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Messages - Mana Minori

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Pony Corral / Re: Let’s discuss! Fawn Doo & Marcie Pan!
« on: October 07, 2020, 02:44:22 PM »
I didn't get the 'fondue' pun at first until you pointed it out...all  I could think of was doo as in 'dog doo', and I'm thinking her name is basically Fawn Poop?  XD I get it now. Maybe they should have spelled it differently...Fawndue or something. They are cute designs, though.

That would've made the pronunciation here in the UK Fawn-dyoo.
I don't know what that would've got across to anyone ;)

Marcipan is definitely easier to spot.
(Fondue is still pronounced fon-doo here though)

I don't know that we need another thread on MLP and Lolita, so I'm going to ignore that and talk about the ponies themselves.
Sidenote, but I'm a bit horrified by the thought that G4 got manga.

I'm not huge on their appearances, actually. I really would want G4 to have more ponies, but there are already a lot of pink and purple toys, and Marciepan's colour scheme follows Scootaloos (as well as being well used in G4) so neither of them really jump out. OK, better than more M6, I will admit - but not particularly dynamic choices for toys?

Can't comment on their comic characters, have never read the G4 comics because not a fan of FIM world. Maybe their characters would make them appealing enough toys, but on appearance alone - not for me personally.
her colors are a shade different than Scoots’, but I see what you mean. And as reluctant I’m to admit, because I like the theme they were based off of, I’m also not the fondest of their color scheme. I much prefer darker color palletes. Blacks and deep blues, above all else. Pink was never a favorite of mine to begin with, but I will accept it because it’s to be expected in this franchise. But the mustard yellow....eugh. It doesn’t exactly do justice for what they’re based off of, either.

What colors would you slap on these girls, out of curiosity?

Post Merge: October 07, 2020, 02:48:16 PM

These would have been a lovely pair of Ponies. Are they meant to be twins??? I hope so
I’m not sure, but I personally have always imagined them to be....

Pony Corral / Re: Let’s discuss! Fawn Doo & Marcie Pan!
« on: October 07, 2020, 09:25:29 AM »
They have cute designs! It's a shame Hasbro have been/are so intent with mostly pushing Mane 6 toys for G4's run, since FiM, the comic, etc. already give us existing pony designs that would have made cute toys.
truly a shame. There were loads of cute characters from not only the comics, but also the manga and even the series itself that I would’ve loves to see get their own toy, and Hasbro just went and blew it with their repetitive mane6 bit. So disappointing.

Pony Corral / Let’s discuss! Fawn Doo & Marcie Pan!
« on: October 06, 2020, 08:21:27 PM »
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I think these adorable little ponies are definitely worth discussing! Fawn Doo & Marcie Pan- two ponies who appear in the G4 IDW Comic: “Friends forever” issue 12. Their names are an obvious pun on “fondue “ and “marzipan”, which I think is pretty cute (partially because I have been naming a lot of my own OC’s after food and drinks, thanks to a certain comic unrelated to ponies).

According to their wiki page, they were created for Friends Forever Issue 12 by writer Barbara Randall Kesel, with the script description "The two sisters running the cart are plush avatars of pony happiness: they resemble the treats" "in their shiny colorful way.They have their manes done up in rounded buns with shiny hairnets." "Their hooves are bedazzled to match their ‘noms. They appear friendly, prosperous, and well-fed."

They were designed by artist Brenda Hickey, who took design inspiration from Japanese Sweet Lolita fashion, was asked "Are they from the Lollipop-Guild ?" and replied "That is likely what their origin story is!", and later stated that "they're not a reference." They were color-designed by colorist Heather Breckel

I would love to know the backstory of these cute girls, what their relationship to each other is, how they came across the Lolita fashion, and if their personalities are truly how they are depicted in the comics or if that is simply how Pinkie Pie perceives them.

What do you guys think about these ponies?

Pony Corral / Re: Having a hard time finding the "Pony Life" figures?
« on: October 03, 2020, 12:32:58 PM »

Thanks for the offer Mana Minori, but I'm on a very limited budget right now.

....wasn’t expecting compensation, but ok, your call, if you don’t want her.

Pony Corral / Would it sell? Pony concepts meet reality.
« on: October 03, 2020, 10:19:15 AM »
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away....I recall little seasonal ponies being released. One pony’s name was Abra-ca-Dabra, and the other little pony’s name was Pumpkin Tart. They lived happily ever after and never were heard again after g3. And I wonder- would seasonal ponies still be accepted? Perhaps not re-releases, but NEW ponies. It is the time of year where pumpkin spice is put in EVERYTHING. And...why hasn’t Hasbro jumped on the bandwagon to make a Fall inspired pony and named her Pumpkin Spice? I’m sure she would sell like hotcakes. But that’s just my idle wonderings.

Are there any pony concepts you guys wonder why Hasbro hasn’t done yet?

Pony Corral / Re: ~Out Now and Coming Soon ~
« on: October 02, 2020, 11:32:20 PM »
Some more preorders for Kotobukiya figures are up.

