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Messages - Midnight_Dream

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Off Topic / Re: The Walking Dead S5 Discussion - Spoilers
« on: November 19, 2014, 05:44:10 PM »
The goal of Rick's group is simple: To stay together and stay alive.

As to where they are going next? I firmly believe it will be Washington. If you remember how fortified the CDC was then just imagine how places in Washington are, it would be the safest place for them to go. I don't picture them getting that far this season, that will be something for next season.

And you are not supposed to fear the hospital group like you were with the Termites, they were just showing how the group functioned in Beth's episode. We know that they do not have a strong leader, but once a good leader like Rick shows up it seems likely that they will join with him....or die. I don't really care about any of the hospital group so whatever happens to them isn't important to me.

Customs / Re: DotD Raven girl for NoD - Halloween Custom swap *Many Pics*
« on: October 29, 2014, 07:16:22 PM »
NoDy showed me some pictures of this beauty on FB and I was blown away by the detail! She is absolutely breathtaking and I am totally jealous of NoDy for getting to own her.

Off Topic / Re: The Walking Dead S5 Discussion - Spoilers
« on: October 23, 2014, 02:07:17 PM »
There won't be more sciencey stuff sadly because the show isn't about finding a cure. Part of me wishes they would because I want everything to be okay for these people, but that isn't the focus of the comics either so I am not let down by it. I don't even think when the show ends it will be with them finding a cure, which I don't mind really.

Honestly, I didn't have a hard time following the end of season four, but that might just be me. They were all close to the same train tracks, so I just took it as them being that much closer to finding one another and they were all heading to Terminus.

I liked the war between groups personally and I like focusing on other groups just because I am curious about seeing how other people live. *Shrug* Again, just me. I do know, from what Kirkman has said, that there will not be another war or evil guy like the Governor for a while, so don't worry about Gareth. There will be minor villains of course, but no one like the Governor.

I can't wait for the spin-off show either!

Off Topic / Re: The Walking Dead S5 Discussion - Spoilers
« on: October 22, 2014, 03:09:32 PM »
People complain so much about season four that I finally have to ask, what do you people want from this show? If that sounded rude just know that there is no real polite way to put it.

The Dollhouse / Re: Disney Dolls Thread #2
« on: October 22, 2014, 01:46:55 PM »
Ohhhhh! I thought you meant there was a new set coming out and...yeah, I got confused. XD

The Dollhouse / Re: Disney Dolls Thread #2
« on: October 22, 2014, 11:48:29 AM »
Mulan, Tiana, and Pocahantas are still up on the site. They even had some at my store yesterday along with LE Philip...poor dolls that no one is interested in. :( If I had the money and space I would TOTALLY buy Tiana in a heartbeat...maybe if I am lucky she will still be around by Christmas.

Is there a link to pictures of these 12" Designer Dolls? I am very interested to see what they look like.

Off Topic / Re: The Walking Dead S5 Discussion - Spoilers
« on: October 22, 2014, 11:12:45 AM »
Two:Gareth's speech about not wanting to eat people was meant to show that it was something they had been forced to do in order to live. His people were backed into a corner and they were either going to die or they were going to have to be willing to do anything in order to survive. They don't enjoy eating people, at least Gareth doesn't, but he likes living more.

I'm sorry but I'm going to have to disagree here. I'll put it in spoiler tags though.

I know that the show is trying to get me to buy that they have been forced into a corner and all of that, it's poorly executed to be completely honest with you. But, I can stretch my believes and for sake of argument believe that they honestly think that this is what they have to do to be able to survive.

But this: "They don't enjoy eating people, at least Gareth doesn't, but he likes living more. " - I'm assuming with the help of IMDB that we're talking about they guy sitting in front of Bob saying "mm you taste good" - because that right there is where this whole argument falls to pieces.

Had they simply whacked Bob over to head, killed him, chopped off his leg and cooked it - then, I could have continued to stretch my beliefs to "this is what they think they need to do in order to survive".

However, they are keeping Bob alive, eating and going "mm you taste good" in front of him. This is psychotic behavior, and obviously yes he enjoys eating Bob. And torturing him.

If this were to happen in real life, then yes, worse come worse, people will probably start eating people, but not in the fashion stated above. Unless we are of course discussing very disturbed people, and they exist even today in all shapes and forms.

But the show can't get me to buy that Gareth in any way is a good guy, who's pushed into a corner. I will buy that he's been pushed so far that he's broken now, and when I write broken I mean turned psychopath.

I see your point, but I don't think that's what the show conveyed. The show, to me, conveyed torture rather than survival.

So if the show wants to convey what you wrote I think they need to shape up :)


Yes, that is the guy I am talking about. They have only mentioned his name a few times on the show and I only know it because a Youtuber I watch says it a lot, so it has been pounded into my head otherwise I would be in the same boat as you and just call him that attractive guy. XD

The reason they are keeping Bob alive rather than just outright killing him at once makes sense actually. Back in Terminus they had a way to preserve the bodies so they could kill them at once, hence the meat hooks and I assume they had a generator for refrigeration, but I could be wrong. There they treated people sort of like we do cattle and they were able to avoid the whole breaking of a person's mind while they ate them; in a VERY odd way it was humane. However, now that they are out on the road they have no way to preserve the meat and the only way to keep it "good" is to keep their victim alive and slowly remove parts. They are not keeping him alive to torture him...well, hmm....that might be where the comics and the show blur for me because in the comics there was no Terminus and the people Gareth and his group were based off were always on the road. (Sorry for bringing in the comics again, but I kind of have to in order to explain myself here) So I can't say for sure that Gareth isn't keeping Bob alive as a form of torture, but I don't think so and I am pretty sure that it is because there is no other way to keep the meat fresh.

