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Messages - Cswift

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Pony Corral / Re: POTD 5/26/2017 Sunbeam
« on: May 26, 2017, 12:16:58 PM »
The streak of yellow in her hair really just doesn't do it for me. It's weird because I love yellow-bodied ponies.

Adorable! I love your t-rexes. My girlfriend told me that they look like they were caught doing something naughty and are doing puppy dog eyes to make you forgive them. :P

Pony Corral / Re: Fakies: True knock offs or there own thing?
« on: May 24, 2017, 10:55:21 PM »
My friend Zejgar made a video about this, I think he has a point.

Yeah, that principle is sort of what I was talking about. To me it's that clear intent to either fool or lure as a "cheaper option" that distinguishes a fakie from a toy that happens to share a similar concept.

I don't think a toy necessarily has to steal a mold or box art directly to count as a fakie, but then I'm not sure if your friend was implying that in the video or if he just picked the fake G4 as an obvious example.

Sending you a PM!

Customs / Re: Gizmo
« on: May 24, 2017, 11:23:23 AM »
Wow, this blows my mind! The fur, the ears, the toes...everything is spot on. I think somehow the eyes are mesmerizing me the most, though. It really does look alive.

Pony Corral / Re: Fakies: True knock offs or there own thing?
« on: May 24, 2017, 10:43:28 AM »
These aren't my pictures, but here are some examples! I've saved a bunch of pictures on my phone because I'm interested in collecting both.

I just call them Big Brothers, I think I've seen other people calling them that too.

These guys, similar head, eyes and shoulder symbol:

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I notice that they have cloven hooves! And yet no horns like their little's almost like the unicorn traits got split between the two. Thanks for the pictures, these are super interesting.

I realize this is highly subjective, but my own personal metric for whether something is a fakie or not is whether or not there's a reasonable chance your average adult would mistake it for the real thing when shopping for their kid. By this standard, Totsy, Princess Rinse 'N' Spit, Lanard, etc. are fakies, since the proportions and general "feel" of the toys are very similar. On the other hand, I would not consider Bratz Ponies to be fakies because even though they share the same general concept of being a brushable plastic horse, the aesthetic of the toy is completely different and not likely to fool even your average Joe into thinking it's MLP.

Sending you a PM!

Pony Corral / Re: Non-pony fakie ID?
« on: May 20, 2017, 12:59:51 PM »

I did manage to find them on eBay! Unfortunately they're loose, so no clues with packaging. : (

Pony Corral / Re: Pony Pyramid (mad game)
« on: May 20, 2017, 11:18:41 AM »
Haha! I actually said "oh no!" out loud when I read your post!

I don't even own enough ponies to try and beat your record yet, but I'm curious -- are there any poses in particular that give you a lot of trouble? Conversely, any that are very stable? Poor Bow Tie and Parasol look pretty resigned to their fates...

Introductions / Re: Hi!
« on: May 20, 2017, 10:47:52 AM »
Hello there! Man, I know firsthand that kids can be jerks. You've come to the right place, though; you certainly aren't going to be shamed for your hobby here.

Tiffany is a beautiful one. If you really want her, you can try posting on the "Wanted" board to see if anyone has one they'd be willing to sell to you! Snooping around on eBay might work, too, though you'll have to be more patient to get a good price.

I hope you have a lot of fun here.

Pony Corral / Re: Unpopular Pony Opinions
« on: May 20, 2017, 10:19:18 AM »
I've seen a lot less of this than I hear people complain about, and I think hypocrisy is a tempting two-way street.  Also bronies aren't going away with the end of G4 any more than anyone here quit being interested in My Little Pony when G1 stopped.  Diverse fans of MLP are going to have to learn to get along, and i believe one day we will.