Limited Edition Twilight Sparkle: (exclusive to Koto US overseas)

Sunset Shimmer:

Koto US charges when you preorder - AmiAmi, Tokyo Otaku Mode (I think), and Solaris Japan send invoices when items are in stock so you don't pay until release. Unsure on how BBTS works. Out of all these shops the ones I've used myself are AmiAmi (for most things), Solaris (used once when AmiAmi wasn't taking preorders for a figure I wanted anymore), and Koto US (I only use them for exclusives like the limited pony figures).
i heard from someone over on Equestria Daily that they use Deepdiscount for the figs, and they’re free shipping. Dunno if it was for one fig or all of them, but I don’t know if the site is reliable or not. The reviews seem mixed.

Pony Corral / Re: Hasbro and MLP TLC
« on: October 02, 2020, 04:30:53 PM »
Well, I think comparing pokemon to mlp is apples to oranges.

What is it you are specifically wanting more of? All you mentioned was a music video.

IIRC, pokemon doesn't re-release their old merch. I'm all about fat pikachu. So I'm not even sure re-releases of MLP are even in direct comparison.
i already admitted to that. It’s not about the rereleases. I don’t want rereleases from Hasbro. I just feel like TPC does far more to bring their communities together, delivering these cool things like nostalgia and interacting with their IP through VR and phones and being active, and every aspect of your life- from sleep to brushing your dang teeth, and Hasbro, just doesn’t. Want to live and breathe Pony? Here. Have a toy. Have a figure.
Have some stickers that you can put on things! Have a broken community that we at Hasbro assisted in dividing!

I'm still confused on what you are looking for.

Pokemon is rooted in games, etc... so it makes sense for them to have apps and games.

And Hasbro does kinda release things beyond toys, but people don't seem to talk much about merch here..I mean, there have been stickers?
I’m not asking for games, either. I know that’s not necessarily going to take off with everyone. All I’m saying is that while pony may be aimed here and now at the preschoolers, the brand of ponies goes back for generations and had been around much longer than Pokémon. I just want Hasbro to acknowledge everyone, from g1 to g4, trying to bring all the fandoms together and really celebrate the brand and make it seem special every so often. A one of a kind anniversary collection that incorporates all the gen ponies, a cross gen movie or music video. Just anything than what weaksauce they’ve been doing. I mean, hell- they’re relying on outsourcing other companies to celebrate their last milestone anniversary instead of doing it themselves! Kinda disrespectful.

I just want the same care from the company to do cool and noteworthy things like TPC does for its base.

Pony Corral / Re: Hasbro and MLP TLC
« on: October 02, 2020, 02:38:16 PM »
No Hasbro is a company that focuses on the short-term success of whatever their competitor is putting out.  For decades it was Mattel, now it's Mattel and MGA and Moose.

the girls toy brands have always been thought of in terms of whether or not they are good sales performers or not. 
This is why Hasbro hands all the licensing off to other companies when it comes to "celebrating their fans" with product.  They are designing and branding the next New Thing that will be landing on Walmart shelves a year from now. 

This is very different from how TPC works.  TPC keeps all the business internal by having a separate department of the company handle all the actual property management.
yeah, I was aware of that when they started competing with MH by creating EG.  I don’t much care for that business model, though. I guess if just feels like the brand and company doesn’t do as much for its fans and collectors as TPC does. Hell- we have Basic Fun-  third party company- doing more for fans (not all gen fans, though) than the parent company is. And it kinda sucks. I mean, what BF is doing with its g1 retros is good, don’t get me wrong. They need doing great. But my issue is with Hasbro. Pony is their IP, and while I really like some of the third party things we’ve gotten, I would love to see what’s brewing done by TPC bleed over to Hasbro with regard for the fans and collectors.

Post Merge: October 02, 2020, 02:46:32 PM

Well, I think comparing pokemon to mlp is apples to oranges.

What is it you are specifically wanting more of? All you mentioned was a music video.

IIRC, pokemon doesn't re-release their old merch. I'm all about fat pikachu. So I'm not even sure re-releases of MLP are even in direct comparison.
i already admitted to that. It’s not about the rereleases. I don’t want rereleases from Hasbro. I just feel like TPC does far more to bring their communities together, delivering these cool things like nostalgia and interacting with their IP through VR and phones and being active, and every aspect of your life- from sleep to brushing your dang teeth, and Hasbro, just doesn’t. Want to live and breathe Pony? Here. Have a toy. Have a figure.
Have some stickers that you can put on things! Have a broken community that we at Hasbro assisted in dividing!

