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Messages - MiRaja

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Off Topic / Re: Sci-fi/Fantasy book recommendations?
« on: April 29, 2015, 10:21:41 PM »
CS Friedman is a great author who writes between the lines of science fiction and fantasy.  I like her books because she has a lot of female protaganists and it's not a total sausage festival like SOME fantasy and scifi series I've read!

If she's not listed with a price, she's not for sale. 

Please PM me if you have any questions.  I may not see them in the thread.

Thank you.

Interested in Princess Sparkle. Just have to wait until next friday, the 8th! D:

I do not expect you to hold her since you need the funds! I know the feeling! Best of luck! If she's still here, I'll take her :p
She's the second to last I need!

Please PM me when funds are available.  My ponies are not exactly selling like hot cakes, because everyone needs the money, so sales are down.  I'll likely still have her, but PM is the best way to reach me.  Thanks!

She is a real nice pony, she's been in my collection for a decade now, and could use a nice new home. 

Off Topic / Re: "Enhanced water"
« on: April 27, 2015, 01:09:02 AM »
Since you like milk, have you had any luck with almond, soy or coconut milk?  Some of those are really nice.  Are you allergic-allergic, or are you lactose intolerant?

I have tried soy and almond. They are both kind of yucky to me. I do like steamed soy chai tea. Haven't done anything coconut milk other then straight from a coconut. Actually soy milk makes things way worste then regular milk for me (instead of horrific pain for one day it last like 3). The doctor called it an allergy, my intestines swell super really bad and I have tried lactose pills and lactose free milk with no success hoping it was just the lactose intolerant. Some minor relief with them and probiotics together if I can't resist the urge to drink milk.

Okay, you're definitely not lactose intolerant, but full on allergic to milk, and you probably then have a soy allergy as it's not altogether uncommon.  My mother, myself, and my roommate are all basketcases for allergies.  Mom has a soy allergy and several other food allergies, I have celiac's disease ( not really an allergy, but still food related ) and am allergic to pineapple, and roommate is allergic to shellfish and lactose intolerant.  Do you get at all red in the face and feverish too, along with the discomfort?  That's what happens to my mom.  :< 

Silk makes a really nice chocolate almond milk, I have never met anyone who hasn't like that, and it can help your taste buds acclimate.  They also make a coconut milk, which I like, but it has a funny little after taste to me, at least.  However, coconut milk on chocolate rice puff cereal?  OMG!  It's *amazing.*  We don't like any of the flavored almond milks besides the chocolate.  The vanilla is indeed really nasty and just too sweet.  We either get the 'original' which is 60cal per serving, or the diet version, which is even lower, and like 40cal, but less sweet.  I love ice cream and chocolate sweet, but other than that, I am not much of a sweet person. 

If you like chai, I would definitely suggest it with the coconut milk.  Makes it taste like ginger bread.  We get either the Oregon Chai or Tazo Chai mixes, and that's what we use, but we do iced chai too.  Now and again, if I'm not lazy, I'll brew the tea from scratch, but then I just end up drinking the tea straight and plain because I'm odd like that.  :/ 

Silk is now making a cashew milk too.  We haven't tried it yet, but we've been curious. . .  Hmmm . . .

Off Topic / Re: "Enhanced water"
« on: April 26, 2015, 11:53:10 PM »
tea always works too.  Celestial Seasonings makes a box of 'teas' that are all fruit flavored.  There's no sugar in them, or any sugar derivatives, or artificial sweeteners, you just have to get your water hot first, then ice it down.  They're really good and nice.

For me, I don't like a lot of sugar anyways, and even artificial sweeteners are shown to have a glycemic reaction, so they aren't really zero calorie, if you're drinking water for health and diet reasonings. 

Since you like milk, have you had any luck with almond, soy or coconut milk?  Some of those are really nice.  Are you allergic-allergic, or are you lactose intolerant?  Because they do make lactose free milk, but I'm not sure which you are.  My roommate is simply lactose intolerant, so she can have milk if she wants ( but we prefer almond and coconut milk; lower in calories, and tastier for us, for me, because Florida milk does not taste like Wisconsin milk. . . ) and she can take a lactaid tab for ice cream and other milk items.  :) 

Off Topic / Re: Your worst work story!
« on: April 25, 2015, 11:42:28 PM »
I'm a server, I mostly block out any of the doozies from my memory because they happen so often. . .

