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Messages - NichiTsukinoko

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Trader & Shipping Support / Re: Again trouble with DollyHair...
« on: February 20, 2013, 04:53:31 PM »
you got your money back, and you are still expecting her to send you the hair?

No. As I said. At this point, my paypal transaction went through.  I got my money back. I don't actually care if she sends it or not.

However, she contacted me this morning with the message I posted above. She asked me to e-mail her with my address and what I had been owed, it seems she wants to fulfill it anyway. I, quite frankly, didn't expect to hear back from her again.

If she wants to send it, that's up to her. At this point I don't care. I'm not going to wait around expecting it, though. And it's not going to change the fact that in order to get any kind of resolution up to this point I had to go all the way through paypal to do it.

As I said. I have kept people informed on this thread about how she claimed to be willing to fulfill the order but never did.  I can only assume she wants an opportunity to prove she can follow through on fulfilling the order and I am allowing her that chance.

If it does come, I'll certainly stop back by and let everyone know she fulfilled it, even after the full refund on paypal.  It may not change my thoughts on ordering from her, but it may be information that others want to know.  And I'll certainly not begrudge her that.

HOWEVER: These things are true to this point and will not be changed by her sending me hair.

*I have tried calling the number she has provided. She never answers the phone and her outgoing message says to not leave a message. She doesn't check the machine.

*I have tried e-mailing her. I have not received any reliable response back and have even received messages saying my e-mail can't reach her. This latest one seems to have gone through, however.

*I have sent her pm's on the arena. To date, they haven't even been opened.

*I ordered hair from her in November. At the time of my order, there was no notice on her site about orders being delayed.  It didn't come till then end of December.

*When my orders did come they didn't have enough hair.

*All messages I have received from her have been seemingly in direct response to either
a) me leaving a negative post on a thread in the arena
b) me leaving her negative feedback on the arena
c) me starting or escalating a paypal claim.
To this point I go for weeks or months without hearing from her.  But within 24 hours of one of these things happening, I get a message about how she doesn't understand why I am upset. How I need to understand why it's not her fault. And how she wants to fix it.

So again, even if she does send the hair, it's not going to change anything for me. All of these things will remain true. I do not expect her to send the hair. I haven't asked her for anything since I got my paypal refund.

However, if she is saying she is going to send it, I really think she aught to. Let her yes mean yes and her no mean no.  If she isn't going to, I'd like her to say so.  Again, Yes=yes. No =no.  I am getting frustrated trying to correspond with her. She has had months to send it.  Either do it or don't. But quit trying to string it along.

Trader & Shipping Support / Re: Again trouble with DollyHair...
« on: February 20, 2013, 03:14:01 PM »
Apparently ponylady didn't like me confronting Sarahlacewing. My apologies, but I don't like Sarahlacewing's insinuation that the mods are taking sides and trying to prevent people from leaving Tina feedback. As I pointed out originally, my negative feedback was approved so obviously Sarahlacewing has been misinformed.

I know for a fact that people were complaining about the 38" hanks being smaller. People here posted about it, and I have seen numerous discussions in doll customizing communities about it. I hate that Tina just keeps turning a blind eye to the problems. Just because people were most vocal about the MLP hank size she addressed that issue and has ignored everyone else.

She talks a lot about her "loyal customers" but she seems to only care about pleasing some customers and ignoring others. It's like she thinks as long as some people will put up with her and keep ordering then everything is okay, and in the meantime she just pretends all the unhappy people don't exsit. She is currently claiming that everything is running perfectly smoothly with her business, but we have had several people post within the past few weeks stating that they are still having issues with orders and are not reciving responses to their e-mails. Obviously things are not fixed, and I hate to think of more people having bad experiences while she slides right back into the pattern of mistakes and silence.

I have been a loyal customer since 2010.  I ordered hair from her exclusively.  Yet the only time I've heard back from her since these issues started is when I leave negative feedback, when I opened the paypal claim, when I escalated the paypal claim, and apparently when I suggest others leave her feedback befitting their experiences.

Yesterday I suggested that people start leaving her negative or neutral feedback so that new buyers know what to expect. Today first this this morning I get a note from her saying

"Hello, Nichi. I read your post on the arena, and I was confused as to why you felt that the issue was unresolved. Now I see why. You messaged me through Facebook. I was expecting an email from you. I honestly really don't understand how to use Facebook. I didn't see your message until today. PLEASE email me and tell me what I need to send to you, and please give me your mailing address in an email. [email protected]. Thank you."

