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Messages - WingsOfMasquerade

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It's that holly-jolly wintery time of year!
Do you have a holiday display or set up anywhere in your house featuring Christmas regular ponies or HQg1s? Can I see it? I want to get even more into the season if possible with fun inspiration.

What do you do with your holiday ponies?
I put mine away rather than keeping them out all year.
Do you have a certain way to display them?
I put mine on the edge of my dresser because there's no-where else really to go...but I just stack them on permanent boxes that get packed away too.
Do you have all of them?
I just added santa Minty ville, but I still need Jingle Jangle. Then, I think I will have every holiday pony.

Pony Tree:
This tinsel tree was gifted to me by my penpal. She has made some santa & pony ornaments for it. (Some are fakies, others mcg3s) So, gathered around the bottom are my HQ gang, plus 2 of her xmas g1 customs.
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Regular Display
This one has all the G1 official and G3 ones except Snow El Pegasus (she's on another shelf/always on display) and G3 Jingle Jangle who I don't yet own but do want.  The horse there is Peppermint Trotter, the candy cane theme Barbie horse custom I did, and probably can spot Merry Cherry the Breyer stablemates red custom with gold hair.

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Gotta star Dasher!
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Polkascrew Pony
This one was an ornament for my penpal so I don't have her any more, but she's named by my pal after a kind of candy there polka and the twisting is called screw so......

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Candy Cane Flutter Pony
Another gift on another year for penpal, she has poinsettia flower petal wings. (fake)
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Another year another gift
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(From a Glory without symbol nor hair)

This one I kept
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Snow Ball Sweetie
(Out of a stripped bait G3, idk who it was/from a lot)

Of course, working on another this year!

Pony Corral / Re: Restoration Videos
« on: November 18, 2019, 12:01:46 AM »
I have restoration videos!
I've gotten into it because I felt that youtube needed more such G1 related content, since most of it seems g4. None of the videos I have ever have sounds or music, but maybe it could be relaxing if you had another window doing music. (I never add it because of all that fake copyright garbage they're known to do) Everything is subtitles.

Restoring Princess Sparkle 5 Flaws in under 10 minutes
(Rose Noir finds it!) You can ignore the 'secret word' bit in there / it was for a tumblr contest where I gave away the pony.

How To Rehair G1 Baby Dangles
This has illustrations too

Fix the hair on giant TY plush Twilight Sparkle
(It's just more curling iron time)

I want to add more videos in the future like removing tail rust or other things that people can think of that they want to do or fix about a pony.

Pony Corral / Re: Personal My Little Pony Pages?!Please share!
« on: November 07, 2019, 11:48:41 PM »
Do Tumblrs count?
Mine is , and it has "my little Monday" (a pony every Monday), Toy Time Tuesday (which can be anything but is usually fantasy model horses) and other days of the week. It also does h1g1c stuff, any pony videos I make and anything I can think of.
I like your FB page too, lots of cute photos & art all around
(I also like the 'super important announcement' on the Superawesomeponyblog )

A while ago at thrift...
There was a bag with a huuuuge Tokidoki Unicorno in there. So of course, I had to buy it.
Tokidoki is usually tiny though, right? It's like keychains and little vinyl figures and stuff usually, I think. I have like 2 or 3 of the little figures simply from picking them up with ponies and thrift bags and things over time. But this plush is the largest one of these that I've seen. It's actually too big for me to keep it though, because my Basicfuns are taking up more room. But when I went to sell it on ebay, I have no idea what to do because nobody has one at this size to even know how much to put it at.

Its this white one, in perfect shape
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It's like 16 inches or so high, though it's almost all 'head'.

I don't even know how to find out the name of this one.

Any help is appreciated, because although she is fluffy soft and neat, I just don't have the space.

Thank you for posting this!
I love these and really want to get them all! I have gotten all of the 2nd set, but never knew about the first. I juuust spotted the 3rd and started trying to get them too. But, your photos and info are really helpful.

Pony Corral / Re: New G4 pony designs
« on: November 03, 2019, 10:49:22 PM »
"What is so bad about horses or ponies that their every feature must be eliminated"?

I will never own one of these. Collecting OVER.
I didn't particularly like the 'movie styles' or g4.5 whatevers, but I got that fashionstyle shimmery Luna because Luna. I didn't get anything else out of it though because the sphere heads and the way they're not on the neck 'right' any more bothers me more. They're not going to see another dime out of me with this style. However, that doesn't matter because I'm 1 person and Hasbrew doesn't care. (oh no someone is complaining on the internet!)

