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Messages - MiRaja

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Pony Corral / Re: The anti brag thread of vent
« on: July 07, 2013, 02:11:56 PM »
Yup!  I know how you're feeling!

I've been doing an antique run once a week now, and I collect more than MLP, and I have found NOTHING!  Absolutely nothing!

On the other hand, I've been dragging along my bestfriend/roommate and have been worrying she'd be bored of tears.  She, on the other hand, has been finding all sorts of books she's been wanting everywhere we've gone.  Least no worries of her being bored!

Trader & Shipping Support / Re: Is it me or is ebay full of morons???
« on: July 07, 2013, 01:46:56 PM »
I'm going to play devil's advocate over 'the hair.'

If all you found were a few strands of hair, it's okay, it's just hair, really, it's not going to kill you.  Things happen, and if you're buy job lots and such, it's to be expected.  That's kind of the point of a lot.  Now, I'd understand about absolutely disgusting, but playdirt and some loose hairs?  C'mon, it's not a big deal, and part of the thrill of a lot is getting to clean through that mess and make it all pretty!  Besides that, if it's a lot, then the seller expected not to make that much money.  Lots are still going to be cheaper than buying all of those items by singles. 

I used to do doll part auctions because I do doll restore, and I'd buy lots and get parts I needed but would get parts I didn't need.  I never sold these things back in sparkling condition, because I never messed with them.  They'd just get put in a box of things I didn't need, and when the box got full, it was ebay time.  ( Now-a-days, I have a buyer who buys dolls from me, and I just give her my box of scraps for her to sell on ebay as freebies ) I never had a complaint, and I certainly would be annoyed if someone complained that, omg, these old doll parts were a bit dirty, or gods' forbid a hair or two of mine had fallen into the box.  Honestly, I wouldn't make any money off of these auctions, besides, maybe $10-$15 + shipping, but I sold them because other restorers could use the parts where I couldn't, and it'd be a damned waste to throw them out.

I see a lot of these messy playlots, and I see they're belonging to their kids and have been in storage for years.  The fact is, it's probably sell them on ebay or throw them away.  And they'd rather just throw them away than take the time to clean every pony or inspect in detail.  I'm usually a detail oriented person, so if I were to sell lots, yes, I'd have a completed condition of everything, but that takes a lot of time, and some people do work 40hr jobs a week, and still have kids to take care of, and by selling a lot of not-so-clean ponies and getting a real low price for them per-pony, they're doing you a favor by not throwing them away.  Which is what happened my childhood ponies.  So, dirty ponies > ponies in landfills. 

Now, I have bought lots where the seller has itemized them, and claimed they were all mint, and then got a lot of bait instead.  That's what ticks me off, because I paid good money expecting a lot of really nice ponies.  Then, the next week, I bought a lot of ponies from one of my doll seller's, and NO ONE bid on them because they weren't pony sellers. . .  Well, almost all of the ponies were mint in that lot, they were gorgeous, I mean, I have a SS Beachball whose hair is so perfectly in set it's like she walked out of a box yesterday.  And I paid notta.  It was around $16 for 10 ponies + shipping. 

You win some, you lose some.  If the lot says these are played with, they haven't been cleaned, they are in as-in condition,  it's exactly that.  :/  If you want  perfectly clean ponies with nothing that needs to be done with them, I would suggest buying singles.  <3 

My problem is when people say something is in one condition and it's not.  Like ponies that are 'near mint,' but have tail rust or pony cancer, or their hair has been curled under to hide crunchy hair.  That's my ish. 

Off Topic / Re: Birds, Birds and Birds -pics-
« on: July 05, 2013, 10:27:53 PM »
also, poor little guy, I hope he recovers :(

He's doing very well at the sanctuary :) They said he doesn't have any broken bones or fluid, just lots of swelling but it's going down with medication. He can stand and eat now so they'll be bringing him back to release him soon.

You're not on the gulfcoast, are you?  ^^;

As a matter of fact, I am. Punta Gorda, but on the other side of the bridge by Port Charlotte.

And just a little random fact: The adults have brown feathers because they have "painted" themselves with mud for breeding season. Adult Sandhill Cranes are actually a light gray color all over (like the younger ones). It's usually just the breeding pairs that paint themselves brown.

