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Messages - tulagirl

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Yea I had no idea they were compressing the descriptions tab.  I  still refuse to use my phone to handle business because of Identity Theft.  So, I use my computer at home.  I think they did this to make navigating the ebay app easier, but I know I am not the only one that missed it.  Now I just see a bunch of ebay auction items and a bazillion photos of other things on the auction page.  It is very distracting, but I am getting use to it.

Off Topic / Re: T Shirts. Shirts in General.
« on: March 30, 2018, 04:06:21 PM »
I buy men's shirts too but I am not a big T-shirt person. I prefer Tank Tops.  Sleeves get on my nerves.  Its a touchy feely thing for me.  If I wear a T, I always have a tank on under it tucked into my pants.

I can say this.  I read things in every auction. I comb over what the seller says, but recently I didn't realize that ebay collapsed their auction's description tab.  I didn't realize I would have to click on it in order to see it.  I actually did not notice this change and bought something from a nice seller. I figured there was no description so I just studied the photos.  I thought they looked fine.  When I got it there were some problems with it. I contacted the seller and she stated she mentioned the flaws.  I went back through the auction with my stronger glasses on and realized there was a tab I never saw before and that was where her Description was.  I apologized to her and explained that I didn't not know this was going on and it would take me some time to get use to the change, but I was not concerned at all about the flaws and not to worry.

This was not laziness on my part, I have problems seeing and ebay has so many ads and junk on pages not it is very overwhelming and distracting for me. -_-  I am not saying that is what this buyer did at was just something I thought about.

I think some of us as buyers make mistakes like this that normally we would not make.  I am an older person, not a senior citizen, but just older.  My eye sight is really bad now and I can see how I accidentally missed this. 

I wanted to mention is because its so easy to get upset with buyers when they do seemingly ridiculous things like leaving feedback before contacting sellers and missing descriptions tabs.  Sometimes it is just an accident and sometimes it isn't.  Not all buyers mean to cause so much upset, and I do think many on ebay don't know ebay feedback etiquette either which doesn't help.

Glad it worked out for you.  I am not taking any sides just talking about something recently I did that was kind of embarrassing for me actually.  I have also been the seller with the odd buyer too.

Oh yea I have never used Bill Me Later.  That is really interesting.  I wonder why anyone would use that when all they have to do is use a credit card?  Maybe it would be good for someone that doesn't actually have the ability to get credit cards or doesn't want them.  It is pretty much the same thing as a CC really.

Off Topic / Re: Photobucket help
« on: March 26, 2018, 06:51:41 AM »
I use Imgur.

I've been thinking about it and I remember getting something about a company called Bill Me Later being merged/changed in to Paypal credit.  With Bill Me Later you got a bill in the mail and paid whatever purchases you had used for Bill Me Later about a month after you ordered them. 


Wow really?  I have never heard of Bill Me Later.  I never got stuff in the mail from paypal ever.  I paid for all my stuff online.  However, I don't have a paypal credit card so maybe that is why I have not used that service.

Off Topic / Re: I got a chicken. Pics page 3
« on: March 25, 2018, 10:01:57 AM »
Oh wow she is just adorable.  Squeeeee

I'm kinda ... "noooo" at the idea of starting with the new company too but I'm pretty sure Paypal will still be an option :awake:
BTW I just thought about this thread again as I checked my Paypal this afternoon and it's actually showing the "pay on delivery" option for me ATM?! (in the UK) . ok . now I'm confused a bit more :P  :dizzy:  :blink: :drunk:

ROFLOL okay well that is interesting to say the least.  You never saw it before until now?  Like right before they end the program?

Yea Ringlets I heard about that new company. I think its purpose might be to make it easier for international payments since many countries don't take paypal.  I could be totally wrong on that.  It was something I thought when I was reading about it.  Its not supposed to be an overnight change.  Like didn't they say it would be slow and we had to do nothing. I thought Paypal would still  be an option.  I am confused and resistant to changes of this magnitude lol.  I am not really sure I will sign up with the new company yet.  I guess since I don't know a thing about it.  This may be the end of my collecting for a little while when it goes through. :huh:

I agree that the problem probably was it was abused and people didn't have the money to pay when the time came for their buy in now and pay after delivery.  Its only logical they might have had major issues with payments.