How did this get created? Answer stolen from Tumblr:

Hasbro "Have u ever seen a horse"
Designer "No wat dat"
Hasbro: "Ok ur hired now make ponny"

These......are not ponies?
Why can we not have ponies in our my little pony?
What is so hideous, ugly, stupid and awful about horses that EVERY SINGLE HORSE FEATURE must constantly be eliminated?
Why are ponies so bad that nothing can be allowed to look like them?
I just don't understand. They've got hooves. That's about it. There's no horse-like joints, they've even put a goat knee on the rear leg to eliminate pony-like-ness. Nothing at all horse like about the head, nor the neck which is almost non existent and also a tube. No hair on the neck...which is where horse hair IS...tail better positioned but still meh. Shortened the body again...short neck. It's opposite day. Everything these days seems it has to be stylized into almost unrecognizability for whatever reason but, stylization is one thing and morphing into an unrecognizable creature is something else.

It's like, this toy could be considered cute.
People are allowed to like it, that's fine.
It looks like that Gizmo Gremlin from Gremlins, and people like that.
The quality can be good, paint good, eye detail good, hair good etc. It can be a perfectly ok toy.
But it isn't a pony.

It's like every single thing they could possibly get wrong with the face, they got wrong.
But how?
The ears going all the way down the sides of the head? Flat eyes, eyes on the direct front of the face, nostrils on the front like a pig, total elimination of....face? Yes the lower jaw is out, but no pony has a completely flat face like a Persian cat. Whoever said they're trying more and more to look like emojis is it seems like the entire end goal of every single toy now is to look as much like a smiley face as possible.

Here's their friend in real life the Damascus Goat*
Have fun with a great beauty

They are breeding these to eliminate the fact that the face was long, so now it is short and good and the eyes are migrating to the front.

G4 could never have an accurate toy anyway, because the show was done with flash so they had 'eye flounder'* going on 100% of the time.
The eyes always migrated around to whatever side of the face was shown, like a flounder fish who is flat but both eyes are either on the left 'side of the coin' or the right. When faced forward, the eyes didn't foreshorten, they just...migrated to the front of the head. G1 cartoon was guilty of this too. The art done by Ragamuffin was actually done looking at the toys and shows the point. It's probably also why that new G1 art is always 100% in profile--because any other angle actually induces difficulty and perspective into art because you're not drawing a flat featureless disk any more.

*Eye flounder is caused because humans think that both eyes must be visible at all times or emotion is impossible to portray. That's because humans have front facing eyes and are meant to only be seen from the front when engaging with one another. You can see this on eeeeeverything, Sven the reindeer, every Disney horse imaginable, Chicken Run, those Spirit Stallion Cimmaron horses, shopkins ponies, etc everything looks like it was either crossed with a chimp or is a big mutant dog with the front facing close-together eyes. ("Emotion impossible to portray"---this is so clearly a lie / wrong belief but here we are)

*Nightmare inducing goat in many opinions

The A Horse of Every Color store gets a big update...
Which means free shipping on everything in the USA if it totals 35 or greater. What better way to celebrate than a rainbow? (With free shipping at the end of the rainbow) Each custom rainbow hair pony has a full 7 color rainbow in the mane and tail. Each one is made from the HQG1C blank pony line with custom dyes, glitter, dip-dye, & hair work. They mostly just need a symbol & a name from you, to join a collection.

If you see anyone that doesn't appear in the shop or has 'sold out', they can be similarly-created as a made-to-order basis , just let me know.

If you don't want Etsy or are not an Etsy member I will sell it here at the Arena also. There are way more than just these newest additions in the shop, and each one has tons of photos. Photobucket turning to garbage has restricted my photo ability. 

The new color "Awesome Aqua" joins the bunch with this great new dye.
The Tropical Beach sisters are created.
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Sparkle-z sister has a tricolor fade hair, and jelli-z sister has the traditional unicorn stripe. All their colors are un-dyed dollyhair. (The white for jelli-z is the matte color for seafoam)

Teeny Tiny Baby isn't glitter, but she's all white with a pastel rainbow
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(you can dye her hair)

Dip Dye Custom Hair is a trend that's now 'in'
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for sparkle-z sitting zebra

A thin band of rainbow is lots of fun
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but what's her symbol? You decide...

