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Messages - Purpleglasses

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I really like the g4.5 ponies and I’ve got a few I’m trying to get my hands on! After scrolling through EBay and Amazon, I’ve decided to check to see what I can find here. The ponies don’t have to be in package (if they are, I’m going to open them) I’d prefer they be in good condition, but show me what you’ve got. A pony cleaning project can be fun.

Here are the ones I’m looking for:

My Little Pony The Movie All About DJ Pon-3

My Little Pony The Movie All About Soarin

My Little Pony The Movie All About Sweetie Drops

My little pony the movie All About Friends Photo Finish (only with whole outfit, please!)

My Little Pony The Movie All About Friends Tempest Shadow

School of Friendship Starlight Glimmer with cape

Rainbow Road Trip: On-the-Go Rarity

G4.5 Muffin pony

Reboot Shining Armor

All three Cutie Mark Crusaders from the School of Friendship set

Would also like to buy some pony pets, like the ones that came with the Equestria Girls minis. Interested in all except Tank. I’ve got a Tank already.

I’m looking more to buy then to trade, but if you did want to trade I’ve got the following ponies available:
g4.5 Trixie Lullamoon, MIP
G4.5 All About Applejack with...her face plastered all over her side. MIP

I have a bunch of g1 doubles too, although I haven’t organized my spares in a while. If you’re looking for a G1 let me know and I’ll see what I can find!

Thank you!

Pony Corral / Re: Taking off a Flutter Head?
« on: April 17, 2020, 02:04:59 PM »
I hear dunking them in boiling water for a long time loosens the glue. This goes for all ponies. It’s a good idea to check the body section of the MLP preservation project, if you scroll down it deals with head removal specifically.

Pony Corral / Re: Sunfading with a Lamp?
« on: March 03, 2020, 10:00:33 PM »
I have never tried this with pony stains, but I used to work at a place that has white balanced lights. I brought in a pink haired Gingerbread as a desk decoration and despite there being no windows in the room, her pink stripe faded to white. (It went pitch black in a power outage. No outside light was getting in.) Unexpected and a bit disappointing, but it made me think about indoor sunfading!

I haven’t tried it yet, but if I did I would line a box with a reflective material like foil and place a white balanced lamp in a hole in the lid. I think I’d use a plastic box but that might not be essential. Then I’d place the pony inside (protected as if for regular sun fading) turn on the light and see what happened. I’d be very excited to see what results people get if they try this!

Pony Corral / Re: Removing magic marker?
« on: January 30, 2020, 10:59:37 PM »
Ah sorry you’re having so much trouble! They are looking pretty scribbled on, and often marker pigment has just bled into the pigment and is hard to remove with any cleaning product. I think sun fading is your best bet here.

I know your dear child might be impatient, and that it’s not very sunny this time of year! But, I have a few suggestions. I recently worked at a place that had lights designed to show the true colors of what we were working on. I believe they were called daylight balanced light bulbs. The reason I bring this up is because the room I worked in was in the center of the building and had no natural light. I brought in a pony whose pink hair is prone to fading to decorate my desk and didn’t think much of it...until a little bit in her pink hair faded to white. This usually only happens when it’s exposed to sun, and this room was very much not, to the extent it went fully dark in a blackout. Too bad for the pony, but it gave me an idea.

Now, I can’t promise the following idea will work since I haven’t tried it myself. But I like the idea of lining a plastic box with foil (the foil will help reflect the light) on all sides, bottom and lid, and sticking a daylight balanced light bulb through a hole in the lid. You might have to dremel out the lid hole for the bulb - and maybe your local library rents tools so you can borrow one! I’d lay the ponies in there and just leave the light on for a long while. Bam, all season sun fading! And you don’t even have to leave the ponies outside! It could be a fun activity to check them daily. If you do try it, it would be lovely to see how it turns out! Again, I can’t promise it will work!

Best of luck with your ponies! You might be able to find someone who’s willing to rehair your trimmed pony too.

Pony Corral / Re: Removing magic marker?
« on: January 28, 2020, 09:53:02 PM »
Magic Marker is the brand name of crayola markers. Scroll on down to the sun fading section of this page for more tips on how to remove it!

