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Messages - ValeofSpring

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Pony Corral / Re: Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas!
« on: December 13, 2015, 09:08:15 AM »
I'm a G1 fan but nevertheless I went with G3 Mistletoe b/c I think she's the cutest of the bunch. I'm not a huge fan of Merry Treats' overwrought symbol, and honestly the Rice Krispies baby gives me the absolutely creeps. Something about that excessively long, excessively red mane makes my skin crawl!

Pony Corral / What pony flaw do you dislike the most? Vote and discuss!
« on: December 13, 2015, 07:37:45 AM »
Hello! I'm cleaning a lot of Craigslist ponies (after going through a pretty yucky lot of eBay ponies), which of course makes me think of which flaws I LEAST like to find in a lot I'm getting.

I guess nothing is worse than brown spots (cancer) for me, but I really really hate haircuts and head/body color mismatch. I'm not a rehairer so if the hair is cut, all is lost for me and it's on to the sale pile.

Any flaws you actually like or at least find charming?

Pony Corral / Re: Collections Goals for 2016?
« on: December 11, 2015, 06:02:40 PM »
My goal is to SELL! My core collection stays very small, but I buy ponies, playsets, and accessories from time to time off Craigslist or eBay. I have built up way too many and they all need to go: Paradise Estate, Dream Castle, two parlors + I kept getting the same ponies! I think I have 4 Gustys, 3 Glorys, 3 Moondancers, 2 or 3 Baby Glorys and it goes on and on. Just bought a Craigslist lot that was full of the same ponies I already need to sell :)

Pony Corral / Re: Can I quote you for my G3 research paper?
« on: December 10, 2015, 06:45:51 AM »
Hello! I have a suggestion--since you're researching the "rise and fall of G3," you have an amazing source right at your fingertips--message boards from the G3 era. Asking collectors for their memories is fine, but (as a history professor) I would suggest going back to using quotes of what people said at the time. Memories are wonderful, but they are shaped and reshaped by new experiences. I would be much more convinced by a paper that quoted community members from the time than people in 2015. Just my two cents!

Price Check Archives / Re: G1 Pretty Parlor - PC?
« on: December 10, 2015, 06:38:49 AM »
Hello! Very cute pic of the Pretty Parlor with everything set up.

I'm not following auctions systematically, but in casual viewing it seems like the Pretty Parlor is fairly popular these days, though it is not particularly expensive. It is worth more as a whole; the shell is worth very little and the accessories are extremely common. The value of your parlor is cut down by the fact that the door has a broken hinge and the back portion of the parlor has turned a bit green. These are common parlor flaws, but it's not too hard to find parlors without them. So I'd say the value of the shell is <$5, and in fact you'd have trouble selling it by itself. Some good news is that, at least in the pics, the white portions do not seem to be yellowed.

Most of the accessories are worth $0.25-$0.50 each; I'd put the blanket and brush $1-2.

Twinkles looks great--maybe $3-4?

Since you're missing the name tags, the set is not complete, which along with the building flaws cuts down on the value. I'd go with around $15 as is.

I love this set!

Pony Corral / Re: Question: Perfume Puff Lavender Lace with different head?
« on: December 02, 2015, 07:50:10 PM »
This is very interesting! Dare I say she looks better with the Crumpet head mold?

Pony Corral / Re: AppleJack and bubbles question
« on: November 23, 2015, 02:02:59 PM »
For Year 2 I'm confident that the US run was more or less the calendar year 1984. Hasbro production materials give a release date for the first MLP commercial for the Year 2 line as January 1984. In my own experience as a child, the availability of certain MLPs in stores lagged behind the commercials. The release of the line would not have been sudden (obviously ordering/selling/shipping are a staggered process) but would have happened over several months in early 1984 (with Rainbow Ponies following a separate, later release). As LadyMoondancer said, the first My Little Pony special aired April 1984. Basically the hype for Year 2 built over the course of 1984 (it was a relatively minor toy line in Year 1) and ended with a burst of buying at Christmas. This is also consistent with all the US catalogs I've seen, which have Year 2 products in 1984.

So yes, I think at least in some places Bubbles and Applejack were available in stores for a few months prior to the first MLP special, but they weren't out in Christmas 1983, and many people would likely have had some trouble finding them in Feb-March 1984.

