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Messages - Faerie-StarV

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Off Topic / Re: make me happy!
« on: August 17, 2013, 11:00:27 PM »
Bake yourself some of your favourite cupcakes. 

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Indulge in the candy sprinkles!  And enjoy.  Share some with friends/coworkers/classmates!  Spread the edible joy. ^.^

I so want those cupcakes, they look so yummy!  :happy: Pinkie Pie will have a field day for this. :D

And don't forget to hit up the cute pet photos.

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That kitten is such a cutie!  :lmao:

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: G4 Artist Limited Time Free Oc's
« on: July 30, 2013, 07:36:06 PM »
Really cute drawings in traditional style. I need to get back to do traditional art since it's been years due to being switch to digital and become too dependent on it. I need to stop relying Photoshop so much. XD :art:

By the way, are you still open or your closed until further notice?  :)

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Show me your G1 inspired art!
« on: July 29, 2013, 03:07:25 PM »
I drew some G1 ponies from my deviantart account. :3

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Fire Star, my G1 fan character pony
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I'm coloring a G1 Seashell that I drew her when I was at the My Little Pony Fair and Convention last year. Here's a sketch of it.
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Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Faerie-StarV's Art Page
« on: July 28, 2013, 04:26:22 PM »
I like your art!!! I really like Samhain the Halloween Pegicorn. I love Halloween ponies :)

Thanks. :3 It was the biggest challenge for me to digitally color her without using the lineart like I usually do and getting the details of shading and highlighting. While it's not 100% perfect, I felt really proud of it and want to do it again since I like to challenge myself.

So do I. :D I love the way the deviant's created them and I enjoyed drawing them. I'm thinking of this year, I'll do the next one for the Christmas season.

Arts & Crafts Corral / Faerie-StarV's Art Page
« on: July 22, 2013, 05:03:11 PM »
After taking your guys advice on how to make an art pages and bumping them up, I decided to make one! :D I will post the MLP artwork but I also will post some other fanart like Pokemon, Sonic, Care Bears, and other fandoms.

So all you pony lovers out there, enjoy my fanart!  :happy:

My Little Pony fanart

G1 Minty for St. Patricks Day(I made the sketch for the day but didn't color it till a week or two later
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G1 Blossom picking flowers
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G4 Scootaloo as an adult pony and using a G3 version of her cutie mark
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Samhain the Halloween Pegicorn. I used the Walter Foster's Drawing Horses as a reference and colored it without lineart.
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My FC G1 pony, Firestar.
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Four MLP fanart prizes from my Deviantart MLP-History Halloween Candy Pony Contest from last year

Candy Corn as a G3 pony owned by theshadowrider123 who won first place. She was fun to draw and she looks so cute! X3
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Caramel Apple as a G2 pony owned by aurorastar1 who won second place. I drew her being surrounded by candy apples and can't decide which one she wants to eat first. XD Now I want a candy apple right now.
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Choco-Fang as a G3 pony owned by octoberflash who won third place. Her character bites other ponies and turns them into chocolate vampires. It's been a long time since I've done a pencil drawing of it and had to cut the right side due to my mishap of soda spilled on(luckily, it didn't get the entire pic).
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Candy Maker as a either G1 or G4 pony owned by acheron187 who made an Honorable Mention. He and October's two pics were hard to place until we finally settled that one. I used the Charcoal pencil which is not easy as I'm trying very hard not to get smudges on it and had to do it very carefully. Not to mention that it's messy(hence why I don't like using charcoal pencils very much because of that). I made his teeth too small and his legs look a little too long.
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My Pokemon fanart

I drew a Mew for a Valentines Day.
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My Fakemon that I drew back in 2009 when I was in college. Nammu is a water Faerie Mew and it was when I was getting better with the Photoshop effects.
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I forgot to upload this pic from my Sonic fanart account. XD I drew Rainbow Dash for my Brony friend who is a big fan of her and it was birthday gift art for him. :3 I drew her as a Sonic character.
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I made two more FIM sketches as Sonic characters. The first one is Applejack.
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And here's Fluttershy. :3
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I drew their outfits from Equastria Girls because I really liked their clothes a lot but made a few modifications of them. I will color those pics real soon.

