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Messages - Greylady

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Pony Corral / Denture cleaner?
« on: May 23, 2012, 09:25:22 AM »
So, I was browsing the internets when I happened to come across a blog where a woman swears by using bicarbonate of soda/ baking soda to clean ponies. I believe she stated that she mixed it into a paste and layered it on the ponies and let them sit for a while before rinsing them. Has anyone else used any technique similar to this for removing dirt and grime for a pony? Are there any alternatives like using denture cleaner (that contains sodium bicarbonate as its main ingredient)? I have seen many people on the Arena swear by Magic Erasers, which unfortunately I don't believe they sell here.  :(
I'm also willing to try out any ideas you may have on more than 20 fakies I've acquired over the past few weeks.  :biggrin:  FOR SCIENCE!
Would bicarbonate of soda have any effect on pen and highlight mark? Would it cause any damage to symbols or painted eyes if you were to simply dunk the pony into a mixture of it?
The main reason I want to know this is because I have a rather lovely G4 Fashion Style Pinkie Pie. She's beautiful apart from some marks on her which were on her even when she was in the packaging. She has a rather bad black mark on one ear that I've been hiding with her hair the past few months.  :huh:  Fortunantely it's on the opposite side to her cutiemark, so you can't see it when she's on display on my shelf.

Any helps or ideas would be greatly appreciated!

Not gonna lie. I love that fail pony with the melting eye. LOVE IT.
This will be the pony that I will end my collection with. Some day in the far off future. And it will be good.

I think MLP is gonna keep on strong until Hasbro stops trying to revamp the series when they start losing their audience. I mean, once Friendship is Magic is over (which will sadly happen some day), some of the brony fandom may still be around, but will probably focus even more on fan made items that are more true to the show. So Hasbro may very well let the ponies rise from the ashes again with another style change. I think it's an endless process for Hasbro, really.

Pony Corral / Re: I Met a Pony Fan! But I Think I Scared Him
« on: May 20, 2012, 01:29:08 PM »
As it turns out, there's two bronies in my school. They're cousins (one having made the other join the herd). The only time I've ever scared them was when I started singing Pinkie Pie's "Singing Telegram" in what was apparently a convincing Pinkie Pie voice.  :nerdy:  I'm fairly well known 'round these parts for convincing impersonations, especially as far as voices go. I kind of crept up on them when I was singing it, and it was the first time I had spoken to them, so I can see why it startled them.
We're pretty good friends now, I tend to supply them with a steady stream of :muffin: Pony Hooves fan art, so... Yeah.  ^^;

I NEEEEEED that translucent Fluttershy.  :yikes:  She's just so beautiful!

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: G4ish Gyoza
« on: May 18, 2012, 09:34:13 AM »
She looks absolutely lovely!  :heart:

Pony Corral / Re: How many ponies in your collection?
« on: May 18, 2012, 09:14:51 AM »
I have about 16 MLPs and 16 fakies.  :nerdy: I have no idea how I now have the same amount of fakies and officials, but, there you go. It's getting difficult to manage even the relatively small amount I have because I only have one free shelf to keep them all on.  :yikes:  My house is absolutely tiny.  And that shelf is also occupied by other dolls and toys. 4 Monster High dolls, a Furby and various small figures (like Sylvanian Families). So far the only doubles I have are playful pony Rarity G4's, which I have two of (one is from the travelling sets). I do have multiples of the same ponies in different styles, though. I have three G4 Pinkie Pies. A playful pony one, a fashion style and a shine bright.


Me too! Pics please! I think the scariest fakie I've ever seen had an open mouth and looked like she was wearing giant dentures. I forget who made her. I could never have one for fear she'd bite my toes off in my sleep!
Princess Rinse 'n' Spit? I've always wanted her but have never seen a pony quite like her.  :cloud:

Yes, I remember seeing those Ponyville fakies in Poundland. I was wondering at the time why on earth you'd put hair slides in a box with ponies that haven't got brushable hair.
I found that terribly funny when I saw them. The accessories are better quality than the toys.

Oh my god the neck on the ponyville fakie XD

Personally I absolutely adore Lanards~

LOL! yeah they did those ponyville fakies in poundland last year in the UK :)

I also love Lanards but specifically the scary 1984 ones :biggrin:
It would have been about November of last year when I bought the Ponyville fakies here in the Republic of Ireland. If I remember correctly, Poundland is part of the chain of Euro Generals. Maybe these fakies are an inside job, so to speak.

