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Messages - Lorelei Redfern

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I am glad to hear your item showed up.  The exact thing happened to me with the whole origin thing.  I waited and waited for an update on tracking but there never was.  Finally, 6 weeks later, my item from Germany just showed up.  It sure was stressful not knowing though   :lookround:

yeah. and you never knwo these days what sellers are hoenst and who arent anymore.

good news is my  item got here ^^  so i'd denftly recomend the seller lol it just got hung up in custosm for awhile lol

and hoenstly it was CHEAPER then   other places.  lol no one in the us  sells this item. 

Off Topic / Re: Disney Tsum Tsum Game/App
« on: December 07, 2015, 09:16:18 PM »
well i completed  the  first card!  waiting   for the second!

Pony Corral / Re: WeLoveFine Chibi Not-Blind-Boxed Vinyls
« on: December 06, 2015, 12:16:46 PM »
i was debating gettign a few of these buti wasnt sure lol

the things i a lot of other people bought the same thing  as i did and  they recieved thers. i checked Turkish Po  and nothing. just the same on the way to the destitation country.

so i    finally manged to get   tracking inofrmation from ebay   since the   one linkw ouldnt work its currnetly in jamaica O.o

and @ lovesbabysquirmy "its a toy..  its not liek its terriosm. its a normally 50.00 toy that i got for 20.00  so if its   relaiable i will buy fro m them agian"

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: Mia and Me Unicorns?
« on: December 06, 2015, 10:14:41 AM »
well if anyone wants the cheap smaller  ones.   they have    Wind, the pink one  with roses  and    the white one with  rainboew  hair. i foudn a seller form Turkey who has them for   20.00 shipped usd. its 9.90  and then 9,90 for ship.

they also have the  large orchiado  (i knwo i murdered the name)

i have purchased one formteh seller..   and waiting for it to get here.  lol 

thanks! i  didint evne think aobut checking the turkish   postel   site! 
lo l i know it takes forever   becuaes of hte tiem of year and such. and being international.  but  it wuld show as shipped then  not shipped then shipped.

guess i  am proably just wrried over nothing lol.  but with all teh scams  and   all  the other stuff going on. ne ver hurts to be cautious.  i also didnt know if a anyone    had dealt withte seller before.

but i'll keep you all updated!

so i purchsed a  mib toy for a reasnable price.    but it was coming from turkey. i ordered it on nov  20th and when i go to chekc on it    it just says that Origin post is preparing shipment.  it never updates thats all it says. 
i'm a little concered. i've never oredered from turkey beefore.  how long does it normally take?its been over three weeks with no word. and the  trakcing number  doesnt even  work   when i try to pu it  in   usps  it  says   it  is invalid.

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: Mia and Me Unicorns?
« on: December 05, 2015, 06:46:01 AM »
nope there not lol

Trader & Shipping Support / Re: Will be Without Internet For...A Week.
« on: December 03, 2015, 09:29:03 AM »
np hun! you did warn me ahead of time you'd be without internet! <3  your ponys are safely    waiting for ya in a box  for when ya get net back!

if you thinka obut it half the stuff we grew up with was    scary! and had violence..  i mean prime example.
The orignal Land before time movie!
the ORIGINAL  Little mermaid movie. not the disney one.  the other one.wheres she blond and has a dolphin she DIES in that one. and guess which version my parents got me  becuase it was cheap. that one so i saw that as alittle girl and was tramatized by that one so much so that i refused to watch the disney one until    i thiink 2006 or 2007 lol

the point is   disney  laways  has  soemthing sad happen. liek Eight below that whole movie is sad. 

i mean also look at 101 dalmations thats   practiaclly kidnapping.
in aristocats they drug and drop the cats off.

so a lot of the stuff when we were  younger that we watched was "darker"  and had a lot of "violence"   but soemone is always goign to find soemthing to  fuss about.

i agree   Brave little toaster that one gav eme nightmares and velveteen rabbit

but what aobut Toy story 2?and Old prospecter how he went crazy  cuase he was kept Mib.

Off Topic / Re: Is disney infinity worth it?
« on: December 01, 2015, 07:58:13 PM »
the only reson i  was consdering it    was becuase  my  gamestop had the  base for like 2.50 and the gmae for  like 5.00  so i figured it's be  worth trying bt yeah if its not backwards compatable not sure i'm willing to put the moeny into it.
i proa bly will snag superchargers when it drops to liek 10.00 lol

i'm not sure aobut lego dimensns

Off Topic / Re: Is disney infinity worth it?
« on: December 01, 2015, 03:27:18 PM »
come to my house and play with me!!!
florida and minnesota aren't that far.

lol sure! XD

Pony Corral / Re: Starlight Glimmer brushable on Amazon!
« on: December 01, 2015, 01:21:30 PM »
She's so cute!!

Is her symbol on the opposite side to the Ribbon Hair release? It looks like it is from the photos, but I'm not certain.

no it isnt lol.  mines got her symbol on that same side. 

Off Topic / Re: Is disney infinity worth it?
« on: December 01, 2015, 01:20:11 PM »
I just got Disney Infinity 3.0 and I'm really enjoying it. Basically, the Disney Infinity games have two parts to them--the 'playsets', which are adventures somewhat like skylanders where you complete missions, and the 'toybox' where you can create your own areas with items you have unlocked. As Lala mentioned, the characters you can use in specific playsets are determined by that playset's theme. For example, Disney Infinity 3.0 comes with a Clone Wars era playset that can be used with Anakin, Ahsoka, Obi Wan Kenobi and Yoda by default. (Anakin and Ahsoka come with the starter pack.) If you play the playset based on the original trilogy you can use characters like Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia and Han Solo. Right now for 3.0 there are two Star Wars playsets, an Inside Out playset, and another Star Wars playset and a Marvel playset (don't remember which set of heroes) being released later.

When you are in the toybox doing quests, building, playing other peoples' levels, or using the two Toybox Modes that can be bought (Toybox Takeover or the racing one I can't remember the name of) you can use any character. Princess Jasmine can go around riding a speeder bike from Star Wars in the middle of Halloween Town if you feel like it.

From a gaming perspective 3.0 is the best built from the reviews I have seen. However, which version you decide to buy may also be influenced by the playsets for each version since those are version specific. (Characters and items called power discs--which unlock interesting perks and building tools--are not).

One thing that may help advise you is: what did you like about Skylanders? What do you hope Infinity will either mirror or do differently?

I liked that you can use    the differnt versions of sklyanders in  almost any of the games. (i didnt like that i ahve to buy speicefic trap masters)  to get the  gates and such in  Trap team.  and i liked the Sttoryline   esspcialy in Swap force and trap team.  but now i'vve beat swap force pretty much and i'm lookign for another game to play.

so you cnat  use  like version 1   in  vs 3?  and you  cna only use star wars theme in   3.0?  so its not liek a set storyline   game  that you put a char ont eh portal and go  from there?   hmm.

what about disney amibo is that a better one to get into? i want soemthing i cna play through  and  have fun with the orignal skyladners i beat in  2 days. 

i dont really wnat to get into superchargers becuae it just looks too expesnive.and i think that them in cars is  just too much lol

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