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Messages - Esbayne

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Pony Corral / Re: First Look at G5 Toys
« on: August 22, 2021, 08:05:50 PM »
Thank you LaW XD

WHOA I just found out there will be more Larges. From Strawberry Reef
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sincere apologies if I'm late to the party which I do suspect I am
but I do love all of these dearly honestly and want all of them
I am obsessed with the G5 larges, now.......... XD

I'm kicking myself for buying Starscout & Moonbow single now. XD Cause I want the Shining multipack.

Pony Corral / Re: Society for Ponies with Non-Indicative Names
« on: August 22, 2021, 07:22:39 PM »
Agreeing with LaW, I think G2s had the most nonsensical names of any gen. XD

Maybe part of that stems from them being mostly Euro, with a lot of releases not being in English? idk

I guess that doesn't hold water though because a lot of the more bizarre nonsensical ones were released that way in English. XD

Idk what G2 was doin, man
*but I liked it* B)

Pony Corral / Re: Unpopular Pony Opinions
« on: August 22, 2021, 07:19:08 PM »
Unpopular opinion, I know the new ponies are creepy but somehow it made me love them more. XD

Retroactively it made me decide 100% I also love G3.5 and PonyLife.

I still appreciate they are honestly super creepy and uncanny valley.
But I admit that's why I decided I liked them. XD

That being said, *popular* opinion, I don't like the new boy moulded hair. But part of me really feels like they may change that down the line, truly.

Pony Corral / Re: First look at Basic Fun Twinkle-Eyed!!!
« on: August 22, 2021, 07:02:55 PM »
I want Sweet Stuff because I don’t think I have her in G1 form.

I know I can dream but I wish they’d do Mimic…

Pony Corral / Re: G5 Media News, updated 8/13, Trailer!
« on: August 22, 2021, 06:56:28 PM »
Oh my god, it's so stupid in the most charming of ways, I love it. XD

This is the first MLP media since G3 to truly suck me in, or so I feel so far. XD

Pony Corral / Re: First Look at G5 Toys
« on: August 22, 2021, 06:51:18 PM »
Yes please to Metalhead Fabio pony with locks long enough to make Rapunzel green with envy, and thick and heavy enough to make the BnGs froth at the mouth with rage.

So glad others agree! XD
Hey man, toy brands are becoming more and more socially/culturally aware, maybe we'll see it someday? XD

I do have to say one more thing about the G5 toys-
I know it's super weird but I wish they had slightly bigger/more defined rumps/hips- they have a wiener-dog shape to them, and it makes them look too skinny for a horse/pony. Everything else is okay.
Literally the only reason I wish that is that it would give them more of a horse look-
Horses have big butts, it is what it is. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Especially for ponies, which are naturally little chunkers.
They weren't shy about it for any of the other gens! Lmao

Obviously not a deal breaker, and it is super weird to say- but(t) I mean, am I wrong? XD XD

Pony Corral / Re: First Look at G5 Toys
« on: August 22, 2021, 04:13:11 PM »
I FINALLY found the large ones today!

I also saw the set of the small ones, but in my opinion they look kind of like cheap fakies, their hair was kinda bad, and their bodies look too long, like wiener-dogs.
The large ones are honestly amazing in quality, though!
They're really solid and heavy, little lighter than a Funko pony but heavier than a G4 FS.
Their hair is honestly amazing quality!! Feels like really nice Monster High hair, super silky, and it's *super* thick and well rooted!
Their heads are also on ball joints, which I find really cool!!

I wonder how customizing them would work, though I'm sure people have tried before I got here and I just haven't seen.

I was only going to get Izzy, but ended up loving Sunny so much I got her too. XD
Glad I did, because their accessories look so much better swapped!

I do have to say, their accessories are pretty cheap and dinky. But the headbands are nice, and I love the purse! It had a little book in it that actually opens and closes.
I also "fixed" the blue headband, because it had these weird long rubber streamers hanging off of it! It was kinda bizarre, but my cat loves the streamers now, so... XD

Also, weird thing to gush about, but I adore the new packaging. So easy to open, and I can touch the ponies before buying them now!! I really like that more than trying to peer at weird angles through a plastic bubble. Everything is tied down with paper rope now, you can just rip it all off and they fall right out!

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Probably just going to call them Starscout & Moonbow, not a fan of the human names.

