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Messages - MJNSEIFER

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Pony Corral / Re: NEW IDW has announced G5 comics
« on: February 21, 2022, 01:50:52 PM »
7. Put the poor forgotten G2 ponies in there, at least for a cameo.
G2-who? Never heard of her  :P
That would be My Little Pony Tales.

Put those tomatoes down - it was a joke!

But yeah, the G2... the actual G2s need to their moments in the spotlight (I'll be sure to make sure they do.)

Pony Corral / Re: NEW IDW has announced G5 comics
« on: February 21, 2022, 06:11:18 AM »
I had things to say about this series (despite still not reading it) but it kept turning into stuff about my own project, so it would likely fit in better when I post about that.  I am sorry for anything I didn't respond to as well, such as the "everypony" thing (that may have been it, actually.)

From the sounds of things this comic series ended up being not what I thought it was at least twice over - I thought at one point (I think at first) that maybe it was some kind of "farewell to IDW G4", and they were going to crossover with the "Concept Six" G1 ponies specifically (i.e. only those ponies) and the point would be that the Mane Six's final adventure (on IDW) would be with the G1s they were somewhat inspired by, or at least were supposed to be, which alone sounds like a nice idea to me (yes, I know they are only the "Concept Six" when specifically referring to the unused G4 version of them.)

However, the comic ended up using several G1s (as well as at least one G3), implying it was at least supposed to be a pre-G4/G4 crossover of sorts, but from the sounds of it they did their own thing with the pre-G4s, which... is fine I guess, if they were just going by their own interpretation of them, but if they advertised it as a big crossover thing, it would make more sense to include at least one canon version of each pre-G4 pony.

It is also isn't their final time with MLP as there's going to be a G5 comic from them, though that could be different people and either way this was still their last(?) G4 comic, so at least the idea of it being some kind of grand finale still stands, but I feel it would have made more sense if they'd done either of the things it looked to me like they were going to do.

To LadyMoondancer: I like your ideas for how you would have done the comic, particularly point six and seven, which would have been excellent for a crossover storyline.

Pony Corral / Re: I Bring You More G5 News
« on: February 18, 2022, 02:46:03 PM »
The mouth looks pretty beany to me.

Also note that I put CalArts in quotes there... to convey that it's the usual moniker for such a style. Never said I approve of the nickname myself.

It's true there's always been trends in cartoons, but the bean mouth one is a pretty pervasive one and it's one I'm getting sick of.
Fair enough, sorry if I came across as too aggressive, and in fairness, I did say that it still has that style in places, but I still see a distinct difference between this and the usual bean mouth style.

Again, fair enough, but I'm ultimately okay with any art style, so it needs to do something really "wrong" for me not to like it.

Pony Corral / Re: I Bring You More G5 News
« on: February 18, 2022, 02:05:19 PM »
I'm tired of the "CalArts" bean mouth style, too. I'm not usually one to complain about it but it's getting really old, especially that damn bean cheek head shape. It just looks weird on ponies. :/ The style itself isn't inherently bad, I just miss when there was more variety in art styles for cartoons.
It doesn't even really use bean mouth though, I mean... it kind of does in places, but not as much as other shows.  Also, bean mouth isn't CalArts, I mean technically nothing is, unless it outright came from that location - it's basically just used to describe whatever style whoever is speaking doesn't like (not saying you're doing that, but it's what people do.)

And there's plenty of variety in cartoons, pretty much everything I see has it's own style - the only similarity is is when they are using the same kind of art style, and even then, they usually tend to look different from each other, and have their own identity.  Also, most decades that I've seen (going as far back as the 80s, but it may be even further) had specific styles that could at least be cherry picked as "looking the same", and today's animation is no different - there's stuff that can be compared, but there is, and always will be variety.

Pony Corral / Re: I Bring You More G5 News
« on: February 17, 2022, 12:48:23 PM »
I'll judge it more when I see it in action, there's only a split second of it more or less, so I can't really see what I think of it.  From the picture, it's kind of flat, but I'll see what I think of the show.