Pony Corral / Hasbro and MLP TLC
« on: October 02, 2020, 01:54:28 PM »
Does anyone think that Hasbro cares enough about the pony brand? I know that MLP is Hasbro’s most successful girl line, but when I see the Pokémon Company doing all these amazing things for the highest grossing brand in the word, I can’t help but compare, even though they are on massively different scales. TPC looks like they put so much care and love and anticipation to what should be big and celebrated and hyped, like their brand’s anniversaries (the 25th is coming soon). This Pokémon music video just came out that hits on delivering nostalgia to all the gens, and it LOOKS GOOD, and it’s just -chef’s kiss-. And I WANT that kind of awesomeness and care and updates and such given to the ponies- all their generations. And when I look at Hasbro and their past anniversary actions- there’s rereleases of the same g1 original 6. Ok. Yaaaay? Again, I know there’s bigger things at stake with TPC and their brand, but I just feel like Hasbro could definitely step up their game- not just with anniversary releases, either. How do you guys feel?  Is Hasbro giving the pony brand as much love and care and building anticipation for new and nostalgia with its brand, as it should be? (Or am I just jealous and imagining things? XD)

Pony Corral / Re: The Fakie Appreciation Thread! Show us yer Fakies!
« on: September 28, 2020, 03:55:32 PM »
I got this funny looking fakie from the seller who sold me me Fakie g1 Takaras. She just threw it in for free. Said it was a glow in the dark donkey. Huh.
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Pony Corral / Re: G4 fan artist involved in 2021 pony movie
« on: September 28, 2020, 10:23:11 AM »
I’m curious as to if this is going to set a precedent of some sort going into future generations. There are a Lot of fans and their creations I would love to see mass produced under the pony license, but at the same time, I don’t think too much fan involvement would be a good thing.

Pony Corral / Re: Having a hard time finding the \\\"Pony Life\\\" figures?
« on: September 27, 2020, 08:39:31 AM »
I am.  I wanted Potion Nova but haven't seen her at Target for months.    I've seen Trixie, Twilight and Fluttershy at Walmart but not Potion Nova.   I've found a lot of the EQ minis and the potion blind bags.  I haven't figured out why Potion Nova seems to only be at Target.

i wouldn’t mind getting you a Potion Nova. There’s a few of her at my local Target.

Post Merge: September 27, 2020, 08:40:19 AM

Haven't been able to go to stores for Obvious Reasons, but from day one back in January it's been impossible to find PLs online. Walmart makes them like $10 plus another $8 shipping, Amazon will list them for like $15 not including shipping, it's ridiculous. I need Potion Nova, Trixie, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity. :( RBD and Rarity are new so I guess it makes sense it will take a while for those to become more available but like I said, it's always been like this.
Same offer applies

Post Merge: September 27, 2020, 08:41:44 AM

I don't know if it's just where I am, but in store selections of MLP are really limited and I'm having a hard time even finding the newer figures online, even at places like Target's website and such.

Is it just me? I need Rarity, Twilight, and Rainbow to complete the set of brushables that I think are out at this point. I'm just not seeing them anywhere.
i think I recall seeing a Twilight near me. Want her?

Shadowonthemoon is pinkkittywings here - and the makes the most adorable clothes!
translating lolita fashion silouettes on four legged toys is not so easy- that means it work well on every doll standig on just two legs, like the takara ponies and the fashion dolls.

And also, I don't see why it needs to be specifically Takara either (besides, of course, I know you really adore them). It's not there wasn't pony fashion for the normal ponies.

No fracking way. You’re sh***ting me. It’s really pinkkitty?

Hooooooleeeeeecrap. Excuse me while I proceed to build a shrine and offer up a human sacrifice!

Their stuff is amazing!
Also, the Japanese fashion doesn’t HAVE to be limited to the ultimate best . ponies ever. Would I Like it to? Yes. Yes I would. Donn BBC I expect it to be? No i do not

Pony Corral / Re: G4 fan artist involved in 2021 pony movie
« on: September 26, 2020, 09:29:04 AM »

I just don't want any G4 influences escaping from G4 if it can possibly be avoided. I want a reboot to be a reboot and a new generation should be entirely new.
....Is it wrong to think the first mental image I got when I read this was of someone in a pony costume escaping from a psyche ward with a knife in hand, and running toward g5? XD

Just the way you worded it.

Pony Corral / G4 fan artist involved in 2021 pony movie
« on: September 26, 2020, 05:58:28 AM »
Sooo, this is interesting to me, and maybe it will be to others here. It mildly surprised me, but I feel like this was to be expected....

Some interesting news about the upcoming My Little Pony movie surfaced today.

Imalou, known in the fandom for her many gorgeous pieces of G4 related fanart over the past 9 years, has revealed that she has done freelance work on the upcoming movie. In the past 3 years Imalou worked both at and with Boulder Media, an Irish animation studio acquired by Hasbro a few years ago, as part of the effort to bring a new cast of ponies to the big screen next year.

While Imalou's work on the movie was completed this week, we still have to wait a little while before we can see the results. As of now the movie is scheduled to release on September 24, 2021. So just a little under a year to go!

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Their gallery:

Given the history and nature of g4 and into fandom, was such a thing to be expected involving the next generation? How might you see this shaping gen 5, with a respected g4 fan artist being held up as prominent and being involved in some significant way in the next gen? Is it worrying? Is it a good thing? Share your thoughts!

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