I finally finished coloring Fluttershy. :3
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More art pics will come soon when I update it. :D

Pony Corral / FIM heads
« on: June 23, 2013, 05:19:25 PM »
I'm having trouble getting the FIM heads off. I wanted to do some customs on them but the heads are giving me a problem. >( I have no problem opening up the G1 ponies heads off using the axcto knife but when it comes to FIM, it's a different story. :\

How do you get their heads off? I tried using the axcto knife but no luck.

[moving to Corral ~ many thanks ~ hathorcat]

Off Topic / Re: First time going to Disneyworld! Any Advice?
« on: June 23, 2013, 04:09:04 PM »
I used to work at the Disney theme parks three years ago when I was in college at Magic Kingdom. I can tell you a few things to avoid on certain hours and such.

If your gonna eat somewhere, whether it be a restaurant or a cafe, eat before 12 or after 2 because during those hours are busy and hectic! O_O I used to work at Cosmic Ray's Starlight Cafe as a food server and once it hits 12, the line gets packed up and the cafe is really crowded. So crowded that we have to use a line strip and had to hold the crowd off until someone is done with their meal and leave the table. We can't allow others to sit down unless they're eating there and have their food. If you don't feel like waiting until to eat later, have a light snack like a popcorn or an ice cream from the vendors to fill you up a little until lunchtime.

If you want to go on a fast rides such as Tower of Terror or Space Mountain, don't eat before riding them. One of the cast-members told me when I was working there that the guests would get sick and loose their breakfast/lunch/snack/dinner right after they eat. They had to clean it up and it wasn't really pretty. Wait an hour or so before riding them on or better yet, ride them before you eat! :D If any of you or your family members have a history of heart or health problems, those rides may not be for you since we get a lot of death reports due to people dying because of their heart problems and so forth.

The shops are fun, I can tell you that. My favorite shops are the world shops in Epcot, they got so much cool stuff! I usually go there on my days off for a few hours(the perks of working at the park and I get in for free XD ) to browse around or sometimes to shop. My favorite store is the Japan World store where they sell lots of Japanese kimono's, furniture, food, manga, and even some cute plushies like Pokemon! I do regret not buying that adorable Mew plushie. ;3;

Off Topic / Re: Any anime music fans recognize this song?
« on: June 04, 2013, 09:46:24 AM »
Oh, I've heard that song before! I don't think it's anime though. It's called Flying High by DJ Splash :) The version I heard before wasn't quite so high pitched or fast, but it looks like this is your song:

Thanks! X3 But yes, it's defiantly that song! I'll let my friend know the name of the song since she doesn't remember it.

Off Topic / Any anime music fans recognize this song?
« on: June 03, 2013, 09:35:43 PM »
One of my DA friends made a drawing video of Amy Rose and added an anime music as seen here.

The problem? My friend did not remember the name of the song or who sang it and I really, really like that song. So I was hoping that if any of you guys know the name since my friend made that video years ago and forgot the name.

I have to say, I really enjoyed listening some of the anime music and J-Pop like Vocliod, and I'm usually not a big J-Pop fan. Any of anime/J-Pop music fans here? :3

I should totally draw Miku Hatsune. That music from the video inspired me. XD Don't know if I want to draw her as a human or a pony or both. XD

Pony Corral / Re: You Know What I love About Mlp From 82 to 92 ?
« on: June 01, 2013, 12:39:59 PM »
What I love is that there is a variety of the ponies and it's not the same thing more than three times(i.e. Gusty, So soft Gusty, Nirvana Gusty, etc.). I also like the fantasy feel of it and it got me inspired to draw. :3

Pony Corral / Re: Map of Ponyland
« on: May 31, 2013, 06:38:32 PM »
babylofty is a member on here :) I am sure you can send her a private message.
I didn't know that! XD Is her username the same or different? :3

The exact same :)

To quote from Fluttershy, yay. XD

Pony Corral / Re: Map of Ponyland
« on: May 30, 2013, 08:33:34 PM »
babylofty is a member on here :) I am sure you can send her a private message.
I didn't know that! XD Is her username the same or different? :3

Pony Corral / Re: Map of Ponyland
« on: May 30, 2013, 10:05:39 AM »
Thanks guys! Pony hugs for everyone! X3

You can use a site called Wayback Mashine which can show dead websites as they were when they were alive.^^
Oh yes! I've heard of that site and used it once last year but have forgotten the name until now. XD

Alright. From what I understand, Map of Ponyland was hosted by tripod.
I found the original URL
But the site closed down.
Assuming we're talking about the same "map of Ponyland" site, it was made by babylofty and you could probably contact her for information.