Sometimes style looks better when it's animated - Pony Life had a simplistic-ish style, but I still found it cute and it fitted the show, so it's not really a deal-breaker.  It's also possible they want to just do a simpler thing for YouTube, and have a... more refined style (I don't want to say "more effort" because a simplistic style doesn't always mean "no effort", it can be as stylistic choice.)

To be honest, I tend to give all kinds of animation a chance, it has to be a really "bad" version of (insert animation style here) to make it lose points for me, and even then it can still be saved by the "good" points of the subject (good and bad being based on my own opinion, of course) - I'll admit, from the picture it doesn't look the best, but I'd need to see them actually doing more things, and appear longer.

Pony Corral / Re: Unpopular Pony Opinions
« on: February 16, 2022, 05:13:30 AM »

They're just pointless, really. Related, I was thinking of like a... theory? Lack of a better term? For G1's progress:

Horse phase -> Fantasy phase -> Domestic/Modern Phase

"Horse phase" obviously being the bridles and saddles, but also Megan's inclusion. The stable is also very horsey, but what makes it even MORE horsey are the trough accessories! Early MLP feels like "horses, but what if it was purple?" rather than how we know it today. "Fantasy phase" is the mainstream view of MLP. No need to explain further. Magical little ponies with magical little powers living in castles and going on adventures. "Domestic/Modern Phase" is obviously Tales, but also the shift of the brand entirely. From "magical ponies in castles" to "prom queen ponies" and "house furniture playset and pregnant mom pony". G1 is the most baby-heavy of all the gens, but instead of just "babies" there's an emphasis on "families" like, obviously, the Family sets (Sweet Celebrations, etc) in late-G1. A quick glance at MLW (which I know isn't the authority on MLP history, but it's good enough with something like this), early G1 looks like it's mostly adult ponies with some babies. But by year 7-8, it's halved, with a LOT of baby releases... like half adult ponies, half babies. Of course when I mean family I mean "mom, dad, baby", not "random orphaned baby" and "adult pony with her cloned baby self".

I know G1's progress was just a matter of them refreshing the brand to make it more appealing to its demographic, but it sort of repeats itself with the other gens:

G2: Simple Phase -> Fantasy Phase -> Domestic Phase
G2 started off with basic playsets and themes, went onto the royalty thing, then finished off with a mansion mom and baby playset. The focus on babies as time went on I think also contributes to the "domesticity" of the gen, since if you have babies, you probably will want to roleplay "family" stories. Cooking, school, and gardening playsets as well.

G3: Simple Phase -> Fantasy Phase -> Domestic/Baby Phase
G3 started off with very simple stories that didn't do much, but A Very Minty Christmas and The Runaway Rainbow gave the ponies more exciting adventures to go on halfway through the gen. Finish off the "Fantasy Phase" with Twinkle Wish Adventure. These ponies are going on adventures across the land and not just planning parties in Ponyville like the Free Media movies. As for "Domesticity", we have the Ponyville playsets-- ponies living in a town, a society, rather than a magical world. Ultimately, the gen wraps up altogether with Newborn Cuties.

Gens seem to have a focus on babies at the end of their run...? Is this a "last ditch effort" to make money? "OK we gotta bring out the big guns, give them babies. Little girls love babies."

G4: Simple Phase -> Fantasy Phase -> Domestic Phase
"Simple Phase" being the "slice of life" early episodes of FiM, "Fantasy Phase" being the more... "geek franchise" later seasons, and "Domestic Phase" being Pony Life. "Modern Phase" also fits Pony Life, just as Tales was G1's "Modern Phase". Although they came before PL, you could throw in a brief "baby phase" with the... 2 sets of baby Mane 6 merch we got...? :lookround: (The 6-pack minifigures and the Pinkie/Twilight dolls)