I am not AT ALL trying to tell you that Gareth is a good guy, he eats people for crying out loud, but I what I am saying is that he is not this wholly evil guy that is just doing this because it is fun. Gareth...has been through a lot when the world went down the crapper. He had started a safe haven and a group of thugs came in, captured his people, raped the women and children and just slaughtered pretty much everyone (this was all hinted at in the first episode just in case you might have missed it). He had to sit back and watch as his mother was taken repeatedly to be beaten and raped by these people and it is no wonder that after a while he would start to lose his mind a bit. They had to get out from the grasp of these thugs and that ended up being by eating people, which is a thought process I don't think he entered into lightly. I don't know how his group got out of the train car we saw them in in the first episode flashbacks, but I assume it is a bit similar to how Rick's group were planning to get out.

When Gareth tells Bob that he tastes good...well, obviously Gareth is not right in the head anymore and you can just take that as something a person who has or is losing their mind would say. I never claimed that Gareth was sane, no one that decides to eat people even when backed into a corner is and there have been studies that show cannibalism does tend to mess with your mind in bad ways. There is some sanity left in him, I can see it in the way he talks sometimes, but not very much. And now that I think about it more I think when he says that they don't enjoy eating people, at least for himself, I think now he is just trying to convince himself that he doesn't enjoy it. For however long they have been doing this I think some part of him might have come to enjoy it, but he doesn't want to admit that he has.

The show is conveying this whole thing perfectly honestly. Eating a person is going to be part torture, there is no getting around that even if there hadn't been a speech at all. What the show wants you to see from Gareth's words is that the choice to eat people was one they needed to make in order to survive and the choice to keep Bob alive and slowly kill him rather than killing him quickly like they had intended to do back at Terminus(remember the big metal thing they were kneeling in front of?) was something they hadn't wanted to do either. They part chose to keep Bob alive and remove his parts over time because, like I said, there is no way to preserve the meat out on the road and as part revenge for Bob's people destroying Terminus. If this happened in real life there would be this giant grey area for methods in which people would use in order to survive, nothing would be as clear cut as it is now and the show is portraying that perfectly.

The Dollhouse / Re: Disney Dolls Thread #2
« on: October 22, 2014, 10:35:36 AM »
12" Designer Dolls? What is this? O_O

The funny thing, I didn't quite realize just how big the box was for these dolls and I had to squeeze poor Aurora and Philip onto my nightstand because it was the only place they would fit. Poor things, they deserve a much better place.

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I can't stop staring at them. ^.^

The Dollhouse / Re: Disney Dolls Thread #2
« on: October 22, 2014, 12:20:26 AM »
With the $17 shipping with some cents it makes sense that the total was around $140 something, but the code should have taken care of that. I saw a lot of people on the FB page were having similar issues, so maybe it can't be applied to certain items?

The Dollhouse / Re: Disney Dolls Thread #2
« on: October 22, 2014, 12:00:34 AM »
I hope that you get them Sprinkle. Fingers crossed super hard! :D They are truly stunning in person and I am so, so happy that I decided to splurge and get them, which was really a hard decision for me to make(I thought about it for like three months).

Oh! What are you all going to do with the free bag that came with any of the dolls purchased in the set? I really have no interest in mine, but part of me thinks I should keep it so the doll is "complete".

After one good episode this last one let me down so hard. Who did not see anything that happened in it coming? It was so predictable that it was painful...are they even trying to tell a good story anymore?

Off Topic / Re: The Walking Dead S5 Discussion - Spoilers
« on: October 21, 2014, 11:11:11 PM »
People turning into canibals is part of surviving something like a zombie apocalypse, why should they shy away from it? This show has never shied away from things that make people uncomfortable why should they start now?

A few things to confirm:
One: Bob was, in fact, bit. It happened when the Walker grabbed and pulled him under during their food raid.

Two:Gareth's speech about not wanting to eat people was meant to show that it was something they had been forced to do in order to live. His people were backed into a corner and they were either going to die or they were going to have to be willing to do anything in order to survive. They don't enjoy eating people, at least Gareth doesn't, but he likes living more.

Three: Gabriel is not who you think he is and I can tell you all now that your theories about him are wrong, dead wrong.

The Dollhouse / Re: Disney Dolls Thread #2
« on: October 21, 2014, 04:29:43 PM »
I GOT THEM!!! I was so excited, I was like the fourth person called and the staff member and I both cheered out loud. XD

Off Topic / Re: The Walking Dead S5 Discussion - Spoilers
« on: October 20, 2014, 05:59:04 PM »
For the first time in walking dead history I actually shivered tonight. The whole cannibal thing just freaks me out. I'm hoping that storyline doesn't dominate the entire series as I may not cope. 

Well they are going to likely follow them up to the halfway point since the guy playing Gareth has been bumped up to a series regular.

Off Topic / Re: The Walking Dead S5 Discussion - Spoilers
« on: October 19, 2014, 09:29:09 PM »
So dat ending to this episode....*Cringes* I know exactly what is going to happen because I know the story they are using from the comics and things...well, they are not looking good for Bobby Boy.

It confirms a theory I read that Sasha is the show's version of where Andrea is at in the comics and that means Bob has taken over Dale's position, which is not good at all for Bob. And for those who did not understand why Bob was crying and leaving the church it was because when that Walker had pulled him down he got infected and he was leaving to either take care of it himself or so he would not be around to hurt the others...I forget which. If you want to know more just look up the Hunters in the Walking Dead wiki or read issue...11 I think it is.

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