Oh, really? That's interesting! I never noticed it was mud, too busy watching where their beaks and feet are when they get close :lol: Is there a way to tell the males and females apart? I know with the storks, it's the curve of their beak that tells which is which, but all the cranes look exactly alike to me :lookround:

Oh, that's way far from me, I'm Pensacola-gulf coast!  You're about as far away as you can get from me and still be in the same state!  Drats!

Perfume puff twinkle eyes.

Or the glittery clear bodied ponies with twinkle eyes. 

Twinkle eyed princesses. 

Oh they are so worthless.  I got a reply today:

Dear blueoxedoxie,

I do not believe there were any chunks or holes in them. They just need some cleaning

- kokomo-toys

That doesn't answer the question.  :/ 

Off Topic / Re: Birds, Birds and Birds -pics-
« on: July 05, 2013, 12:23:17 AM »
It's been raining here constantly as well.  Obnoxious really, though it drove in some decent business early on in shift because a lot of people didn't want to risk the beachside fireworks getting rained out.  You're not on the gulfcoast, are you?  ^^;;

I wouldn't even mess with that.  Report it to Ebay, block him, and relist.  It just sounds like an idiot who is probably not even of age to be using ebay. 

Oh, Kokomo listed a new lot.  I made sure to ask them this:

Hi there!

I just had a quick question!  Are all the ponies fully intact?  What I mean is, are they free of chews, or well, anything like missing faces or snouts?  Just wanted to ask!  Thanks!

I'm so smarmy. 

Pony Corral / Re: Grail Pony!!!
« on: July 03, 2013, 12:55:23 PM »
Mmm, non-Nirvana is Red Roses for sure.  I have a Mimic, though. :)

Nirvana?  German Starshine for sure.  She's in Surprise pose, which is my absolute favorite, and I need to increase my Surprise pose army!  I'm most sad that pose never came in TE OR a perfume puff.  ;.; 

Off Topic / Re: Whats one food item you cant live without?
« on: July 03, 2013, 12:52:07 PM »
I'm going to say coffee as well.  I honestly cannot move without it these days and it seems to help with my back ( especially when I pop two excedrin every morning.  Hey!  Asprin AND caffeine regimine! ) but an actual food item?

Well, sushi used to be my favorite, until I worked in a sushi restaurant, and I still crave it, only thing the restaurant I worked in has the best sushi, but the owner steals tips. . . @_@  And I'm picky. . . Guh.

Hmm, maybe olives.  I love olives.  I work as a cocktail server most nights, and the bar tips me out in olives for helping them out.  Seriously.  Loooove.  I cannot walk into Fresh Market without picking up a few oz of olives, though the prosciutto stuffed banana peppers are might tasty too. . . 

OH, I know, guacamole!  Gimme avocados everyday, and I'll shut up, plus I'll have the silkiest skin and hair ever.  I just hate how expensive they are.  :/ 

I'm saying she got shafted on the prices of some of her ponies.  A lot of her real rare ones did not go at all for the prices they should have or normally would have.  She had an alt Birthflower go for under $200.  ( and no one did get back to us about what ponies she(Brooke) had stolen to match with what Ponyknott was selling )

I just found the dismissal of the geography of the situation odd to say the least, when we people were focusing on the kitchen countertops.  As I said, I think if she was going to suddenly change her tactics, she would've picked another state rather some podunk town in Florida to claim as her base of operations.  Especially a place I'm thinking it's highly unlikely she's even heard of.  I used to live in Milton, and when I would travel to Tampa or Jacksonville, I would tell people I lived in Pensacola ( I now do ) because they never had heard of Milton. 

I've honestly been busy with life, else I would've asked myself, but as it is, I don't even much have the time to get my own things listed.  Nor the internet, for that matter, so I had been off ebay in this last week and a half waiting for my phone net to turn over.  Truthfully, I should probably have taken a little more time to ask, all I would've needed was her saying yep, come see me, or I live near *insert Milton feature here* and that would've likely solved the whole mess, because I honestly do not believe someone living in Southeast Fl would ever willingly move to Milton, Fl.  :P  To put it simply, the town is kind of special. 

Concern is one thing, but I think several of the posts are implying it's her, especially most of the posts on the first page. 

Welp, I know not to take pictures of my ponies on my countertops.  Because that's almost exactly what my countertops look like, to be perfectly honest.  But yes, I am suggesting that no one bothered to ask and most of the thread just devolved into stuff about Brooke Kutik rather than anything at all about finding out whether the seller was or wasn't, we just assumed from the first page on.  I brought up Milton in the second page, was it?  And there was just basically a shrug of the shoulder and back to Brooke Kutik and information on her ( which is fine and dandy ) but nothing much or much not proving that Ponyknott is or isn't. 