That said, my boss is a nightmare.  Any misogynist who says women are hormonal creatures has never met my boss, who, despite being male, is known to have crazy, ridiculous moodswings like none other.

I can take customer's and their attitudes, because I only have to deal with them a half hour to an hour at a time.

My boss on the other hand?  Yeah, no.  'Bout done with this, if only I could find a new job.  Got yelled at several times today alone, which is the reason why I am drinking so much tonight.  :sigh: 

I have never been written up in all my life, I AM a good worker, even if I come off as a total jerk online, I don't let it show in my professional appearance, however, I got wrote up for putting our very large tea urns on the floor to wash them, because when they're on the counter, 5'2 me cannot wash them out without seeing what I am doing, because on the server counter, the tops of them are nearly 6'0 over.  But yeah, I got wrote up for that.  So, torrential rain or shine, we have to run them outside of the restaurant now, out to the docks, and rinse and scrub those things with cold water, because cold water is all that comes out of the hoses outside.  Super sanitary, dude, unlike me using the near-boiling hot water from the industrial coffee makers. 

Meanwhile, I have a coworker who still has a job, who, since being hired since December, has missed over 10 shifts.  6 of which have been in the last 2 weeks.  I sure wish I could thumb my nose up at a job for 2 weeks and still have it.  Meanwhile, shifts have been cut because it's been slow, but she still gets shifts, and we've hired yet another girl, who is actually ( so far ) competent, which means if she's smart, she'll find something else.  One of my other coworkers talk in perpetual baby voice, and any time I say anything, she has to shoot me down, or complain to someone else that I actually talked, which, given her attitude, I try my best not to talk anymore except to my tables.  It's really quite depressing, quite frankly.  I only still work there because I need a job, and I've just been passed up over and over in interviews because someone else has just been a smidge better than me.  All my interviews; yes, have been good, but always someone better.  Please have some hopes for me, I had an interview last week, and will be calling them back Tuesday or so, to see if they want to hire me or not.  :/ 

Trader & Shipping Support / Re: People That Don't Leave Feedback!
« on: April 22, 2015, 06:30:23 PM »
I have a buying and a selling account.  Being a seller, and knowing how hard it is, I rarely ever leave negative, unless I have a major, major problem that the seller does not rectify.  Yet I don't feel comfortable leaving them good feedback, so I don't leave any feedback.  I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt ( such as bad packing, but did apologize, or extremely slow and gives a poor reason for it, etc ) but I'm not going to reward them either, but a neutral might as well be a negative, so I just forgo leaving that seller ( or sometimes buyer, since as a seller, I can't leave bad feedback ). 

I've had smart-arsed buyer/sellers jump me for not leaving feedback, in which I will explain the issue and say that I don't feel comfortable in leaving them feedback. 

So far, in the last year, I've only left one negative feedback, but that was because the seller was a major arse and told me he packaged an item correctly, when he most definitely didn't, resulting in damage, and him being highly condescending when he had absolutely no experience with the item he was selling, but acted like he knew more than me!  Yeah, that one had it coming, definitely. 

That said, just out right not leaving feedback for no reason is definitely really crappy and lazy.  I've seen a lot of buyers who only leave bad feedback when they feel jilted for the slightest provocation.  OMG, there was a cat hair on the dress. . .!  I'm allergic!  Or, I didn't get any free stuff with my piddly $10 purchase, and now I'm going to leave a neutral because my tush wasn't sufficiently kissed!  Stuff like that, yeah. 


Post Merge: April 17, 2015, 12:02:18 PM


And this is exactly why I refuse to send anything without insurance overseas.

I have had one potential buyer after another try to bully or wringe and whine about my shipping costs for international, because they include insurance, and international insurance is expensive. . . 

Not that this isn't the seller's fault for packing it so pathetically.  Had the box been bigger, and the item better padded, it may have saved the MOC a little bit better.  But the package should've been insured.  Period.  If it is insured, then your best guess will be going after the insurance.  The crushed box is the postal company's fault.  The poor packing and too small box is the seller's fault.  But always insure your packages, especially international packages.

My buyer and I nearly lost a Brazil Heartthrob, the only thing that saved her WAS the insurance and tracking, which told the buyer WHERE the pony was, so she could ring them up and figure out what was going on.  ^^  And it also protects over major damage.  Yes, custom fees, yes, it's expensive, but peace of mind. 

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