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Messages - kakenterprise

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Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Here We Go! Challenge #2
« on: February 10, 2017, 02:42:43 PM »
So last Sunday I felt some pain in my back near the end of my workout.  I finished my workout and thought it would just go away.  Nope, I tried a hot shower, and it just got worse as the day went on.  My fiance was nice enough to get me some icy hot and a heat bandage wrap thing (its amazing)  by the next day it turned into a less painful bruise. 

I'm fine now, I walked once this week and I did a training session today.  After my workout I went to the fruit market and they had bags of bananas for $1.  So I bought 3 and started making breakfast for the next few months lol(they freeze for up to 3 months).  I made banana breakfast cookies and they are amazing, and they keep you happy till lunch.

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Here We Go! Challenge #1
« on: February 04, 2017, 02:36:34 PM »
 Loona-thanks it's definitely different.  I know I wouldn't be pushing myself as hard, if I didn't have someone telling me to use the heavy weights or to do more reps. Normally I'd be like no this hurts I'm done, lol.

MintySocks- Congratulations that's a big accomplishment and a great step forward.

 Ponyfan- it happens to us all.  Pops super addictive, I know I crave Mountain Dew all the time.  I don't keep it in the house to avoid it and I'm to cheap to buy it from a vending machine.

I worked with my trainer on Friday.  The new work out surprise was no break.  I went from work out A strait to workout B...  Thankfully it was arms/abs day even though I was super tired I managed.  Can't wait for tomorrow...

Pony Corral / Re: Where are the pearlized brushables?
« on: February 04, 2017, 05:58:19 AM »
I went to target yesterday and all they had was the reboot pony's.

Not thrilled.

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Here We Go! Challenge #1
« on: February 02, 2017, 06:04:47 PM »
Crowning_Glory13-Thanks its definitely been a different experience.  Trainers are tough if you don't do it right it doesn't count.  I'm training tomorrow morning and I was told there might be a surprise... :shocked: not excited for a new addition to my workout.

I did some cardio on Wednesday.  I've fallen into a bad rut.  I come home from work, eat dinner watch some tv and fall asleep.  I woke up at 9 and I had to rush out to the gym.  I'm just so sleepy.

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Here We Go! Challenge #1
« on: January 30, 2017, 06:55:31 PM »
I did leg strength training on Sunday and I did some very low impact cardio tonight. 

I'm still new to strength training but I'm definitely recovering allot faster.  I'm 5 classes in and previously my body has felt dead for days after.  I'm a bit sore still but I don't feel completely beaten up, lol.

The Dollhouse / Re: What kind of doll collector are you?
« on: January 29, 2017, 05:24:54 AM »
I was never into collecting dolls as a kid.  People would occasionally buy me barbies but they just sat in the the box.  I fell in love with Monster High Dolls when they first came out.  I was actively collecting but at some point I was overwhelmed with all of the releases and I stopped buying any.  I realized when I didn't miss buying the new ones that I was over collecting new in box dolls.

I like odd dolls but I don't go out of my way to actively collect anymore.  I was hoping Pinkie Cooper would have done better but no new dolls means no spending(so its good).  I'll pick up a Novi Star if I find any, second hand.  I have a really sweet bull terrier doll from some strange doll line, I'd collect them if I could every remember the name of the line.

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Sign up Jan 22 to 29
« on: January 28, 2017, 05:59:11 PM »
What 3 goals do you want to achieve?

1. Do Cardio 2-3 times a week.
2. Strength train twice a week, with a trainer. (this might change when summer starts)
3. Keep my studio clean.
4. Eat clean, and eat more vegetables

How will you reward yourself?
I'll feel better?... Not sure yet.

What is your ultimate goal?
My over all goal is to build more muscle and to eat less processed foods.  I would like to create a better home environment for myself and not to be overly judgmental about what I'm eating.

Off Topic / Re: So I lost my job today
« on: January 28, 2017, 01:02:08 PM »
Been there done that, same excuse too.  If you can afford to take a few days just relax before you start looking for new work.

 You should ask for a recommendation and make sure your resume (if you have one) is up to date.

Pony Corral / Re: Which ponies do you find hard to sell?
« on: January 22, 2017, 10:22:07 AM »
G3's are impossible! I have an easier time selling G4 pinkie pies!

this x100

Pony Corral / Re: Fixing pony with eye cut out?
« on: January 01, 2017, 11:03:47 AM »
you have to wonder how determined someone was to cut out her eyes.

I think an eye patch would look stunning. 

^what country do you need help from?

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: LPS Jewel Pets Price Check
« on: September 12, 2016, 06:29:39 PM »
I have no idea on value but I'd be interested in buying or a trade.

I've been looking into them as I recently acquired some flocked Spirit toys.

I'm not sure about prices but toys from that movie are quite rare. 

They show up occasionally on eBay, you might have some luck there.

Wanted! / Re: Looking for sea themed LPS
« on: August 20, 2016, 11:12:36 AM »
I have a tub full.  I'm pulling some stuff for a sale, so I'll grab some seat pets

I have some fake pokemon tomy figures if your interested. 
They look just like the old tomy figures , but they're fakes.

I also have a pikachu plush.

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