Baby Lofty? Wasn't she the one who made the MLP songs website?

I agree you could message babylofty to see - its been a while since I was aware of it as a site to be honest, I think 4 or 5 years about 2008 looks like the last time it was active.

I also think a lot of the sites posted on it are no longer around or the links have been expired. In the internet 5 years is a long time for anything to stay the same.

This link should take you to an old recording of the page.

How do I contact her? I want to e-mail her and wanted to thank her for making an awesome site and that it got me back into My Little Pony in my teen hellish years. :)

Yes that page is way out of date - still has my old site list "Ivy's My Little Pony Page" -it's been changed now to Ponyland Tours - those types of pages are very hard to keep updated - I remember another link site that I used to visit called LIPS Lost in Ponyland Service -

Last time it was updated was 2001

I love the wayback machine however I never have been able to find Dream Castle that is one site I would love to visit again..

I remembered your website very well. I loved your alicorn FC, Ivy. She was so cute and adorable. X3

Aww, I remember Map of Ponyland! In fact, there's still a link to my site on there. lol!

I also used to chat on the Dream Castle site, and I remember your original site, Ivy! It was one of the first ones I ever visited, back in like 1999 or something. And LIPS was run by one of my good pony friends back in the day. Ah, the memories!

I remembered your site too! XD It was a great site to learn more about MLP Tales since I only know a litlte of it but your site was great providing information that I need.
I've heard of the Dream Castle chat and I wanted to join in but my mother forbids me to chat people online since she learned about dangerous online predators and doesn't trust anyone online(she doesn't today). I can understand why but the problem with her is that she thinks any person I talked to that I never met in person are a bunch of middle age perverted loser men who preys on young girls. I gave up trying by telling her that it's not always the case.
I remembered LIPS as well but I don't think I browse too much of it.

Pony Corral / Map of Ponyland
« on: May 29, 2013, 12:22:14 AM »
I was browsing online and decided to visit Map of Ponyland like I usually do because I really enjoyed browsing around and I feel right at home there. But this time, it's not there anymore and I was really sad.   :sad:
That site was the one that got me back into My Little Pony when I was fourteen(back in the days were Internet was Dial up) and visiting other pony sites makes me feel happy because I was bullied a lot by the girls at junior high. It put a smile to my face whenever I read their sites stories, browsing through artwork and customs, as well as learning other ponies that I never knew or heard about. It was basically my comfort zone where I can escape from the real world and I've always wanted to make my own pony website but have no idea how to make one nor can afford it back then.

Does anyone know what happened to Map of Ponyland? Also, has any of the members here used to have their own pony websites years ago or on Map of Ponyland?

Off Topic / Re: Anyone who is a Doctor Who fan?
« on: January 19, 2013, 08:26:50 AM »
10 is my doctor. Miss David Tennant soooo much. I quite like Matt Smith, but it will always be 10 for me.

How much of a fan am I? Well, instead of finalizing everything, this is what I was doing 3 days before my wedding:
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That was at the Glasgow Doctor Who exhibit. Can see it in the pic, but I'm wearing my Blaidd Drwg (Bad Wof) shirt.

And this was our wedding cake/bride & groom:
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I actually tried to get BadWolf as a personalized license plate yesterday but it was taken, so gotta think of something else. Any suggestions? Max of 7 letters. Thinking WHO MD, DOC 10, WHOLIGN, XTRMIN8. Need a list in case all the good ones are taken (I'm assuming TARDIS is looong gone!)

PS - if anyone's interested, all the pics from the Exhibit are on my website - On the menu, click on Scotland/Honeymoon 2009 > Scotland > Doctor Who Exhibit

Lucky! O_O I want that Tardis so bad. Can you post your Doctor Who wedding photos when you get a chance? I want to see it! X3

You even got Tom Baker's autograph! I'm so jealous of you! XD

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