Of course a Stripe-Z zebra cousin is here with more rainbow fun
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This one has thin 'actual zebra style' black/white stripes in the rest of the mane

Tiny stars for a tiny pony, they're all sprinkling in
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Pastels are nice for babies, each rainbow of hair is all pastel soft colors to go with the white glitter bodies
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baby brother
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Rearing baby sister
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Very small friend

Want to decide her hair instead?
Sparkle-Z rainbows have you covered...
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Rainbows in the Night glows SO bright in the dark when you charge her up (but the camera hates it.......)
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So glow-photos are pending for her. The black hair brings out the richness of the 7 colors.

Not everything's rainbow though, there's the contrasty fun
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jelli-z unicorn and

Cant leave out Big Brothers
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Hazy striped bright brothers
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Or very dark bold brother
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Also, the selection of custom Breyers
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is also still present. (This is a Stablemates, but there's a Classics too)

Full characters can also be created
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Little Moonbeam has a glowing glitter symbol & hair already done. (Almost anything you want can be requested and made with HQG1 customs. Mix & match styles and hair, sparkle-z, jelli-z, dye, stripe-z, fades, rainbows, glowing name it, I can likely work on it)

Because they have been saying for a while now 'g4 is ending'...
What do you think the FINAL G4 item will be?
A plush?
A brushable?
Some stupid licensed ugly thing?
Something else?

Since they're still clearly letting out all kinds of things it's not about to happen yet. Even odd "Movie" branded things like those smaller than a bb but carded and transparent cheapo toys are just now appearing. So this final item, will probably be a while in coming. So, a whole year from now? Maybe longer?

If you're placing bets, now's the time to do it.

Also, if you're collecting G4, would you buy the final item, no-matter what, if you knew for sure that it was?
If it's something rubbish like those horrible RADZ or that PP who had a Rubik's cube for a head or something like that, I think I'd skip it. But if it was a no-quality hair brushable or something I'd consider it/just keep it moc or whatever.
Like, I was talking the other day if that 'twilights 2 pak' where it has that odd 'retro' one in the spinner box with the normal G4 was the LAST item, I would have bought it even at the 30 dollars or whatever they have it at. But since it's not...idk...I just can't see spending 15 dollars for a trash twi you can get in any dollar flea bucket and another 15 for a 2 inch teeny 'retro' whatever. I guess. It'd be the significance that would cause me to collect. But, I'm curious about what everyone else thinks when the situation will arise. 

Customs / Re: How to Dye Dollyhair Green? Why Can't I?
« on: September 20, 2019, 09:38:35 PM »
What did you do to prep the hair, when you got it to work?
Was it a super long time ago, like an older batch of DH?

This photo shows what I get / the only thing I can get compared with some actual greens like the color of the comb and Sea Nymph, which is Gusty's and also Merry Treat green which is more of what I'm going for. It's that one little parcel of it that's laid over the gusty green. The green is just such a blue? I'm doing a rainbow tips dip dye which is why it's a small amount now, but I want it for a Christmas green pony with an evergreen tree theme and 'blueish' isn't going to cut it.

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The best it can do seems to be there on that off-white actual-for-dolls hair that I got at a craft store. It turned a somewhat grayish army green. That's the piece of hair that's under the comb. It sure did dye those zip ties nicely.....meh.

I do have hair dye in purple and blue for my own hair, but it doesn't keep on synthetic hair.
It seems to be a similar issue with the non-dyemore dye where it turns 'dusty' later and just comes off. It doesn't get inside of the hair like how dyemore does.

Customs / How to Dye Dollyhair Green? Why Can't I?
« on: September 15, 2019, 10:28:36 PM »
How do you dye Dollyhair Virgin Snow to green?
It would seem like a simple matter: just take the brand that works on Virgin Snow in any other color...then simply buy a green one and do the same thing. But, I can't get it to go?

I am using RIT Dyemore Dye (every other color works on VS)
AND IDyePoly Dye doesn't work either.

The RIT loses (it seems) the yellow out and it goes either gross army greenbrown or a sad dark dull blue that fails.
The IDP loses the yellow out and gets blah gray instead OR it'll turn yellowish rotten color
I've tried dip & rinse (quick) and also leave it in the boiling dye for like 20 minutes and still don't get much. Also the color barely takes anyway, it's extremely feeble unless it's left in for an age it seems like.
What's so odd is that all the other colors will work just fine on VS. And it's the same hank of VS too, not like DH did something weird to only some of the hanks or something. Every other condition is the same, except this bad luck green dye color.

Has anyone ever dyed DH VS to green for a custom?
How did you do it?
If this doesn't work, how else do you think hair could be colored?
I have a great green pony who simply neeeeds a lovely green to white fade to make her perfect before the holidays.

