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Messages - fiwen30

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The Dollhouse / Re: Washing Pullips Hair
« on: February 04, 2013, 02:40:27 PM »
Is your Pullip wigged or rooted? If it's a wig, it's just held on by glue around the edge, and is easy to reattach if it comes off. As far as I know the glue wont be affected by water, but the wig might be easier to wash if it's removed first. If it's a rooted scalp, just take care not to get water inside the head, or remove the scalp for washing seperately :)

Off Topic / Re: Show me your Puppy!!
« on: February 04, 2013, 01:56:21 PM »
Rogan and I :) He's a Rough Collie-Jack Russell cross, adopted from the Dogs Trust a year ago.

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Off Topic / Re: Who are you? What do you look like? Tell Us More!
« on: February 02, 2013, 03:05:00 PM »
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I'm Kendal, but I'm known as Fiwen on the net. Age 22, slim 5'3, natural brunette but dye my hair. Born in Spain, raised in England, I moved to Northern Ireland nearly 2 years ago for convenience, and to be closer to my fiance and his family. We met online and have been dating for 6.5 years, and we're getting married this June.

The dog in the pic is Rogan my 2 year old adopted Rough Collie cross, and I also have a 4 year old cat named George, and 2 hamsters, Magic and Sunny.

I'm a shop assistant in a charity shop, and also care for my disabled mother. Once I'm married, I'd like to go to uni part time to study fine art. My car is called Betty, and I can't drive her - I'm taking my test on Monday. Whenever I pass, the first thing I'm doing is heading to a riding stables as I've not ridden in about 8 years and I miss it so much.

The Dollhouse / Re: Pullip's hypothetical daughter Yeolume/Yorume!
« on: January 10, 2013, 12:28:21 PM »
I hope she doesn't look too much like Isul >.< He already looks way too much like Pullip for my taste.

Will be interessting to see what comes out of this, doesn't Pullip's bio say she's a teenager anyhow? I've seen people with Pullip characters aged between 15/16, all the way into their 30's, so it comes as a bit of a shock to imagine Pullip with a kid!

Off Topic / Re: Hamsters - Which type would you recommend?
« on: January 09, 2013, 01:54:16 PM »
I've never owned a dwarf breed myself, but it's great that you can get each one seperately! It makes me a little sad when pet shops sell hybrids as 'russian dwarves', when the seperate breeds have such distinct characteristics.

Personally I love Syrians though :) I've had males and females, and found the boys to be friendlier and more sociable. I would love to own a robo one day though!

Off Topic / Re: 2013 new years resolutions?
« on: January 08, 2013, 11:48:44 AM »
Bumping this back up!

2013 is gonna be the Big One for me, there's our wedding in June and moving out of living with my mum and into our new house that needs totally renovating!

Smaller resolutions this year include passing my driving test and insuring my (hopefully road-worthy) car, finding a riding school and getting back into the saddle after 8 years, working to improve my Etsy shop and taking some sort of class.

I'm tracking my resolutions and progress on a new 2013 blog -!

Off Topic / Re: Who else is gluten-free?
« on: January 03, 2013, 01:03:23 PM »
Another coeliac here! *waves* I was diagnosed via endoscopy...3.5(?) years ago when I was 18. I'd always been a very slim teenager, but then my abdomen bloated to a simply emormous size and I looked 5 months pregnant!

I've been gluten-free ever since, and have long since learnt my limits with small gluten-y morsels - half a slice of sandwich bread ever month or so is alright, but a tiny corner of tiger bread is very, very bad.

I don't crave bread anymore, there's enough g-f solutions for that, but stuff like fresh cookies and cakes are really hard to get unless you make them yourself. I've a great recipe for winter biscuits that I'll have to dig out and post :)

Off Topic / Re: Christmas Presents
« on: December 27, 2012, 03:11:23 AM »
I got some really lovely gifts this year :)

A Pandora bracelet and charms to commemorate the recent passing of my cat
A new Kindle + case
£30 Amazon voucher
A mini origami crane mobile
New bottle of my favourite perfume
Bath and shower set of soaps and washes
Scented candles + holders
Notebook + cards
Lots of different chocolates and turkish delight :D

Oh, and my dog got a new ball and some chews xD

Off Topic / Re: Cat Owners: Anybody use the "Thundershirt?"
« on: December 22, 2012, 12:02:59 PM »
Never used one with a cat, but I know of dog owners who have had great success with them for firework nerves and such.

The Dollhouse / Re: How Do You Store Doll Clothes & Accessories?
« on: December 14, 2012, 03:27:20 AM »
My Pullips, Dals and MSD all have their own distinct dress styles, so they each have their own boxes labelled with their names.

There's also seperate lidded plastic boxes for the rest of my dolly clothes stash that doesnt match *exactly* with a particular doll's style, a wig box, a sales box, and a MH-specific box. I've also one of those bead-seperating boxes that I use for eye chips and spare Obitsu hands, as well as ziplock bags for shoes, bags and accessories.

When I had a huge stash, there were seperate boxes for tops, dresses, skirts, trousers... Thankfully I sold a lot and cut down to pieces I use and love!

The Dollhouse / Re: Doll clothing self-challenge?
« on: December 11, 2012, 04:49:48 AM »
Sounds awesome! My MSD girl and Pullips would love some new clothes :)

The Dollhouse / Re: Any "off topic" dolls here?
« on: December 11, 2012, 04:48:23 AM »
As far as I'm aware, any type of doll at all is welcome in the Arena Dollhouse :)

I do like the strung pet-type dolls, you should totally share pics when they arrive!

The Dollhouse / Is anyone having a Dolly Christmas?
« on: December 02, 2012, 11:28:07 AM »
So my birthday is 5 days after Christmas, and my fiance wanted me to come up with present ideas...and I've persuaded him that a Pullip would be a fine addition to my pile under the tree! ;) I've wanted a Kiyomi for ages, but with saving for the wedding I've not been able to justify getting her, so bring on Christmas!

Is anyone else looking forward to a dolly-filled holiday season this year?

The Dollhouse / Re: ID and PC on an American Girl?
« on: December 01, 2012, 01:41:53 PM »
Yes that's her! Would she still fetch that sort of price as she's nude?

The Dollhouse / ID and PC on an American Girl?
« on: December 01, 2012, 11:23:44 AM »
Hi everyone!

So I work in a charity shop, and I found an American Girl in our donation pile this morning. I don't know anything about them, but I know some can be collectable, and I'd like our shop to raise as much as possible from her sale :)

She's caucasian, with blue eyes and blonde hair, which is cut in a bob slightly longer on the right with a side parting. She has freckles over her nose and cheeks, and teeth peeking out between her lips. Unfortunately she's missing her outfit, and has a small scuff on her forehead.

I have a couple of pics if need be, but if anyone could identify her and provide a rough price check that'd be much appreciated!

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