Really?  Less than 24 hours after I leave that suggestion I suddenly get a facebook response?

And she is expecting an e-mail response when I've already mentioned here and to her through facebook that she never responds to me via phone or e-mail? Really? 

And what's all this about not understanding how to use facebook? She understands it well enough to delete people's negative comments about her business from her own facebook page. And she certainly knows how to use facebook messaging well enough to respond to the parts of my messages where I'm telling her why I'm upset.  She has used it to send me lengthy messages about why it's not her fault.

But somehow the parts about my address and how much hair I was owed, that part she can't figure out?  Even after she asked me for that information in facebook messenger?

I will send her an e-mail. It will contain my address (again) and the amount of hair I am owed (again).   But it won't do any good if I keep getting the same message I've been getting about how "your e-mail could not go through. There was an error and your e-mail is not allowed to contact this e-mail at this time."

But who knows. Maybe that "error" will have cleared up.

But at this point, I don't really care. My paypal claim was successful. I'm only doing this to give her the opportunity to show she can actually follow through when she says she'll send the hair to fulfill the order. Because I'm nice like that.

[Removing a Moderator note will not only get you a warning, but will also gain you a banning. DO NOT do so again.
This is a public warning due to your ignorance of the rules. Loa - Site Owner]

Trader & Shipping Support / Re: Again trouble with DollyHair...
« on: February 19, 2013, 07:57:32 PM »
Has anyone besides me who had problems with their orders from Dollyhair considered leaving her either negative or neutral feedback here?  Even if the problem was resolved, neutral feedback describing the problem, how long it took to get resolved, and the final resolution would probably be helpful to future buyers.

Trader & Shipping Support / Re: Again trouble with DollyHair...
« on: February 16, 2013, 11:24:07 AM »
Well this is, I suppose, my final comment regarding my order.  Despite her assertions that she would send me a partial refund and the missing amount of hair from my orders, they never came.  So I opened a full claim with Paypal and they gave me a full refund.

The only time she ever responded was either directly after I gave her negative feedback on the arena or after I opened or furthered the paypal claim process.  I have seen no evidence that she cares about my business or customer service in general.  Once my stock of her hair is used up I will not be using her product. I will not order from her again. She has failed me considerably.

Trader & Shipping Support / Re: Again trouble with DollyHair...
« on: January 21, 2013, 06:28:47 PM »
I still have not received the replacement hair she said she would send.

Customs / Re: Abby Robette, A famous Painting Swap for Dee_Kary
« on: January 15, 2013, 02:00:55 PM »
Ooooh, so that was the pony we talked about on dA. :lovey: I love how you did her. Wonderful work. And the colors are so pretty. Aaaah, I love all things art nouveau. :heart:
Yep. this was the one I was hinting at.  I hated this pony all up until I finished her and could look at her objectively. Now I quite like how she turned out.  She came together well, even if the whole time I kept thinking "This is terrible! what am I doing? Why did I agree to this????" lol.  She is kind of Avant Gaurde isn't she?
Gorgeous work!!
Thank you very much!

Beautiful job, I love the hairstyle!^^
Thank you! I wanted it to be at least reminiscent of those messy curls the girl in the picture had.

wow,awesome! i love your concept and precise painting, very good!!
Thank you! The hands took a lot of work to make sure they looked correct, but I think the hard work paid off.

I think she turned out beautifully! The lettering and decorative motifs in particular. I also love the gradient effect and two-toned mane, the colours look spot on!
Oh thank you! The lettering was very difficult.  I actually had to remove the letters at one point, redo the gradients on that side, and then redo the letters because I wasn't happy with how they first turned out. I'm glad all that hard work paid off!

Very nicely done!  Her hair is gorgeous and I love her gradients!
Thanks! Hand painted gradients can look pretty cool. All the same, I someday hope to uprgade my airbrush to one that is actually useful for painting ponies. :)  A girl can dream.

She's lovely! I love her hair!  :)
Thank you! The hair is from It's real easy hair to work with. :)

this looks really cool!

Very awesome looking! I'd say you did a wonderful job! :D

Thank you Kazzellin!

Trader & Shipping Support / Re: Again trouble with DollyHair...
« on: January 15, 2013, 01:39:01 PM »
Well, supposedly Tina will replace the hair I should have gotten. That's what she said anyway. I'll let you know if it ever happens. 