G5 has just begun but I wonder if we'll see a similar pattern. Maybe Hasbro can shake things up and give us babies right away. ;)
Very nice analysis!  I can tell it was thought out, and it ultimately makes sense - the only part I'd disagree with is that not only did G4 technically start off with a "Fantasy Phase" (the first two-parter of FiM, especially the second half), and it's always kind of zigzagged (or tried to) between "Fantasy Phase" and "Simple Phase" - I'd even argue that some of the later seasons are more "Simple Phase" than S1.  I think it depended more on the episodes they were showing, or something  - as much as I love FiM, I'm not sure it was always as good at balancing the two; in fact one of the main complaints a friend and I have over the latter seasons is that they weren't really as adventurous as the earlier seasons (I'm not saying there wasn't adventure, but they seemed more focused on comedy, and may not have balanced it as well as they could have done), but ultimately, I feel it always kind of did both "Slice of Life" and "Adventure" from the begining.

Sorry about that, I swear it was just that one part - your analysis was beautifully written.

I was also quite confused that the tales ponies were meant to be 10 years old. They seemed like young teenagers to me, at least 14 or thereabouts, given their behaviour and the fact this was the early 1990s. While I know kids grow up fast, they don't go to rock concerts on their own at age 10, much less perform in them.
I often found myself forgetting they were around 10, though part of it for me was seeing G4 and by extension pre-Tales G1 first, so it was probably fixed in my mind that a 9 or 10 year old Little Pony would be like the CMC (who are around 7, based on an audition script) or possibly the G1 Baby Ponies (who seemed more children than babies.)

I'd gotten used to the idea of viewing full sized young ponies, as at least young adults (that's how I view the earlier G1s, the G3s, the G4s, and I guess now the G5s, in animation at least), but realistically the Tales ponies would be at least young teenagers, like you say, as they're in school.  For reasons you say, the do seem more like teenagers than pre-teens - we may think about being in a (at least locally) famous band and giving concerts at 10 or younger, but I doubt any of us actually did it... I mean, even as a teenager it would be a challenge.

Pony Corral / Re: Unpopular Pony Opinions
« on: February 14, 2022, 01:26:12 PM »
To SpacePinto and Ponybookworm: Thank you.  I'm pleased that you understand in your own ways that I think of the cartoons first, yet still respect, love, and take inspiration from the other "canons".

To Ponybookworm specifically: Yeah, I've taken a dislike to pony toys being called merch as well - toys aren't merch if they started out as toys, to me MLP merch would be a shirt or something.  In fact, I have an FiM mousepad in front of me now - that is merch as far as I can see, not the toys themselves, they are the franchise.

To Taffeta: First off, thanks for explaining about the Adventure Boys.

Second; yeah, I understand the annoyance of people acting like the cartoons are the only canon - some bronies at least, don't get it - they don't get that every canon of MLP is its own canon, ultimately.

It is indeed correct that G1 MLP had more than one canon (off the top of my head; toyline, comic books, story books and cartoons), but the thing is, this is actually true for at least most generations up to and including G4.  Yes, G4 has multiple canons too - the comics and the books and comics are considered to be a separate canon... or they should be - at least some bronies just right off the comics as non-canon, which isn't the correct use off the phrase; they are "separate canon" - I am sure I have explained to them that this has happened with previous generations, that there are separate canons for all, or at least most of them.

That's one of the beauties of MLP for me, you can take as much or as little from any canon or even canons you like, or just create your own completely - it's your choice, your imagination.

I too agree with Ponybookworm's statement - there is no wrong or right way to enjoy MLP, we are all valid.

Thank you, everyone.   :lovey:

Pony Corral / Re: Unpopular Pony Opinions
« on: February 13, 2022, 02:35:11 PM »
Hmm... I never knew that the Big Brother Ponies were also called Adventure Ponies - I feel that would have been better everywhere, as they clearly weren't any pony's brother, so the name never made any sense.

I guess my ultimate unpopular opinion here by far would be that, even though I love the toylines and wish I'd grown up with them, I am always going to think of the cartoons first (despite the fact I will always think of all "canons" when it comes to inspiration) - I know the overall response to this will basically be "Oh, it's a brony thing...", but I do have a love and respect for the toylines as well, but brony or not, the animations was what I started with, so I do value them.