Price Check Archives / Re: PC on G1 Ponywear, Accessories, and Combs?
« on: November 23, 2015, 06:18:32 AM »
Such cute accessories but yes, quite common:)

The three long brushes in the last pic go to Barbie. The white comb and the little pink flag are also non-MLP. I can't really see the green comb in the last pic so not sure what that is.

If the Parlor door's hinges are chipped then it basically has zero value. If the hinges are intact and the door is white, then I'm sure there are people who'd want it for their door-less Parlors. So I'd say $3-4 or so if hinges are fine.

Yes "make it offer" is a good option if you don't want to assign prices to everything.

Pony Brag Arena / Re: Huge craigslist score!
« on: November 19, 2015, 06:56:28 PM »
Amazing! Oh to have walked into that room and seen everything laid out . . . :)

Did the original owner say why he was selling? He obviously was HEAVILY invested in MLP as a child and perhaps beyond that . . . just curious if you got any back story on why he decided to get rid of them in 2015. Regardless, congrats on being the lucky person to get them! I'm sure he's happy knowing they are in such appreciative hands.

Pony Corral / Re: Are ponies born with cutie marks? (G1)
« on: November 19, 2015, 06:50:47 PM »
When my sister and I played with our ponies, we thought it was too embarrassing and made no sense that a pony should be born with a babyish symbol -- say, a bottle or a baby rattle -- and then have to grow up and keep that humiliating symbol, so we would pretend that as they grew into slightly older baby ponies they got a more mature symbol which they then kept all their lives.

In all my years of thinking so many many thoughts about MLP I can say I never thought about what adult Cuddles or Tiddley-Winks would look like or how sad it would be to be an adult pony w/ a rattle or bib symbol.

Not to venture off topic but I have often thought it was strange that while Hasbro made most of the first baby ponies mini-versions of adult ponies, they didn't do that with sea ponies. Surf Rider certainly looks like Sealight, but she's not Baby Sealight. Hmmmmm . . .

Pony Corral / Re: Very challenging pony cleaning project - advice wanted!
« on: November 19, 2015, 06:42:42 PM »
I have nothing to add to the excellent advice above but yet please take and post pics!!!

Agree with all--I think a grail is something personal rather than something that is considered rare, HTF, or sought after by collectors generally. My grails for years and years were Bubbles and Seashell--could never find them as a child. Gave away all of my ponies save one in high school. In college at an attic sale I found a basket of ponies and picked through it for nostalgia's sake . . . at the bottom of the basket was Seashell. For twenty-five cents. This was probably the biggest high I ever experienced in MLP collecting! Finding one of my grails started me collecting again (that was 17 years ago!).

As for a grail being something you acquire quickly . . . I'd say you have to pine for it to qualify as a grail :)

Pony Corral / Re: Favorite G1 Rainbow Pony? :D
« on: November 18, 2015, 05:59:07 PM »
Gotta go with Sunlight. Love the name, the pose, and the gorgeous color. I love this set overall; Starshine is probably at the bottom for me.

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 11/17/2015 Whitecap
« on: November 18, 2015, 05:28:50 PM »
I've never had her and I'm not willing to invest the time/money to get this set, but she's so pretty and the shell is wonderful. When I was little, my best friend and I used to say she was Baby Glory's aunt.

To this day I have never seen any of the Year 3 adult sea ponies in person!

I don't think it's a bad idea to sell the HSH accessories altogether. I've never noticed that that playset is particularly sought after. The lavender castle, however, is popular and HTF, especially those elusive purple goblets. The question of whether to sell altogether or separately is tricky. Paradise Estate can bring a big price sold complete that it can't get broken up. The castle is a little different b/c whereas with PE only a few of the accessories are HTF, with the castle they all are (although not all are equally sought after). I sold the pink jumping hoops for $8/each, and I'm guessing most of the lavender castle items would be in the $8-18 range except for the goblets and perhaps the cape and horseshoes/box.

Hopefully Hathorcat will come along--I know she was looking for the goblets for a long time. She'll have a better sense than me of whether to go whole or separate. Of course keep in mind that your time is worth $$$, and selling things as lots saves lots of time!

And no, Majesty did not come with the reissue so you're not missing her :)

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