Pony Corral / Re: Pony Life Shorts
« on: January 28, 2020, 08:59:35 PM »
I like most any stop motion but I’m biased. This is cute! Honestly at first when I saw the toys I was perplexed as to why they had no lower jaws...but it sure does make sticking on replacement mouths for animation easier! (Replacement animation is when a different object is swapped out each time a frame of animation is taken. You can find interesting videos on how, say, Laika uses this process on YouTube if you want!) Not sure ease of animating a stop motion puppet is a good reason to design a toy a certain way, but I do like these puppets. It really looks like they took one of the current toys and stuck it in a mold to make a stop mo puppet.

It’s playful, it’s silly, it’s not as plot driven as FIM but I mean. Not everything has to be FIM, the world will go on. I wonder if they’ll still do the 2D animated shorts? The fluidity of that style was nice.

Pony Corral / Show me: creative g4.5 re-hairs!
« on: January 18, 2020, 12:19:28 AM »
Hope that title doesn’t seem too specific! I love the g4.5 sculpts, but I’m bummed by how little hair they have. Has anyone tried punching them more hair plug holes, re-hairing with brushed yarn for body or something similar? I would love to see what others have come up with for inspiration! Thank you pony fans.  :biggrin:

Pony Corral / Re: What is this crusty crud?
« on: July 29, 2019, 05:17:47 PM »
Please update on how it turns out! I have some ponies with similar stains.

Pony Corral / Re: Show me Night Glider alternate rehairs?
« on: November 24, 2018, 11:27:09 PM »
I didn't make this, but here's a cute rehair by Etsy seller    

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Personally I think colors like this but with a bright yellow stripe would be REALLY cute, and your dilemma is almost making me wish I had a bald Nightglider! If you want to put some white in there, you can't go wrong with glow in the dark.

Pony Corral / Re: stupid things sellers do (tell me)
« on: June 05, 2018, 01:09:16 PM »
Who else has bought ponies that don't mention a smell, and you get them and they wreak of smoke?

Baby Hopscotch. She was perfect apart from the fact she stank. She even had factory curls.  :yikes:

Oh dear! If you still have this otherwise perfect pony, the baking soda kitty litter trick works wonders. Pour baking soda cat litter into the bottom of a plastic container with a lid. Put a towel over the litter. Put the pony in the box and seal it up... then leave it alone for 6 months or so, longer if you must. Rotate the pony occasionally. If she's really, really bad and the above method doesn't help, you can stick her in a bag with kitty litter, or immerse her in it. After a while the pony should smell fine! I've fixed some pretty stinky ponies this way. You just have to be patient...

I haven't so much had weird seller interactions (the stinky ponies all came from Craigslist so I knew what I was in for) but once asked a buyer in a vintage toy shop how much he would offer for a very nice Skyflier. The place aims at a collector clientele, not kids. This Skyflier had perfect glitter and a ribbon. The buyer accused me of touching up her glitter (in fact he suggested it had been customization, since as far as I could tell he didn't even know some ponies came with glitter, then tried to cover by saying he'd never seen one that old with that much glitter) said he thought the bow was a replacement, and offered me three dollars cash, five dollars store credit. The glitter and bow were both original.

Pony Corral / Re: Before you knew their correct names-!
« on: May 15, 2018, 06:53:38 PM »
I called Sea Flower Seashell first pony was Beachball and my logic was, object on butt = name. Mine was a boy, and I was too young to know there was another pony called Seashell.

Baby Rainribbon was just Baby Rainbow. It made sense.

I think I called Dazzleglow Umbrella Beauty or something. I'll be honest, I was always confused about what to call that pony. Glow N Show ponies have unusual cutie marks, IMHO. You'd really expect them to be celestial themed and they...aren't.

I was a G1 gal. I never cared about their real names- they would be torn from their cards and played with immediately.