Also, as something that would count as an "Unpopular Brony Opinion" more than anything... it doesn't bother me when ponies use their hooves to pick things up. 

Bronies seem to make a song and dance about it, when any non-G4 generation does it, yet I actually think it looks better than (non-unicorn) ponies using their mouths to pick everything up, which looks silly to me - and this isn't hate towards bronies, I am one, but I don't see the big deal about this, I actually feel pick up with hooves, and just "accepting" it works better, and looks less silly.

Pony Corral / Re: Unpopular Pony Opinions
« on: February 11, 2022, 11:53:44 AM »
Unpopular opinion: I loved the fact that humans and humanoid characters like the witches were in the first generation of MLP. It somehow made the world more believable  to 5 year old me and I.... dreamed of the day Wind Whistler would come to take me away to ponyland.
I like the idea of the human characters at least, for basically what you said at the end of your post - like it opens up the idea to the kids watching that they could visit the ponies one day, or something, fuelling their imagination.  However, I don't mind that they never did anything further than G1 with Megan-type human characters, and definitely prefer it to be about the ponies, but I do like the idea of it, and appreciate what they were (probably) going for.

One problem with it (as I'm sure I've seen at least one person say on this forum) was that they may have given Megan too much... leadership, or whatever (I need to double check on this, even though it was only last year I got back to G1), like she seemed to be the one guiding the ponies or solving everything for them, despite it being her world, so they should have guided her more?  I dunno, I'll have to check how "bad" it was.

But other than that (and the fact that I prefer it to be mainly about ponies) I do like the idea of it, with the target audience presumably imagining that they could be taken to Ponyland one day... :lovey:

Pony Corral / Re: My Little Pony references in other media!
« on: February 02, 2022, 04:20:09 PM »
From Black Widow-
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Love the 90s!

Oh isn't that one of the TY plushes? ovo
If that's what I think it is, the fact they used a G4 was doing the rounds on Twitter - it goes with out saying that they should have used a G2 or a G1, if that scene was supposed to be set in the 90s.

Edit: Yeah, it appears to be what I thought it was.

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 1/31/2022 Firefly
« on: February 02, 2022, 04:16:29 PM »
As I'm sure I've said several times, Firefly was the first pony I ever liked, and she'll always mean a lot to me.

It would awesome to own a version of her.   :cool:

Pony Corral / Re: Friendship Gardens (G2 PC game)
« on: January 16, 2022, 02:51:14 PM »
I played the hay out of this game when I was little !! I remember it so vividly. The first time I sent my pony over the rainbow, I thought it would unlock a new region to explore. But no, it was the end of the game. I would never see my pony again. That was so heartbreaking !!
I've not played it myself, but hearing about it, I always felt how sad it must be to let go of your pony, but it never entered my head that there could be someone who didn't know what was happening - now that you've said that, I can imagine someone thinking they were going to get the next part of the game, only to find they were releasing their pony.  I can only imagine how that must have felt...

Pony Corral / Re: G1 vs G3 Pony toys?
« on: January 15, 2022, 10:42:49 AM »
Hmm...  G3 toys are very beautiful in my opinion, and my favorite generation in total (that's more for the cartoons, though - which are also very beautiful IMO, in my ways than one), but while not only do the G1s also have a beautiful design, they seem the most imaginative for me - I mean, you can use your imagination playing with any of the generations, but all the different types, and backcard stories (which you don't have to pay attention to, I know) - they just seem like a toyline I would have loved to have grown up with...

In fact, I have a kind of... pseudo-nostalgia for them... I guess, like I can imagine growing up with them, and playing with them, even though that never happened.  I do have genuine nostalgia for G1, which again is mainly the cartoon, but I never owned any, especially not as a kid, but they look so much like something I "should" have grown up with... it kind of feels like I could have done? 