Thanks for any info or hints on this difficulty (which will make a xmas surprise come true)

Pony Corral / Can I See BAD 2nd Set Rainbow Old G1s? Baits/Problems
« on: September 09, 2019, 12:34:38 PM »
Can I see PROBLEM 2nd Set Rainbow Ponies?
I'm looking for bad and the worst of these guys. I know they are problem-prone, which is what made BF remaking them so nice. I have photos of some of my own baits of them, but I'd like to see more...
Showing things they get like
Glitter Rust
Brown blotches
General discoloration (Trickles / Confetti)
Head Body Different (often Pinwheel)
Hair color staining (that hot green goes on the body)

Haircuts or frizz is fine too. So is maker or anything to make them baity.
I'll focus on their natural defects that no one can cause or prevent, though.

The reason:
I want to make a video with the BF 2nd Set Rainbows to basically talk about/help popularize those, but since this set "everyone" knows was a problem, I'd like to have lots of examples of 80s ones who you probably wouldn't want in your good collection. This is the first set they've done where the originals really were problematic. Still waiting on their flutters to come out since probably what, 95% of those are wingless because of how poorly they were made originally.

I don't care how messed up they are.
Also, anyone who wants their photo into the video would be credited (if you want) with your Arena name in the video also

Thanks for any help with this project!

Pony Corral / Re: Perfume puff hair?
« on: August 31, 2019, 09:48:51 PM »
This is actually really great!
I am VERY glad you made this discovery! A candylocks doll is not something I would have bought (not a doll collector) and this is such an interesting discovery. It has been attempted to discover what is PP hair for many years with no success. There has not been anything on the market that is comparable. Customizers use currycombed yarn, combed wool, and sometimes mohair to do those 'fan puffs' that can look very good.
However, none of that is nearly as sturdy or long as real PP hair. Yes, some pp hair will come off as it is de-tangled and can't brush like ordinary hair, but it doesn't simply fall apart like natural OR artificial yarns do. PP hair is guaranteed to be synthetic, but no one knew how the fiber could be so long yet so sturdy and also have that texture.

How does the candylocks doll hold up to combing or styling?
Is it easy to use?
If you brush it a bit to style it into (say, a smaller braid) does it come apart any?

This is def. cool stuff, I'll have to get my hands on a candylocks for sure now...

Pony Corral / Re: Princesses in MLP: FiM
« on: August 31, 2019, 09:41:04 PM »
I also remember reading somewhere fairly official like an interview or a Hasbro magazine something about the whole "Princess is good queen is evil so force you to change it". You mentioned the whole 'snow white' thing too, that's also accurate to the article, we probably read the same creator interview or whatever it was, where traditionally Queens are bad in those. (Princess gets all the fun, magical title, and none of the queen responsibility, too) Maybe it's in that big hardcover / coffee table FIM book?

It was an actual thing that happened when the decision was made, it's probably something dumb too like the whole Pinklestia 'scandal' because "only PINK toys are fun, WHITE toys are no good" so they just turned Celestia pink. That's why Cadence was pink AND a princess because children only want pink princesses, and, after the outcry from the fans that "She didn't look like the show" they no longer had their precious pinklestia pink princess so along comes Cadence with wings and a horn so she could be special enough too.

The odd bit to me was that one episode that had Goodie Gryphon or something where she was good at literally everything and nice too, but she couldn't get a cutie mark because she wasn't a pony = no cutie-magic, but somehow Zecora has a mark and Zebras aren't ponies. So then why don't Donkeys get a mark?

But also what's up with the "celestia body" ponies, where unicorns like Sassy Saddles almost have her body, but aren't an Alicorn?
They're way taller and don't look like anybody else. There's more than one of this type too, not just Sassy.
I forget what ep Sassy is in...

The worst is the movie, in my opinion.
I just think Hasbro.......wasn't thinking about anything, really. At the start, where like Faust was around, probably, where there was more consistency in character and etc. but I stopped giving it thought/fandom-style theorizing once it was clear they kinda just didn't care and were throwing everything at the wall.
The movie broke the entire show.
Ok so the sun only rises because some nobody in Podunk sticksville boonies-town raises the sun, and no creature ever wonders why the moon has an evil horse face on it. And no creature ever wonders about that 'really long night that happened X-while ago', and nobody sought to find out. The movie made the princesses out to be paupers/nobodies and treated them as punching bags who are so weak. All the maps previously had also had Equestria as a continent, not just some walled-off rinky-dink valley of babies.
The show kind of made out the whole planet to be populated by animal-types, (yacks, griffins, zebra/s?, donkey, buffalo) but then the movie was like 'no theres cats and birds and trolls but they are "human" (human hands, human posture, human acting with clothing on) and view ponies as their slaves', and the mane 6 are ok with slavery because they all just go home after hearing about ponies=slaves for others/bought and sold, and proceed to do nothing about it. And no pirate air ship or high tech magic thing ever ever flew over Equestria and nobody from outside ever visited in in a billion years because reasons.*

*The movie was cut to ribbons.
There could have been an actual explanation to this stuff, but it is on the cutting room floor with Stratos Skyranger.

