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Messages - Rad

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Off Topic / Re: Copyright: Do you know...
« on: March 28, 2013, 10:59:28 AM »
I was hoping to hear a personal 'real life' story, thanks joey.

Yeah, I figured I'd get that sort of response... Thanks everyone!

Off Topic / Copyright: Do you know...
« on: March 27, 2013, 06:18:42 PM »
I make Beadie Buddies and I have made my own pattern for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I am curious if anyone knows if my personal pattern falls under the generic copyright law that artwork does: I created it, therefore no one else "should" use it without my permission, theoretically.

What I'm wondering is if I were to apply for an official copyright and receive it, if someone were to 'take' my pattern and use it, could I pursue legal action?

These are Beadie Buddies:

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I got my beading and crafting things out recently; once upon a time I had LF items. I'll have to see what I still have. I knew I did have plastic shapes with stickers on them, but I think those are long gone... Interesting research! I remember loving LF for the rainbows and animals, especially the white tiger.

Off Topic / Re: Engagement ring - wedding ring question!
« on: March 26, 2013, 09:21:32 PM »
I have "the usual" small, gold wedding band. My engagement ring, like the many who have posted above me, is also an antique. My husband had the choice of small and silver band with a small diamond, or small and gold band with a normal-size diamond. He knew me well even then; he chose the small and silver. ^_^ It comes with a "ring guard," which is two silver bands that the ring fits into. *Scratches head* I'm not sure if the gold ring had a guard. I'll have to ask my mother-in-law.

I'm pretty sure I wore my engagement ring during the wedding.

Personally I don't wear my engagement ring, for a few reasons. 1) At work technically we're not supposed to wear rings that are bigger than a simple band. I say 'technically' because no one obeys that rule and none of the bosses care. (I'm a waitress: gloves and food.) 2) I'm not a big ring person. I had to teach myself to wear a ring a few months before my boyfriend even proposed; I'd never before worn a ring more than a few minutes in my life. 3) I wear sweatshirts and I love tucking my hands inside my sleeves. Engagement ring + sweatshirt sleeves = torn sleeves. I still have it; I love it, I just wear it randomly for special occasions. Or on Sunday when I'm not at work and usually not wearing sweatshirts. *Shrug*

My mother-in-law lost her original engagement ring but it was replaced within a year or two. She wears it on her opposite hand... I think cuz her wedding ring is a wide band, not the "usual" thin gold band. But she wears an anniversary ring next to her wedding band, too. She likes rings. :)

My mom... has the "usual" thin, gold wedding band... and that's usually it...? Oh, I think she wears her engagement ring too, but it's a small band and ... diamond. She's a masseuse, so like me she changes what she wears according to work. She isn't big into jewelry like me. (Guess where I learned it from. ^_~)

Once upon a time I met a secretary somewhere and she had this honkin' HUGE engagement ring. Sister, I'm glad you're happy. But that was just ridiculous! Har.

In the end, go with what you want, what makes you comfortable, what looks good, and what fits your budget. :) Personally I like the idea of matching, interlocking rings. I think they look gorgeous! Especially the pictures that have been posted, lovely! Kaninchen and Teddy, I'm really enjoying your rings!

Off Topic / Re: Ideas of retro tv shows?
« on: March 26, 2013, 09:01:35 PM »
Totally seconding The Land Before Time. At least, the first fourish or so movies... Gee, they were on nine the last I knew... Those five or so were fine, but not great IMO.

-Garfield and Friends
-The Adventures of Gummi Bears
-The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh ((Oh so adorable and it teaches children morals and values))
-Chip N' Dale Rescue Rangers ((Seconded!))
-Ducktales ((Watched this one too))
-TaleSpin ((Seconded!))
-The Pirates of Dark Water
-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ((Seconded; though I only watched Next Mutation and the 2003 reboot))
-X-Men ((Only saw The Animated Series and Evolution, but totally seconding!))
-Batman ((Saw The Animated Series, but seconding!))
-Tiny Toon Adventures ((I wasn't really allowed to watch TTA as it was vaguely connected to Bugs Bunny and that gang, but I snuck it in once in a while... not a fan, but it is a little distracting.)
-Animaniacs ((Not a fan, but my husband LOVES them and they're very educational))
-Rugrats ((I remember watching a little bit of this... mostly the last movie that came out, as my parents brought me along. Good stuff.))
-Rocko's Modern Life

also I like pokemon, digimon, beast wars, card captors.

Oh good, someone said Beast Wars!!! I bought all three seasons from Amazon over a year ago and I'm finally watching them now. GREAT stuff!! The plot is a little more older-child, probably more like 8 or 9, but young boys can watch it for the guns and fighting too. ^_^ Someone also said the first season of Pokemon and I'd agree with that. Totally seconding Digimon and Card Captor, though for Digimon I didn't get into it past the original seven+Kari and the season after that, the one that kept Kari and TK(American version).