That said, I do have actual nostalgia towards the G1 toys in a kind of strange way, and that's reading about them, of all things... back in the 2010s, when I got into the pre-G4 generations, it was the G1 toys I enjoyed reading about more than the others (mostly for what I mentioned), so the G1 toys are important to me, in a weird way, despite never owning one...

So, yeah... G3 may be my favorite generation, but... I think my favorite toyline is G1.   :lovey:

Well the digital has a three page preview of the 4th comic… ….it’s…

NOT GOOD or well I hated it. Of course they sound like G4 with a G1 look  :cry:   WHY ARE THEY WALKING ON A RAINBOW??? That part I hate a lot too. They aren’t Starlite…

More detail if you don’t want to know about it early?

and WHY WHHHYYYY is Bonbon there?!?!! And G3 Minty.. I guess G3’s would be fine BUT DONT ADD TALES!!  :cry: They don’t make sense to be a part of that world   :facepalm: then Megan is in her first special outfit fighting smooze  :pout: I’m afraid what more they added. And Surprise narrating the story, I don’t see her saying supreme bummer and going “Like totally lame!”  >_< Now I’m hoping those are the only instances but I’m fearing the worst  :cry:  kinda makes her sound ‘valley girl’? UGH!!

I don’t know anymore…   


Still haven't read it, but...

While I'd sort of get it, if it is what I said it was before (i.e. Mane Six meets Concept Six rather than G4 meets G1, although it seems like it's supposed to be the latter and then some) I do agree that it's a shame if the G1s that were the Concept Six sound like their G4 "counter parts" (unless I misunderstood that part) - if that's what they chose to do, then fine, but when I use those characters, they aren't going to act like the Mane Six - they don't need to act like them, I have the Mane Six for that, and they aren't the Concept Six in what I'm writing, they are G1 characters (or references to them) - the closest they get to being the Concept Six is that they are going to team up in at least one episode, but that's more of a shout out to the Concept Six than anything.

As for Surprise... yeah, she isn't the pony I would have imagined with Valley Girl speak... I could do my usual thing, and just say that this is a "this" Surprise thing, but if the point is to bring G1s and G3s over then, it makes more sense for them to act in someway that is closer to how they did there?  Interpretations aside...?

(I'm trying my hardest not to sound a hypocrite with my project, since there will be creative licence with all generations I use...)

Also... I actually do find Tales making sense as part of the FiM world, no offense, but I always felt like they were easy to imagine in Equestria... all pre-G4s are in my mind, but I always felt Tales fit in relatively easily - I know they have cars and that, but I always felt that was easy to overlook if you were putting them in a G4 (or even a G3, G3.5 or earlier G1, and probably even a G2) world, so they wouldn't be aware of cars etc. unless the story was that they'd litterally gone from their own world to the other one.

That said, I think I have a different look toward Tales, like I've seen people essentially say that the show isn't "My Little Pony" enough, and that you could make them any other animal (including humans) and nothing would change, and there's not enough fantasy to it (I think that's been said), but I never felt that... it is very  MLP to me, and I can see the fantasy potential in it.

Also... I may be wrong, but I could have sworn that ponies walking a rainbow was a G1 thing, or another pre-G4 thing?  Like I feel that it may be a comic book or a backcard story?  I'm not sure, but it feels more pre-G4 than G4, even with the whole "Pegasi can live in clouds" thing...

Maybe it's because Firefly and Medley slid down a rainbow in the first episode/special?  I just feel that walking on rainbows has been done before...

(Just Realized: I may be thinking of "Best Friends Until the End of Time", which was a G4 thing, but I might not be...)

Pony Corral / Re: Mysterious Ball
« on: December 25, 2021, 05:02:43 AM »
Semi-off topic, but "Mysterious Ball" kind of sounds like a storyline for My Little Pony in my opinion, but I mean a "Ball" like a dance.  Dunno what would be "mysterious" about it, but it sounds like a storyline idea waiting to happen, in my opinion...

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