Customs / Customizing HQG1C- Many Ponies Post
« on: August 23, 2019, 04:17:15 PM »
Lately, I've been customizing the HQG1C blank ponies.
They're better for dye because they don't have weird glue or regrind. Also, since they are blanks you aren't taking away a character to create another. Using dye, doing rehairs, adding paint and dying the hair too I have been having lots of fun. So, this post has the ones I've worked on so far.

A Magenta unicorn!
Bold...80s...and up to her new home to name her and give her a symbol.
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She has pearly green eyes instead of blue.

Pastel Rainbow Friends:
I decided to do a whole series of these babies who have pastel rainbows for hair. The pastel colors look nice with the white body and silver glitter. Their symbol can be almost anything and still look good.

Sparkle Brother
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Teeny Tiny
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Baby Pegasus
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Rearing Baby
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Baby Little Moonbeam
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She was meant to be a Baby version of Sky Rocket, my favorite sparkle pony. However, the blue didn't turn out right. So, she ended up as an all new character. The dark blue is a nice contrast with the bright white hair like a moon beam. Then, it was the perfect excuse to use glow in the dark glitter! It made the symbol a little 3D but it really does glow in the dark.

Sparkle-Z Rainbow sitting pony
Glittering rainbow of zebra stripes! But what sort of hair wouldn't be too 'busy' with the stripes? Dip-dye-rainbow, because that way it's white at the base where she's stripy so nothing clashes.
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Dip Dying hair is harder than it looks though...

If there's a sitting one, there has to be a unicorn also
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What she looks like without the hair:
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These are 2 of my FAVES thus far...Awesomely Aqua sisters
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Seafoam Shores (daiquiri ice and matte white are SUCH a combo!) and her sister Sealight Sparkle. Sealight Sparkle's uses a blend-together for her stripes to simulate depths of water. (No dye) Seafoam Shores has jelli-z stripes while Sealight has sparkle-z stripes.

The images are imgur now instead of lamebucket, so they should be click-able to make it larger to see the glitter better.
Everyone here is also for sale in the AHorseOfEveryColor Etsy, except the Magenta Unicorn who already is in a new home. (And if they have gone, they can be redone)

Pony Corral / Re: Ponies, but in 3D!
« on: August 21, 2019, 10:32:40 PM »
2010 called, and it wants its animation back.
What is her 'skin' texture?
Why is her hair a lump of frizz?
Why does it make me dislike Gummy?
Why hooves? Kind of the whole point of them was that their skin/horn/hoof/wing is all homogenously textured

The Target Ad pinkie and Pinkie Target Nutcracker were WAY cuter than this.
Her eyelash clips thru her face sometimes
The white highlights in the eye aren't really, they're physical objects with shadows??? So literal chunks on eyeball.
The heart eyes are also blank white eyes with red shapes sliding over them

I am super hoping this is absolutely nothing like G5 or I won't even have a part of it.
I got some of the G4 ponies but if G5 looks like this count me right on out permanently. Spherical heads, 90% of which is eyeball, pig snout, human mouth, neck in center of head, poorly hair, dolly she opens also has poorly hair, and some low effort.

If this had come out at the start of G4, like back in the day when the show was first on, or after season 1, I'd be like 'ok' it's weird but I guess that's as good as they can do. But when you have stuff like Miraculous Laybug and other CG shows on Netflix that have a zillion seasons and still look better/un-creepy it doesn't reflect all that well on this one.

This seems like a really odd thing for them to make / release.
Why? G4 is ending, what are they hoping this does for them?
They have no reason to expend money/talent on a CG anything at this particular date.
It's like that super odd 'pop up pony' video they did of G1 where it said Megan was beast/dating an animal from the show and how a Stoneback eventually ate her and that's why she's not in G4. It's like why even make something super odd and inappropriate. They had no need to do either thing, didn't research either thing, and put in a low effort to both. (Like, they didn't know what a Stoneback was because even though they cut together all the clips nobody ever watched a clip AT ALL because they say the word Stoneback a lot.)

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