What? No one has mentioned Spiderman?? I saw The Animated Series and loved it! My boss' oldest son, six or seven I think, is totally obsessed with Spiderman.

Power Rangers? C'mon... Ok, so some of it is old-school and campy... But ya gotta love 'em! Space was my favorite. Again, like some other TV shows, squeals aren't always the best... I think I stopped liking it around Ninja Storm. Mostly cuz they messed with the colors and the number of Rangers. But the American version comes from the Japanese, too, so I guess they could only go with the source material or something...

ETA: Teen Titans! You want a good balance of boy stuff and girl stuff? Right here! And the plots are great, too. Justice League, though I've only seen a few episodes a few years ago. I heard good reviews about the most recent reboot.

Off Topic / Re: Do you let your cat/s go outside?
« on: March 26, 2013, 08:48:33 PM »
Our cat was a stray but we keep her indoors; we live in a duplex so there's no fenced in backyard. I dunno how she'd take to a leash... probably not like it though! We take her outside when we put her in the car to go to my in-laws' to do laundry. She hates the car; but she goes from the car to the house just fine. During the warmer months on the random and few days one of us is on our front porch, she's allowed outside but she has to stay in sight. Every once in a while when I come home, I'll drop stuff off inside the house then go back out for the mail or make another trip to the car; I'll boot her outside for a few minutes but she only ever stays on the steps. Lol, usually she hates this but ends up enjoying it!

Off Topic / Re: Alternatives to Photobucket?
« on: March 14, 2013, 07:17:45 PM »
Oh icky yuck yuck! It did switch me back to the new version! *Washes hands* PB you are so stupid! Why is everything turning into Facebook with their constant changes that people don't like?? *Sighs*

Off Topic / Re: New Flavors of Lays Chips!
« on: March 10, 2013, 08:34:39 AM »
We're not big snackers at our house; I pretty much live and eat at work and my husband doesn't want to gain the weight. But I knew there was a contest or whatever... I had never heard the flavors before!! Chicken and waffles?! What the heck?? At least the other two sound... normal... And I never knew that there were so many other flavors available, either! That's neat.

A couple of weeks ago we brought home cheddar and bacon chips. Those were awesome. Apparently they're served at the TGIF restaurants. Hubby said he'd had them before but I hadn't. Loved 'em!

Off Topic / Re: Alternatives to Photobucket?
« on: March 03, 2013, 03:24:41 PM »
... I don't think you have to keep the new version of Photobucket... I remember logging in a month back and going 'Why is Pb turning into Facebook and changing stuff?? Oh hey, there's a link to go back to the old version!' *Clicks* Though maybe it expired? Just remember being happy I didn't have to keep the new version. At least Pb was smart in that regard.

Off Topic / Re: Since when did the arena become my mother!
« on: February 14, 2013, 06:13:30 AM »
I noticed it this morning, too... However, I must have the time zone settings wrong as it says 2:13 AM when it is actually 9:13 AM... So my greeting says "You're up early (or late), Rad." I think it's cute!

ETA: I fixed the time zone... Wow, I had it set to -4 and it changed it to 3! Now the message reads "Good morning, Rad." Yup, good morning to you too Arena! :)

Pony Corral / Re: Private holiday swap, anyone? ****CLOSED**** Found one!
« on: November 03, 2012, 03:59:13 PM »
You're welcome; glad you found something!

Pony Corral / Re: Private holiday swap, anyone?
« on: November 02, 2012, 02:59:59 PM »
I hope you've found someone; I don't see any replies to your post.

If you're interested, I will be hosting the Unofficial Holiday Swap again this year. This swap is NOT hosted by the Arena and it is for "newbies" or people who don't make it into the OHS for feedback or other reasons. I need to get my butt in gear and write up the rules and send them to a mod for approval; which I will be doing in a few days.

*Snickers* I thought the Y! ad was funny...

Hey, I'd buy the 80's ponies shirts! *Digs for money that doesn't exist*

Off Topic / Re: Paypal help?
« on: June 22, 2012, 07:25:01 PM »
Paypal has forums? *Blink blink* I shall have to look at those... See, I didn't ask to have my credit/debit card attached to my Paypal account. I was just trundling along in life and went to use it like normal and BAM! They want the image... *Goes to poke at forums*

Off Topic / Re: Paypal help?
« on: June 22, 2012, 06:44:09 AM »
But... did they explain why?

Nope. I tried to ask and they just said 'its part of the process.'

like i said before, they just did the same thing to me a few weeks ago.

I'd still feel better if there were more than a handful of us that this has happened to... A handful looks sketchy, a few hundred or more is legit. I just have a funny feeling about it...

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