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Messages - Storybelle

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Price Check Archives / Re: PC please G3 exclusives and some G4 proto's =)
« on: October 05, 2016, 10:26:43 AM »
I'll also be watching if you're selling these. I'm grabbing con/fair ponies whenever I can. I've got about 8 so far and it's not enough!  :lovey:

Pony Corral / Re: Rebranding Brushables Spotted?
« on: September 10, 2016, 04:18:56 PM »
Am I alone in thinking they look completely hideous?  -_-
Nope. I'm right there in the same boat
I think we all might have opinion changes when we see them in person xD

Maybe but I've basically quite buying G4s in the last year or two. I bought Starlight but that's been it from this year's batch. The new design is not particularly endearing themselves to me!

Pony Corral / Re: Rebranding Brushables Spotted?
« on: September 10, 2016, 03:10:36 PM »
Am I alone in thinking they look completely hideous?  -_-

Pony Corral / Re: The one that got away
« on: September 04, 2016, 04:00:17 AM »
I missed out on Beach Belle and Caribbean Delight. I forgot to up my bid and I got outbid. That is a regret that will live with me forever.  :cry:

Off Topic / Re: It's already September!!?
« on: September 03, 2016, 02:00:52 PM »
Lol, some days I feel like I should still be 22. It really does fly by the older you get. What day are you? I'm the 30th.

I rashly quit my job a few months back without having another lined up. Big mistake! I owe money to college and rent and if I do not get a job this month, I will have no savings and no money left.  :shocked:

Yeah it's hard to believe I graduated 3 years ago, and have been working for that long. I'm the 18th x.x it's way too close lol.

Sounds like a pretty rough situation. The company I work at hasn't given raises in like 3 years that we know of. Except for one person who got a whole $13 a year. Things were already tight so I'm really feeling it now, unfortunately it's looking like I will need extra cash to not only cover current bills but to overcome some obstacles preventing me from moving on to another company.

It's not a fun thing, no. XD I am panicking pretty damn hard right about now! I've been unemployed before but that didn't matter so much when I was 19. Now it's not so easy.

My grandmother's birthday is the day before mine. She was hoping I'd be a birthday present but I held out until the 30th. Clearly, I didn't want to share my birthday!

Yikes.  :blink: Doesn't sound like much fun on your end either. Here's hoping to us our job situations improve. Having money struggles is just the worst:cry:

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 9/3/2016 September Aster
« on: September 03, 2016, 01:49:36 PM »
Have her! She's gorgeous. :) I love purple ponies and she's my birth month.

Off Topic / Re: It's already September!!?
« on: September 03, 2016, 12:23:47 PM »
No. I will be hiding in my bed, refusing to acknowledge that it is this late in the year.I turn 25 this month. It is my two year anniversary this month. I meet my boyfriend's family this month. MAKE IT ALL SLOW DOWN!

Plus, if I don't get a job soon, I am very, very screwed. So there's that.  -_-

You too? I'm turning 25 this month as well, and it feels like I just turned 24. I'm in a similar situation on the job front as well. I need a part time one ASAP.

Lol, some days I feel like I should still be 22. It really does fly by the older you get. What day are you? I'm the 30th.

I rashly quit my job a few months back without having another lined up. Big mistake! I owe money to college and rent and if I do not get a job this month, I will have no savings and no money left.  :shocked:

Off Topic / Re: It's already September!!?
« on: September 02, 2016, 03:31:35 PM »
No. I will be hiding in my bed, refusing to acknowledge that it is this late in the year.I turn 25 this month. It is my two year anniversary this month. I meet my boyfriend's family this month. MAKE IT ALL SLOW DOWN!

Plus, if I don't get a job soon, I am very, very screwed. So there's that.  -_-

Off Topic / Re: Are you a night owl or a morning person?
« on: August 28, 2016, 03:31:22 PM »
Night owl. I find it really hard to go to bed at a reasonable time. I just want to be up and doing things! Mornings are too bright and harsh.

Trader & Shipping Support / Re: Held in customs - meaning?
« on: August 23, 2016, 04:28:11 PM »
Customs basically control the flow of good in and out of a country. And every country has different regulations about what's allowed in and what requires fees. When I worked in a parcel shop we had people ask if they could pay the custom fees in advance and we had to explain that we have no control over whether the item required fees or how much. It's up to the receiving country.

Hopefully, the item won't be held too long. Or require an extra fee. I hate when I get ponies from the states and they're worth a lot, it always means I have to fork out 15 quid extra!

Luckily I've known I don't want kids since I was about fourteen so sticky fingers on my ponies is not a thing I'm gonna have to worry about. Cats climbing on my ponies shelves might be another problem however...

I'm really worried about people not controlling their kids. It just makes them grow up into irresponsible adults and then the cycle continues. I swear people these days are shocked when a parent actually shows having a firm hand with their kids.

My grandmother has some very expensive figurines that we could look at but not play with. Those were the rules so we had to abide by them. That's how it is.

You uploaded more ponies?! Man, I was already having trouble deciding what to buy. So far I've bought a tattoo pony but there's way too much choice.

Trader & Shipping Support / Re: Buying ponies from China
« on: August 07, 2016, 11:58:18 AM »
Thanks guys. I was wondering if it was going to be worth it but I think I'll probably avoid it. :)

Trader & Shipping Support / Buying ponies from China
« on: August 06, 2016, 04:02:18 PM »
Does anybody buy ponies from china off ebay? If so is there anything I need to know or particular sellers that you guys use?

Off Topic / Re: I'm purple :'o
« on: August 06, 2016, 08:23:47 AM »
Love the hair! It's always good to do something for yourself when you've been having a rough time. Hope things pick up for you soon  ^.^

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