I can take more photos if anyone's curious about them. :)
(sorry about the cluttered background, we just moved like, yesterday)

They really grew on me! I still think they're a tad creepy, but like, in an endearing way? XD
But I mean, I feel the same about G3.5 and PonyLife.
I decided what good is there in being a pony elitist, I'll love them all, I'll embrace the creepy and weird. XD

Really hope they make more large ones!! I'll buy them all. XD
hasbro what are you doing to me

Post Merge: August 22, 2021, 04:28:44 PM

I'm willing to bet we'll see boys with brushable hair later down the lines, at least on the bigger ponies.
G4 did the same thing with the troll hair boys. They did that for a few waves, realized how much people hated it, and started giving them proper mohawks.
Hopefully when they see the displeasure for the moulded hair, they change it up later on.
They do seem pretty receptive to feedback for this gen, so far. At least it seems like it to me.

I really like the little jointed ones, I might get Izzy. She's my favourite of the bunch.

I really want the bigger Izzy with the super long hair. Don't know if I'll end up getting many G5s but I know for sure I'm getting her.
Checked for her in Walmart today, they didn't even have a single pony as it was. :blink: Not even the cheap little PonyLife rings.

Yeah but they did it towards the very end of the generation and it was still mohawks. G4 boys just plain suck.  >_<

I think I'm in the minority that loves the mohawks. XD But I always headcanon the mohawk boys to be punks, anyway... My Shining Armor ditched his royal coat for a guitar. XD

But, Sandbar did have 'real' hair at the very end, there! A unique hairstyle, even. Though I know he was *super* hard to find for most people.

Yannow what I want, if they do decide to finally do a longhaired boy?
I want him to have longer, more luxurious hair than any girl ever has.

I want a Fabio pony. XD

Extra props if they make him like some sort of hippy or metalhead. XD *nods*

Pony Corral / Re: First Look at G5 Toys
« on: August 15, 2021, 09:48:46 AM »
I'm willing to bet we'll see boys with brushable hair later down the lines, at least on the bigger ponies.
G4 did the same thing with the troll hair boys. They did that for a few waves, realized how much people hated it, and started giving them proper mohawks.
Hopefully when they see the displeasure for the moulded hair, they change it up later on.
They do seem pretty receptive to feedback for this gen, so far. At least it seems like it to me.

I really like the little jointed ones, I might get Izzy. She's my favourite of the bunch.

I *really* want the bigger Izzy with the super long hair. Don't know if I'll end up getting many G5s but I know for sure I'm getting her.
Checked for her in Walmart today, they didn't even have a single pony as it was. :blink: Not even the cheap little PonyLife rings.

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 6/14/2021 Flash
« on: June 11, 2021, 07:38:58 PM »
Have!!!! I adore her.
She was one of my first full-sized G2s! (Before her I had one keychain pony & one McDs.)

She's lovely imo, and I love her coloring! I could do without the pink overload, but the fact that she's green does enough for me.... XD

Pony Corral / Re: Pony friends you would have liked to see
« on: April 09, 2021, 04:44:08 PM »
Definitely more ungulates. Anything with hooves! Those are my favourite "friends," I think they translate much more gracefully to MLP form, and I don't really like the non-ungulates except for Kingsly.
(I know Edgar counts as an ungulate but uh, not a fan of him lol, I meant even & odd toed ungulates- I like to call the categories I mean by that "hoofers" as a better collective term for them. XD)

Donkeys, bison, yaks, mules, etc!

While I'm dreaming, a sleipnir pony? XD

Also, any of the breeds featured in the medias that were never made! For any gen.

Pony Corral / Re: Society for Ponies with Non-Indicative Names
« on: April 01, 2021, 07:24:33 PM »
G3 Puzzlemint confuses and confounds me. 

It did for me too for the *longest* time, but I realized after I got her that it's actually a play on the word "puzzlement!"
Meaning like, to be puzzled, because she came with a plug & play video game. It's just not a commonly used word!

Other than that though, she really lacks on the "mint..."
That would have made the play on words so much better if she was more minty.

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: New art
« on: March 17, 2021, 04:02:22 PM »
You capture the G1 style, but still in your own style, soo well!

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Springtime for Hitl... Ponies and Ponyland!
« on: March 17, 2021, 04:00:15 PM »
Sooo stunning and gorgeous!! I could look at your art all day. :lovey:

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: I just realized...
« on: March 17, 2021, 03:58:23 PM »
These are INCREDIBLE!! Your abilities with textures are just stunning.

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: Bella Sara?
« on: March 06, 2021, 11:27:10 PM »
I used to love that game as a young kid, when it was still the old version of the game with trading cards, the stable, the music, etc.

I was really bummed to come back and find the cartoony disney-esque version with baby horses, years ago.

I can't believe it's all gone now, what the heck!!
I just went to the site, everything is gone! Just a site advertising the release of a new app.
Though, the card gallery seems to be back up and a WIP, that's exciting. :)
I never owned any cards as a kid, but always really wanted some.

The first card set, the only one listed right now, is from 2005, wow!
They look pretty funky compared to the ones I remember. XD
Still some gorgeous ones, though. <3

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