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Messages - Eskara1862

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Pony Brag Arena / Re: $1.00 mimic! (No joke!) Pics added!!
« on: February 06, 2012, 01:16:03 PM »
PonySeeker, you have just lived the dream that so many of us have.  Congrats!

Pony Brag Arena / Re: 2012 Valentines Swap Brags
« on: February 06, 2012, 01:12:15 PM »
Eskara your cat looks so cute, doing her little paw trick :) I somehow thought cats couldn't be trained?  :lookround:
Also, composting tea bags?? Care to explain?  :)
Cats can totally be trained!  Misty comes when I call her, knows to stay out of the feeding area until I get her food ready and tell her it's okay to go in, walks on a leash, sits up, moves where I tell her to, jumps up and gets down on command, and is working on "Paw."  Paw will eventually turn into "Say Hello" with her extending her paw for a polite shake.  We're still working on that one ;)
I compost tea bags because they're acidic. My garden is covered in moss and I like to encourage it to totally take over.  The rhododendron also needs more acidic soil than what is naturally in my area. I figure, I drink three cups of tea a day and that's plenty of free fertalizer right there if I compost it!
What a fantastic first brag for the thread!  My hubby never gets me anything for valentines day so I think I'll just hang out here and drool over everybody elses Valentines gifts :cheer:

Hehe!  That's why I did the Valentine's Swap!  My hubby never likes to celebrate Valentine's day because he believes it's just another way to force guys to buy candy and flowers and cards.  He calls it a made-up consumerist holiday.  So, if I decided to celebrate with ponies ;)

DazzleKitty, What awesome babies!  They are so beautiful=)  You've got to be in heaven with all those little cuties around.

Mmm... Kinder Eggs.  Lucky Summer-blade!

Pony Corral / Re: Ponies for Mah Ears
« on: February 02, 2012, 02:19:11 PM »
That's a great idea!  I would totally wear a pair.

Pony Corral / Re: Suicide or murder?
« on: February 02, 2012, 02:17:04 PM »
I get along with my coworkers pretty well.  They love to joke and prank, but were kind of worried about how I would react to the hanging pony and cat. AJ said he was super relieved when he heard me laughing. 
And I'm pretty sure it was murder.  No way Snowcatcher could have hung her cat! There wasn't just one culprit either, it was several guys who were in on it.
Glad you guys are as amused by it as I was! Ponies are toys after all.  And, no matter what they say, I can now claim that I have the macho-car guys playing with ponies and I have the photographic proof. Revenge will be forthcoming, but not immediatly.  We'll make them sweat it out a bit ;)

Pony Corral / Re: 2012 Valentine's Swap *posting teasers/shipping*
« on: February 02, 2012, 08:43:33 AM »
Mailed mine this morning! The box weighed almost 3 lbs. Who knew ponies and candy could weigh that much?

Pony Corral / Suicide or murder?
« on: February 02, 2012, 08:41:43 AM »
Like many of us here, I have a pony on my desk at work. I like to rotate out the pony to match the seasons and the current one is Snowcatcher. I work in the repair portion of a car dealership, so I'm pretty much surrounded by "tough" guys.  They find the ponies very odd and don't quite understand them.  THey tease me all the time.
Well, I had the day off work yesterday. This is what I came in to discover.
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Did the ponies do it because they can't stand the car fumes?  Or was it more insideous means?

Pony Corral / Introducing: The New Gray Mare and Love the Arena Sale
« on: February 02, 2012, 06:23:55 AM »
For the past two weeks, I've been geeking out and working on a MAJOR project.  :nerdy: When I learned that the Classifieds from the old Arena wouldn't be moving over here any time soon, and I've had problems posting in the sale forum, I decided it was time to brush up on my web design skills and finally make a pony website.  It currently hosts everything I had for sale at the old Arena, but I have a LOT more stuff to add and hope to add at least six new items every day for the entire month. I am proud to give you:

To celebrate the launch, I am also hosting a "Love the Arena Sale."  50% of all sales, made here, on Etsy, or at will be donated to the Arena.  I would also like to invite any other seller to join me in showing our love and appreciation for the Arena by donating a portion of sales.  I even made a little signature banner for it =)
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If you would like me to make a custom banner for you stating what percentage you would like to donate, then just ask and I'll make one =)

Now, time to get back to work on that website!  The bare bones structure is there, but it needs to be prettied up quite a bit ;)  I'm sure I'll be working on this for at least the next month. :work:   Ooh, I have so many things planned!  :devious:

 :good: Hope you like the new site!

Pony Corral / Re: Ponies on Sale @ HasbroToyShop, Feb 2 only
« on: February 02, 2012, 06:03:17 AM »
I tried to get the "Decorate your own pony" with the code by going out of the promo area and adding her to my cart.  No dice; still charged shipping.  BUT! When I added in Feathermay and applied the promo code, I got free shipping on the entire order. So, if you're looking to get some of the blank ponies, toss in the ones on promo and get free shipping on the whole order! I'd rather pay for another pony (and get two!) than shipping any day ;)

Pony Corral / Re: 2012 Valentine's Swap *posting teasers/shipping*
« on: February 01, 2012, 05:58:01 PM »
Got a brag already!,  I'm a lucky, lucky pony =D

Pony Brag Arena / 2012 Valentines Swap Brags
« on: February 01, 2012, 05:55:39 PM »
I think I'm the first one in the Valentines Swap to get a package!  So, here we go, Brag Time!

