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Messages - PoserBeachball

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Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: Show me your Breyers!
« on: August 07, 2018, 02:20:54 PM »
I don't have very many recent photos and fewer still uploaded where I can share them, but here are a few of the ones I have from Breyerfest 2016:

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yay, you have Carltonlima Emma, the Fell pony!
I have her too, my only Breyer. She is beautiful (though I'm a bit biased as we have a real-life Fell :) )

Pony Corral / Re: Nooo not the ponies!
« on: August 06, 2018, 01:42:00 AM »
NightGliderSA has put it so eloquently.

I'd just add that those special ponies will be very personal. I have limited room for my ponies- and much of it is taken up with duplicates/rehairs/'oddities'/damaged ponies.....if I love them they stay, even if it means sets can't be completed or they are worthless in monetary terms.
Go with your heart on this one.

Pony Corral / Re: Which pony best represents Earth love?
« on: August 06, 2018, 01:31:37 AM »
I think many ponies represent earth love particularly those that represent and celebrate the different seasons.

I'm going to nominate a set of ponies though  - the Apple Delight Family The adults grow baby apple trees for the babies and teach them how to look after them and harvest them. That's both looking after the earth and accepting Mother Nature's gifts with grace.

They look wonderful.
So pleased for you - enjoy your lovely ponies

Pony Corral / Re: Set completion- do you collect them all?
« on: August 02, 2018, 01:15:29 PM »

I also noticed there are a lot less collectors interested in set completions than 10 years ago. I would have thought there would be much more completionists. I wonder why that is? Or if it is just a coincidence?

Most likely a coincidence though I wonder if it is because many people are living in smaller homes now, and when space is limited everything one owns has to be heavily curated.

Well my bank-balance will be healthier as I'll stop browsing and picking up a pony who is not on my wishlist/keyword search but that piques my fancy.  Shame, as those serendipitous finds have been a lot of fun.

Pony Corral / Re: Set completion- do you collect them all?
« on: August 02, 2018, 12:40:30 AM »
I'm not really a completionist, I think I only go after ponies I really like...........

but those sets sort of creep up on you :)....... especially that darn Apple Delight family :).
I wanted the Daddy as I love boy ponies. Got him, thought that was it. Then came across his delightful daughter in a lot. Resisted for a while before searching down Mum and Brother. They look so gorgeous all together.
Now the family have got 'relatives' in the form of most members of the other two families - how did that happen?!!! 

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 7/20/18 Painting-Time
« on: July 24, 2018, 09:43:12 AM »
I think she is much more attractive in person than in photos.
She was not on my wish list but arrived in a job lot - and she's won me over. She has a lovely expression (or mine does anyway)

Pony Corral / Re: Thoughts on Minimalism
« on: July 24, 2018, 04:02:09 AM »
Hi Sonata,

Yes, I do understand where you are coming from. I have been slowly going through this process for about a year now: we have too much clutter in our house and I hate it. What doesn't help is my Step-Dad stopping by to drop off the puzzles that used to belong to my mom. This is something we did together and that we both loved. So getting rid of that type of sentimental thing is hard for me. Also my mom-in-law who brings along a treasured tea set that she wanted us to have. That IS lovely, however I already have two very large and excellent quality tea sets that used to belong to my Grandmothers. Now what?

Oh lawks! The family tea-sets! - you are not alone - we have the same dilemma here.
It's taken us years to get to the decision, and this may be so so wrong for other individuals/families - we have now decided to donate the spare sets to a charity close to all our hearts. They have a couple of volunteers who have the skills to sell the porcelain into a collectors market. Everyone is pretty happy with the outcome, but it was very hard to make.

I think you are wise to take your time - and to start with clothes, especially those that have little sentimental value - the decision is clearer; 'does this fit/suit my lifestyle/etc etc'.

My preorder for grotty looking Starshine from AmazonUK is still active. :P It's set for 15 August release at present (one day after the collectors ponies) but the product link is still dead.

What's grotty mean?

In UK slang grotty means not very good, a bit dirty/unkempt etc. Another word similar is 'manky'. Don't know the exact equivalent in other countries (but would be interested to learn)

ah... ive been enjoying hearing about all the other things you collect and hearing what everyone is thinking is really helping me sort out my own thoughts :lookround: pls continue to do so ^.^ :heart:

Im definitely leaning towards sell... but I feel once I open up storage and go through it I will feel this ~~~weird~~~ attachment and not want to sell and/or keeping more  :blink:   :heart:

My failed attempt last night was when I was sorting my MLPs and my 3yo daughter (who really interested in MLPs at all!) took 60 ponies to her box and told me I cant sell those, its her "flock of ponies" :drunk:

I think your daughter has just given you another suggestion on what to do with them :)
If she's attracted to them and you have space maybe it's worth hanging onto to the ones you and she are fond of. If that is the ponies then a small edited collection could be really treasured by your daughter when she is grown. 

Pony Corral / Re: Pony Poll - How do you collect your pre-owned G1's?
« on: July 15, 2018, 02:25:12 PM »
It's all about the pony for me - but I am not a completionist at all, not even worried about getting full sets, just the ponies I like.
If the accessories come with them then that's nice and I keep them safe.

Off Topic / Re: Plus-Size Bra Buying [UK advice needed!]
« on: July 09, 2018, 04:27:02 AM »
Don't know where in UK you are based - have you got an independent lingerie shop in a local town?
 If so, you are more likely to have a sympathetic fitting with someone who knows what they are doing. OK, the prices may be a bit higher than the big chains but worth it for the help.

Pony Corral / Re: Show your current pony rooms!
« on: July 05, 2018, 01:32:51 AM »
What lovely displays.

Love the library ponies breaking out amongst the books, Nightglider :) .

Shabbychicdee, may I ask what the second cabinet is lined with? is it fabric or paper? I was toying with the idea of painting the inside of one of my wooden cabinets lighter to allow the ponies' colours to 'pop' a bit as it's in a darkish corner but seeing your setup has given me ideas!!

Pony Corral / Re: Non mint/restored common G1s
« on: July 05, 2018, 01:22:09 AM »
I was more or less already planning to give alt rehairs to the common ponies that needed new hair anyway, so great minds think alike  :biggrin:
I wonder if there's such a thing as an alternate colored cutie mark? Several of my commons have extremely faded cutie marks, perhaps repainting them in with new colors could add a little extra flair.
Of course if I did that and sold them I would make extremely clear to potential buyers that the symbols were repainted and not factory, and mark the pony as a semi custom somewhere.

I'm not terribly concerned with selling them for a lot of money, as I almost exclusively buy in lots that come out to less than $4 a pony, usually as low as $2 a pony. So just breaking even on the cost of aquiring the pony + hair if needed is perfectly acceptable to me.

I've done this with a few. I don't mind rehairs as it's obvious that the pony is different (has had work), and they look so pretty.

Be warned though - mine end up staying because they look so nice displayed with their 'siblings'  (or Hubby gets taken with one, names it, and they get the best spots in the cabinets :) :) )

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