But in addition to her assurance that she'll send the hair, she also basically just gave me the same tired list of excuses about why it's not her fault and why her having a kid should be an acceptable reason for her to not have time to contact people promptly and why she feels she's done nothing wrong when she refuses to check her office phone's vm for messages or call people back. And she's still insisting she never reduced the hair and that her former assistant claims to not have reduced the hair and new assistant is doing it correctly etc. etc. 

Even if I get the hair, It doesn't sound like she's admitting any wrong doing and she's still just making excuses.  I don't think her service will actually improve and I suspect the problems will come back shortly after everyone starts ordering from her again.

Maybe that's just me being cynical, but at 32 years old, I have yet to meet someone who makes excuses and won't admit they've done anything wrong who has actually changed their behavior.  Not saying there's not a first time for everything, but I'm playing the numbers on this. I don't think she'll improve or change anything. I mean, she's not even willing to put the weight we should expect hanks to be on her site next to the length and type of doll and all that. It would be as simple as adding another section to the tables she has on each page but she won't do it.

For me, Until I at least see an expected weight per hank on each page of her site so we all know from now on how much we should be getting, and until she admits she needs to do a better job responding to people when they have issues, I will not be trusting her.  Because she's still just expecting us to take her at her word that this was all some sort of strange cosmic mix up.

Customs / Re: Trying to inventory my custom collection. And Thank Yous.
« on: January 13, 2013, 04:10:31 PM »
oh yes - I see it!
where's the G2 firefly? that's what I was looking for LOL that's what we traded for the roogna plush ;)

I think that must have been someone else.  I don't know how to make plushies and sadly, I don't have a g2 custom in my collection.  Wish I did though. I love Firefly. she's my favorite pegaus. I would love to have a g2 Firefly!

Customs / Re: Trying to inventory my custom collection. And Thank Yous.
« on: January 12, 2013, 08:18:39 PM »
lol - mine is totally not in the group picture ;)
and yes, I'll get a pic up of me hugging Roogna pillow soon!

Yes it is. It's the wee hot pink newborn on the top shelf on the left. It has duckies on it.  It was purchased from you (from what I understand) at last year's pony fair and was given to me as a gift!

Customs / Re: Trying to inventory my custom collection. And Thank Yous.
« on: January 12, 2013, 03:49:42 PM »
That is very sweet. I know my customs from others is my favorite part of my collection!

I love my customs because they are like the modern equivalent of my G1 collection.  My G1 Collection reminds me of great times I had with my friends when I was little. My customs collection reminds me of all the great new memories I've made with my new pony friends.

That is very sweet. I know my customs from others is my favorite part of my collection!

EXACTLY what she said!!!!

Customs are such a great part of any collection!

Wow what a collection! I know most of mine are from swaps and trades, a few were gifts. :) I love them all!

Most of mine are from swaps or trades or gifts.  A few are ones I had commissioned.  I love mine too!

great idea! I so need to do this.
and I'm still super happy with our trade. My mom was in awe of the Roogna pillow buddy :)

It's a lot of fun to inventory your customs. It gives you an excuse to pick them all up and look at them again and remember when you got them and who made them and stuff! I'd love to see a picture of your roogna pillow buddy!

36 customs? WOW. And so many awesome customizers...
I want to see a picture! :D PLEEEEEASE

 (You still lack a puuush-custom, but puuush is so lazy and a slow worker! *kicks puuush* Lazy moth-eathen tigerpony!)

I do need a puuush custom! Because Puuushy has one of mine! :p  I'll get pictures up here in a minute.

How sweet! I'm glad that Twilight and Sky Flyer are still being loved :) And wow, you've got quite the collection! I'm with puuush, I'd love to see a picture!

Alright.  I'll post pictures!

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Customs / Re: Abby Robette, A famous Painting Swap for Dee_Kary
« on: January 10, 2013, 01:29:35 PM »
That is cool looking!!! I love all the details on her!
Thank you, avene!

Wow!  She looks incredible! I love how you just focused on parts of the original work instead of putting the whole thing on there.  The details in the paintwork are AWESOME.  I'm really impressed!

Thank you! My main focus in art is impressionism, so when I made this pony I tried to capture my impression of the print and the things that make it special, rather than just copying the whole things over.
I loved the pose of the woman and it reminded me of the "Posey" pose, so the pony became both the woman and the canvas, for example.  I'm glad that you think highly of her. She was quite a challenge.