That "abomination" fakie actually looks a lot like a Ponyville pony. Those were done in a style similar to G3.5, but slightly different.
This pony came in an odd box. It was a flimsy cardboard one in light pink and green. I forget the actual name on the box, but I believe it was "Pretty Ponies" or something similar. They also included little cheap flimsy pink hairclips. They have no sort of brand name.  :what:  I almost didn't buy them, but I decided to  because I just thought they were so terribly put together it was laughable. Perhaps these ones are made from stolen, or atleast similar, moulds to Ponyville Ponies?

Post Merge: May 16, 2012, 03:25:50 PM

Oh my god the neck on the ponyville fakie XD

Personally I absolutely adore Lanards~
I was planning on picking up a Lanard farmset soon, they've been selling them in a Toys R Us in the city.  :lol:  They look simply lovely. I wouldn't mind starting up another collection for Lanards.

These may or may not be ponies you own.  :biggrin: And feel free to have a real MLP beside them for comparison of height and general quality if you want.
My personal favourite:

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That's a legit MLP Rainbow Dash G3 next to a rather lovely fakie. She came in a set of 12 ponies in a large carry case. Four of them are obviously styled off G3's, the rest are smaller with almost more Lanard-esque faces. Their vinyl is a lot softer than real G3's. Their eye paint is very, very close to real G3's, though all the fakie versions have a dark purple and pink eye colour. They come in different colours and have the same symbol. Snowflakes. Their hooves are free of any markings, but they have "MADE IN CHINA" in small print along their stomachs. Their hair is quite good quality and very shiny, though some have crimples in it that refuse to come straight. The hair simply sits in their heads, however. Even a small amount of force while brushing will pull strands out. (My sister happened to really take to one of them, so I glued the hair inside her head myself. They have no glue holding their necks to their bodies, either, the head pulls off easily with a slight tug). The tails have a strip of metal clamped around them which functions similarly to a washer. They make great custom bait! And as they come in a set of 12 for about €15 here in Ireland, it's a good place to start.

My least favourite:

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This is a legit Rarity G4 (and a pink bait fakie pony of the type above) next to an abomination. These ponies cost €2 for 2 in Euro General (similar to a dollar store). They're made out of shiny, hard plastic. They seem to be inspired by G3.5 (sorry, I don't own any 3.5s to compare it to). They have manes and tails made from the same plastic as their bodies which is hot glue gunned to their heads.
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As you can see, on the left pony, the bodies are hollow with a big ol' screw keeping the two halves together. The bottoms of their feet are lumpy and they wobble a lot, They come in four colours, I also own the other one (which is light pink and has yellow hair, the reverse of the third pony above) but I can't seem to find her right now. You also can't see it too clearly, but the insides of the hair and tail are hollowed out, almost like a shell that hovers above the ponies body like a cape.

Anyone else ever seen any of these themselves?  :drunk:

Customs / Re: Forecast WIP - Boy pony and Massive g4 resculpt
« on: May 16, 2012, 10:34:42 AM »
Oh, his wing sculpt is fantastic!

Pony Corral / Re: I need to SELL. Not buy!
« on: May 16, 2012, 10:30:46 AM »
I have actually figured an ingenious way to make space whilst gaining something- trading LOADS of my ponies for one super-incredible beauty just works for me, I'm currently involved in several trades and it involves me shifting MANY ponies in exchange for fewer more rare ponies :)
You see, I'd be the opposite of that.  :lol:  I don't personally mind the rarity of a pony too much, I more look at their colour scheme to decide if I want them. I'd gladly trade mega rare ponies for some more run of the mill ponies that were pretty or unusual colours, even if they weren't in the best of condition.

Pony Corral / Re: what is your pony name?
« on: May 15, 2012, 01:44:50 PM »
Koudoawaia resulted in Diamond Darling. XP
My old SN KristynLioness resulted in Honey Sprinkles
Another old SN, Mage resulted in Charming Masquerade
and my very first SN, Vikira, resulted in Winter Sprinkles
I got Diamond Darling too using my full name. Which probably rather confused the generator with its Irish and Welsh spellings. o:

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