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Messages - Bunny-san

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« on: February 12, 2012, 03:38:32 PM »
Neato! I cant *stand* spaghettio type stuff un-doctored XD I have to herb it up and put mozzarella cheese and all sorts of stuff in it to make it edible to me XD I wish they would just do like PASTA shapes. You know, like DRY pasta. I would buy the stores OUT and eat ponies every day. XD

Off Topic / Re: home ed
« on: February 12, 2012, 02:41:30 PM »
I an honestly say that I went through my entire schooling career in one of the "best" school districts in the country. Socially, I had three friends, and honestly it was beause the calibur of people available in the school to socialize with was...lacking. I have high standards of behavior I guess. You know, I didn't drink, smoke, or have sex. Oh and drugs were right out. So that eliminated 98.8% of the population, thus leaving me with five friends. Plus TWO from middle school! (One of which moved to PA and one of which became home schooled!) Wow. So there goes the argument for public schools being a socaial haven. At least in this (super awesome) School district I'm in.

My Brother is currently going through the same hgh school I went through, and has all A's and B's in his subjects EXCEPT for algebra which he is failing. He is highly functioning Apergers, and has an IEP plan which his algebra teacher is staunchly ignoring. His teacher, councilor, and principals areCONSTANTLY ignoring and passing the buck on to the next person whenever my mother emails them about trying tosolve the problem. Oh, and did I mention that this teacher is the SAME one that taught ME?

Every day I (he) we roamed the halls thanks to redrawn district lines, we have (had) to deal with the constant presence of lowlifes who made it a daily hobby to start fights in the hall. I can tell you from personal experience that you haven't LIVED until you've gotten stuck in the middle of a Latina catfight with an 8 high stack of books in your arms. Terrifying. @_@

So, when you stack the factors of burnt out uncaring teachers, unsavory student populations (of EVERY RACE), poor standards of education, and just a general feeling of failure; go ahead, ask me if I'll home school my son.

YES. I will. He can join swim teams, Boy Scouts, church groups, service groups, tennis teams, choruses, kids' theater groups, WHATEVER his heart desires, but he will not step FOOT in a public school. We will meet with local home shool groups for socialization, and he can have whatever activities he wants otherwise, but public school is out of the question. As far as I'm concerned, its my responsibility as a parent to make the big decisions for him as far as his welfare goes. If we move to a more desireable district where the kids act like human beings instead of monsters, I may reconsider. But until then, I think I'm pretty dead set on home schooling him.

Off Topic / Re: R.I.P. Whitney Houston
« on: February 12, 2012, 02:13:39 PM »
Meh if stopmotion doesn't care they don't care. They're entitled to their opinion and are allowed to state it.  Myself, I'm very sad she's gone. I absolutely dispise when amazing talent gets cut off at its prime. She was a phenomenal performer who inspired me to start singing in a more serious capacity. She is a huge loss to the musical community.

(Slight content edit - Eviecorn, OT Mod)

Pony Corral / Re: Blind Bags @
« on: February 12, 2012, 12:45:03 PM »
Wave one of course. The only wave available in the united states :P

Off Topic / Re: Who\'s the Baddest of the Bad Disney Villains?
« on: February 12, 2012, 12:38:23 PM »
I voted for Maleficent. She was the only Disney villain that I ever found "scary" as a child. She shows up and places a death curse on a baby for no significant reason.
Funsies. What, you needed a better reason? ~Disney Villain cut from Sleeping Beauty

Off Topic / Re: Who's the Baddest of the Bad Disney Villains?
« on: February 12, 2012, 12:34:20 PM »
Scar is not evil necisarily for JUST the deed he committed, though killing your brother and trying to kill your nephew is pretty dang evil. It is HOW he committed it that makes him evil. He was CALCULATING about it. He thought out every detail and manipulated *others* to do *HIS*  dirty work. You knew he was bad, but those doing the dirty work thought that they were doing it for their own personal benefit the whole time--but were only playing right into Scar's paws, and never even knew it.

Hence why I say that Scar, the calculating evil genius is the most evil Disney villain of them all.

(And Also, Vanilla Bean, if you think the Disney Movie is dark, you should read the original Hunchback story. Everyone dies in the end. SO not a happy ending like Disney said XD There WAS NO SEQUEL to the book.)