I was home all day and the mailman never even knocked on the door to let me know I had a box.  Hubby found it on the porch when he left to get some groceries.  I, of course, stayed home and had fun opening everything.

Once I got the box open, I discovered....

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Check out that adorable card!  And look at those pretty dragonfly stickers :enthralled:   The card let me know that my package came from the marvelous Mercynova.  She totally spoiled me!  Since there wasn't anything telling me to open packages in a certain order, I grabbed the one in the bottom right of the photo and found...

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This is the prettiest Chief I've ever seen!  And that ribbon in his tail is awesome=)  He's sitting on my desk right now, guarding my other presents.

Next up was:

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Midnight Pomegrannate Bath Salts in an adorable container.  I think I'm going to go take a bath tonight so I can enjoy these.  They smell soooooooooo good.

Next up was a small package.

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Eeh!  Rainbow Flash Blind Bag!  She's so much more purple in real life than I expected.  And that means I like her all the more ;)

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Next up was tea.  I'm drinking it right now.  This stuff is great!  Nice and fruity without any bitterness at all. I'm going to have this as my morning tea and try to make it last the whole month ;)

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Mercynova, HOW DID YOU KNOW? I've been looking at the thrift shop for something that would suffice as a tea bag drip tray for the past month! I like to let me tea bags dry out when I'm at work so I can take them home and compost them.

Item number 7 we'll save for the end, because the results were so much fun =)

Number 8 was the Fluttershy Nursery:

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I think this one has lighter hair than the US versions.  Look at those cute little critters... This isn't staying in the box for long!  Or, maybe it will.  Easier to dust... Gah, I'm so torn!

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ANOTHER Blind Bag!  And it's the sparkly Rarity too.  She's so pretty :D

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These smelled so good before I even opened them.  Hubby keeps coming in and stealing "one more." 

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Here's a photo of everything opened. Of course, we had a photo bomb.  That's to be expected, considering what the last item was...

The last item, actually the 7th I opened, was treats for Misty!

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She was trying to get these way before I even had the package open!  Misty highly approves and says thank you.  We made a video so you can see how much she enjoys them =)

THANK YOU MERCYNOVA!!!!!  :lovey: :lovey: :hug: You totally spoiled me silly and I love absolutely everything.

Pony Corral / Re: 2012 Valentine's Swap *please check in!*
« on: January 31, 2012, 04:42:34 PM »
I have my teaser pic done!  :lovey: That's every last scrap of pink tissue paper in my house!  I ran out, so I used the pretty purple too. It makes the stickers match ;)

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 :art: The special art project I made is in one of those packages... Ooh.... But which one! And what could it possibly be?

Time for me to go :zzz: . I woke up at 3 this morning and couldn't get back to sleep.  Now that I have my pony fix, I think I can safely crash for the night. Later all!

Pony Corral / Re: 2012 Valentine's Swap *please check in!*
« on: January 31, 2012, 11:51:12 AM »
Ooh, Sternenstaub, your packages look so pretty! I can't wait to see who your partner is and what's inside!
I have my partners stuff all wrapped up and even boxed up.  Teaser pics were taken yesterday!  And they're still on my camera... I'll have to upload those when I get home from work;)

Pony Corral / Re: GUYS, I might be a genius.
« on: January 31, 2012, 11:39:37 AM »
Hehehe!  I know what you mean!  I found one to include as an extra in a pony package and couldn't help but grin while flipping through it.

Does yours have mutliple pages with the same clip art on it? The one I got has the same picture of Twilight Sparkle with Spike on her back, like, a dozen times!

Off Topic / Re: Toy collection website is up !
« on: January 31, 2012, 11:36:59 AM »
Very nice website! =)  It has a lovely layout and you arranged things very logically.  Do you have prices on the sale/trade items? I didn't notice anything...  Also, I suggest changing the text color from white to something darker.  It's very hard on the eyes to read the white on the light green.  Other than that, you have the beginnings of a lovely collection site!

Off Topic / Re: Need De-Bugging help with my website!
« on: January 29, 2012, 07:46:59 AM »
Thanks for the confirmation, Kaoskat! I had read on some websites where it was only one person getting the error, or 50% of people getting it, or everybody getting it.  It's kind of hard to check that out if you only have one computer ;)

I have no idea what I did, but it's working now.  I copied and pasted the script, line for line exact, re-named the file, and uploaded it.  Somehow, changing the file name has made it work. :what:

I love creating websites, but I'll never understand some of the glitches and what makes them work or not work!  Now, time to sit down and make that site look a little prettier  :work:

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