Honestly, I find the geography more conclusive than I find the counter tops, but that's just me. 

Ft Meyers is not that far from Miami. 

Milton to Miami is nearly 700miles. 

It makes no sense to me that she would claim to be in Milton, and given that the account has good feedback, then she has a confirmed addressed in Milton, when she would really be living in Wellington, which is on the east coast.

That odd bidder with the ID Brookwhateverxxx is likely Brooke Kutik going by the zipcode. 

However the seller?  I'm going to say no.  It doesn't make sense.  Milton is some b(l)ackwater(that's actually what the area is called, Blackwater ) little town that most people in Florida, and anyone in the SE hasn't heard of.  Honestly, it'd be more likely she said she was in Pensacola, or Tallahassee, or some other town that people might have a chance of knowing, and herself for that matter.

Besides that, the seller has said had sold the last of collection on her last listings, or I would've least had the courtesy to ask 'where in Milton she was,' and ask if I could 'pick up,' and see where that led, rather than accusing of her of being someone she might not be all because of factory made kitchen counters.  :/ 

That's what started this.  Kitchen counters and Florida, but the geography doesn't match up.  It's not a couple of hours, it's a big drive away.  It's one that takes an entire day for me, and I'm good at long distance drives and do Pensacola to Chicago quite often.  In a day.  It's not that much further from here in Pensacola to there in Wellington than it is from here from Pensacola  to the midpoint of Illinois.  So, why claim she was in Milton, Fl, when she could throw off all the scenthounds and claim she was in Tennessee or something?

Now what about this, think about this, that seller got shafted for what she was last selling because of her kitchen counters.  Look at what were the last things she sold and look at the prices she got.  Okay, maybe she could still be Brooke Kutik, but if she isn't?  And no one could be bothered to ask anything, but only assumed because of an oddball bidder with a different screen name that did  match up to being Brooke's, whereas the seller ID doesn't?  That doesn't bode well for good karma to me. 

If she lives in Wellington, I think it is very unlikely the person in Milton, Fl is her.  I know Florida geography can be a little weird, but Florida is actually a really big state.  Going from the South east to the Northwest of Florida would be like moving a state or two over.  So it's a pretty big move.  To put it simply, where I am in, Pensacola, Fl, which is about a 40 minute drive from Milton, is a TWELVE hour drive to Miami.  Consequently, a drive to Wisconsin is 16hrs. 

So, I'm going to say no.  Not unless someone has bought and is getting packages from SE Florida when they're buying from this person!

Pony Corral / Re: Best way to sell entire MLP collection
« on: July 02, 2013, 01:19:28 PM »
I know how you're feeling!

I've gone through a bit of a hybrid system, I started on Craigslist and sold about a sixth of what I wanted to liquidate.  She bought all my sale babies and my wingers and my FS AJ ( one of my few G4's!) and now I'm working on selling here.  Now, if only I could get some internet.  I moved in April and I hadn't wanted to sell until I was in a new space, as I was crowded into a single bedroom but now I have almost an entire appt!  ( I have a roommate, but so much room again! ) But getting internet in this place has been the one big downfall!   

Off Topic / Re: What religion are you?
« on: July 02, 2013, 12:29:44 PM »
I was raised Lutheran, but now am a sort of eclectic pagan. I believe in a loose group of well-meaning gods and goddesses who try hard but can't always get it right or help everyone. Also mead. Being pagan means I believe very strongly in mead.

Mead has the best aftertaste I have ever had with an alcohol. Good choice. I rather like what you got going on too.

Post Merge: July 02, 2013, 12:20:50 PM

Also an eclectic pagan here!  I have strong leanings towards atheism, but I use my religion to fill in the blanks for the things science hasn't yet answered.  :P 

Ah, Mead, yes, mead is a very good reason too, but of all the alcohol, it's the one, and only one, I cannot seem to stomach.  Well, I can drink it, but the last time I drank it, I got a horrible migraine right after, and previous to that, if I drank anymore than a glassful I would have the. . .most interesting dreams ever.  Like, beyond a religious experience, more like a very frightening trip, or what I imagine one would be like.  So, safe to say, I do not drink mead.  I do, however, drink bourbon.  :) 

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