The Dollhouse / Re: The Thread to Post any Doll BUT Monster High! :D
« on: February 11, 2012, 08:33:34 PM »
Knibitz, his eyes pierce your soul....o.o

Pony Corral / Re: 2012 Toy fair pics
« on: February 11, 2012, 08:30:59 PM »
Nit picky issues I have with this batch:
Nightmare Moon's eyes Her pupils should have been put in a more forward position I think so she doesn't look so slanty eyed when she looks straight at you. She's also not TRUE BLACK. She actually color matches with a custom I'm making of Princess Luna which I color matched the paint color using screen captures from Luna Eclipsed. So technically She's Princess Luna...On Nightmare Night?

DJ Pon E's Glasses *are* painted on, making them look awkward. If you were gonna do this girl, either do the glasses removable or mold them as a part of the head and paint the lenses and ear pieces to make the molding show better. Halfwaying it by painting it is kinda lame =\

Prince Shining Armor has troll hair. Give him short real nylon hair, make his head look less pointy from the side at the base of his horn and we're super.

Yeah yeah. I'm picky. But that doesn't mean I'm not buying ALL THEM. :D

Pony Corral / Re: US Blind Bag Release Index- Where have they been found?
« on: February 11, 2012, 03:08:09 PM »
Ha, yeah that box is out of stock as of now. They sure didn't last long. :bigups:

Am I the only one that thought "Well Damn. There goes the market for customizers."^^; What's next? AMAZING looking plushies that creep me the heck out? I think it must be the end of the world. Hasbro is listening to its cash cow--I mean, Fans! :P I look forward to Nightmare Moon, DJ Vinyl Scratch and Celestia (I can call her by her proper name now because she isn't pink!) :D

Customs / Re: Re-Baking Sculpy
« on: February 10, 2012, 02:38:17 PM »
Oh, I've been doing this for a while now. I've just never done two bakes before on one piece! I always did all my sculpting in one go and BAKED. XD So yeah... I know ranges vary for sure. I can tell you that just from cooking! (No offense to electric range owners, I used to be one) but I HATE cooking at my Mom's house for that reason--she has an electric range--newish too, and it takes FOREVER to cook ANYTHING on the stovetop in comparison to my gas range. We're buying a house hopefully this year and I refuse to buy a property that isn't hooked up to natural gas for cooking XD

Customs / Re: Re-Baking Sculpy
« on: February 10, 2012, 12:57:31 PM »
Bahaha! That's too funny Butterscotch. I have to be careful. My range is gas, and that puppy burns like well...a kiln. So yeah. I've burned pieces in *minutes*. It was traumatic. XD

Customs / Re: Re-Baking Sculpy
« on: February 10, 2012, 11:32:27 AM »
I had baked her at a low 210 for about 15 minutes, and when I pulled her out she was still a little and I mean EVER EVER so slightly flexible. But she hardened up ok I guess. I think I'm going to redo her and try to just do the feathers on the other wing thinner so they take less time to bake >_O; I mean, this morning I was easily able to carve off some excess feather on the chunk wing with an exacto knife with no problem, so I'm wondering if I even baked it long *enough* in the first place..

Customs / Re-Baking Sculpy
« on: February 10, 2012, 07:36:22 AM »
Ok, so I have this Little Baby Philly Luna that I'm working on, and last night I sculpted my first pair of wings out of sculpey and bakedit and went to bed. Late. I woke up this morning and somehow one wing is goregeous and tiny and diminutive like I wanted it to be, and one wing is...HUGE.

So. Can I tear off the chunky mcmonkey wing and redo it, then plop it on her side, and rebake her without burning the bjebus out of the properly done wing?

Or should I take this opportunity to bust out the "Green stuff" I bought from Games workshop? Its essentially supposed to be air dry epoxy..I kinda wanted to hold off on using it because I have a *very* tiny amount...And it cost 10 bucks. >< I'd prefer to rebake if it wont' destroy my good work....

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllp! *waits for the elite beat agents?*

Pony Corral / Re: How to get ponies for Valentine's Day
« on: February 10, 2012, 07:14:43 AM »
Yeah, while perusing our bank accounts, I found 78 dollars in ProFlowers. Turns out my hub went insane and ordered two dozen red roses. We've since discussed his insanity, and since half of that was shipping, he's going to cancel the order and try to find me Blind Bag ponies instead XD

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