Firefly. She was a he, and he was named Lightening.
Baby Firefly - Bolt
Moonstone - Galaxy (male)
Windy - Gusty
Sunlight - Cloud Cover (male)
Skydancer - Gull (male)
Majesty - Lady
Peachy - Heartthrob (male)
Posey - Prancer
Gusty - Autumn Crisp
Sparkler - April (Diamonds!)
Powder - Violet Flake
Surprise - Surprise
Baby Tiddley-Winks - Bibs
SS North Star - Compass Rose
SS Ribbon - Blue Bow
SS Cupcake - Icing
SS Shady - Shades (male, and the last one that had a gender swap)
SS Bouncy - Beachy
TE Masquerade - Masquerade
TE Galaxy - Constellation
TE Gingerbread - Gingerbread
TE Fizzy - Soda Float
TE Quackers - Quackers
TaF Sugarberry - Berry Sweet
TaF Dancing Butterflies - Flutterbye
TaF Sweet Tooth - Lolipop
Princess Sparkle - Shimmer
TaF Buttons - Embelished
Frilly Flower - Bouquet
Sunblossom - Starpower
Cha Cha - Lacy
Starglow - Midnight Serenade
Brother Quarterback - Football

These are all the ones that I remember having.

Sweet Daes, I LOVE your G1 names. Some of those are better than the actual ones! Embellished and Midnight Serenade? They just imply so much about the pony's character! So much story! Violet Flake sounds majestic and not to be crossed. Lightening and Bolt just make sense. Dude, much respect to kid-you and your pony names.  :biggrin:

Pony Corral / Re: Show me your unicorns turned into earth ponies.
« on: May 14, 2018, 01:27:35 PM »
If unicorns are wrong, then I don't want to be right.

Man I was going to ask if anyone had any documentation of some really religious people being irked by MLP and unicorn toys because it sounded to me like it might be a really isolated incident...and then then some of you said you had memories of that happening to you as kids and even book quotes. Guys, I'm so sorry! That's pretty upsetting. The impulse to stamp out fantasy, especially for kids, is awfully stifling.

Also glad to see all the history about the symbolism of unicorns popping up here. That and unicorn art history is a deep, deep rabbit hole that's intriguing to read up on. Whether unicorn as Christ symbol was due to a translation issue or not, it certainly made its way into a lot of art in history. I'd love to see someone analyze how that art history influences modern imagery of unicorns, how what the represent has changed.

I always assumed hornless ponies just got chewed on. If you've got one, I hear Epoxy Sculpt is a great way to patch up all kinds of toys. You can also make a simple mold using a pony of the same shape as the damaged one and make the poor critter a new horn! See the link to the chewed on Rapunzel here:,375746.msg1504005.html#msg1504005

Anyway, hope you guys are all living your best lives, loving unicorns and reading Harry Potter. The coven meets at 9PM sharp first thursdays of the month, and I'm bringing cupcakes! I'll see you all there! Ha ha, just kidding.  :biggrin:

Pony Corral / Re: A good All Gens Collection Tracker?
« on: May 14, 2018, 01:03:48 PM »
Man, if there was an app, where you could mark down number of ponies you had, condition, maybe even log pictures, and search it, that would be amazing!

Pony Corral / Re: How Do You Store Your Collection?
« on: May 14, 2018, 01:02:11 PM »
Yup! I have a similar method with thin plastic lidded bins I got from Joann's. I like them because they fit under my bed. The ponies stand in a single later. I also keep mine in zip lock bags within the bin, it keeps their hair nice and keeps the colors of the ponies or their hair from bleeding onto each other. I've never had much of a problem with color bleeding personally, but why risk it? I live in a bedroom in a shared house, and keep the ponies I display on rotation on the ledges above my closet and door. It's nice, honestly. Having room for only some ponies to be on display and getting to rotate them out is a thing I like. It means they add a fun element of color to the room without being clutter-y.

Pony Corral / Re: Does this look like a rehair to you?
« on: May 03, 2018, 02:49:10 PM »
Even body tone is more important to me than original hair, especially when the pony is hard to find with nice coloration and the rehair job looks as nice as this one. It's up to you of course, but something to consider! Once you have her, you can trim her hair how you like, and if one comes up with lovely coloration and original hair you can always upgrade. Try contacting the seller and see if she's flexible on the price; she may be factoring in the time it to took to rehair the pony into the cost.

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