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Messages - stopxmotion

Pages: 1 ... 4 5 [6] 7 8 ... 57
Off Topic / Re: Belly buttons!!
« on: May 02, 2013, 02:11:22 PM »

Off Topic / Re: Disney Princesses
« on: May 02, 2013, 12:03:07 AM »
Esmeralda is mine!
Not on the list  :(

Off Topic / Re: Mother's Day
« on: April 27, 2013, 12:19:31 AM »
That's funny! Fun gifts usually are a good choice.
Reminds me.. she does love books. But she has a kindle. Hmm.

Off Topic / Mother's Day
« on: April 26, 2013, 11:39:05 PM »
I stress about this every year! And birthdays and Christmas.. lol.
I hate buying gifts for people that don't ever "want" or "need" anything - my mom! They make it so not easy when you're going to buy them something anyway.

I thought I had the coolest idea last year. I sent her a huge strawberry planter with some strawberry plants. Who doesn't love fresh strawberries!? But she never said if they bloomed or if they were even planted at all. I dunno. It was kinda disappointing.

So I'm thinking this year is a gift card kinda year..

Does anyone have any cool ideas?

Off Topic / Re: How to bring forward period?
« on: April 24, 2013, 11:24:42 PM »
I will never understand how tampons work I guess since I've never used them.
When you're swimming doesn't water get up there and.. expand it, rendering it useless for the menstrual flow?

Off Topic / Re: Father Daughter Dance Suggestions?
« on: April 24, 2013, 11:01:31 PM »
Butterfly Kisses!! Bob Carlisle
It's so sweet. Makes me cry though so maybe not the best choice.

Off Topic / Re: You wont believe what my doctors are considering LOL
« on: April 24, 2013, 02:44:26 AM »
I'm not going to continue this any further since you don't seem to understand. The ADA is a FEDERAL law that you can only get around if your state provides more protection.
It's wonderful if a different animal would suit your needs better, I'm sure there are many people who feel the same way, but even a doctor cannot change the law for you.

Off Topic / Re: You wont believe what my doctors are considering LOL
« on: April 24, 2013, 02:27:54 AM »
I am disabled and I use a service dog. So yes, I do know the laws that protect me when I go out with my dog. All I did was point out that a goat cannot be a service animal as defined by the federal law which protects people with disabilities. In your home, yes. But in public, no.

Off Topic / Re: You wont believe what my doctors are considering LOL
« on: April 24, 2013, 02:11:41 AM »
It offends me when people talk about breaking the law like they are exempt from it, because apparently if you have a doctor's note you can just do anything. Prepare for a big wake up call when an access challenge involves the police who know their stuff.

Off Topic / Re: You wont believe what my doctors are considering LOL
« on: April 24, 2013, 01:48:02 AM »
You have a lot more research to do, because you are going to be breaking the law if you take a goat into public as a service animal in a state that does not recognize them as service animals.

There is no license or certifying agency or registry. Those are all either scams (they want your money) or a waste of time. They are also harmful to other people who use service animals because the identification cards they provide make people think that all service animal teams need to provide ID, which they do not.

I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be mean but you really need to look into things more on your own and not just go with what whatever a doctor says because they are uninformed by the sounds of your posts here. Most doctors are not experts on the laws regarding service animals.
As a service animal handler, you need to know your rights like the back of your hand because the world suddenly becomes a very different place.

Off Topic / Re: You wont believe what my doctors are considering LOL
« on: April 24, 2013, 01:02:54 AM »
stopxmotion.  actually as i am Legally disabled (on record) i fall under the americans with disabilities act.   which protects individuals from such scrutiny .    My doctors want to apply through SARA (service animal registry of america) 
I'm not sure what you mean by 'such scrutiny' since I linked to the americans with disabilities act (ADA).
You will still have to abide by federal or state law. Excuse me, if your state allows for the use of animals other than dogs and miniature horses, I apologize.

However, if it does not, you will not be able to take the goat in public no matter how much it may help you.
Also there is nothing that certifies any animal making them more legit. Those registries mean nothing. The animal needs to be task trained, and you need to be disabled. Those are the only requirements.

Off Topic / Re: Lion King or Disney swap interest?
« on: April 23, 2013, 11:26:46 PM »
It will be soon. :)

Off Topic / Re: You wont believe what my doctors are considering LOL
« on: April 23, 2013, 11:08:47 PM »
Unfortunately, you won't be able to take the goat into public places with you, even if your doctors approve. The ADA only recognizes dogs (and miniature horses with restrictions) as service animals.

Off Topic / Re: Who was looking for Kitty Kitty Kittens? ~ PICS!
« on: April 22, 2013, 10:37:00 PM »
I didn't know they made bunnies either!!!
That puppy with the nose spots looks so familiar, I might have had him too. Or it could have been a cousin. We had a lot of the same toy interests.

Off Topic / Re: Word Association Game Cont.
« on: April 21, 2013, 10:48:45 PM »

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