Hope this is helpful. :)

Nice collection setup! And thanks for the links! I have to admit after reading about all the dangerous toxins plastic releases I'm now a bit scared of my ponies! And I fear for their survival as well. I'll definitelty protect them from sunlight and try to fix the humidity in the pony room. I'm glad you mentioned moving the ponies if painting walls because I plan to do exactly that and thought I could just move the ponies to another corner of the room.  :shocked:

I just covered my two windows with near floor-to-ceiling cabinets with sliding doors. These are PAX Wardrobe cabinets from Ikea.  I actually open the doors on rotation so that the ponies can "air out", but they also do a great job keeping dust away.

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I keep these desiccant / dehumidifying eggs scattered throughout to help with any humidity.
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I turn on the ceiling fan on low to circulate the warm heat at the top of the room (I have very tall ceilings in that room)

I also have a small air purifier that I leave running on low full-time right beside the air vent. That way any air coming in through the vent gets purified. 

That's a smart storage solution. An air purifier might be something for me. Wow, this is going to be expensive! Getting the humidity and air quality to not damage my collection.

Post Merge: February 23, 2018, 02:33:16 PM

Oh btw Ashlyne, what's Swedish fakie pony wear? I saw you mentioned it in your signature. I have some pony wear I haven't been able to identify and I'm beginning to think it's fakie. Was there a Swedish fakie brand?

Introductions / Re: Hi there!
« on: February 23, 2018, 01:34:54 PM »

Off Topic / Re: Favorite Disney Princess/Queen/Leading Lady?
« on: February 23, 2018, 01:33:37 PM »
I have to say Belle, even though I find the falling in love with her kidnapper part of the movie rather problematic nowadays. :lol:

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