Oh, definitely, I've seen it the other way around too. It really bothers me when people automatically treat bronies like they are dangerous perverts. I actually recently had something happen where a friend of mine was presenting an academic paper on the brony phenomenon, and somebody actually left the room because she apparently didn't "feel safe around bronies." =/ Maybe she had a bad experience, but it was a room full of academics. What could have even happened?

Hm...another unpopular opinion...maybe this one isn't so much "unpopular" as just weird, but I feel like as the generations went on, the pony names started getting worse and worse. In G1 there's often some kind of poetic device behind them -- "Cherry Treats" is alliterative (in sound if not in spelling,) "Night Glider" utilizes assonance, "Moondancer" utilizes consonance, "Up, Up and Away" references a turn of phrase, etc. But the later you get the more you get names like "Twilight Sparkle" and "Rainbow Dash" that don't really have any rhyme or reason. It bothers me a little, LOL

Of course, G1 had some unforgivable names too. "Yum-Yum?" Really? :P

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 5/19/2017 Squeezer
« on: May 20, 2017, 10:04:27 AM »
I don't understand why someone would de-gimmick a pony. If you don't like the gimmick it makes more sense to save your money and let someone who does want that pony get it, since the supplies are finite. I'm a purist but I personally am not a fan of tampering with good condition ponies for no valid reason. Not G1, anyway, because they are getting harder to find and reducing the quantity puts the prices up.

I definitely understand that it might be frustrating to see vintage items get messed with, but in the end, people buy these with their own money and I don't mind them doing whatever they will with their own property. (within reason of course) From what I've seen, people rehair/reglitter/customize g1s all the time and I don't see removing an unwanted mech as much different.

That said, I will definitely leave Happy Tails ponies to those who like them 100%!

EDIT: Just saw your post in the unpopular opinions thread; I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one. =P

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 5/19/2017 Squeezer
« on: May 19, 2017, 11:18:25 PM »
i know how to remove the tail contraption and turn them "regular", so if you really like her i could help you out and just get rid of it!

Thank you, that's very generous. :) I don't need her, though. Maybe if you wanted you could post a tutorial for other people who might be interested? The Happy Tails gimmick actually doesn't seem that popular, judging from the comments here.

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 5/19/2017 Squeezer
« on: May 19, 2017, 10:21:09 PM »
wow shes new to me!! i have tabby but ive never seen her before... her colors are pretty but happy tails arent really my fav honestly.. i wouldnt turn her away though!

Wouldn't mind having her, but I wouldn't go outta my way either. This set is so pretty but those tails!  >_<

Completely agreed! I love her color scheme and would snatch her up in an instant if she was a regular release...but I just cannot get behind the Happy Tails gimmick, unfortunately. It's a little disappointing since pink and blue is one of my favorite color combos.

Pony Corral / Re: Unpopular Pony Opinions
« on: May 19, 2017, 10:15:50 PM »
I can't wait for g5 to pop up and flush out the last of the people latching onto the brony label and g4's popularity. I was still very much a child when the brony phenomenon started and was extremely hurt by feeling chased out of the community I grew up in because I was now seemingly in the minority and in the wrong for being a kid who liked kids toys. The last of my childhood was taken away from me for the comfort of adult men in a space that didn't belong to them and I can't wait for them to get a taste of their own medicine when g5 rolls around and children take up the majority of mlp fans again.

You hit the nail on the head regarding what bothers me about the brony community. I understand that there are positive things about it -- I think men can and should be encouraged to like what they like without shame or embarrassment, even if those things are "girly," because there's nothing inherently shameful about girls! But I've seen too often that the men (and, granted, some of the women) involved aren't willing to extend the same courtesy to others that they demand for themselves, and instead swagger about acting like they own MLP and anyone who doesn't fit into their mold is stupid and wrong.

Another unpopular opinion of mine, since I don't want to just rant -- Nirvanas usually look bad, in my opinion. I could be biased, but the alternate color schemes never seem to quite "fit" -- like it's obvious the characters weren't originally designed in those colors.

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