She turned out really pretty! I love that painting and Absinthe in general...
It was a print with some great colors to use.  I'm glad she turned out well!

She's amazing in person :D I'm so glad you chose my favorite piece,  as well as favorite G1 pose! :heart: thank you so so much! :D

I am especially glad that you like her.  My style and the style that the original prints were in are very different and I wasn't sure how well I could blend the two.  I agonized over her, almost the entire time I was working on her (ask poor Okami. She was very supportive and reassuring every time I would send her a panicked e-mail about the progress of this pony. ) But once she was finally done and I could step back and look at her objectively, I thought she turned out well.  And I was very much hoping you would think so too. So I'm very happy that you love her.  Also, feel free to restyle the hair as you like.  The curls turned out bigger than I had actually wanted for this pony. So if you would like to play with the hair, go to it!

Very pretty! I love her hair!
Thank you Kaoskat! you have such a good eye, so I feel honored you think so!

Oh my, she's gorgeous! wow! :lovey:

Thank you!

awesome ^.^


Good Job!! I like her!!!

Thank you!

Customs / Trying to inventory my custom collection. And Thank Yous.
« on: January 10, 2013, 01:15:31 PM »
So since I'm moving my collection of customs from one room to another, I thought I would do an inventory just to see who I have customs from and how many customs I have from each customizer. I'm excluding myself from this list, because that would just be silly.

I have customs from Kalavista, Calico Star, Lucky4leafclover (no longer at the arena), Lunamoth, RevRuby, doombunnies, Simply Steffie, Roogna, Enchantress41580, PantherChild, Lunaroak, Merry Mint, Pythia, Okami_Amaterasu and Steffers29Madds.

The customizers I have the most customs from are:
Kalavista: 10 customs so far.
Lucky4LeafClover- 8

The rest of the the customizers, I have the following amount of ponies:

DoomBunnies: 3
Calico_Star: 2
RevRuby: 2
Panther Child: 2
Lunamoth: 1
SimplySteffie: 1
Roogna: 1
Enchantress41580: 1
LunaRoak: 1
MerryMint: 1
Steffers29Madds: 1
Pythia: 1
Okami_Amaterasu: 1

And so with that list, I just wanted to say thank you to all the customizers for all their hardwork. Especially the ones I have customs for.  I've acquired these customs over the last 3.5 years from trades, purchases, commissions, swaps, and gifts.  And I look forward to getting more as I continue collecting.

And I just wanted to take this time to let the customizers I have ponies from know that they are appreciated. 

Trader & Shipping Support / Re: Help with USPS
« on: January 10, 2013, 11:10:36 AM »
Here is the thing I was told about Delivery Confirmation by USPS, which is the "tracking #" you see when you pay on e-bay and things have been shipped.

"Delivery confirmation is not tracking. We are not required to scan it until it is delivered. If you want tracking you need to get express shipping and ask for tracking."

That was what I was told when one of the swap ponies I sent out disappeared for several weeks before turning up damaged at it's final destination.  I was told that it looked as if the bubble shipper had been punctured repeatedly.   I am sure that if I hadn't wrapped the pony in bubble wrap before putting it in the bubble shipper, more than just a tassel would have been damaged.

I am not sure what has been going on with USPS but I've stopped using them to ship ponies since every pony I shipped out along with the swap pony, regardless of how well it was packaged or weather it was in a strong box or a bubble shipper went missing for several weeks, despite DC;  And arrived broken in some way.

FedEx has been what I'm now using. It has it's own flaws. It's more expensive, they are closed on weekends, and if they can't get someone to sign for the package and they don't feel the package is safe to leave on the door step, they will bring it back to the office.

However, I appreciate that they are so committed to making sure the recipient gets it that they will make sure it's safely delivered, not just leave it on an unsecured door.  And the things I've shipped using FedEx have all arrived safely and their tracking actually is tracking!

Trader & Shipping Support / Re: Again trouble with DollyHair...
« on: January 10, 2013, 11:02:15 AM »
I just now responded to Tina's facebook message to me.   I'll let everyone know if she gets back to me a second time or resolves my issues.

Customs / Re: ~The Bait Box~
« on: January 10, 2013, 10:22:51 AM »
I sent you a pm!

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