Trader & Shipping Support / Re: Ebay issue
« on: March 22, 2018, 03:36:39 PM »
So now the update is she agreed to send the ponies. Sent me the usps tracking number and i can see it is at the post office of origin. It is sent priority so should be at my house in a couple days.
Yes there is a way to change feedback on ebay, i indicated that she needs to send me a request for change and we can go from there.  I dunno but ebay said to put in negative feedback when i called them. So i did.
I am not sure if this gal just spacey or what, but not sure how you accidently relist an item at a higher price. 

This is good. I never knew this.  Glad to know it.  Bluerose has a point. I didn't know they were priced higher the second time.  That sounds deliberate to me.  I must have missed that fact somewhere when I was reading about this.  I hope everything works out.  Sounds like she is at least trying to make this right, but what a hassle in a half.  Strange behavior

Trader & Shipping Support / Re: Ebay issue
« on: March 22, 2018, 08:13:47 AM »
How is it a seller can't see an item they put up for sale is relisted?  That is so odd.  Yea now one thing about feedback...  It's fine to leave  feedback, but it should not be done until everything has been resolved.   Plus, it is odd for ebay to suggest you leave negative feedback for a seller prior to resolution even considering the circumstances.  They prefer communication first.  Which I know you did when you tried to contact them, but its better to leave feedback after a case filed/got your item/exchange/return what have you. That is just my opinion.  Something seems odd about this person indeed but, ebay usually wants you and a seller to work things out.  Whoever told you to do that must have been new or didn't understand the way ebay works.  It is too late to remove the feedback now.  I have never heard of ebay changing feedback.  Will they let you do that?  I didn't know they would.  I don't see though how a seller can say it wasn't their fault an item was relisted.  Who relisted it?  The ebay fairy? :shrug:  I hope things work out the way you wanted too.  Its a shame ebay gave you such crazy advice about the feedback.  The thing that is also odd though is obviously they pay attention to their account to see the feedback so why not respond to your pm?  This seller is interesting to say the least. I can't say what is up with them for sure without knowing for certain.  It would all be a guess.  Sometimes there are logical reasons goofy things happen.  So sorry you are going through this.

All I want to do is rent a mountain cabin and be away from technology, noise and the business of life.  I like wildlife, trees and the clean smell of the unpolluted outdoors.  Oh and it would be nice if I had a lake view as well.

Oh no Taffeta it does not work that way. The seller is paid by paypal and then when you receive your item you pay paypal.  The seller never has to wait for a payment, but as a seller you can see when someone has used the service.  People have used it all of the time with me, but I always get my money as soon as they set up the payment through paypal.  I have no idea about international either.  Also it doesn't affect  when you log into ebay to pay.  Technically, when you win you pay paypal immediately but, paypal doesn't pull the money from your account for 10 days or when you click pay on the item.  So really, if you want to pay right away you can.  It doesn't inconvenience a single soul except maybe paypal, but they created it at least a year or more ago.  In our country one has to build credit to do a lot of things.  Also, you don't have to do the paying yourself because, you set up your payment when you win your auction.  Paypal automatically deducts it from your paypal account or bank. ;)  So you didn't have to think about it, but you do have to make sure you have money.

Yes, I am not comfortable and never will be comfortable leaving funds in a paypal account.  So, I do not add money to my account ever by any means.  That is just me though.

Pony Corral / Re: Oops! Accidentally throwing out pony stuff.
« on: March 21, 2018, 08:12:51 AM »
No, but my dog got a hold of a very expensive pony accessory and chewed it to bits when he was a puppy.  I did not know it had fallen out of the cabinet on the floor.  Now I have to find it again, and that is going to be next to impossible. Boooooooo

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